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Bun-Powered Clean Architecture API: Elysia & PostgresJS Notes API Example

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🦊 Bun + Elysia + Postgres.js Clean Architecture Example

A clean architecture implementation using Bun, Elysia, and Postgres.js for building a robust and scalable API.


  • Lightning Fast: Incredibly quick app startup and blazingly fast test execution.
  • Debugger Ready: Configure and run the "Debug Bun" setup in src/app.ts or any test file for seamless debugging.
  • Swagger Integration: Impressive API documentation with built-in type safety.
  • Clean Architecture: While not out-of-the-box, this boilerplate demonstrates how to achieve a scalable clean architecture with Elysia.
  • Plugin System: Easily extensible through Elysia's plugin system, as showcased in this repo.
  • Open Source Boilerplate: Designed to kickstart your projects with best practices baked in.

This project aims to provide a solid foundation for building real-world applications with Bun and Elysia, emphasizing the importance of testing, debugging, and maintainable architecture.

🚀 Roadmap

  • Bun as runtime
  • Elysia as web framework
  • Postgres.js for database operations
  • Clean Architecture pattern
  • ESLint + Prettier configuration
  • Organized import sorting
  • Environment variable management
  • Simple database migration
  • Integration (E2E) tests
  • Swagger documentation
  • Test database setup
  • JWT Guard implementation
  • Caching mechanism
  • Enhanced logging
  • OpenTelemetry integration
  • Improved database migrations

📚 Table of Contents

🌟 Overview

This project demonstrates a clean architecture approach to building a web API using modern JavaScript technologies. It leverages Bun as the runtime environment, Elysia as the web framework, and Postgres.js for database interactions. The application follows clean architecture principles, ensuring a clear separation of concerns and maintainability.

Key highlights:

  • Extremely fast startup times and test execution
  • Integrated debugging capabilities
  • Comprehensive Swagger documentation with strong typing
  • Scalable architecture achieved through careful structuring and Elysia's plugin system

While Elysia doesn't provide a scalable structure out of the box, this boilerplate shows how to achieve clean architecture with some additional effort, making it an excellent starting point for serious application development.

🏗 Project Structure

The project follows a clean architecture pattern with the following structure:

├── auth/
│   ├── application/
│   ├── domain/
│   └── infrastructure/
├── notes/
│   ├── application/
│   ├── domain/
│   └── infrastructure/
├── shared/
│   └── infrastructure/
└── users/
    ├── domain/
    └── infrastructure/
  • auth/: Authentication-related modules
  • notes/: Note management modules
  • users/: User management modules
  • shared/: Shared utilities and configurations

Each module is divided into:

  • application/: Use cases and business logic
  • domain/: Domain entities and types
  • infrastructure/: External interfaces (controllers, repositories)

🛠 Setup

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    bun install
  3. Set up environment variables (copy .env.example to .env and fill in the values)
  4. Start the database:
    bun run db:up
  5. Run database migrations:
    bun run db:migrate
  6. Start the development server:
    bun run dev

✨ Features

🌐 Elysia Web Framework

The project uses Elysia, a modern and performant web framework for Bun. It provides a clean and intuitive API for building web applications.

🗄️ Postgres.js

Fastest full-featured node & deno client, Postgres.js is used for database operations, offering a simple and efficient way to interact with PostgreSQL databases.

🏛 Clean Architecture

The project follows clean architecture principles, separating concerns into distinct layers: Application, Domain, and Infrastructure.

🧹 ESLint + Prettier

Code quality and consistency are maintained using ESLint and Prettier with a standardized configuration.

📁 Import Sorting

Imports are automatically organized using the eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort plugin.

🔐 Environment Management

Environment variables are managed securely using a combination of .env files and the zod library for validation.

🗃 Database Migration

A simple database migration system is implemented using raw SQL scripts.

📚 Swagger Documentation

API documentation is automatically generated using Swagger, making it easy for developers to understand and interact with the API.

📖 API Documentation

The API documentation is available through Swagger UI. After starting the server, you can access it at http://localhost:3000/swagger.

Here's a preview of what the Swagger documentation looks like:

Swagger Documentation

🧪 Testing

The project includes integration (E2E) tests to ensure the correct functionality of the API endpoints. Run the tests using:

bun test


  • Set up a separate test database that can be dynamically created and destroyed for each test run
  • Implement JWT Guard for protected routes
  • Add caching mechanism to improve performance
  • Enhance logging capabilities for better debugging and monitoring
  • Integrate OpenTelemetry for advanced observability
  • Improve database migration system for better version control and rollback capabilities
  • Implement rate limiting for API endpoints
  • Add input validation middleware
  • Set up CI/CD pipeline
  • Implement refresh token mechanism
  • Add WebSocket support for real-time features

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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Bun-Powered Clean Architecture API: Elysia & PostgresJS Notes API Example






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