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Working with files

Kunal Varma edited this page Jun 30, 2016 · 18 revisions

Working with files

Get File/Folder Metadata

Get the Metadata for a file or folder.


$file = $dropbox->getMetadata("/hello-world.txt");

With options:

$file = $dropbox->getMetadata("/hello-world.txt", ["include_media_info" => true, "include_deleted" => true]);

Fetch file details:




The getMetadata() method will return an instance of the FileMetadata model.

For available options see:

List Folder Contents

Get the contents of a Folder.


$listFolderContents = $dropbox->listFolder("/");

//Fetch Items
$items = $listFolderContents->getItems();

//Fetch Cusrsor for listFolderContinue()
$cursor = $listFolderContents->getCursor();

//If more items are available
$hasMoreItems = $listFolderContents->hasMoreItems();

The listFolder() method will return an instance of the MetadataCollection model.

$listFolderContents = $dropbox->listFolder("/");

//Fetch Items (Returns an instance of ModelCollection)
$items = $listFolderContents->getItems();

//All Items

//First Item

//Last Item

Further calling the getItems() method of the MetadataCollection model, will return an instance of the ModelCollection model, which extends the awesome Collection class. See it's Available methods.

For available options see:

List Folder Continue

Paginate through all files and retrieve updates to the folder, using the cursor retrieved from listFolder or listFolderContinue.


$listFolderContents = $dropbox->listFolder("/");

//Process listFolder Items

//If more items are available
if ($listFolderContents->hasMoreItems()) {
    //Fetch Cusrsor for listFolderContinue()
    $cursor = $listFolderContents->getCursor();

    //Paginate through the remaining items
    $listFolderContinue = $dropbox->listFolderContinue($cursor);

    $remainingItems = $listFolderContinue->getItems();

The listFolderContinue() method will return an instance of the MetadataCollection model, same as the listFolder method.

List Folder Latest Cursor

Get a cursor for the folder's state.


//Fetch the latest cursor
$cursor = $dropbox-listFolderLatestCursor("/Public");

//Use this cursor to check if any files/folders where modified
//post this cursor was obtained
$modifiedItems = $dropbox->listFolderContinue($cursor)->getItems();

The listFolderLatestCursor() method will return a cursor.

Using this cursor with the listFolderContinue() method will return an instance of the MetadataCollection model, with the files/folders that have been modified since the cursor was obtained with listFolderLatestCursor method.

For available options see:

List Revisions

Get Revisions of a File


$revisions = $dropbox->listRevisions("/hello-world.txt", ["limit" => 3]);

//All Revisions

//First Revision

//Last Revision

The listRevisions() method will return an instance of the ModelCollection model, which extends the awesome Collection class. See it's Available methods.

For available options see:


Search a folder for files/folders.


$searchQuery = "hello world";
$searchResults = $dropbox->search("/", $searchQuery, ['start' => 0, 'max_results' => 5]);

//Fetch Items
$items = $searchResults->getItems();

//Fetch Cusrsor for calling search() with the `start` parameter/option for pagination
$startCursor = $searchResults->getCursor();

//If more items are available
if ($searchResults->hasMoreItems()) {
    $moreSearchResults = $dropbox->search("/", $searchQuery, ['start' => $startCursor, 'max_results' => 5]);

The search() method will return an instance of the SearchResults model, which extends the MetadataCollection model.

$searchQuery = "hello world";
$searchResults = $dropbox->search("/", $searchQuery, ['start' => 0, 'max_results' => 5]);

//Fetch Items (Returns an instance of ModelCollection)
$items = $searchResults->getItems();

//All Items

//First Item (Returns an instance of SearchResult)
$item = $items->first();

//Get the type of match, that was found for the result

//Get the Metadata of the File or Folder

Further calling the getItems() method of the SearchResults model, will return an instance of the ModelCollection model, where each item will be an instance of the SearchResult model.

For available options see:

Create Folder

Create a folder at the given path


$folder = $dropbox->createFolder("/My Folder");


The createFolder() method will return an instance of the FolderMetadata model.

For available options see:

Delete File/Folder

Delete a file or folder at the given path


$deletedFolder = $dropbox->delete("/My Folder");


The delete() method will return an instance of the DeletedMetadata model.

For available options see:

Move File/Folder

Move a file or folder to a different location


$file = $dropbox->move("/Private/Hello-World.txt", "/Public/Hello-World.txt");


The move() method will return an instance of either of the FileMetadata, FolderMetadata and DeletedMetadata models.

For available options see:

Copy File/Folder

Copy a file or folder to a different location


$file = $dropbox->copy("/Private/Hello-World.txt", "/Public/Hello-World.txt");


The copy() method will return an instance of either of the FileMetadata, FolderMetadata and DeletedMetadata models.

For available options see:

Get Copy Reference

Get a copy reference to a file or folder. This reference string can be used to save that file or folder to another user's Dropbox by passing it to saveCopyReference().


$copyReference = $dropbox->getCopyReference("/Hello-World.txt");

//Get Reference

The getCopyReference() method will return an instance of the CopyReference model.

For available options see:

Save Copy Reference

Save a copy reference returned by getCopyReference to the user's Dropbox.


$copyReference = $dropbox->getCopyReference("/Hello-World.txt");

//Get Reference
$reference = $copyReference->getReference();

//Save Copy Reference
$file = $dropbox->saveCopyReference("/My-Hello-World.txt", $reference);


The saveCopyReference() method will return an instance of either of the FileMetadata and FolderMetadata models.

For available options see:

Get Temporary Link

Get a temporary link to stream contents of a file.


$temporaryLink = $dropbox->getTemporaryLink("/my-logo.png");

//Get File Metadata
$file = $temporaryLink->getMetadata();

//Get Link

The getTemporaryLink() method will return an instance of the TemporaryLink model.

For available options see: