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Page Blocks


When the module export has the blocks field defined, the structures in that array will be used to output a web page. Each block can be a form, list, link, SWF object or function. It can also have raw HTML code around it if needed. The form and list can use SQL queries to get the fields from database. This article describes the available page block functionality.

Note that you can add the blocks manually with specific ModuleManager method calls. They are described in the appropriate sections. Or you can use the ModuleManager.addBlock() instead.

Common fields

The _ExportBlock type holds the parameters for page blocks. This section describes the parameters common for all block types.

Field Description
htmlPre HTML code to output before the block.
htmlPost HTML code to output after the block.
title Page block title.
type Page block type.


The BLOCK_LIST block type outputs a list in the form of a HTML table to the page. It allows outputting data from SELECT SQL query with last column containing the available actions for that row. The list can have page counters.

The list can be added to the webpage with ModuleManager.addList() call.

Field Description
actionPre List action prefix.
actions List actions list.
actionPost List action postfix.
fields List columns.
fieldsExt Extended list columns.
pageRows Maximum rows count per page.
pageAction Action for next list page link.
pageCount List page count query.
query List or form SQL query.
queryTrace If enabled, displays query string before the list.

Extended list columns allow doing one of two things: output the "params" row field parameter or output the list field text with a given function.

Basic usage example:

  type: BLOCK_LIST,
  action: "core/quest.",
  actions: [ "edit" ],
  actionPost: "&chainid=[row.chainid]",
  query: "SELECT q.*, " +
    "FROM Quests AS q " +
    "ORDER BY q.Name, q.Note",
  fields: [ 'id', 'chain', 'name', 'note' ]

This basic example will output the list of all quest chains. Each of the rows will have an edit action that will lead to something like this: Note the [row.chainid]. This is an extension of string parsing for list block type. It allows using a database row field in a string.

Pages usage example:

  type: BLOCK_LIST,
  pageRows: 50,
  pageAction: "?a=core/[name]",
  pageCount: "SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM Users " +
    "WHERE lower(Name) LIKE '%' || lower([name]) || '%'",
  action: "core/user.",
  actions: [ "edit", "del" ],
  query: "SELECT * FROM Users " +
    "WHERE lower(Name) LIKE '%' || lower([name]) || '%' OR " +
      "lower(NetworkID) LIKE '%' || lower([name]) || '%' " +
    "ORDER BY Name",
  fields: [ 'id', 'networkid', 'name', 'isbanned' ]

This example is taken from core user module. It outputs a list of users that have a name containing a string given in "name" parameter. The list will be split into pages each containing 50 rows. There will be clickable page numbers above and below the list.

Extended fields usage example:

  type: BLOCK_LIST,
  action: "core/quest.",
  actionPost: "&chainid=[id]",
  actions: [ "edit", "del" ],
  query: "SELECT * FROM Quests " + 
    "WHERE ChainID = [id] ORDER BY ID",
  fields: [ "id", "name", "note", "author", "isdaily", "ischecked", "isvisible" ],
  fieldsExt: [
    { name: "isdaily", param: "isDaily" },
    { name: "ischecked", func: questListIsChecked } 
  function questListIsChecked(row: { ischecked: Bool, id: Int, chainid: Int },
      vars: Vars, perms: String)
      if (manager.checkPermissions('core/questcheck.toggleChecked', perms)){ 
          a: 'core/questcheck.toggleChecked&id=' + + '&chainid=' + row.chainid, 
          text: '' + row.ischecked });
      else p(_('' + row.ischecked));

This example is taken from core quest chains module. It outputs a list of quests in a chain with extended columns "isdaily" and "ischecked". The "isdaily" column will contain the value of "params.isDaily" field (for example, if "params" is {"isDaily":true}, then it holds true). The "ischecked" field contains a link to toggle checked status for a quest if the current editor user has permission for it. In the other case only the value will be displayed.

Note that you must also have "isdaily" and "ischecked" strings in the "fields" array.


The BLOCK_FORM block type outputs a form into the page. The form can contain a number of different inputs explained below. The input values can be taken from the results of SQL query.

The form can be added to the webpage with ModuleManager.addForm() call.

Field Description
enctype Form encoding.
inputs Form inputs list.
query Form SQL query.
queryTrace If enabled, displays query string above the form.
width Form width.

The sections for different input types will contain all of the examples.

Common input parameters

Field Description
isParam If enabled, will get form input value from JSON object string in params field of the form SQL query.
name Form input name.
title Form input title.
type Form input type.
value Form input value.


The INPUT_TEXT input type is the default type. It outputs a titled text field into the webpage.


{ title: "Name", name: "name" }


The INPUT_PASSWORD input type outputs a password text field with symbols replaced with asterisks.

{ title: "Name", name: "name", type: INPUT_PASSWORD }


The INPUT_FILE input type is used to upload files to webserver.

Usage example (full block):

  type: BLOCK_FORM,
  title: "Upload (CSV)",
  action: "core/locale.upload",
  enctype: "multipart/form-data",
  inputs: [
    { title: "File", name: "file", type: INPUT_FILE }

This example displays a form with a file input field. The example handler for this form is in the "Uploading files" section of Modules article.


The INPUT_VALUE input type shows the value it is given but does not allow editing it.

Usage example:

{ title: "Register Date", name: "regdate", type: INPUT_VALUE }

Text area

The INPUT_TEXTAREA input type will output editable text area.

Field Description
cols Text area columns.
rows Text area rows.

Usage example:

{ title: "Note", name: "note", type: INPUT_TEXTAREA }


The INPUT_CHECKBOX input type will output a checkbox.

Usage example:

{ title: "Is Visible?", name: "isvisible", type: INPUT_CHECKBOX }


The INPUT_SELECT input type will output a dropdown list. There are two ways to fill it with values. One is through the results of SQL query and the other is directly with an array of objects.

Field Description
query SQL query. Should return { name, value } pairs.
values List of select values.

SQL query usage example:

{ title: "Attribute", name: "name", type: INPUT_SELECT,
  query: "SELECT Name, StringID AS Value " +
    "FROM UserAttributeTypes ORDER BY Name" }

Array of name-value pairs usage example:

{ title: "Operand", name: "operand", type: INPUT_SELECT, 
  values: [
    { name: "=", value: "=" },
    { name: ">=", value: ">=" },
    { name: "<=", value: "<=" }


The INPUT_HEADER input type outputs a centered header in the form that can be used for grouping values in large forms.

Usage example:

{ title: "Group title", type: INPUT_HEADER }


The INPUT_DATETIME input type outputs the date/time picker. The textfield for it looks like a normal textfield but clicking on it will show the calendar on top.

{ title: "Start date (DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM)", name: "datestart", type: INPUT_DATETIME }


The INPUT_JSON input type is specific to the case when "isParam" flag is set. It will take the field from parsed "params" object and stringify it back into JSON. This may be needed for quick access to some dynamic structure that you don't want to make a complicated editor for.

Usage example:

{ title: "Prize (JSON)", name: "prize", isParam: true, type: INPUT_JSON }

For example, if the "params" field is {"amount":100,"prize":{"id":10,"autoUse":true}}, then the form textfield will hold the {"id":10,"autoUse":true} string. You can use the following export handler to put it back into the "params" field:

  action: "prize.update",
  table: "Prizes",
  updateParams: [ 'json:prize' ]


The BLOCK_LINK block type outputs a HTML link.

Field Description
action Link action.

Usage example:

  type: BLOCK_LINK,
  title: "Check for errors",
  action: "core/questcheck.check"

Function call

The BLOCK_FUNC block type calls a module method to output a page block.

Field Description
func Module method to call.

Usage example:

  type: BLOCK_FUNC,
  func: listInventory
  function listInventory(vars: Vars)
      p('here goes the inventory list');

SWF object

The BLOCK_SWF block type outputs an SWF object to the page.

Field Description
file Local file name.
height SWF object height.
width SWF object width.

Usage example:

  type: BLOCK_SWF,
  width: 200,
  height: 100,
  file: "client/items/[id].swf"