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VSCode πŸ’‘ for neovim's built-in LSP.

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The plugin shows a lightbulb in the sign column whenever a textDocument/codeAction is available at the current cursor position.

This makes code actions both discoverable and efficient, as code actions can be available even when there are no visible diagnostics (warning, information, hints etc.).



In the screenshot, colorscheme is catppuccin, font is iosevka, programming language is rust

When there is a code action available at the current cursor location, show a lightbulb...

  1. in the sign column
  2. as virtual text
  3. in a floating window

or, change the look of

  1. the number column
  2. the current line

or, get a configured message

  1. as status text, retrievable with require("nvim-lightbulb").get_status_text()


  • Neovim v0.9.0 and above. Older versions may work but are not tested.
  • Working LSP server configuration.


Just like any other plugin.

Example using lazy.nvim:

{ 'kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb' }

Example using packer.nvim:

use { 'kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb' }

Example using vim-plug:

Plug 'kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb'


Place this in your neovim configuration.

  autocmd = { enabled = true }
  • Configuration can be passed to NvimLightbulb.setup, or to NvimLightbulb.update_lightbulb.
  • Any configuration passed to update_lightbulb will override the one in setup.
  • For all options, see the Configuration section.
  • To debug nvim-lightbulb see NvimLightbulb.debug


local default_config = {
    -- Priority of the lightbulb for all handlers except float.
    priority = 10,

    -- Whether or not to hide the lightbulb when the buffer is not focused.
    -- Only works if configured during NvimLightbulb.setup
    hide_in_unfocused_buffer = true,

    -- Whether or not to link the highlight groups automatically.
    -- Default highlight group links:
    --   LightBulbSign -> DiagnosticSignInfo
    --   LightBulbFloatWin -> DiagnosticFloatingInfo
    --   LightBulbVirtualText -> DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo
    --   LightBulbNumber -> DiagnosticSignInfo
    --   LightBulbLine -> CursorLine
    -- Only works if configured during NvimLightbulb.setup
    link_highlights = true,

    -- Perform full validation of configuration.
    -- Available options: "auto", "always", "never"
    --   "auto" only performs full validation in NvimLightbulb.setup.
    --   "always" performs full validation in NvimLightbulb.update_lightbulb as well.
    --   "never" disables config validation.
    validate_config = "auto",

    -- Code action kinds to observe.
    -- To match all code actions, set to `nil`.
    -- Otherwise, set to a table of kinds.
    -- Example: { "quickfix", "refactor.rewrite" }
    -- See:
    action_kinds = nil,

    -- Enable code lens support.
    -- If the current position has executable code lenses, the icon is changed from `text` to `lens_text`
    -- for sign, virtual_text, float and status_text.
    -- The code lens icon is configurable per handler.
    code_lenses = false,

    -- Configuration for various handlers:
    -- 1. Sign column.
    sign = {
        enabled = true,
        -- Text to show in the sign column.
        -- Must be between 1-2 characters.
        text = "πŸ’‘",
        lens_text = "πŸ”Ž",
        -- Highlight group to highlight the sign column text.
        hl = "LightBulbSign",

    -- 2. Virtual text.
    virtual_text = {
        enabled = false,
        -- Text to show in the virt_text.
        text = "πŸ’‘",
        lens_text = "πŸ”Ž",
        -- Position of virtual text given to |nvim_buf_set_extmark|.
        -- Can be a number representing a fixed column (see `virt_text_pos`).
        -- Can be a string representing a position (see `virt_text_win_col`).
        pos = "eol",
        -- Highlight group to highlight the virtual text.
        hl = "LightBulbVirtualText",
        -- How to combine other highlights with text highlight.
        -- See `hl_mode` of |nvim_buf_set_extmark|.
        hl_mode = "combine",

    -- 3. Floating window.
    float = {
        enabled = false,
        -- Text to show in the floating window.
        text = "πŸ’‘",
        lens_text = "πŸ”Ž",
        -- Highlight group to highlight the floating window.
        hl = "LightBulbFloatWin",
        -- Window options.
        -- See |vim.lsp.util.open_floating_preview| and |nvim_open_win|.
        -- Note that some options may be overridden by |open_floating_preview|.
        win_opts = {
            focusable = false,

    -- 4. Status text.
    -- When enabled, will allow using |NvimLightbulb.get_status_text|
    -- to retrieve the configured text.
    status_text = {
        enabled = false,
        -- Text to set if a lightbulb is available.
        text = "πŸ’‘",
        lens_text = "πŸ”Ž",
        -- Text to set if a lightbulb is unavailable.
        text_unavailable = "",

    -- 5. Number column.
    number = {
        enabled = false,
        -- Highlight group to highlight the number column if there is a lightbulb.
        hl = "LightBulbNumber",

    -- 6. Content line.
    line = {
        enabled = false,
        -- Highlight group to highlight the line if there is a lightbulb.
        hl = "LightBulbLine",

    -- Autocmd configuration.
    -- If enabled, automatically defines an autocmd to show the lightbulb.
    -- If disabled, you will have to manually call |NvimLightbulb.update_lightbulb|.
    -- Only works if configured during NvimLightbulb.setup
    autocmd = {
        -- Whether or not to enable autocmd creation.
        enabled = false,
        -- See |updatetime|.
        -- Set to a negative value to avoid setting the updatetime.
        updatetime = 200,
        -- See |nvim_create_autocmd|.
        events = { "CursorHold", "CursorHoldI" },
        -- See |nvim_create_autocmd| and |autocmd-pattern|.
        pattern = { "*" },

    -- Scenarios to not show a lightbulb.
    ignore = {
        -- LSP client names to ignore.
        -- Example: {"null-ls", "lua_ls"}
        clients = {},
        -- Filetypes to ignore.
        -- Example: {"neo-tree", "lua"}
        ft = {},
        -- Ignore code actions without a `kind` like refactor.rewrite, quickfix.
        actions_without_kind = false,

    --- A general filter function for code actions.
    --- The function is called for code actions *after* any `ignore` or `action_kinds`
    --- options are applied.
    --- The function should return true to keep the code action, false otherwise.
    ---@type (fun(client_name:string, result:lsp.CodeAction|lsp.Command):boolean)|nil
    filter = nil,