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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist (fluent) web framework for Golo

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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Golo


git clone  https:/k33g/kiss.git project_name


You have to install Golo. Golo is a "Java jar" (Only Java 7 or 8), so you've just have to declare it in your path. Something like that:

export GOLO_HOME
export PATH=$PATH:$GOLO_HOME/bin

##Run it

golo golo --files imports/*.golo main.golo

Remark: main.golo is you application file and you need KissHttpServer.golo (located in imports directory).

##Hello world example


import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    app: all(|response, request| ->
        : contentType("text/html")
        : content("<h1>Hello World!</h1>")


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")

##Basic routing

module basic.routing

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    # respond with "Hello World!" on the homepage
    app: method("GET", |route|-> route: equals("/"), |response, request| ->
      response : html("<h1>Hello World!</h1>")

    # accept POST request on the homepage
    app: method("POST", |route|-> route: equals("/"), |response, request| ->
      response: html("<h1>Got a POST request</h1>")

    # accept GET request at /users/some/thing
    app: method("GET", |route|-> route: startsWith("/users/"), |response, request| ->
      response : json(DynamicObject()
        : message("Got a GET request at /users/some/thing")
        : uriParts(request: uri(): parts()) # return ["users", "some", "thing"]

    # accept PUT request at /users
    app: method("PUT", |route|-> route: equals("/users"), |response, request| ->
      response: html("Got a PUT request at /users")

    # accept DELETE request at /users
    app: method("DELETE", |route|-> route: equals("/users"), |response, request| ->
      response: html("Got a DELETE request at /users")


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")

##Routing with route template

module templates.routing

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    # accept GET request at /users/some/thing
    app: route("GET", "/users/{some}/{thing}", |response, request| ->
      response : json(DynamicObject()
        : message("Got a GET request at /users/some/thing")
        : some(request: params("some"))
        : thing(request: params("thing"))


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")

##Static assets

module main

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    app: static("/public", "index.html")


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")


##CORS support

module main

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    # CORS support
    app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/cors/humans"), |res, req| {
      res: allowCORS("*", "*", "*")
      res: json(DynamicObject(): message("all humans"))


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")


##Cookies support

module cookies

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    # static assets location
    app: static("/public", "index.html")

    # cookies management

    app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/setcookie"), |res, req| {
      let myUuid = uuid()
      res: cookie("bob", myUuid)
      res: json(DynamicObject(): newCookie(myUuid))

    app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/getcookie"), |res, req| {
      res: json(DynamicObject(): cookie(req: cookie("bob")))

    app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/deletecookie"), |res, req| {
      res: removeCookie("bob")
      res: json(DynamicObject(): deletedCookie(req: cookie("bob")))

    app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/getallcookies"), |res, req| {
      res: json(DynamicObject(): cookies(req: cookies()))


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")


##Handle 404

module notfoundAndErrors

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    # respond with "Hello World!" on the homepage
    app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/"), |response, request| ->
      response : html("<h1>Hello World!</h1>")


  server: when404(|response, request| {
    response : html("<h1>404!!!</h1>")

  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")

##Handle Errors

module notfoundAndErrors

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    # respond with "Hello World!" on the homepage
    app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/"), |response, request| ->
      response : html("<h1>Hello World!</h1>")

    # generate html report error
    app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/generror"), |response, request| {
      let division = 5 / 0
      response: content("ouch")


  server: whenError(|response, request, error| {
    response : html("<h1>Error!!!</h1><h2>" + error: getMessage() + "</h2>")

  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")

Remark: if you don't use server: whenError(...), Kiss displays error message and stacktrace in the browser.


# redirect to /home
app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/"), |response, request| ->
  response: redirect("/home", 301)
  # or response: redirect("/home"), default status code is 302

# home page
app: method("GET", |route| -> route: equals("/home"), |response, request| {
  response: html("<h1>this is the Home</h1>")

##Use external jar(s)

You have just to put your jars in the jars directory. Then you can run your project as this:

golo golo --classpath jars/*.jar --files imports/*.golo main.golo

##Watching mode

Kiss comes with a watching mode, which is useful to detect files change. For example, you can use it to exit and relaunch Kiss to take changes in account or run some tasks when assets change.


Add this to your main code (see main.golo or /samples/watch.mode/watch.mode.golo):

server: watch(["/", "/public", "/public/js"], |events| {
    events: each(|event| -> println(event: kind() + " " + event: context()))

And run your project with a sh script like that:


#trap "echo CTRL-C was pressed" 2
trap "exit 1" 2
while [ $RC -ne 0 ] ; do
   golo golo --classpath jars/*.jar --files imports/*.golo main.golo


##Pimp my Kiss framework ... Or how to augment power of Kiss

There is a nice ability with Golo, you can augment Java classes and Golo structures (see this And of course you can do that with Kiss:

When you write this:

let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

  app: route("GET", "/hello", |res, req| -> res: html("<h1>Hello!</h1>""))


The app parameter is an instance of kiss.httpExchange, so if you don't like the grammar of Kiss to define routes, you can do something like that:

augment kiss.httpExchange.types.httpExchange {
  function GET = |this, templateRoute, work| -> this: route("GET", templateRoute, work)
  function POST = |this, templateRoute, work| -> this: route("POST", templateRoute, work)
  # etc. ...

and now, you can use it, like that:

  app: GET("/hello", |res, req| -> res: html("<h1>Hello!</h1>"))

  app: POST("/hi", |res, req| { 
    # foo 

And, you can do that with:

  • response structure (kiss.response.types.response)
  • request structure (kiss.request.types.request)
  • and even with httpServer (kiss.types.httpServer)

##Syntactic glue to kiss rest methods

This is an augmentation of httpExchange structure

module main

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    app: static("/public", "index.html")

    app: $get("/hello", |res, req| {
      res: json(DynamicObject()
        : message("Hello World!")
        : number(42)

    app: $post("/humans", |res, req| {
      let user = req: json() # from json, get data from POST request
      user: put("id", uuid(): toString())
        : code(201)
        : json(user) # return json representation of the user with 201 status code


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")


And you can use $put() and $delete() too

##Protect your routes

module main

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange

function main = |args| {

  let amIanAdministrator = false

  let isAdmin = |res, req| {
    if amIanAdministrator {
      return true
    } else {
      res: json(message("You're not administrator!!!"))
      return false

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {
    # static assets location
    app: static("/public", "index.html")

    # the anonymous function is called only id `isAdmin` is true
    # else `message("You're not administrator!!!")` is send to the browser
    app: $get("/humans"
    , |res, req| -> isAdmin(res, req)
    , |res, req| {
      # send all humans
      res: json(humans)

  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")


##Stream Updates with Server-Sent Events

If you want developp a stream service, you have to write something like this:

# server side

app: route("GET", "/sse", |res, req| {
  res: SSEInit()
  res: SSEWrite("plop"): SSEWrite(uuid()): SSEWrite(java.util.Date(): toString())        


// browser side

var source = new EventSource('/sse');

source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
}, false);

source.addEventListener('open', function(e) {
  // Connection was opened.
  console.log("Connection was opened.")
}, false);

source.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
  if (e.readyState == EventSource.CLOSED) {
    // Connection was closed.
    console.log("Connection was closed.")
}, false);

##View helper

View helper is an augmented structure using Golo templating capabilities. You can define a template and pass data to it. Before compiling the template you can add static resource or load static resource (ie: html file). You need to import kiss.views module.

  • Define a view: let myView = view(): template("your_string_template")
  • add static resource: myView: addResource(resourceId, resourceValue)
  • load static resource: myView: loadResource(resourceId, pathOfTheResourceAndName)
  • use static resource inside the template: <%= rsrc: get(resourceId) %>
  • send dynamic data to the view: myView: data(yourData)
  • render the view: myView: render() (return a string)
  • use dynamic data inside the template: ie, if yourData == list["Bob"], you have to use the data keyword inside the template, and you can use all methods attached to the data type: <%= data: get(0) %>


module myview

import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange
import kiss.http
import kiss.views

function HomeView = -> view(): template("""
  <h1><%= rsrc: get("title") %></h1>
  <h2><%= data: get(0) %></h2>
  <h2><%= data: get(1) %></h2>
  <%= rsrc: get("footer") %>

function main = |args| {

  # compile template
  let homeView = HomeView()
    : addResource("title", "Hello World From Kiss! with Love <3") # add once (static resource)
    : loadResource("footer", "/footer.html") # add once (pre load static resource)

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    app: $get("/", |res, req| {
      res: html(
        homeView: data(list["Bob Morane", "John Doe"]): render()


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:"+ server: port() +"/")


##BDD with Kiss wip


import kiss
import kiss.request
import kiss.response
import kiss.httpExchange
import kiss.http          #<- you need this to make http request
import kiss.tests         #<- this is the bdd dsl

function main = |args| {

  let server = HttpServer("localhost", 8080, |app| {

    app: $get("/hello"
    , |res, req| {
      res: json(message("hello"))

    app: $get("/hi"
    , |res, req| {
      res: json(message("hi"))


  server: start(">>> http://localhost:"+ server: port() +"/")

  # run bdd tests

  describe("Testing welcome routes", {

    it("We can call /hello", {

      getAndWaitHttpRequest("http://localhost:"+ server: port() + "/hello", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
        : onSet(|result| { # if success

            expect(result: code()): toEqual(200)
            expect(result: message()): toEqual("OK")
            expect(result: text()): toEqual(JSON.stringify(message("hello")))

        : onFail(|err| { # if failed
            expect(true): toEqual(false)

    it("We can call /hi", {

      getAndWaitHttpRequest("http://localhost:"+ server: port() + "/hi", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
        : onSet(|result| { # if success

            expect(result: code()): toEqual(200)
            expect(result: message()): toEqual("OK")
            expect(result: text()): toEqual(JSON.stringify(message("hi")))

        : onFail(|err| { # if failed
            expect(true): toEqual(false)



###Add your own matcher

You can easily add matchers to the test module thanks to the Golo named augmentation:

# my little matcher
augmentation halfMatcher = {
	function toBeHalf = |this, expectedValue| {
			this: actualValue(): equals(expectedValue/2),
			this: actualValue() + " isn't half " + expectedValue
		println(" OK: " + this: actualValue() + " is half " + expectedValue)
		return this # you can chain matchers

You have to "graft" the new matcher to the others like that:

augment kiss.tests.types.matchers with halfMatcher

And you can use it like that:

expect(4): toBeHalf(8): toBeInteger()

##Warm up Kiss server

Sometimes, it could be interesting to warm up the serveur:

  server: start(">>> http://localhost:8080/")
  server: warmUp(20000) # number of loops as parameter, 10000 seems to be a good number

#Build Kiss and use it as a standalone jar

At the root of the kiss directory, type mvn. The kiss jar is built to distribution directory. See this files to use it:

  • distribution/main.golo
  • distribution/

#Create a Kiss application as a standalone jar



  • MongoDb Support
  • Redis (Jedis) Support
  • set cookie with max-age
  • https
  • documentation
  • websockets
  • provide performances tests
  • improve SSE (json and multilines)
  • add samples with MongoDb and Redis


Kiss is available under the terms of the MIT-License.

Copyright 2015-2016, Philippe Charrière


Fast, unopinionated, minimalist (fluent) web framework for Golo






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