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83 Commits

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Build Status Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities template-app-angular code style: prettier Commitizen friendly GPLv3 License Open Source


Steps to create an Angular + git-commit-msg-linter + ng-lint-staged + Husky + Jest + Cypress + Coveralls + TravisCI project template



1. Create new Angular project

   $ ng n template-app-angular --routing=false --style=css --skip-git --verbose=true --prefix=template-app-angular

2. Disable sharing of anonymous usage

   $ cd ./template-app-angular

   $ ng analytics project off | echo N

3. Remove standard readme file

   $ rm ./

4. Setup Visual Studio Code IDE settings

  • create .vscode/settings.json file and add:

      "files.eol": "\n",
      "explorer.compactFolders": false,
      "editor.tabSize": 2,
      "typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "prompt",
      "html.format.endWithNewline": true,
      "html.suggest.html5": true,
      "html.autoClosingTags": true,
      "javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis": true,
      "[html]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
      "[typescript]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
      "[javascript]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
      "[json]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
      "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": true,
      "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": true,
      "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": true,
      "typescript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": true,
      "typescript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": true

5. Add new entries to .gitignore

6. Create .gitattributes file

  • create .gitattributes file and add:

    # Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
    * text=auto
    # JS and TS files must always use LF for tools to work
    *.js eol=lf
    *.ts eol=lf
    *.json eol=lf
    *.html eol=lf
    *.css eol=lf
    *.scss eol=lf

7. Create .npmrc file

  • create .npmrc file and add:

    registry = ""

8. Initialize GIT Local Repo

   $ git init

9. Add GIT Local Repo settings

   $ git config core.eol lf
   $ git config core.autocrlf input
   $ git config commit.status false
   $ git config push.followTags true
   $ git config alias.s '!git status -s'
   $ git config alias.c '!git add --all && git commit -m'
   $ git config alias.l "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %C(green)[%cd...%cr]%Creset %C(bold blue)<%an> %n%C(bold)%s%n%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=iso-local"
   $ git config alias.lnp '!git --no-pager l'
   $ git config alias.t "!sh -c 'git tag -a $1 -m $1' -"

10. Add GPL v3 license

11. Update project details on package.json

  • on package.json file, update:

      "name": "template-app-angular",
      "version": "0.0.0",
      "author": {
        "name": ".luizhp",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "url": "https:/luizhp/"
      "description": "Angular TDD project template",
      "keywords": [
      "categories": ["Programming Languages", "Testing", "Linters", "Snippets"],
      "homepage": "https:/luizhp/template-app-angular/tree/main#readme",
      "readme": "https:/luizhp/template-app-angular/tree/main#readme",
      "icon": "",
      "bugs": {
        "url": "https:/luizhp/template-app-angular/issues",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
      "repository": {
        "type": "git",
        "url": "https:/luizhp/template-app-angular"
      "engines": {
        "node": ">= 12",
        "npm": "^6.14.7"

12. Initial commit

   $ git c "chore: initial commit"

13. Install tslint-angular package

  • tslint-angular@npm

    $ npm i -D tslint-angular@latest
    $ git c "chore(tslint-angular): install package"

14. Setup tslint-angular on tslint.json file

  • update tslint.json file with:

      "extends": ["tslint:recommended", "tslint-angular"],
   $ git c "chore(tslint-angular): setup tslint.json file"

15. Install prettier package

  • prettier@npm

    $ npm i -D prettier@latest
    $ git c "chore(prettier): install package"

16. Setup prettier custom options

  • create .prettierrc file and add:

      "tabWidth": 2,
      "singleQuote": true,
      "endOfLine": "lf",
      "bracketSpacing": true,
      "trailingComma": "es5",
      "printWidth": 80,
      "arrowParens": "always",
      "proseWrap": "preserve",
      "htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "css",
      "useTabs": false,
      "semi": true,
      "quoteProps": "consistent",
      "jsxBracketSameLine": true
  • create .prettierignore file and add:

   $ git c "chore(prettier): setup custom options"

17. Install tslint-config-prettier package

18. Setup tslint-config-prettier on tslint.json file

  • update tslint.json file with:

      "extends": ["tslint:recommended", "tslint-angular", "tslint-config-prettier"],
   $ git c "chore(tslint-config-prettier): setup tslint.json file"

19. Setup Visual Studio Code IDE jest snippet

  • create .vscode/jest.code-snippets file and add:

      "Jest Test": {
        "prefix": ["test"],
        "body": [
          "describe('', () => {",
          "  test('', () => {",
          "  })",
        "description": "A describe block for Jest"
   $ git c "chore(vscode): add jest snippet"

20. Install git-commit-msg-linter package

  • git-commit-msg-linter

    $ npm i -D git-commit-msg-linter@latest
    $ git c "chore(git-commit-msg-linter): install package"

21. Install ng-lint-staged package

  • ng-lint-staged

    $ npm i -D ng-lint-staged@latest
    $ git c "chore(ng-lint-staged): install package"

22. Setup ng-lint-staged on .lintstagedrc file

  • create .lintstagedrc file and add:

      "lint-staged": {
        "src/**/*.ts": ["ng-lint-staged lint --fix --"]
   $ git c "chore(ng-lint-staged): setup .lintstagedrc file"

23. Install husky package

  • husky

    $ npm i -D husky@latest
    $ git c "chore(husky): install package"

24. Add husky pre-commit hook with ng-lint-staged

  • create .huskyrc.json file and add:

      "hooks": {
        "pre-commit": "ng-lint-staged"
   $ git c "chore(ng-lint-staged): add husky pre-commit hook"

25. Update build script

  • on package.json file, replace:

    "scripts": {
       "build": "ng build --prod --base-href ./",
   $ git c "build(script): update build script"

26. Add husky pre-push hook with build script

  • update .huskyrc.json file adding pre-push hook:

      "hooks": {
        "pre-push": "npm run build"
   $ git c "build(husky): add husky pre-push hook"

27. Install pretty-quick package

   $ npm i -D pretty-quick@latest

   $ git c "chore(pretty-quick): install package"

28. Update husky pre-commit hook with pretty-quick

  • on .huskyrc.json file update pre-commit hook with:

      "hooks": {
        "pre-commit": "pretty-quick --check --staged && ng-lint-staged",
   $ git c "chore(pretty-quick): update husky pre-commit hook"

29. Ensure prettier applies defined format to project files

  $ npx prettier --write "**/*.{json,ts,html,js}"

  $ git c "style: ensure prettier applies defined format to project files"

30. Install commitizen package

  • commitizen

    $ npm i -D commitizen@latest
    $ git c "chore(commitizen): install package"

31. Initialize cz-conventional-changelog commitizen adapter settings

  • cz-conventional-changelog

    $ npx commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog --save-dev --save-exact
    $ git c "chore(commitizen): initialize cz-conventional-changelog adapter settings"

32. Add commit script with commitizen

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "commitizen": "exec < /dev/tty && git cz --hook || true",
   $ git c "chore(commitizen): add commitizen script"

33. Add husky prepare-commit-msg hook with commit script

  • on .huskyrc.json file add prepare-commit-msg hook with:

      "hooks": {
        "prepare-commit-msg": "echo '👉 Control-C 👈 abort commitizen and continue with your commit message' && npm run commitizen || true",
    $ git c "chore(commitizen): add husky prepare-commit-msg hook with commitizen script"
  • Now you can choose to provide or use comitizen to assist you on building your commit message

34. Remove Karma packages and dependencies

   $ npm uninstall karma karma-chrome-launcher karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter karma-jasmine karma-jasmine-html-reporter

   $ git c "chore(karma): remove packages and dependencies"

35. Remove Karma configuration reference inside the angular.json file

  • update angular.json file:

     projects: {
        template-app-angular: {
           architect: {
              test: {
                options: {
                  "karmaConfig": "karma.conf.js"
   $ git c "chore(karma): remove configuration reference"

36. Remove Karma configuration file

   $ rm ./karma.conf.js

   $ git c "chore(karma): remove configuration file"

37. Install jest packages

38. Setup setup-jest.ts file

   $ git c "chore(jest): create setup-jest.ts file"

39. Setup jest.config.js file

  • create jest.config.js file and add:

    module.exports = {
      preset: 'jest-preset-angular',
      setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/setup-jest.ts'],
      transformIgnorePatterns: ['node_modules/(?!@ngrx|ngx-socket-io)'],
      transform: {
        '^.+\\.(ts|js|html)$': 'ts-jest',
      testPathIgnorePatterns: [
   $ git c "chore(jest): setup jest.config.js file"

40. Remove unnecessary comments on tsconfig files

  • remove this comment from tsconfig.json file:

    /* To learn more about this file see: */
  • remove this comment from file:

    /* To learn more about this file see: */
  • remove this comment from tsconfig.spec.json file:

    /* To learn more about this file see: */
   $ git c "chore(tsconfig): remove unnecessary comments on tsconfig files"

41. Setup jest on tsconfig.json file

  • update tsconfig.json file, adding:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "types": ["jest"],
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true
   $ git c "chore(jest): setup tsconfig.json file"

42. Setup jest on tsconfig.spec.json file

  • update tsconfig.spec.json file:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "types": ["jest", "node"],
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true
   $ git c "chore(jest): setup tsconfig.spec.json file"

43. Remove the test target inside the angular.json file

  • update angular.json file:

     projects: {
        template-app-angular: {
           architect: {
              test: {}
   $ git c "chore(jest): remove test target"

44. Remove src/test.ts reference on tsconfig.spec.json

   $ git c "chore(jest): remove src/test.ts reference on tsconfig.spec.json"

45. Remove previous test configuration file

   $ rm ./src/test.ts

   $ git c "chore(jest): remove previous test configuration file"

46. Add jest's test scripts

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "test": "jest --passWithNoTests --silent --noStackTrace --runInBand",
       "test:verbose": "jest --passWithNoTests --runInBand",
       "test:staged": "npm test -- --findRelatedTests",
   $ git c "chore(jest): add test scripts"

47. Setup staged files test on .lintstagedrc file

  • update .lintstagedrc file:

      "lint-staged": {
        "src/**/*.ts": ["ng-lint-staged lint --fix --", "npm run test:staged"]
   $ git c "chore(jest): setup staged files test on .lintstagedrc file"

48. Add jest test configuration for unit tests

  • create jest-unit-config.js file and add:

    const config = require('./jest.config');
    config.testMatch = ['**/*.spec.ts'];
    module.exports = config;
   $ git c "chore(jest): setup configuration for unit tests"

49. Add jest test configuration for integration tests

  • create jest-integration-config.js file and add:

    const config = require('./jest.config');
    config.testMatch = ['**/*.test.ts'];
    module.exports = config;
   $ git c "chore(jest): setup configuration for integration tests"

50. Add scripts for jest unit and integration tests

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "test:unit": "npm test -- --watch -c jest-unit-config.js",
       "test:integration": "npm test -- --watch -c jest-integration-config.js",
   $ git c "chore(jest): add scripts for unit and integration tests"

51. Install coveralls package

52. Add coverage settings at jest.config.js file

  • add the following lines on jest.config.js file:

    module.exports = {
       collectCoverage: true,
       coverageDirectory: "coverage/template-app-angular"
   $ git c "chore(jest): add coverage settings"

53. Add test:ci and test:coveralls scripts

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "test:ci": "npm test -- --coverage --watch=false --no-progress --browsers=ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox",
       "test:coveralls": "npm run test:ci && coveralls < coverage/template-app-angular/",
   $ git c "chore(jest): add test:ci and test:coveralls scripts"

54. Add test:ci script on husky pre-push hook

  • update .huskyrc.json file:

      "hooks": {
        "pre-push": "npm run test:ci && npm run build"
   $ git c "chore(jest): add test:ci script on husky pre-push hook"

55. Create Travis CI building and testing file

  • create .travis.yml file and add:

    language: node_js
      - 12
          - google-chrome
          - google-chrome-stable
        - ~/.npm
        - ~/.cache
      - npm install
      - npm run lint
      - npm run test:coveralls
   $ git c "chore(travis): create building and testing file"

56. Remove jasmine packages

   $ npm uninstall @types/jasmine @types/jasminewd2 jasmine-core jasmine-spec-reporter

   $ git c "chore(jasmine): remove packages"

57. Install cypress package

  • cypress

    $ npm i -D cypress@latest
    $ git c "chore(cypress): install package"

58. Create cypress configuration file

  • create cypress.json file and add:

      "baseUrl": "http://localhost:4200",
      "video": false
   $ git c "chore(cypress): create configuration file"

59. Install concurrently package

  • concurrently

    $ npm i -D concurrently@latest
    $ git c "chore(concurrently): install package"

60. Add cypress e2e scripts

  • on package.json file, update:

    "scripts": {
       "cypress:e2e": "cypress open",
       "cypress:install": "cypress install -f",
       "cypress:run": "cypress run --record",
       "cypress:chrome": "cypress run -b chrome",
       "cypress:open": "concurrently \"ng serve\" \"cypress open\""
   $ git c "chore(cypress): add e2e scripts"

61. Remove protractor package

   $ npm uninstall protractor

   $ git c "chore(protractor): remove package"

62. Remove the e2e target inside the angular.json file

  • update angular.json file:

     projects: {
        template-app-angular: {
           architect: {
              e2e: {}
   $ git c "chore(cypress): remove e2e target"

63. Remove previous e2e file entry reference on tsconfig at lint target inside the angular.json file

  • update angular.json file:

     projects: {
        template-app-angular: {
           architect: {
              lint: {
               "options": {
                "tsConfig": [
   $ git c "chore(cypress): remove previous e2e file entry reference"

64. Remove e2e folder

   $ rm -rf ./e2e

   $ git c "chore(cypress): remove e2e folder"

65. Initialize cypress and generates payloads

  • after Cypress UI loads, exit it

    $ npm run cypress:e2e
  • remove cypress examples folder or move to another place

    $ rm -rf ./cypress/integration/examples
    $ npx pretty-quick --fix
    $ git c "chore(cypress): initialize and generates payloads"

66. Create cypress tsconfig.json file to enable intellisense

  • create cypress/tsconfig.json file and add:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "allowJs": true,
        "baseUrl": "../node_modules",
        "types": ["cypress"],
        "noEmit": true
      "include": ["**/*.*"]
   $ git c "chore(cypress): enable intellisense"

67. Update sample angular component to cypress test

  • on src/app/app.component.html file locate:

    <span>{{ title }} app is running!</span>
  • and add data-cy="main-title" attribute as:

    <span data-cy="main-title">{{ title }} app is running!</span>
   $ git c "test(cypress): update sample angular component"

68. Create cypress sample test file

  • create cypress/integration/main-page.spec.js file and add:

    const MAIN_TITLE = 'template-app-angular app is running!';
    describe('Main Page UI', () => {
      it('Should return true when title component was correct', () => {
        cy.contains(MAIN_TITLE).should('have.length', 1);
      it('Should return true when title component was correctly located', () => {
          .should('have.length', 1);
   $ git c "test(cypress): create sample test file"

69. Install http-server package

  • http-server

    $ npm i -D http-server@latest
    $ git c "chore(http-server): install package"

70. Add start:ci test script

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "start:ci": "http-server ./dist/template-app-angular -a localhost -p 4200 -c-1"
   $ git c "chore(cypress): add start:ci test script"

71. Install npm-run-all package

  • npm-run-all

    $ npm i -D npm-run-all@latest
    $ git c "chore(npm-run-all): install package"

72. Add cypress:ci test script

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "cypress:ci": "ng build --prod && run-p --race start:ci cypress:run"
  • on package.json file, update:

    "scripts": {
       "cypress:e2e": "npm run cypress:ci",
   $ git c "chore(cypress): add test scripts"

73. Call cypress:ci script on husky pre-push hook

  • update .huskyrc.json file:

      "hooks": {
        "pre-push": "npm run test:ci && npm run cypress:e2e"
   $ git c "chore(cypress): ensure husky pre-push hook calls cypress:ci script"

74. Call cypress:ci script on Travis configuration

  • at script entry on .travis.yml file add:

    - npm run cypress:ci
   $ git c "chore(travis): ensure cypress:ci script runs"

75. Ensure Angular destroys itself on hot reloads

  • replace src/main.ts file content with:

    import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
    import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
    import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
    import { environment } from './environments/environment';
    if (environment.production) {
      .then((ref) => {
        if (window[`ngRef`]) {
        window[`ngRef`] = ref;
      .catch((err) => console.error(err));
   $ git c "refactor(project): ensure angular destroys itself on hot reloads"

76. Install rimraf package

  • rimraf

    $ npm i -D rimraf@latest
    $ git c "chore(rimraf): install package"

77. Add prebuild script to ensure rimraf destroys the dist folder before building

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "prebuild": "rimraf dist",
   $ git c "build(script): ensure rimraf destroy the dist folder before building"

78. Install npm-check package

  • npm-check

    $ npm install -D npm-check@latest
    $ git c "chore(npm-check): install package"

79. Add npm-check script to ensure project packages to be updated

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "check": "npm-check -s -u",
   $ git c "chore(npm-check): add check script to ensure project packages to be updated"

80. Upgrade zone.js from 0.10.3 to 0.11.1

  • Optional

    $ npm run check
    $ git c "chore(zone.js): upgrade version from 0.10.3 to 0.11.1"

81. Upgrade @types/node from 12.12.62 to 14.11.2

  • Optional

    $ npm run check
    $ git c "chore(types/node): upgrade version from 12.12.62 to 14.11.2"

82. Upgrade ts-node from 8.3.0 to 9.0.0

  • Optional

    $ npm run check
    $ git c "chore(ts-node): upgrade version from 8.3.0 to 9.0.0"

83. Set up a project in the Cypress Test Runner

  • Create a new project after logging in to the Cypress Test Runner Setup

    $ npx cypress open
    # Login
    # Click on the run tab
    # Conect to dashboard
    # Setup project (Project name, organization, project visibility)
    # Copy projectId and CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY
    # Exit
  • Ensure if automatically added the projectId on cypress.json file and commit:

      "projectId": <<YOUR ProjectId>>
   $ git c "chore(cypress): setup projectId"

84. Create .env file and add CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY environment variable

  • create .env file and add:


85. Install env-cmd package

  • env-cmd

    $ npm install -D env-cmd@latest
    $ git c "chore(env-cmd): install package"

86. Enable Cypress record key to be visible when cypress:e2e test script runs

  • on package.json file, update:

    "scripts": {
       "cypress:e2e": "env-cmd npm run cypress:ci",
   $ git c "chore(cypress): enable record key to be visible when cypress:e2e test script runs"

87. Create GIT Repo on GitHub

  • do not push on it yet

88. Assign Repo to

89. Assign Repo to Coveralls

90. Assign Repo to TravisCI

91. Add CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY to TravisCI project environment variables

92. Add badges on package.json

  • on package.json file, add:

      "badges": [
          "description": "Travis-CI - Build Status",
          "href": "",
          "url": ""
          "description": "Coveralls - Coverage Status",
          "href": "",
          "url": ""
          "description": " - Known Vulnerabilities",
          "href": "",
          "url": ""
          "description": "",
          "href": "",
          "url": ""
          "description": "Prettier Code Style",
          "href": "",
          "url": "https:/prettier/prettier/"
          "description": "Commitizen friendly",
          "href": "",
          "url": ""
          "description": "GPLv3 License",
          "href": "",
          "url": ""
          "description": "Open Source",
          "href": "",
          "url": ""
   $ git c "chore(project): ensure all badges are declared"

93. Install standard-version package

  • standard-version

    $ npm i -D standard-version
    $ git c "chore(standard-version): install package"

94. Setup standard-version changelog header output

  • on package.json file, add:

      "standard-version": {
          "changelogHeader": "# Template Angular TDD App\n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented here.\n\n"
   $ git c "chore(standard-version): setup changelog header output"

95. Add standard-version release script

  • on package.json file, add:

    "scripts": {
       "release": "HUSKY_SKIP_HOOKS=1 standard-version",
   $ git c "chore(standard-version): add release script"

96. Set as release 0.0.1

97. Run release script as first-release

   $ npm run release -- --first-release

98. Append package.json on previous commit

   $ git add ./package.json
   $ git commit --amend --no-edit

99. Push commits to GitHub Repo

100. Assign Repo to



Contributions are always welcome! 👊

You can reach me out at Twitter @luizhp

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!


Copyright © 2020 .luizhp

This project is GPL v3 licensed.


Angular TDD project template







No releases published


No packages published