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Simple Workflow Framework - Hamilton + APScheduler = FlowerPower

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Simple Workflow Framework - Hamilton + APScheduler = FlowerPower


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
    1. Initialze a new flowerpower project
    2. Add a new pipeline
    3. Setup a pipeline
    4. Run a pipeline
    5. Schedule a pipeline
    6. Start a woker
    7. Track a pipeline
    8. Optional: Dev Services


FlowerPower is a simple workflow framework based on the fantastic python libraries Hamilton and APScheduler (Advanced Python Scheduler)

Hamilton is used as the core engine to create Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) from your pipeline functions and execute them in a controlled manner. It is highly recommended to read the Hamilton documentation and check out their examples to understand the core concepts of FlowerPower.

APScheduler is used to schedule the pipeline execution. You can schedule the pipeline to run at a specific time, at a specific interval or at a specific cron expression. Furthermore, APScheduler can be used to run the pipeline in a distributed environment.

The main features of the FlowerPower framework are:

  1. Pipeline Workflows: FlowerPower uses the Hamilton library to create Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) from pipeline functions, allowing you to define and execute complex workflow pipelines.

  2. Scheduling and Execution: FlowerPower integrates the APScheduler library to allow scheduling of pipeline executions at specific times, intervals, or based on cron expressions. It supports running pipelines in a distributed environment with a data store and event broker.

  3. Parameterization: FlowerPower allows you to parameterize your pipeline functions, either by setting default values or defining parameters in a configuration file.

  4. Tracking and Monitoring: FlowerPower can integrate with the Hamilton UI to provide tracking and monitoring of pipeline executions, including visualization of the DAG.

  5. Flexible Configuration: FlowerPower uses configuration files (conf/pipelines.yml, conf/scheduler.yml, conf/tracker.yml) to set up pipelines, scheduling, and tracking, allowing for easy customization.

  6. Distributed Execution: FlowerPower supports running pipelines in a distributed environment by using a data store (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite) to persist job information and an event broker (e.g., Redis, MQTT) for communication between the scheduler and workers.

  7. Easy Setup and Usage: FlowerPower provides command-line tools and Python APIs for initializing new projects, adding new pipelines, running and scheduling pipelines, and starting workers.

Overall, FlowerPower aims to provide a simple and flexible workflow framework that combines the power of Hamilton and APScheduler to enable the creation and execution of complex data pipelines, with support for scheduling, distribution, and monitoring.


pip install flowerpower 
# scheduling 
pip install "flowerpower[scheduler]" 
# mqtt event broker
pip install "flowerpower[scheduler,mqtt]" 
# redis event broker
pip install "flowerpower[scheduler,redis]" 
# mongodb data store
pip install "flowerpower[scheduler,mongodb]"
# distributed computing using ray
pip install "flowerpower[scheduler,ray]"
# dask distributed computing using dask
pip install "flowerpower[scheduler,dask]"


Initialze a new flowerpower project

In the command line, run the following command to initialize a new flowerpower project

flowerpower init new-project
cd new-project

This adds basic config files conf/pipelines.yml, conf/scheduler.yml and conf/tracker.yml

or run the following in a python script/REPL

from flowerpower import init

Add a new pipeline

In the command line run

flowerpower add my_flow
# or
flowerpower new my_flow

A new file pipelines/ is created and the relevant entries are added to the config files.

or run the following in a python script/REPL

from flowerpower.pipeline import PipelineManager, new

# using the PipelineManager
pm = PipelineManager()"my_flow")

# or using the new function

Setup a pipeline

Add pipeline functions

Add the pipeline functions to pipelines/

FlowerPower uses Hamilton that converts your pipeline functions into nodes and then creates a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

It is therefore mandatory to write your pipeline files according to the Hamilton paradigm. You can read more about this in the Hamilton documentaion chapter Function, Nodes and DataFlow

Parameterize the pipeline functions

To parameterize the pipeline functions, you can either set reasonable default values in the function definition or define the parameters in the conf/pipelines.yml file.

1. Set default values

Set the default values in the function definition


def add_int_col(df: pd.DataFrame, col_name: str="foo", values:str="bar") -> pd.DataFrame:
    return df.assign(**{col_name: values})

2. Define the parameters in the conf/pipelines.yml

Add the parameters to the conf/pipelines.yml file


      col_name: foo
      values: bar


and add the parameterized decorator to the function


def add_int_col(df: pd.DataFrame, col_name: str, values:int) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return df.assign(**{col_name: values})


Run a pipeline

A flowerpower pipeline can be run in the command line or in a python script/REPL.

When using the run command or function, the pipeline is executed in the current process. Using the run-job command or run_job function, the pipeline is executed as an apscheduler job and the job results is returned. The add-job command or add_jobfunction is used to add a pipeline as an apscheduler job and a job_id is returned.This job_id, can be used to fetch the job result from the data store. The latter two options are useful when you want to run the pipeline in a distributed environment. Note: To execute these commands, you need to have a data store and an event broker setup and a worker running.


In the command line

# This runs the pipeline wihtout using the apscheduler data store
flowerpower run my_flow
# This runs the pipeline as an apscheduler job
flowerpower run-job my_flow 
# This runs the pipeline as an apscheduler job using the apscheduler data store to store the job results
flowerpower add-job my_flow 

In a python script/REPL

from flowerpower.pipeline import Pipeline, run, run_job, add_job

# using the Pipeline class
p = Pipeline("my_flow")
res =

# or using the run function
res = run("my_flow")

# or using the run_job function
res = run_job("my_flow")

# or using the add_job function
job_id = add_job("my_flow") # job_id can be used to fetch the job result from the data store

The above runs the pipelines with the default parameters, which are defined in the conf/pipelines.yml file.

Configure the pipeline run parameters

You can configure the pipeline run parameters in the conf/pipelines.yml file


    # dev and prod are the run environments. You can define as many environments as you want
      # define all the pipeline input parameters here
        data_path: path/to/data.csv
        fs_prtocol: local 
      # here you define the pipeline functions, for which you want to store the final result
      # wheter to use the Hamilton UI tracker or not. Note: Hamilton UI needs to be installed and running
      with_tracker: false
Overwrite the default parameters

You can overwrite the default parameters by using the parameters --inputs and --final-vars in the command line

# to run the pipeline with the parameters defined in the prod environment
flowerpower run my_flow --inputs data_path=path/to/data.csv,fs_protocol=local --final-vars final_df --enviroment prod

or in a python script/REPL

from flowerpower.pipeline import run
    inputs={"data_path": "path/to/data.csv", "fs_protocol": "local"}, 

Schedule a pipeline

You can setup a scheduler for a flowerpower pipeline to run at a specific time, at a specific interval or based on a specific cron expression. Adding a flowerpower pipeline to the scheduler is done in the command line or in a python script/REPL.

# schedule the pipeline to run every 30 seconds
flowerpower schedule my_flow --type interval --interval-params seconds=30
# schedule the pipeline to run at a specific time
flowerpower schedule my_flow --type date --date-params year=2022,month=1,day=1,hour=0,minute=0,second=0
# schedule the pipeline to run based on a cron 
flowerpower schedule my_flow --type cron --cron-params second=0,minute=0,hour=0,day=1,month=1,day_of_week=0
# schedule the pipeline to run based on a crontab expression
flowerpower schedule my_flow --type cron --crontab "0 0 1 1 0"

or in a python script/REPL

from flowerpower.scheduler import schedule, Pipeline

# using the Pipeline class
p = Pipeline("my_flow")
p.schedule("interval", seconds=30)

# or using the schedule function
schedule("my_flow", "interval", seconds=30)

Start a woker

Scheduled flowerpower pipelines or jobs added to the scheduler are executed by a worker. To start a worker, you can use the command line or a python script/REPL.

flowerpower start-worker

or in a python script/REPL

from flowerpower.scheduler import start_worker
Configure the scheduler/worker

The worker can run in the current process for testing purpose. In this case, no data store or event broker is required. To run the worker in a distributed environment, you need to setup a data store and an event broker.

The scheduler/worker can be configured in the conf/scheduler.yml file.


  type: postgres # postgres is  can be replaced with sqlalchemy
  uri: postgresql+asyncpq://user:password@localhost:5432/flowerpower

# other data store options

# - sqlite
# data_store:
#  type: sqlite # sqlite is can be replaced with sqlalchemy
#  uri: sqlite+aiosqlite:///flowerpower.db

# - mysql
# data_store:
#  type: mysql # mysql is can be replaced with sqlalchemy
#  uri: mysql+aiomysql://user:password@localhost:3306/flowerpower

# - mongodb
# data_store:
#   type: mongodb
#   uri: mongodb://localhost:27017/flowerpower

# - memory
# data_store:
#   type: memory

  type: redis
  uri: redis://localhost:6379
  # or use host and port instead of uri
  # host: localhost
  # port: 6379

# - mqtt
# event_broker:
#   type: mqtt
#   host: localhost
#   port: 1883
#   # optional username and password
#   username: edge
#   password: edge

# - memory
# event_broker:
#   type: memory


Track a pipeline

You can track the pipeline execution using the Hamilton UI. To use the Hamilton UI, you need to install the Hamilton UI package or have a run the Hamilton UI server running. See the Hamilton UI documentation for more information.

Local Hamilton UI
pip install "flowerpower[ui]"

# start the Hamilton UI server
flowerpower hamilton-ui

This starts the Hamilton UI server on http://localhost:8241.

Docker-based Hamilton UI

According to the Hamilton UI documentation, you can run the Hamilton UI server in a docker container.

git clone https:/dagworks-inc/hamilton

cd hamilton/ui


This starts the Hamilton UI server on http://localhost:8242.

You need to set your username/email(and optionally an api key) during the first login. Create a new project in the Hamilton UI for each flowerpower pipeline you want to track.

To use the pipeline tracking, you need to configure the tracker in the conf/tracker.yml file

username: [email protected]
api_url: http://localhost:8241
ui_url: http://localhost:8242
api_key: # optional

    project_id: 1
      environment: dev
      version: 1.0
    dag_name: my_flow_123

Now you can track the pipeline execution by setting the with_tracker parameter in the conf/pipelines.yml file to true or by using the --with-tracker parameter in the command line.

Optional: Dev Services

To test the distributed (seperate workers) pipeline execution in a local environment, you need a data store and an event broker. You can use the following docker-compose file to setup the services.

Download the docker-compose file

curl -O

Start the relevant services

#  emqx mqtt broker if you want to use mqtt as the event broker
docker-compose up mqtt -d 
# valkey (OSS redis) if you want to use redis as the event broker
docker-compose up redis -d 
# mongodb if you want to use mongodb as the data store
docker-compose up mongodb -d 
 # postgres db if you want to use postgres as data store and/or event broker. 
docker-compose up postgres -d


Simple Workflow Framework - Hamilton + APScheduler = FlowerPower






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