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An implementation of a traditional student-use Linux server for Kubernetes.


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A Class' SSH Server in Kubernetes

Since the dawn of the modern operating system, computer classes have used a shared login server to create a work environment for students. In the cloud era we've used virtual machines in place of physical servers (IaaS) to make our workloads more convenient to manage. But, our severs are still pets, they are precious to us, because they are stateful appliances running bespoke applications with some real problems:

  1. They are a single point of failure that impacts our ability to teach.
  2. Students are a security risk. I once caught a student who was able to maintain access after the end of a term.
  3. Management tools like VMware are clunky compared to cloud vendors.
  4. Cloud vendors are expensive for this kind of workload.

This project is a way to deploy a traditional login server into a Kubernetes cluster. I started working on it as a way to get a deeper understanding of cloud-native computing.


You should have a Kubernetes cluster already built and kubectl and helm installed and configured.

  1. Add this Helm repo:

    $ helm repo add cloud-native-server
    $ helm repo update
  2. Generate an SSH CA key:

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ca_key -N ''
  3. Sign your SSH public key using the CA key. This creates a certificate you can use to login to your server.

    cp ~/.ssh/ . 
    ssh-keygen -s ./ca_key -I admin-key -n $USER ./
  4. Use helm to deploy your server:

    $ helm install myserver cloud-native-server/cloud-server \
      --set user=$USER \
      --set hostName=myhost \
      --set-file ssh.ca_key=./ca_key,ssh.ca_key_pub=./
  5. Wait for the application to deploy and check the service IP:

    $ kubectl get service
    NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
    test-ssh-cloud-server   LoadBalancer   22:31456/TCP   5s

    Login using the IP address:

    $ ssh -o CertificateFile=./ $USER@  
  6. Cleanup is a two step process because home directories are preserved between application installs and uninstalls to protect user's precious data.

    1. Uninstall the Helm chart:

      $ helm uninstall myserver 
    2. Delete home directories:

      $ kubectl delete pvc home-myserver-cloud-server-0

Chart Parameters

The following table shows the configuration options available in cloud-server/values.yaml. Most configuration tasks can be accomplished using these values:

Global Parameters

Name Description Value
homeSize Size of the /home mount 2Gi
homeStorageClassName Storage class for the home mount ""
user The username of the default user "human"
userID The UID of the default user 10000
hostName The hostname "myserver"
userSSHKey An SSH public key that will be added to authorized_keys of the default user. ""
userSSHImport Import default user keys with ssh-import-id ""
customizeRepo A repository that will be checked out on boot. ""
customizeRepoCommand A command to run in the repository named in customizeRepoCommand. ""
customizeCommand Run this command in the default user's home directory if it exists. ""
privileged Create a privileged container. See the "Security" section for details true

SSH Parameters

Name Description Value
ssh.ca_key An SSH private key for signing SSH certificates None/Required
ssh.ca_key_pub The corresponding public key for ssh.ca_key None/Required
ssh.existingSecret An existing secret with keys ca_key and ca_key_pub. The other settings are ignored if this one exists. None/Required

Image Options

Name Description Value
image.repository The image repository for the container.
image.tag Container image tag. Change this for different distros. jammy-2022070801
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array []

Customizing Mounts

You can add mounted volumes to your container. This is useful when you want to keep some persistent data separate from other persistent data. For example you might have a home directory structure that separates students depending on what class they're enrolled in.

  - name: cis90
    path: /home/cis90
    size: 1Gi 
    className: hdd
  - name: cis91
    path: /home/cis91
    size: 1Gi 
    className: hdd

The extraMounts array will create a PersistentVolumeClaim for each entry. All of the fields are required (including the one for the storageClass name).

Customizing Ports

If you want your sever to be able to handle incoming connections on more than just port 22 for SSH you can specify them using the extraPorts key in your custom.yaml file. For example if you want to run a web server you could add:

  - port: 80
    proto: TCP
    name: http
  - port: 443
    proto: TCP
    name: https  

All of the fields are required (including proto and name which is an arbitrary identifier)

System Configuration

There are three stages where configuration can be inserted:

  1. Executing an arbitrary command in the default user's home directory. This is the most flexible stage.
  2. The execution of /etc/rc.local on boot. This stage customizes the image with SSH keys and creates the admin user.
  3. The Dockerfile build. The purpose of this stage is have a functional base container with most of good stuff installed. This is the least flexible stage.

The next sections describe how to customize each stage.

User Customization

The default /etc/rc.local script uses variables that placed in the /etc/rc.env file. The following customization variables become environment variables at startup:

Chart Variable Environment Variable Default
user DEFAULT_USER human
hostName SET_HOSTNAME myserver
customizeRepo CUSTOMIZE_REPO
customizeCommand CUSTOMIZE_COMMAND

Content added to the rcEnv key in your custom.yaml file will be appended to /etc/rc.env. The environment variables in /etc/rc.env are defined during system start and during user customization. This is a good place to put API keys and other secrets that might be useful during customization.

The /etc/rc.local script does the following:

  1. Sets the hostname if possible.
  2. Creates the default user.
  3. Executes the /etc/rc.user script as the default user.

The /etc/rc.user script does the following:

  1. Installs SSH keys into the user's account (see userSSHKey and userSSHImport)
  2. Checks out customizeRepo into a temporary directory and runs customizeRepoCommand
  3. Runs customizeCommand

Errors in /etc/rc.user are ignored. If they occur the container may not work but will become ready.

Why do user customization?

  1. This is the easiest way to customize your server. Try this first.

Customizing Boot

The images use systemd to run the classic rc.local script. This works well because there's existing infrastructure so not much image customization has to be done. The sshd service has been updated to wait for the rc-local service to finish, because SSH keys are generated by /etc/rc.local. The contents of /etc/rc.local and /etc/rc.user are in the Helm chart. You can update the script by adding the following key to custom.yaml:

rcLocal: |
  #! /usr/bin/bash
  set -e 

  . /etc/rc.env 
  [...your code here...]

You should look at the existing code in cloud-server/values.yaml. There are a few important things that the rc.local script must do:

  1. Set the hostname
  2. Create SSH host keys and sign them with the SSH CA key
  3. Create the admin user, make sure they have sudo access and install their SSH public keys
  4. Any personal customization
  5. Touch the /ready file to tell kubernetes that the container is ready.

Why customize boot?

  1. If you have a non-Ansible way to deliver customization, i.e. Puppet or Chef networks.

Custom Docker Images

You can find the Dockerfile for the supported distros in the containers directory. If you clone this repository on GitHub you can reuse the .github/workflows/* files to build your own packages. Container builds are triggered by certain tags. For example, the Ubuntu container is build on a jammy-* tag.

If you use a custom image, create a values file called custom.yaml and add the following lines to it:

  tag: "your-tag-here"

Helm will then deploy your custom image.

Why customize the image?

  1. If you want a lot of new or different packages installed. You can install packages during the user customization stage.
  2. If you want to use Puppet or Chef instead of Ansible.
  3. If you want to use a non-supplied distro.


This project was inspired by running LXD containers for the last few years. They took the place of VMware VMs and I was really happy with how much easier they are to build and manage. I started to wonder, would it be possible to run systemd in an unprivileged container in Kubernetes? It turns out the answer is no (I will explain this in detail at some point). This project runs systemd in a privileged container, but also supports unprivileged containers by launching sshd directly without systemd.

Containerization is not a security technology. Running untrusted workloads --like a student shell-- carries a greater risk than running the same workload in a VM. But containers are lighter, more flexible and convenient, more robust and resilient than VMs. Until Kubernetes supports user namespaces a container escape from a privileged container means the attacker has full control of the node.

There is one essential question to consider when you deploy this project:

Will you give untrusted users sudo access?

The next sections will show you how to configure the application based on the answer to the question above.

I Only Have Trusted root Users

Run the privileged version. This the default. You can set the privileged setting in your custom.yaml file:

$ helm install .... --set privileged=true 

This results in a very VM-like system. Users login and get a personal cgroup and can see each other with the who and w commands. The system runs normally with periodic security updates, cron and all of the things you'd expect. But, the container runs as root on the node so a container escape is serious. Container escapes are harder --maybe impossible-- as a non privileged user on your system.

I'm Giving Students sudo Access

Run the unprivileged version.

$ helm install .... --set privileged=false

This results in a system that's only running sshd. The Kubernetes deployment overrides the container's entrypoint do to this. Many things will still work and the user has sudo access. The container itself is running as an unprivileged user so a container escape is far less damaging.

The Hostname and CAP_SYS_ADMIN

Annoyingly, in order to set the hostname inside of the container the container process must have the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability (when specified in Kubernetes it's named SYS_ADMIN). Privileged containers will obey the SET_HOSTNAME variable and have a nice hostname:

[admin@opus /]# 

Unprivileged containers will get the default hostname which comes from Kubernetes:

[admin@myserver-cloud-server-0 /]# 

There's no fix for this.


An implementation of a traditional student-use Linux server for Kubernetes.





