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615 lines (489 loc) · 14.9 KB


File metadata and controls

615 lines (489 loc) · 14.9 KB

Public API

 var Engine = function() {
   // engine code here
   // public API
   return {
     // GUI constants
     // Engine constants
     VERSION: version,
     ELO: elo,
     START_FEN: startFen,
     COLOR: {
       WHITE: white,
       BLACK: black,
     PIECE: {
       NO_PIECE: e,
       WHITE_PAWN: P,
       WHITE_ROOK: R,
       WHITE_QUEEN: Q,
       WHITE_KING: K,
       BLACK_PAWN: p,
       BLACK_KNIGHT: n,
       BLACK_BISHOP: b,
       BLACK_ROOK: r,
       BLACK_QUEEN: q,
       BLACK_KING: k
     SQUARE: {
       A8: a8, B8: b8, C8: c8, D8: d8, E8: e8, F8: f8, G8: g8, H8: h8,
       A7: a7, B7: b7, C7: c7, D7: d7, E7: e7, F7: f7, G7: g7, H7: h7,
       A6: a6, B6: b6, C6: c6, D6: d6, E6: e6, F6: f6, G6: g6, H6: h6,
       A5: a5, B5: b5, C5: c5, D5: d5, E5: e5, F5: f5, G5: g5, H5: h5,
       A4: a4, B4: b4, C4: c4, D4: d4, E4: e4, F4: f4, G4: g4, H4: h4,
       A3: a3, B3: b3, C3: c3, D3: d3, E3: e3, F3: f3, G3: g3, H3: h3,
       A2: a2, B2: b2, C2: c2, D2: d2, E2: e2, F2: f2, G2: g2, H2: h2,
       A1: a1, B1: b1, C1: c1, D1: d1, E1: e1, F1: f1, G1: g1, H1: h1,
     // GUI methods
     drawBoard: function() { try { return drawBoard(); } catch(e) { guiError('.drawBoard()'); } },
     updateBoard: function() { try { return updateBoard(); } catch(e) { guiError('.updateBoard()'); } },
     movePiece: function(userSource, userTarget, promotedPiece) { try { movePiece(userSource, userTarget, promotedPiece); } catch(e) { guiError('.movePiece()'); } },
     flipBoard: function() { try { flipBoard(); } catch(e) { guiError('.flipBoard()'); } },

     // perft
     perft: function(depth) { perftTest(depth); },

     // board methods
     squareToString: function(square) { return coordinates[square]; },
     promotedToString: function(piece) { return promotedPieces[piece]; },
     printBoard: function() { printBoard(); },
     setBoard: function(fen) { setBoard(fen); },
     generateFen: function() { return generateFen(); },
     getPiece: function(square) { return board[square]; },
     getSide: function() { return side; },
     getFifty: function() { return fifty; },
     // move manipulation
     moveFromString: function(moveString) { return moveFromString(moveString); },
     moveToString: function(move) { return moveToString(move); },
     moveStack: function() { return moveStack; },
     loadMoves: function(moves) { loadMoves(moves); },
     getMoves: function() { return getMoves(); },
     pgn: function() { return getGamePgn(); },
     getMoveSource: function(move) { return getMoveSource(move); },
     getMoveTarget: function(move) { return getMoveTarget(move); },
     getMovePromoted: function(move) { return getMovePromoted(move); },
     getMoveCapture: function(move) { return getMoveCapture(move); },
     getMoveCastling: function(move) { return getMoveCastling(move); },
     generateLegalMoves: function() { return generateLegalMoves(); },
     printMoveList: function(moveList) { printMoveList(moveList); },
     // timing
     resetTimeControl: function() { resetTimeControl(); },
     setTimeControl: function(timeControl) { setTimeControl(timeControl); },
     getTimeControl: function() { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(timing))},
     search: function(depth) { return searchPosition(depth) },
     searchTime: function(ms) {
       let startTime = new Date().getTime();
       timing.timeSet = 1;
       timing.time = ms;
       timing.stopTime = startTime + timing.time;;

     // misc
     isMaterialDraw: function() { return isMaterialDraw(); },
     takeBack: function() { if (moveStack.length) takeBack(); },
     isRepetition: function() { return isRepetition(); },
     inCheck: function(color) { return isSquareAttacked(kingSquare[color], color ^ 1); },
     isSquareAttacked: function(square, color) { return isSquareAttacked(square, color); },
     // uci
     setHashSize: function(Mb) { setHashSize(Mb); },

     // debugging (run any internal engine function)
     debug: function() { debug(); }
 // create engine instance (browser)
 var engine = new Engine();
 // create engine instance (nodejs)
 const { Engine } = require('./wukong.js');  
 const engine = new Engine();
 // call API function

Init engine

const { Engine } = require('./wukong.js');  
const engine = new Engine();

Get square index

let square = engine.SQUARE['E4'];
console.log('value:', square);
console.log('type:', typeof(square), '\n');


    value: 68
    type: number


Convert square to string

let coord = engine.squareToString(68);
console.log('value:', coord);
console.log('type:', typeof(coord), '\n');


    value: e4
    type: string


Get piece code

let piece = engine.PIECE['WHITE_KING'];
console.log('value:', piece);
console.log('type:', typeof(piece), '\n');


    value: 6
    type: number


Convert promoted piece to string

let promotedPiece = engine.promotedToString(engine.PIECE['WHITE_QUEEN']);
console.log('value:', promotedPiece);
console.log('type:', typeof(promotedPiece), '\n');


    value: q
    type: string


Start new game



   8 ♜ ♞ ♝ ♛ ♚ ♝ ♞ ♜ 
   7 ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ 
   6 . . . . . . . . 
   5 . . . . . . . . 
   4 . . . . . . . . 
   3 . . . . . . . . 
   2 ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ 
   1 ♖ ♘ ♗ ♕ ♔ ♗ ♘ ♖ 
     a b c d e f g h

     Side:     white
     Castling:  KQkq
     Ep:          no

     Key: -446909866
 50 rule:          0
   moves:          0


Set board position from FEN string

engine.setBoard('r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 10');


   8 ♜ . . . ♚ . . ♜ 
   7 ♟ . ♟ ♟ ♛ ♟ ♝ . 
   6 ♝ ♞ . . ♟ ♞ ♟ . 
   5 . . . ♙ ♘ . . . 
   4 . ♟ . . ♙ . . . 
   3 . . ♘ . . ♕ . ♟ 
   2 ♙ ♙ ♙ ♗ ♗ ♙ ♙ ♙ 
   1 ♖ . . . ♔ . . ♖ 
     a b c d e f g h

     Side:     white
     Castling:  KQkq
     Ep:          no

     Key: 2073931705
 50 rule:          0
   moves:          10


Get piece at given board square

let pieceAt = engine.getPiece(engine.SQUARE['E2']);
console.log('value:', pieceAt);
console.log('type:', typeof(pieceAt), '\n');


    value: 3
    type: number


Get current side to move

let side = engine.getSide()
console.log('value:', side)
console.log('type:', typeof(side))


    value: 0
    type: number


Get current fifty rule move counter

let fifty = engine.getSide()
console.log('value (plies):', fifty)
console.log('type:', typeof(fifty))


    value (plies): 0
    type: number


Validate pseudo legal move

let validMove = engine.moveFromString('e2e4')

if (validMove) {
  console.log('value (pseudo legal):', validMove)
  console.log('type:', typeof(validMove))
} else {
  console.log('assumed to have pseudo legal move')

    value (pseudo legal): 533092
    type: number


Convert move to string (UCI format)

let validMove = engine.moveFromString('e2e4')
if (validMove) {
  console.log('value (pseudo legal):', engine.moveToString(validMove))
  console.log('type:', typeof(engine.moveToString(validMove)))
} else {
  console.log('assumed to have pseudo legal move')


    value (pseudo legal): e2e4
    type: string


Load move sequence

// move validation is done implicitly
engine.loadMoves('e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6');


   8 ♜ . ♝ ♛ ♚ ♝ ♞ ♜ 
   7 ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ . ♟ ♟ ♟ 
   6 . . ♞ . . . . . 
   5 . . . . ♟ . . . 
   4 . . . . ♙ . . . 
   3 . . . . . ♘ . . 
   2 ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ . ♙ ♙ ♙ 
   1 ♖ ♘ ♗ ♕ ♔ ♗ . ♖ 
     a b c d e f g h

     Side:     white
     Castling:  KQkq
     Ep:          no

     Key: 532555169
 50 rule:          2
   moves:          2

extract move source/target/promoted/captured flag

let move = engine.moveFromString('e2e4');
console.log(engine.getMoveSource(move), engine.squareToString(engine.getMoveSource(move)));
console.log(engine.getMoveTarget(move), engine.squareToString(engine.getMoveTarget(move)));
console.log(engine.getMovePromoted(move), engine.promotedToString(engine.getMovePromoted(move)));

    100 'e2'
    68 'e4'
    0 undefined


Generate legal moves

// generate only legal moves
let moveList = engine.generateLegalMoves();

// "Score" in table is for move ordering

   Move     Capture  Double   Enpass   Castling  Score

   a2a3     0        0        0        0         0
   a2a4     0        1        0        0         0
   b2b3     0        0        0        0         0
   b2b4     0        1        0        0         0
   c2c3     0        0        0        0         0
   c2c4     0        1        0        0         0
   d2d3     0        0        0        0         0
   d2d4     0        1        0        0         0
   e2e3     0        0        0        0         0
   e2e4     0        1        0        0         0
   f2f3     0        0        0        0         0
   f2f4     0        1        0        0         0
   g2g3     0        0        0        0         0
   g2g4     0        1        0        0         0
   h2h3     0        0        0        0         0
   h2h4     0        1        0        0         0
   b1a3     0        0        0        0         0
   b1c3     0        0        0        0         0
   g1f3     0        0        0        0         0
   g1h3     0        0        0        0         0

   Total moves: 20


Time control manipulation and search

// get current time control settings
let timing = engine.getTimeControl();

// enable time control
timing.timeSet = 1;

// search for 1 second
let startTime = new Date().getTime();
timing.time = 1000;
timing.stopTime = startTime + timing.time;


// set max depth when time control is enabled;

// reset time control

// search for fixed depth;

    { timeSet: 0, stopTime: 0, stopped: 0, time: -1 }
    { timeSet: 1,
      stopTime: 1608561876625,
      stopped: 0,
      time: 1000,
      startTime: 1608561875625 }
    info score cp 24 depth 1 nodes 40 time 4 pv b1c3 
    info score cp 0 depth 2 nodes 136 time 10 pv b1c3 b8c6 
    info score cp 29 depth 3 nodes 1131 time 48 pv d2d4 b8c6 c1f4 
    info score cp 0 depth 4 nodes 3583 time 155 pv d2d4 d7d5 c1f4 c8f5 
    info score cp 24 depth 5 nodes 34820 time 361 pv d2d4 d7d5 c1f4 c8f5 b1c3 
    bestmove d2d4
    info score cp 24 depth 1 nodes 40 time 1 pv b1c3 
    info score cp 0 depth 2 nodes 138 time 2 pv b1c3 g8f6 
    info score cp 29 depth 3 nodes 1143 time 6 pv d2d4 g8f6 c1f4 
    info score cp 0 depth 4 nodes 3341 time 34 pv d2d4 d7d5 c1f4 c8f5 
    info score cp 24 depth 5 nodes 33449 time 144 pv d2d4 d7d5 c1f4 c8f5 b1c3 
    info score cp 0 depth 6 nodes 183013 time 1315 pv d2d4 d7d5 c1f4 c8f5 b1c3 g8f6 
    bestmove d2d4

// fixed time search (1 second)

    info score cp 10 depth 1 nodes 48 time 13 pv b1c3 
    info score cp -38 depth 2 nodes 502 time 47 pv b1c3 b8c6 
    info score cp 0 depth 3 nodes 1705 time 122 pv b1c3 b8c6 g1f3 
    info score cp -37 depth 4 nodes 2947 time 169 pv b1c3 b8c6 g1f3 g8f6 
    info score cp -9 depth 5 nodes 8114 time 216 pv b1c3 g8f6 e2e4 d7d5 d2d3 
    info score cp -35 depth 6 nodes 23965 time 399 pv b1c3 g8f6 e2e4 d7d5 e4d5 f6d5 c3d5 d8d5 
    info score cp -7 depth 7 nodes 46122 time 549 pv b1c3 g8f6 g1f3 b8c6 d2d4 d7d5 c1e3 
    info score cp -37 depth 8 nodes 120985 time 916 pv g1f3 b8c6 d2d4 d7d5 b1c3 g8f6 c1e3 c8e6 
    bestmove g1f3

Insufficient material

// insufficient material (drawn position) flag
console.log('material draw:', engine.isMaterialDraw());

    material draw: 0

Repetition detections and take back

// load moves sequence where same position occurres twice
engine.loadMoves('g1f3 b8c6 f3g1 c6b8 g1f3');

// detect single repetition of the position
if (engine.isRepetition()) {
  console.log('repretition detected')
} else console.log('no repetitions detected');

// pop last move from move stack

// detect single repetition of the position
if (engine.isRepetition()) {
  console.log('repretition detected')
} else console.log('no repetitions detected');

   8 ♜ ♞ ♝ ♛ ♚ ♝ ♞ ♜ 
   7 ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ 
   6 . . . . . . . . 
   5 . . . . . . . . 
   4 . . . . . . . . 
   3 . . . . . ♘ . . 
   2 ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ 
   1 ♖ ♘ ♗ ♕ ♔ ♗ . ♖ 
     a b c d e f g h

     Side:     black
     Castling:  KQkq
     Ep:          no

     Key: -535964838
 50 rule:          5
   moves:          2

  repretition detected
  no repetitions detected


Check, checkmate & stalemate detection

// load moves sequence
engine.loadMoves('f2f3 e7e5 g2g4 d8h4');

if (engine.generateLegalMoves().length == 0) {
  if (engine.inCheck()) {
    console.log('in check:', engine.inCheck());
  } else {
    console.log('in check:', engine.inCheck());
   8 ♜ ♞ ♝ . ♚ ♝ ♞ ♜ 
   7 ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ . ♟ ♟ ♟ 
   6 . . . . . . . . 
   5 . . . . ♟ . . . 
   4 . . . . . . ♙ ♛ 
   3 . . . . . ♙ . . 
   2 ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙ . . ♙ 
   1 ♖ ♘ ♗ ♕ ♔ ♗ ♘ ♖ 
     a b c d e f g h

     Side:     white
     Castling:  KQkq
     Ep:          no

     Key: 1007614217
 50 rule:          1
   moves:          2

  in check: 1


Set hash table size

// set hash table size: min 4MB | max 128MB | default 16MB

    Set hash table size to 64 Mb
    Hash table initialized with 838860 entries


If you've found a function within the engine object that doesn't have
a public API reference you can either to add it on your own and make a PR
or you can use debug() function - just type whatever function call you want
within debug() function body and then run it via engine.debug()

Ask for help

Open issue


[email protected]