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Generic List Components

This is a private package, not published to npm anymore. We use symlinks to use it in our Angular microfrontends.

Development server

Run npm run serve for a development server. Go to http://localhost:4200/. The application reloads automatically if you change any of the source files.
A sandbox application appears. It uses <y-generic-table> and <y-generic-list> components from the embedded list.module.ts file.

How to use it in a component

To use the package in a component, perform the following steps:

  1. Run

    npm install --save fiori-fundamentals fundamental-ngx

    in your project directory.

  2. Add "preserveSymlinks": true to angular.json test and build options. Alternatively, add --preserve-symlink option to ng test and ng build.

  3. Include


    in angular.json styles array (projects>your_project>architect>build>styles).

  4. Add "include": [ /components/angular/generic-list/src/app/modules/list/**/*.ts" ] to the tsconfig.json file of your component.

  5. Add "app" to the tslint.json file if it includes the following rules:

    "no-submodule-imports": [true, "app"],
    "no-implicit-dependencies": [true, ["app"]],
  6. Add a symlink to components/angular/generic-list/src/app/modules/list inside your application.
    For example, the console core has the following symlink set:

    core/src/app/generic-list > components/angular/generic-list/src/app/modules/list
  7. Use the generic list in import * as GenericList from 'app/generic-list' command.