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File metadata and controls

210 lines (180 loc) · 8.58 KB

Ballerina Azure Functions Extension

Annotation based Azure Functions extension implementation for Ballerina.

Daily build Ballerina Azure Functions Build License

Azure Setup

  • An Azure "Function App" needs to be created in a given resource group with the following requirements
    • Runtime stack - "Java 11"
    • Hosting operating system - "Windows" (default; Linux is not supported in Azure for custom handlers at the moment)

Supported Annotations:


Custom 'host.json'

A custom host.json file for the functions deployment can be optionally provided by placing a 'host.json' file in the current working directory where the bal build is done. The required host.json properties are provided/overridden by the values derived from the source code by the compiler extension.

Usage Sample:

import ballerina/uuid;
import ballerinax/azure_functions as af;

// HTTP request/response with no authentication
public function hello(@af:HTTPTrigger { authLevel: "anonymous" } string payload) 
                      returns @af:HTTPOutput string|error {
    return "Hello, " + payload + "!";

// HTTP request to add data to a queue
public function fromHttpToQueue(af:Context ctx, 
            @af:HTTPTrigger {} af:HTTPRequest req, 
            @af:QueueOutput { queueName: "queue1" } af:StringOutputBinding msg) 
            returns @af:HTTPOutput af:HTTPBinding {
    msg.value = req.body;
    return { statusCode: 200, payload: "Request: " + req.toString() };

// A message put to a queue is copied to another queue
public function fromQueueToQueue(af:Context ctx, 
        @af:QueueTrigger { queueName: "queue2" } string inMsg,
        @af:QueueOutput { queueName: "queue3" } af:StringOutputBinding outMsg) {
    ctx.log("In Message: " + inMsg);
    ctx.log("Metadata: " + ctx.metadata.toString());
    outMsg.value = inMsg;

// A blob added to a container is copied to a queue
public function fromBlobToQueue(af:Context ctx, 
        @af:BlobTrigger { path: "bpath1/{name}" } byte[] blobIn,
        @af:BindingName { } string name,
        @af:QueueOutput { queueName: "queue3" } af:StringOutputBinding outMsg) 
        returns error? {
    outMsg.value = "Name: " + name + " Content: " + blobIn.toString();

// HTTP request to read a blob value
public function httpTriggerBlobInput(@af:HTTPTrigger { } af:HTTPRequest req, 
                    @af:BlobInput { path: "bpath1/{}" } byte[]? blobIn)
                    returns @af:HTTPOutput string {
    int length = 0;
    if blobIn is byte[] {
        length = blobIn.length();
    return "Blob: " + req.query["name"].toString() + " Length: " + 
            length.toString() + " Content: " + blobIn.toString();

// HTTP request to add a new blob
public function httpTriggerBlobOutput(@af:HTTPTrigger { } af:HTTPRequest req, 
        @af:BlobOutput { path: "bpath1/{}" } af:StringOutputBinding bb)
        returns @af:HTTPOutput string|error {
    bb.value = req.body;
    return "Blob: " + req.query["name"].toString() + " Content: " + 

// Sending an SMS
public function sendSMS(@af:HTTPTrigger { } af:HTTPRequest req, 
                        @af:TwilioSmsOutput { fromNumber: "+12069845840" } 
                                              af:TwilioSmsOutputBinding tb)
                        returns @af:HTTPOutput string { = req.query["to"].toString();
    tb.body = req.body.toString();
    return "Message - to: " + tb?.to.toString() + " body: " + tb?.body.toString();

public type Person record {
    string id;
    string name;
    string country;

// CosmosDB record trigger
public function cosmosDBToQueue1(@af:CosmosDBTrigger { 
        connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection", databaseName: "db1",
        collectionName: "c1" } Person[] req, 
        @af:QueueOutput { queueName: "queue3" } af:StringOutputBinding outMsg) {
    outMsg.value = req.toString();

public function cosmosDBToQueue2(@af:CosmosDBTrigger { 
        connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection", databaseName: "db1", 
        collectionName: "c2" } json req,
        @af:QueueOutput { queueName: "queue3" } af:StringOutputBinding outMsg) {
    outMsg.value = req.toString();

// HTTP request to read CosmosDB records
public function httpTriggerCosmosDBInput1(
            @af:HTTPTrigger { } af:HTTPRequest httpReq, 
            @af:CosmosDBInput { connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection", 
                databaseName: "db1", collectionName: "c1", 
                id: "{}", partitionKey: "{}" } json dbReq)
                returns @af:HTTPOutput string|error {
    return dbReq.toString();

public function httpTriggerCosmosDBInput2(
            @af:HTTPTrigger { } af:HTTPRequest httpReq, 
            @af:CosmosDBInput { connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection", 
                databaseName: "db1", collectionName: "c1", 
                id: "{}", partitionKey: "{}" } Person? dbReq)
                returns @af:HTTPOutput string|error {
    return dbReq.toString();

public function httpTriggerCosmosDBInput3(
        @af:HTTPTrigger { route: "c1/{country}" } af:HTTPRequest httpReq, 
        @af:CosmosDBInput { connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection", 
        databaseName: "db1", collectionName: "c1", 
        sqlQuery: "select * from c1 where = {country}" } 
        Person[] dbReq)
        returns @af:HTTPOutput string|error {
    return dbReq.toString();

// HTTP request to write records to CosmosDB
public function httpTriggerCosmosDBOutput1(
    @af:HTTPTrigger { } af:HTTPRequest httpReq, @af:HTTPOutput af:HTTPBinding hb) 
    returns @af:CosmosDBOutput { connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection", 
                                 databaseName: "db1", collectionName: "c1" } json {
    json entry = { id: uuid:createType1AsString(), name: "Saman", country: "Sri Lanka" };
    hb.payload = "Adding entry: " + entry.toString();
    return entry;

public function httpTriggerCosmosDBOutput2(
        @af:HTTPTrigger { } af:HTTPRequest httpReq, 
        @af:HTTPOutput af:HTTPBinding hb) 
        returns @af:CosmosDBOutput { 
            connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection", 
            databaseName: "db1", collectionName: "c1" } json {
    json entry = [{ id: uuid:createType1AsString(), name: "John Doe A", country: "USA" }, 
                  { id: uuid:createType1AsString(), name: "John Doe B", country: "USA" }];
    hb.payload = "Adding entries: " + entry.toString();
    return entry;

public function httpTriggerCosmosDBOutput3(
                    @af:HTTPTrigger { } af:HTTPRequest httpReq) 
                    returns @af:CosmosDBOutput { 
                        connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection", 
                        databaseName: "db1", collectionName: "c1" } Person[] {
    Person[] persons = [];
    persons.push({id: uuid:createType1AsString(), name: "Jack", country: "UK"});
    persons.push({id: uuid:createType1AsString(), name: "Will", country: "UK"});
    return persons;

// A timer function which is executed every 10 seconds.
public function queuePopulationTimer(
            @af:TimerTrigger { schedule: "*/10 * * * * *" } json triggerInfo, 
            @af:QueueOutput { queueName: "queue4" } af:StringOutputBinding msg) {
    msg.value = triggerInfo.toString();

The output of the bal build is as follows:

$ bal build azure_functions_deployment.bal 
Compiling source

Generating executables
        @azure_functions:Function: hello, fromHttpToQueue, fromQueueToQueue, fromBlobToQueue, httpTriggerBlobInput, httpTriggerBlobOutput, sendSMS, cosmosDBToQueue1, cosmosDBToQueue2, httpTriggerCosmosDBInput1, httpTriggerCosmosDBInput2, httpTriggerCosmosDBInput3, httpTriggerCosmosDBOutput1, httpTriggerCosmosDBOutput2, httpTriggerCosmosDBOutput3, queuePopulationTimer