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weeze6969 edited this page Oct 12, 2015 · 5 revisions

question from a nub. what is the order of events here?

  • collaboration and breakthroughs?
  • this jailbreak becomes a complete jailbreak from a mac?
  • it's ported over to windows?
  • someone hosts the executable code on a web page, and devices such as ipad can visit page and execute?

many thanks, -roger


If you just type how to run a .sh file in google, you would be so surprised how easy this actually is thanks to all of their hard work, all that really needs to be done is troubleshooting and debugging, because I'm taking a big chance of losing my 8.4.1 if something goes wrong. No shsh blobs without root, so no going on his Twitter it specifically says do not install cydia, which is what everybody else that isn't a programmer uses, so until that can be fixed, having root to 8.4.1 is more for ssl, game hacking, and file system access, which can be done already with certain tools like Iterminal pro, Ifile free, and ibackupbot... But you get stuck with the annoying sandbox crap, and it is a big hassle.

So here's my attempt at my first tutorial and DO NOT THIS UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO TAKE THE CONSEQUENCES. That's my only warning, because this can and will mess your stuff up quicker then you can say "OH S**t,"

1.Step one is to download the master file to your desktop and rename it to just Yalu. and make sure to grant full access to the folder,

2.If your on a mac use the Terminal app in your utilities folder. and go to your desktop by using the cd command and ls command to see what is in the folders.

3.If you are on windows you can either use githubs terminal app or download GW32, both can be found on google. you can also use your cmd prompt if you have bash commands installed.

4.Now that you have that open up to the Yalu folder you can see there is a file called, You need to type "Sudo bash", without the quotes, it will ask for the admin password, and after that it will start working. I have it copied but there is a lot of sensitive info like my UUID and other stuff. so can't paste it here until i go through it and by then im pretty sure a executsble will show up. By now it would have went through the restore process and you will see a jailbreak title on your device.

5.After that it says press enter when restore is complete and gives me an error and exits. I then went into the data folder and typed "tar -c dyldmagic" and it said completed. so i then typed in "tar -c untether" and it ran through that program and I believe it worked cause it said successful.

Now I'm not sure if that is how it was intended to be ran but not only do i have root access when i look at my files through Itools, I can connect with SSH without it saying its forbidden. and i have the cydia binary on my system but i havent installed it, its just sitting in a folder called Oh and I did all of this from my 10.10 Hackintosh VMware and used terminal, it worked perfect for me. Hope this helps the people that are impatient like me, and equally stupid. cause at any moment it can crash or brick and that's the chance we take when we do things like this, so GOODLUCK!!!


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