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SH Medical Records API

An API that gives access to medical records that belong SimpleHealth patients. These medical records include consultation data, prescriptions issued, and any insurance policies.

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Setup
  3. Prisma
  4. Technologies
  5. Credits


Client ids and client secrets

In order to access medical records for a patient, you must have a client id and client secret.

Note: Currently the client id and secret must be logged out in the code.

Access Tokens

Once you have a client id and client secret, you can get an access token that is valid for 24 hours.

fetch('<base_url>/access-token', {
  method: 'POST',
  body: {
    "client_id": "some_client_id",
    "client_secret": "some_client_secret"

API Response When Client Id or Client Secret is Valid

    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "accessToken": "4ZwT1bvUTP",
    "expiration": 1685658349356

API Response When Client Id or Client Secret is Invalid

    "status": "error",
    "statusCode": 401,
    "error": "Unauthorized"

API Response When Client Id or Client Secret is Missing

    "status": "error",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "errorDetails": [
            "key": "client_id",
            "message": "is missing"
            "key": "client_secret",
            "message": "is missing"

Medical Records

Once an access token is granted, you can use it to obtain patient medical records.

fetch('<base_url>/medical-records', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'AccessToken [YOUR ACCESS TOKEN]',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "dob": "1988-09-30" // YYYY-MM-DD format

API Response When Access Token is Valid

    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "patient": {
        "id": 1,
        "externalPatientId": "12345",
        "firstName": "Alice",
        "lastName": "Liddell",
        "sex": "FEMALE",
        "dateOfBirth": "1988-09-30",
        "stateCode": "CA",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "(209) 777-4547",
        "addressLine1": "123 Main Street",
        "addressLine2": null,
        "city": "Merced",
        "state": "CA",
        "postalCode": "95348",
        "paymentType": "CASH",
        "dateOfConsent": "2020-08-30T00:00:00.000Z",
        "truepillPatientToken": "truepillPatientToken123",
        "stripeCustomerId": "stripe_123",
        "prescriptions": [
                "id": 1,
                "prescriberCompany": "MedLife",
                "prescriberAddressLine1": "333 J Street",
                "prescriberAddressLine2": null,
                "prescriberCity": "San Francisco",
                "prescriberState": "CA",
                "prescriberPostalCode": "95443",
                "prescriberPhone": "(415) 333-8899",
                "prescriberLicenseNumber": "3sd34dds",
                "prescriberSignature": "M Dawson",
                "deaNumber": "3dkf3f",
                "npi": "3223425",
                "rxSignature": "1$23409dfu0902945323094234",
                "dateWritten": "2023-05-25T22:36:38.550Z",
                "ndc": "0645345245",
                "medication": "Sprintec",
                "quantity": 4,
                "unit": "Pack(s)",
                "sig": "One at a time",
                "indication": "some indication",
                "refills": 4,
                "daw": true,
                "truepillRxToken": "truepillRxToken23234",
                "patientId": 1
        "consultations": [
                "id": 1,
                "abdominalOrPelvicSurgeries": null,
                "alcoholUsage": "NEVER",
                "allergies": true,
                "allergiesNote": "Peanuts",
                "averageMenstrualCycle": "VARIES",
                "bloating": false,
                "bloodClots": null,
                "bloodClotsNote": null,
                "bloodPressure": "100-139/60-89",
                "breastPainBeforePeriod": null,
                "cervicalDysplasiaOrAbnormalPaps": null,
                "coldSoresFrequency": null,
                "consentToTelehealth": "Agree",
                "currentBirthControl": null,
                "currentBirthControlNote": null,
                "currentColdSoresOutbreak": null,
                "currentGenitalHerpesOutbreak": null,
                "decreasedLibido": null,
                "diabetes": false,
                "diabetesNote": null,
                "difficultySleeping": false,
                "drospirenoneWaiver": null,
                "endometriosis": null,
                "excessHairGrowth": null,
                "exerciseFrequency": null,
                "fibroids": null,
                "genitalHerpesFrequency": null,
                "givenBirth": true,
                "hadPeriodInPastYear": true,
                "hairLoss": null,
                "heartConditions": null,
                "heartConditionsNote": null,
                "height": "68",
                "herpesConsultConditions": null,
                "herpesConsultMedications": null,
                "highBloodPressure": false,
                "highBloodPressureNote": null,
                "highProlactinLevel": null,
                "hivOrAids": null,
                "hotFlashesOrNightSweats": null,
                "irritabilityAnxietyDepressionOrWorseningPMS": null,
                "isBreastfeeding": false,
                "isGenericOk": false,
                "liverConditions": null,
                "liverConditionsNote": null,
                "loseBalanceOrTripEasily": null,
                "medications": null,
                "medicationsNote": null,
                "menstrualCycleDetails": null,
                "migraines": false,
                "monthlyMenstrualCycles": true,
                "otherConditions": false,
                "otherConditionsNote": null,
                "ovarianCysts": null,
                "painBowelMovements": null,
                "painDeepPenetrativeSex": null,
                "painPelvic": null,
                "patchesOfThickenedDarkenedSkin": null,
                "periodPreference": "MONTHLY",
                "polycysticOvarianSyndrome": null,
                "pregnant": false,
                "previousBirthControlPart1": false,
                "previousBirthControlPart2": null,
                "previousBirthControlPart2Note": null,
                "previouslyDiagnosedColdSores": null,
                "previouslyDiagnosedGenitalHerpes": null,
                "primaryReason": null,
                "progestinOnlyPillQuestions": null,
                "questionsForDoctor": null,
                "questionsForDoctorNote": null,
                "recentVaricellaOrZosterVaccination": null,
                "regularMenstrualCycles": true,
                "rheumatologicOrAutoimmuneDisorder": null,
                "severeAcne": null,
                "severeMenstrualCramping": null,
                "sexuallyTransmittedInfection": null,
                "sideEffectConcerns": null,
                "sideEffectConcernsNote": null,
                "stateCode": "CA",
                "supplements": null,
                "surgeries": null,
                "surgeriesNote": null,
                "thyroidDisorder": true,
                "tobacco": null,
                "tobaccoNote": null,
                "tobaccoUsage": null,
                "usingHormonalBirthControl": null,
                "uterinePolyps": null,
                "vaginalDrynessOrPainWithSex": null,
                "weight": "130",
                "weightGain": false,
                "patientId": 1
        "insurancePolicies": [
                "id": 1,
                "memberName": "Alice Liddel",
                "memberId": "122132342345GHGK",
                "planName": "Aetna",
                "rxGroup": "WSG",
                "rxBin": "009214",
                "pcn": "IS",
                "isMedicaid": false,
                "patientId": 1

API Response When Access Token is Invalid

    "status": "error",
    "statusCode": 401,
    "error": "Access Token is not valid, please generate a new one"

API Response When Access Token is Missing

    "status": "error",
    "statusCode": 401,
    "error": "Access Token required"

API Response When Patient is Not Found

    "status": "error",
    "statusCode": 404,
    "error": "Patient not found."

API Response When DOB or Email is Missing

    "status": "error",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "errorDetails": [
            "key": "email",
            "message": "is missing"
            "key": "dob",
            "message": "is missing"

API Response When DOB is Not in YYYY-MM-DD Format

    "status": "error",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "errorDetails": [
            "key": "dob",
            "message": "Expected yyyy-mm-dd format, but got 1988/09/10"

API Response When Email is Not Valid

    "status": "error",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "errorDetails": [
            "key": "email",
            "message": "Email is not in a valid format: alicecom"

Set up

  • Download or clone the repository
  • Run yarn install
  • Run yarn start:dev and server should be running on localhost:7000


In development, the database is seeded with data from primsa/seed.ts. You can run the seed file with the command npx prisma migrate reset. Note that this will reset all the data in your database.

The database schema file is in prisma/schema.primsa. If you make any changes to schema, you can run these new changes with npx prisma migrate dev --name init.


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Postgres
  • Prisma
  • Docker
  • Typescript
  • eslint



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