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Use Case - Simple bootc container

This example shows a very simple example of a bootc container the is built starting from a centos-bootc image.

The Containerfile in the example:

  • Updates packages
  • Installs tmux and mkpasswd to create a simple user password
  • Creates a bootc-user user in the image
  • Adds the wheel group to sudoers

To build the image:

podman build -f Containerfile.simple -t bootc-simple .

You can now run it using:

podman run -it --name bootc-container --hostname bootc-container -p 2022:22 bootc-simple

Note: The "-p 2022:22" part forwards the container's SSH port to the host 2022 port.

The contaienr will now start and a login prompt will appear:

You can simply login with bootc-user/redhat and play around with the container content!

Example Containerfile

RUN dnf -y update && dnf -y install tmux mkpasswd
RUN pass=$(mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds=4096 redhat) && useradd -m -G wheel bootc-user -p $pass
RUN echo "%wheel        ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/wheel-sudo
CMD [ "/sbin/init" ]