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Create Python and R bindings for C++ with CMake

This is an example CMake project to create Python and R bindings for your C++ library using CMake. The usual tutorials for creating Python or R packages using C++ code relies on the respective tooling, see Pybind11 Build systems or Rcpp introduction.

The idea of this CMake setup is to bypass the respective build system and use CMake instead. Mainly this works by building a shared library which is then included in the package.

The version number of the resulting package is set via the CMake variable CppLIB_VERSION.


For creating the Python package pybind11 is used together with pip to build or install the package. The binding code is placed in myclass_bindings.cpp.

The files and are created via configure_file.

Vector arguments via std::span

With the python bindings it is easy to pass numpy vectors to functions taking std::span as parameters. Therefore you can write functions operating on columns of a dataframe quite easy. For example if you have a function with the following signature

std::vector<double> CppLib::vec_add(const std::span<const double> a, const std::span<const double> b)

you can bind it via a lambda as follows

m.def("vec_add", [](const pybind11::array_t<double>& a, const pybind11::array_t<double>& b) {
                return wrap_function(&CppLib::vec_add, a, b);
            }, "Adds two arrays of same length elementwise");

The function wrap_function forwards the pybind11::array_t to a std::span and calls the specified function. Notice that const pybind11::array_t<double>& will be forwarded as std::span<const double> and non const values or references will be forwarded as non const std::span, see src/Python/src/conversions.hpp for details. Similar, a std::vector return value will be moved to a numpy array.

In case you want to operate on a whole pandas dataframe you can write an intermediate python function in the package which converts the desired columns to numpy arrays and calls the C++ implementation, see src/Python/py/ for examples.


This setup uses roxygen2 code documentation and Rcpp modules for package generation. Therefore write your binding code as in myclass_export.cpp.

The RPackageBuild target then runs:

  • Rcpp::compileAttributes()
  • roxygen2::roxygenise(load_code=load_source)

to autogenerate the RcppExports.cpp and the NAMESPACE file before building the shared library. Further a Makefile with no targets is created in the build directory together with the other required files to build a R package. Additionally the R directory is copied to the build folder. You can place there additional .R files if needed. The file R/RCppLin-package.R is required to load the class module exported within R:

#' @useDynLib RCppLib, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @export MyClass

Rcpp::loadModule("RCppLibModule", TRUE)

Make sure to adjust the name of your R library and the exported class within this file. Again, this file is processed by roxygen2 to create appropriate entries in the NAMESPACE file.

The DESCRIPTION file is created via configure_file.


The testing section allows to check if the resulting package can be installed and used. For python it is installed in a virtual environment in the binary directory of the test folder which is created on the first run.

For testing the R version of the package it will be installed into a libDir inside binary test dir and the tests are run by setting the environment variable R_LIBS_USER.

You can even write unit tests to test the package (for R the testthat package is required), see or test_package.R.



Next to a recent python installation you need to install pybind11 and wheel. You can do this via pip:

pip install pybind11
pip install wheel

If installed as a user make sure you add your local site-packages folder to your (users environment) path. You can get information for your required paths via:

python -m site


Additionally to R you need to install Rcpp, roxygen2 and testthat.

install.packages(c("Rcpp", "roxygen2", "testthat"))

Windows Prerequisites for R C++ packages

On Windows you will need MinGW in order to build the R bindings, you can download it here. Further it is recommended to install RTools. After the installation you have to adjust/create the .Renviron.x64 file in your Documents folder:


The BINPREF setting is only required for using the internal R C++ package generation. But you have to make sure to have make.exe and zip.exe (both included in RTools) on your PATH.

Example usage

Tested with the following configurations:

  • Linux: g++ 10.2.0, R 4.0.2 and Python 3.8.6.
  • Windows (Python only): MSVC 19.28.29333.0 Python 3.7.8.
  • Windows (MinGW): g++ 9.2.0, R 4.0.3 and Python 3.7.8.

Create a build directory and run CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

For Windows you have to select the MinGW generator in your cmake call, i.e.

cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH=<path_to_mingw_root> ..

Then you can create, install or test the package:

# Python
# build
cmake --build . --target PyPackageBuild
# install
cmake --build . --target PyPackageInstall
# build test
cmake --build . --target PyTests

# R
# build
cmake --build . --target RPackageBuild
# install
cmake --build . --target RPackageInstall
# build test
cmake --build . --target RTests

# run all tests

If you want to create only one of the packages you can add the following parameter to CMake:

  • only python: -DBUILD_RPACKAGE=OFF