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RVAgene: modeling gene expression dynamics


RVAgene models gene expression dynamics in single-cell or bulk data. Read the paper here.


  1. Python 3
  2. numpy, matplotlib, pytorch, scikit-learn, tqdm
  3. GPU (optional)


  • Jupyter notebook demo of RVAgene here
  • Jupyter notebook demo of processing bulk Single cell data and running RVAgene here
  • Or on the command line
    • python <dataset_name> e.g. python demosim
    • python <dataset_name> e.g. python demosim


data : contains example synthetic gene expression time series data with 6 inherent clusters
rvagene : contains code for recurrent variational autoencoder : code demonstrating training RVAgene, unsupervised clustering on latent space using K-means and Generating new gene expression data by sampling and decoding points from latent space. : code to generate synthetic data with cluster structure as described in the paper.
figs : contains figures generated by the demo code.
demo.ipynb : Demonstration on the whole synthetic data generation, RVAgene training, clustering on latent space and new cluster specific data generation process
single_cell_demo.ipynb :demo of processing bulk Single cell data and running RVAgene

alt text

Model and training parameters:

sequence_length: length of the input sequence
number_of_features : number of features per timepoint per gene i.e. 1
hidden_size: hidden size of the RNN
hidden_layer_depth: number of layers in RNN (1 is enough)
latent_length: latent vector length
batch_size: number of genes in a single batch. IMPORTANT: last batch will be dropped is it is not a divisor of number of training genes.
learning_rate: the learning rate of the module
n_epochs: Number of iterations/epochs
dropout_rate: The probability of a node being dropped-out
optimizer: ADAM/ SGD optimizer to reduce the loss function
loss: SmoothL1Loss / MSELoss / ReconLoss / any custom loss which inherits from _Loss class
boolean cuda: to be run on GPU or not
print_every: The number of iterations after which loss should be printed for each epoch
boolean clip: Gradient clipping to overcome explosion
max_grad_norm: The grad-norm to be clipped if using clipping
dload: Download directory where models are to be dumped
log_file: File to log training loss , default None i.e. STDOUT


scRNA seq Data used in the paper from : (Klein et. al. 2015) Bulk RNA seq Data used in the paper from : (Liu. et. al. , 2017)


  1. Thanks to open source implementation of recurrent VAE at https:/tejaslodaya/timeseries-clustering-vae
  2. Relevant research works as cited in the work.
