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Scales Kubernetes worker nodes within autoscaling groups.


$ helm repo add autoscaler

# Method 1 - Using Autodiscovery
$ helm install my-release autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler \
    --set 'autoDiscovery.clusterName'=<CLUSTER NAME>

# Method 2 - Specifying groups manually
$ helm install my-release autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler \
    --set "autoscalingGroups[0].name=your-asg-name" \
    --set "autoscalingGroups[0].maxSize=10" \
    --set "autoscalingGroups[0].minSize=1"


This chart bootstraps a cluster-autoscaler deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Helm 3+
  • Kubernetes 1.8+
    • Older versions may work by overriding the image. Cluster autoscaler internally simulates the scheduler and bugs between mismatched versions may be subtle.
  • Azure AKS specific Prerequisites:
    • Kubernetes 1.10+ with RBAC-enabled.

Previous Helm Chart

The previous cluster-autoscaler Helm chart hosted at helm/charts has been moved to this repository in accordance with the Deprecation timeline. Note that a few things have changed between this version and the old version:

  • This repository only supports Helm chart installations using Helm 3+ since the apiVersion on the charts has been marked as v2.
  • Previous versions of the Helm chart have not been migrated

Migration from 1.X to 9.X+ versions of this Chart

TL;DR: You should choose to use versions >=9.0.0 of the cluster-autoscaler chart published from this repository; previous versions, and the cluster-autoscaler-chart with versioning 1.X.X published from this repository are deprecated.

Previous versions of this chart - further details On initial migration of this chart from the `helm/charts` repository this chart was renamed from `cluster-autoscaler` to `cluster-autoscaler-chart` due to technical limitations. This affected all `1.X` releases of the chart, version 2.0.0 of this chart exists only to mark the [`cluster-autoscaler-chart` chart]( as deprecated.

Releases of the chart from 9.0.0 onwards return the naming of the chart to cluster-autoscaler and return to following the versioning established by the chart's previous location at .

To migrate from a 1.X release of the chart to a 9.0.0 or later release, you should first uninstall your 1.X install of the cluster-autoscaler-chart chart, before performing the installation of the new cluster-autoscaler chart.

Migration from 9.0 to 9.1

Starting from 9.1.0 the envFromConfigMap value is expected to contain the name of a ConfigMap that is used as ref for envFrom, similar to envFromSecret. If you want to keep the previous behaviour of envFromConfigMap you must rename it to extraEnvConfigMaps.

Installing the Chart

By default, no deployment is created and nothing will autoscale.

You must provide some minimal configuration, either to specify instance groups or enable auto-discovery. It is not recommended to do both.


  • Set autoDiscovery.clusterName and provide additional autodiscovery options if necessary or
  • Set static node group configurations for one or more node groups (using autoscalingGroups or autoscalingGroupsnamePrefix).

To create a valid configuration, follow instructions for your cloud provider:

Templating the autoDiscovery.clusterName

The cluster name can be templated in the autoDiscovery.clusterName variable. This is useful when the cluster name is dynamically generated based on other values coming from external systems like Argo CD or Flux. This also allows you to use global Helm values to set the cluster name, e.g., autoDiscovery.clusterName=\{\{ }}, so that you don't need to set it in more than 1 location in the values file.

AWS - Using auto-discovery of tagged instance groups

Auto-discovery finds ASGs tags as below and automatically manages them based on the min and max size specified in the ASG. cloudProvider=aws only.

  • Tag the ASGs with keys to match .Values.autoDiscovery.tags, by default: and<YOUR CLUSTER NAME>
  • Verify the IAM Permissions
  • Set autoDiscovery.clusterName=<YOUR CLUSTER NAME>
  • Set awsRegion=<YOUR AWS REGION>
  • Set (option) awsAccessKeyID=<YOUR AWS KEY ID> and awsSecretAccessKey=<YOUR AWS SECRET KEY> if you want to use AWS credentials directly instead of an instance role
$ helm install my-release autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler \
    --set autoDiscovery.clusterName=<CLUSTER NAME> \
    --set awsRegion=<YOUR AWS REGION>

Alternatively with your own AWS credentials

$ helm install my-release autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler \
    --set autoDiscovery.clusterName=<CLUSTER NAME> \
    --set awsRegion=<YOUR AWS REGION> \
    --set awsAccessKeyID=<YOUR AWS KEY ID> \
    --set awsSecretAccessKey=<YOUR AWS SECRET KEY>

Specifying groups manually

Without autodiscovery, specify an array of elements each containing ASG name, min size, max size. The sizes specified here will be applied to the ASG, assuming IAM permissions are correctly configured.

  • Verify the IAM Permissions
  • Either provide a yaml file setting autoscalingGroups (see values.yaml) or use --set e.g.:
$ helm install my-release autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler \
    --set "autoscalingGroups[0].name=your-asg-name" \
    --set "autoscalingGroups[0].maxSize=10" \
    --set "autoscalingGroups[0].minSize=1"


For auto-discovery of instances to work, they must be tagged with the keys in .Values.autoDiscovery.tags, which by default are and<ClusterName>.

The value of the tag does not matter, only the key.

An example kops spec excerpt:

apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: Cluster
  name: my.cluster.internal
    node: |
apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: InstanceGroup
  labels: my.cluster.internal
  name: my-instances
  cloudLabels: "" ""
  machineType: r4.large
  maxSize: 4
  minSize: 0

In this example you would need to --set autoDiscovery.clusterName=my.cluster.internal when installing.

It is not recommended to try to mix this with setting autoscalingGroups.

See autoscaler AWS documentation for a more discussion of the setup.


The following parameters are required:

  • autoDiscovery.clusterName=any-name
  • cloud-provider=gce
  • autoscalingGroupsnamePrefix[0].name=your-ig-prefix,autoscalingGroupsnamePrefix[0].maxSize=10,autoscalingGroupsnamePrefix[0].minSize=1

To use Managed Instance Group (MIG) auto-discovery, provide a YAML file setting autoscalingGroupsnamePrefix (see values.yaml) or use --set when installing the Chart - e.g.

$ helm install my-release autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler \
    --set "autoscalingGroupsnamePrefix[0].name=your-ig-prefix,autoscalingGroupsnamePrefix[0].maxSize=10,autoscalingGroupsnamePrefi[0].minSize=1" \
    --set autoDiscovery.clusterName=<CLUSTER NAME> \
    --set cloudProvider=gce

Note that your-ig-prefix should be a prefix matching one or more MIGs, and not the full name of the MIG. For example, to match multiple instance groups - k8s-node-group-a-standard, k8s-node-group-b-gpu, you would use a prefix of k8s-node-group-.

In the event you want to explicitly specify MIGs instead of using auto-discovery, set members of the autoscalingGroups array directly - e.g.

# where 'n' is the index, starting at 0
--set autoscalingGroups[n].name=$PROJECTID/zones/$ZONENAME/instanceGroupManagers/$FULL-MIG-NAME,autoscalingGroups[n].maxSize=$MAXSIZE,autoscalingGroups[n].minSize=$MINSIZE


The following parameters are required:

  • cloudProvider=azure
  • autoscalingGroups[0].name=your-vmss,autoscalingGroups[0].maxSize=10,autoscalingGroups[0].minSize=1
  • azureClientID: "your-service-principal-app-id"
  • azureClientSecret: "your-service-principal-client-secret"
  • azureSubscriptionID: "your-azure-subscription-id"
  • azureTenantID: "your-azure-tenant-id"
  • azureResourceGroup: "your-aks-cluster-resource-group-name"
  • azureVMType: "vmss"

OpenStack Magnum

cloudProvider: magnum must be set, and then one of

  • magnumClusterName=<cluster name or ID> and autoscalingGroups with the names of node groups and min/max node counts
  • or autoDiscovery.clusterName=<cluster name or ID> with one or more autoDiscovery.roles.

Additionally, cloudConfigPath: "/etc/kubernetes/cloud-config" must be set as this should be the location of the cloud-config file on the host.

Example values files can be found here.

Install the chart with

$ helm install my-release autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler -f myvalues.yaml


cloudProvider: clusterapi must be set, and then one or more of

  • autoDiscovery.clusterName
  • or autoDiscovery.namespace
  • or autoDiscovery.labels

See here for more details.

Additional config parameters available, see the values.yaml for more details

  • clusterAPIMode
  • clusterAPIKubeconfigSecret
  • clusterAPIWorkloadKubeconfigPath
  • clusterAPICloudConfigPath


Create a values.yaml file with the following content:

cloudProvider: exoscale
  clusterName: cluster.local # this value is not used, but must be set

Optionally, you may specify the minimum and maximum size of a particular nodepool by adding the following to the values.yaml file:

  - name: your-nodepool-name
    maxSize: 10
    minSize: 1

Create an Exoscale API key with appropriate permissions as described in cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/exoscale/ A secret of name <release-name>-exoscale-cluster-autoscaler needs to be created, containing the api key and secret, as well as the zone.

$ kubectl create secret generic my-release-exoscale-cluster-autoscaler \
    --from-literal=api-key="EXOxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
    --from-literal=api-secret="xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --from-literal=api-zone="ch-gva-2"

After creating the secret, the chart may be installed:

$ helm install my-release autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler -f values.yaml

Read cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/exoscale/ for further information on the setup without helm.

Hetzner Cloud

The following parameters are required:

  • cloudProvider=hetzner
  • extraEnv.HCLOUD_TOKEN=...
  • autoscalingGroups=...

Each autoscaling group requires an additional instanceType and region key to be set.

Read cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/hetzner/ for further information on the setup without helm.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall my-release:

$ helm uninstall my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Tip: List all releases using helm list or start clean with helm uninstall my-release

Additional Configuration


The worker running the cluster autoscaler will need access to certain resources and actions depending on the version you run and your configuration of it.

For the up-to-date IAM permissions required, please see the cluster autoscaler's AWS Cloudprovider Readme and switch to the tag of the cluster autoscaler image you are using.

AWS - IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)

For Kubernetes clusters that use Amazon EKS, the service account can be configured with an IAM role using IAM Roles for Service Accounts to avoid needing to grant access to the worker nodes for AWS resources.

In order to accomplish this, you will first need to create a new IAM role with the above mentions policies. Take care in configuring the trust relationship to restrict access just to the service account used by cluster autoscaler.

Once you have the IAM role configured, you would then need to --set rbac.serviceAccount.annotations."eks\.amazonaws\.com/role-arn"=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRoleName when installing.

Azure - Using azure workload identity

You can use the project Azure workload identity, to automatically configure the correct setup for your pods to used federated identity with Azure.

You can also set the correct settings yourself instead of relying on this project.

For example the following configuration will configure the Autoscaler to use your federated identity:

azureUseWorkloadIdentityExtension: true
  AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE: /var/run/secrets/tokens/azure-identity-token
- name: azure-identity-token
    defaultMode: 420
    - serviceAccountToken:
        audience: api://AzureADTokenExchange
        expirationSeconds: 3600
        path: azure-identity-token
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
  name: azure-identity-token
  readOnly: true


The chart will succeed even if the container arguments are incorrect. A few minutes after starting kubectl logs -l "app=aws-cluster-autoscaler" --tail=50 should loop through something like

polling_autoscaler.go:111] Poll finished
static_autoscaler.go:97] Starting main loop
utils.go:435] No pod using affinity / antiaffinity found in cluster, disabling affinity predicate for this loop
static_autoscaler.go:230] Filtering out schedulables

If not, find a pod that the deployment created and describe it, paying close attention to the arguments under Command. e.g.:

# if specifying ASGs manually
# if using autodiscovery,<ClusterName>


Though enough for the majority of installations, the default PodSecurityPolicy could be too restrictive depending on the specifics of your release. Please make sure to check that the template fits with any customizations made or disable it by setting rbac.pspEnabled to false.


The CA Helm Chart can install a VerticalPodAutoscaler object from Chart version 9.27.0 onwards for the Cluster Autoscaler Deployment to scale the CA as appropriate, but for that, we need to install the VPA to the cluster separately. A VPA can help minimize wasted resources when usage spikes periodically or remediate containers that are being OOMKilled.

The following example snippet can be used to install VPA that allows scaling down from the default recommendations of the deployment template:

  enabled: true
      cpu: 20m
      memory: 50Mi


Key Type Default Description
additionalLabels object {} Labels to add to each object of the chart.
affinity object {} Affinity for pod assignment
autoDiscovery.clusterName string nil Enable autodiscovery for cloudProvider=aws, for groups matching autoDiscovery.tags. autoDiscovery.clusterName -- Enable autodiscovery for cloudProvider=azure, using tags defined in https:/kubernetes/autoscaler/blob/master/cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/azure/ Enable autodiscovery for cloudProvider=clusterapi, for groups matching autoDiscovery.labels. Enable autodiscovery for cloudProvider=gce, but no MIG tagging required. Enable autodiscovery for cloudProvider=magnum, for groups matching autoDiscovery.roles.
autoDiscovery.labels list [] Cluster-API labels to match https:/kubernetes/autoscaler/blob/master/cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/clusterapi/
autoDiscovery.namespace string nil Enable autodiscovery via cluster namespace for for cloudProvider=clusterapi
autoDiscovery.roles list ["worker"] Magnum node group roles to match.
autoDiscovery.tags list ["","{{ .Values.autoDiscovery.clusterName }}"] ASG tags to match, run through tpl.
autoscalingGroups list [] For AWS, Azure AKS, Exoscale or Magnum. At least one element is required if not using autoDiscovery. For example:
 - name: asg1
maxSize: 2
minSize: 1
For Hetzner Cloud, the instanceType and region keys are also required.
 - name: mypool
maxSize: 2
minSize: 1
instanceType: CPX21
region: FSN1
autoscalingGroupsnamePrefix list [] For GCE. At least one element is required if not using autoDiscovery. For example:
 - name: ig01
maxSize: 10
minSize: 0
awsAccessKeyID string "" AWS access key ID (if AWS user keys used)
awsRegion string "us-east-1" AWS region (required if cloudProvider=aws)
awsSecretAccessKey string "" AWS access secret key (if AWS user keys used)
azureClientID string "" Service Principal ClientID with contributor permission to Cluster and Node ResourceGroup. Required if cloudProvider=azure
azureClientSecret string "" Service Principal ClientSecret with contributor permission to Cluster and Node ResourceGroup. Required if cloudProvider=azure
azureEnableForceDelete bool false Whether to force delete VMs or VMSS instances when scaling down.
azureResourceGroup string "" Azure resource group that the cluster is located. Required if cloudProvider=azure
azureSubscriptionID string "" Azure subscription where the resources are located. Required if cloudProvider=azure
azureTenantID string "" Azure tenant where the resources are located. Required if cloudProvider=azure
azureUseManagedIdentityExtension bool false Whether to use Azure's managed identity extension for credentials. If using MSI, ensure subscription ID, resource group, and azure AKS cluster name are set. You can only use one authentication method at a time, either azureUseWorkloadIdentityExtension or azureUseManagedIdentityExtension should be set.
azureUseWorkloadIdentityExtension bool false Whether to use Azure's workload identity extension for credentials. See the project here: https:/Azure/azure-workload-identity for more details. You can only use one authentication method at a time, either azureUseWorkloadIdentityExtension or azureUseManagedIdentityExtension should be set.
azureVMType string "vmss" Azure VM type.
cloudConfigPath string "" Configuration file for cloud provider.
cloudProvider string "aws" The cloud provider where the autoscaler runs. Currently only gce, aws, azure, magnum and clusterapi are supported. aws supported for AWS. gce for GCE. azure for Azure AKS. magnum for OpenStack Magnum, clusterapi for Cluster API.
clusterAPICloudConfigPath string "/etc/kubernetes/mgmt-kubeconfig" Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API Management Cluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or incluster-kubeconfig
clusterAPIConfigMapsNamespace string "" Namespace on the workload cluster to store Leader election and status configmaps
clusterAPIKubeconfigSecret string "" Secret containing kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API managed workloadcluster Required if cloudProvider=clusterapi and clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig,kubeconfig-incluster or incluster-kubeconfig
clusterAPIMode string "incluster-incluster" Cluster API mode, see https:/kubernetes/autoscaler/blob/master/cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/clusterapi/ Syntax: workloadClusterMode-ManagementClusterMode for kubeconfig-kubeconfig, incluster-kubeconfig and single-kubeconfig you always must mount the external kubeconfig using either extraVolumeSecrets or extraMounts and extraVolumes if you dont set clusterAPIKubeconfigSecretand thus use an in-cluster config or want to use a non capi generated kubeconfig you must do so for the workload kubeconfig as well
clusterAPIWorkloadKubeconfigPath string "/etc/kubernetes/value" Path to kubeconfig for connecting to Cluster API managed workloadcluster, only used if clusterAPIMode=kubeconfig-kubeconfig or kubeconfig-incluster
containerSecurityContext object {} Security context for container
deployment.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the Deployment object.
dnsPolicy string "ClusterFirst" Defaults to ClusterFirst. Valid values are: ClusterFirstWithHostNet, ClusterFirst, Default or None. If autoscaler does not depend on cluster DNS, recommended to set this to Default.
envFromConfigMap string "" ConfigMap name to use as envFrom.
envFromSecret string "" Secret name to use as envFrom.
expanderPriorities object {} The expanderPriorities is used if extraArgs.expander contains priority and expanderPriorities is also set with the priorities. If extraArgs.expander contains priority, then expanderPriorities is used to define cluster-autoscaler-priority-expander priorities. See: https:/kubernetes/autoscaler/blob/master/cluster-autoscaler/expander/priority/
extraArgs object {"logtostderr":true,"stderrthreshold":"info","v":4} Additional container arguments. Refer to https:/kubernetes/autoscaler/blob/master/cluster-autoscaler/ for the full list of cluster autoscaler parameters and their default values. Everything after the first _ will be ignored allowing the use of multi-string arguments.
extraEnv object {} Additional container environment variables.
extraEnvConfigMaps object {} Additional container environment variables from ConfigMaps.
extraEnvSecrets object {} Additional container environment variables from Secrets.
extraObjects list [] Extra K8s manifests to deploy
extraVolumeMounts list [] Additional volumes to mount.
extraVolumeSecrets object {} Additional volumes to mount from Secrets.
extraVolumes list [] Additional volumes.
fullnameOverride string "" String to fully override cluster-autoscaler.fullname template.
hostNetwork bool false Whether to expose network interfaces of the host machine to pods.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
image.pullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
image.repository string "" Image repository
image.tag string "v1.31.0" Image tag
initContainers list [] Any additional init containers.
kubeTargetVersionOverride string "" Allow overriding the .Capabilities.KubeVersion.GitVersion check. Useful for helm template commands.
kwokConfigMapName string "kwok-provider-config" configmap for configuring kwok provider
magnumCABundlePath string "/etc/kubernetes/ca-bundle.crt" Path to the host's CA bundle, from ca-file in the cloud-config file.
magnumClusterName string "" Cluster name or ID in Magnum. Required if cloudProvider=magnum and not setting autoDiscovery.clusterName.
nameOverride string "" String to partially override cluster-autoscaler.fullname template (will maintain the release name)
nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment. Ref:
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to each pod.
podDisruptionBudget object {"maxUnavailable":1} Pod disruption budget.
podLabels object {} Labels to add to each pod.
priorityClassName string "system-cluster-critical" priorityClassName
priorityConfigMapAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to cluster-autoscaler-priority-expander ConfigMap.
prometheusRule.additionalLabels object {} Additional labels to be set in metadata.
prometheusRule.enabled bool false If true, creates a Prometheus Operator PrometheusRule.
prometheusRule.interval string nil How often rules in the group are evaluated (falls back to global.evaluation_interval if not set).
prometheusRule.namespace string "monitoring" Namespace which Prometheus is running in.
prometheusRule.rules list [] Rules spec template (see https:/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/
rbac.clusterScoped bool true if set to false will only provision RBAC to alter resources in the current namespace. Most useful for Cluster-API
rbac.create bool true If true, create and use RBAC resources.
rbac.pspEnabled bool false If true, creates and uses RBAC resources required in the cluster with Pod Security Policies enabled. Must be used with rbac.create set to true.
rbac.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional Service Account annotations.
rbac.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken bool true Automount API credentials for a Service Account.
rbac.serviceAccount.create bool true If true and rbac.create is also true, a Service Account will be created. string "" The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.
replicaCount int 1 Desired number of pods
resources object {} Pod resource requests and limits.
revisionHistoryLimit int 10 The number of revisions to keep.
secretKeyRefNameOverride string "" Overrides the name of the Secret to use when loading the secretKeyRef for AWS and Azure env variables
securityContext object {} Security context for pod
service.annotations object {} Annotations to add to service
service.create bool true If true, a Service will be created.
service.externalIPs list [] List of IP addresses at which the service is available. Ref:
service.labels object {} Labels to add to service
service.loadBalancerIP string "" IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported).
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges list [] List of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported).
service.portName string "http" Name for service port.
service.servicePort int 8085 Service port to expose.
service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service to create.
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Annotations to add to service monitor
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false If true, creates a Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor.
serviceMonitor.interval string "10s" Interval that Prometheus scrapes Cluster Autoscaler metrics.
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings object {} MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion.
serviceMonitor.namespace string "monitoring" Namespace which Prometheus is running in.
serviceMonitor.path string "/metrics" The path to scrape for metrics; autoscaler exposes /metrics (this is standard)
serviceMonitor.relabelings object {} RelabelConfigs to apply to metrics before scraping.
serviceMonitor.selector object {"release":"prometheus-operator"} Default to kube-prometheus install (CoreOS recommended), but should be set according to Prometheus install.
tolerations list [] List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6).
topologySpreadConstraints list [] You can use topology spread constraints to control how Pods are spread across your cluster among failure-domains such as regions, zones, nodes, and other user-defined topology domains. (requires Kubernetes >= 1.19).
updateStrategy object {} Deployment update strategy
vpa object {"containerPolicy":{},"enabled":false,"updateMode":"Auto"} Configure a VerticalPodAutoscaler for the cluster-autoscaler Deployment.
vpa.containerPolicy object {} ContainerResourcePolicy. The containerName is always et to the deployment's container name. This value is required if VPA is enabled.
vpa.enabled bool false If true, creates a VerticalPodAutoscaler.
vpa.updateMode string "Auto" UpdateMode