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A set of handlers that can be used in a Mock Service Worker to mock a SignalR server.


npm install msw-signalr


Import the signalRHandlers function and pass it the URL of your SignalR hub. Use the returned handlers in your setupServer call just like you would your own REST call handlers.

// src/mocks/server.js
import { setupServer } from "msw/node";
import { signalRHub } from "msw-signalr";

export const hub = signalRHub("/hub");
export const server = setupServer(...hub.handlers);


// src/mocks/browser.js
import { setupWorker } from "msw/browser";
import { signalRHub } from "msw-signalr";

export const hub = signalRHub("/hub");
export const worker = setupWorker(...hub.handlers);

You can then broadcast messages to connected clients using the send method.

import { hub } from "./mocks/browser";
import { HubConnectionBuilder } from "@microsoft/signalr";

// set up the client
const connection = new HubConnectionBuilder().withUrl("/hub").build();
connection.on("test-method", (message, id) => console.log({message, id})
await connection.start();

// send a message
hub.broadcast("test-method", "Hello, world!", 69); // logs {message: "Hello, world!", id: 69}

The hub can be further customized with the second argument to signalRHub, e.g. by passing a delay function to simulate network delay:

import { delay } from "msw";
const hub = signalRHub("/hub", { delay });