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MinIO and Koperator

Cesar Celis Hernandez edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 24 revisions

How MinIO integrates with Koperator in k8s

Documentation based on:

Using minikube

  1. Start cluster, making sure enough space is allowed (minimum 6 vCPU and 10 GB RAM):
Screen Shot 2022-04-04 at 8 03 27 PM
minikube stop
minikube delete
minikube start --memory=10240
  1. Install Koperator following documentation at:

  2. Test your Kafka following documentation at:

  3. Install MinIO Operator and MinIO Tenant:

kubectl apply -k ~/operator/resources
kubectl apply -k ~/operator/examples/kustomization/tenant-lite
  1. Forward MinIO port (Wait for MinIO pods to be ready):
kubectl port-forward storage-lite-pool-0-0 -n tenant-lite 9000
  1. Add MinIO alias:
mc alias set myminio https://localhost:9000 minio minio123 --insecure

You should see:

$ mc alias set myminio https://localhost:9000 minio minio123 --insecure
Added `myminio` successfully.
  1. Add Kafka endpoint to MinIO
mc admin config set myminio notify_kafka:1 tls_skip_verify="off"  \
queue_dir="" queue_limit="0" sasl="off" sasl_password="" sasl_username="" \
tls_client_auth="0" tls="off" client_tls_cert="" client_tls_key="" \
brokers="" topic="my-topic" version="" --insecure

You should see:

mc admin config set myminio notify_kafka:1 tls_skip_verify="off"  queue_dir="" queue_limit="0" sasl="off" sasl_password="" sasl_username="" tls_client_auth="0" tls="off" client_tls_cert="" client_tls_key="" brokers="" topic="my-topic" version="" --insecure
Successfully applied new settings.
Please restart your server 'mc admin service restart myminio'.
  1. Restart MinIO:
mc admin service restart myminio --insecure
  1. Enable Kafka bucket notification using MinIO client
mc mb myminio/images --insecure
mc event add  myminio/images arn:minio:sqs::1:kafka --suffix .jpg --insecure
mc event list myminio/images --insecure

You should see:

$ mc mb myminio/images --insecure
Bucket created successfully `myminio/images`.
$ mc event add  myminio/images arn:minio:sqs::1:kafka --suffix .jpg --insecure
Successfully added arn:minio:sqs::1:kafka
$ mc event list myminio/images --insecure
arn:minio:sqs::1:kafka   s3:ObjectCreated:*,s3:ObjectRemoved:*,s3:ObjectAccessed:*   Filter: suffix=".jpg"
  1. Upload/copy image to folder created
mc cp rose.jpg myminio/images --insecure
  1. As a result, the consumer from step 7 above will print the event:
  "EventName": "s3:ObjectCreated:Put",
  "Key": "images/rose.jpg",
  "Records": [
      "eventVersion": "2.0",
      "eventSource": "minio:s3",
      "awsRegion": "",
      "eventTime": "2022-04-05T01:43:53.018Z",
      "eventName": "s3:ObjectCreated:Put",
      "userIdentity": {
        "principalId": "minio"
      "requestParameters": {
        "principalId": "minio",
        "region": "",
        "sourceIPAddress": ""
      "responseElements": {
        "content-length": "0",
        "x-amz-request-id": "16E2DCA93D259AE4",
        "x-minio-deployment-id": "968b47d7-4857-4cf0-8906-58ce4716e1e6",
        "x-minio-origin-endpoint": "https://minio.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local"
      "s3": {
        "s3SchemaVersion": "1.0",
        "configurationId": "Config",
        "bucket": {
          "name": "images",
          "ownerIdentity": {
            "principalId": "minio"
          "arn": "arn:aws:s3:::images"
        "object": {
          "key": "rose.jpg",
          "size": 165352,
          "eTag": "c8e032a8b653aebb6b6141d50b5f3cd3",
          "contentType": "image/jpeg",
          "userMetadata": {
            "content-type": "image/jpeg"
          "sequencer": "16E2DCA93DFB0DCC"
      "source": {
        "host": "",
        "port": "",
        "userAgent": "MinIO (darwin; arm64) minio-go/v7.0.23 mc/RELEASE.2022-02-23T03-15-59Z"

Using OpenShift

Please make sure to use x86 architecture and follow steps from RedHat video below or similar:

Kafka Operator comes from:


  1. Start cluster with CodeReady Containers:
crc delete
crc cleanup
crc setup
crc start

You should see:

INFO Checking if running as non-root              
INFO Checking if crc-admin-helper executable is cached 
INFO Checking for obsolete admin-helper executable 
INFO Checking if running on a supported CPU architecture 
INFO Checking minimum RAM requirements            
INFO Checking if running emulated on a M1 CPU     
INFO Checking if HyperKit is installed            
INFO Checking if qcow-tool is installed           
INFO Checking if crc-driver-hyperkit is installed 
INFO Starting CodeReady Containers VM for OpenShift 4.7.18... 
INFO CodeReady Containers instance is running with IP 
INFO CodeReady Containers VM is running           
INFO Check internal and public DNS query...       
INFO Check DNS query from host...                 
INFO Verifying validity of the kubelet certificates... 
INFO Starting OpenShift kubelet service           
INFO Waiting for kube-apiserver availability... [takes around 2min] 
INFO Starting OpenShift cluster... [waiting for the cluster to stabilize] 
INFO 2 operators are progressing: authentication, operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver 
INFO 4 operators are progressing: authentication, marketplace, network, operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver 
INFO Operator authentication is progressing       
INFO 2 operators are progressing: authentication, network 
INFO Operator console is progressing              
INFO 2 operators are progressing: kube-scheduler, network 
INFO 2 operators are progressing: kube-scheduler, network 
INFO Operator kube-scheduler is progressing       
INFO Operator kube-scheduler is progressing       
INFO All operators are available. Ensuring stability... 
INFO Operators are stable (2/3)...                
INFO Operators are stable (3/3)...                
INFO Adding crc-admin and crc-developer contexts to kubeconfig... 
Started the OpenShift cluster.

The server is accessible via web console at:

Log in as administrator:
  Username: kubeadmin
  Password: 2yajb-6Kz5j-5ijRu-cSiKd

Log in as user:
  Username: developer
  Password: developer

Use the 'oc' command line interface:
  $ eval $(crc oc-env)
  $ oc login -u developer https://api.crc.testing:6443
  1. Install cert-manager:
kubectl create -f https:/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.6.2/cert-manager.yaml
  1. Install Zookeeper:
helm repo add pravega
helm repo update
helm install zookeeper-operator --namespace=zookeeper --create-namespace pravega/zookeeper-operator
kubectl create --namespace zookeeper -f - <<EOF
kind: ZookeeperCluster
    name: zookeeper
    namespace: zookeeper
    replicas: 1
  1. Create the kafka namespace:
kubectl create namespace kafka
  1. Install needed CRDs:
kubectl create -f '' -n kafka
  1. Follow the deployment:
kubectl get pod -n kafka --watch
  1. Follow the operator's logs:
kubectl logs deployment/strimzi-cluster-operator -n kafka -f
  1. Apply the Kafka Cluster CR file
kubectl apply -f -n kafka 
  1. Wait on pods:
kubectl wait kafka/my-cluster --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s -n kafka 
  1. Run producer to send messages:
kubectl -n kafka run kafka-producer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --broker-list my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic

You can send messages, one message per line

$ kubectl -n kafka run kafka-producer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --broker-list my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
  1. Run consumer to read messages:
kubectl -n kafka run kafka-consumer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning

You can receive those messages:

$ kubectl -n kafka run kafka-consumer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
[2022-04-07 23:39:13,028] WARN [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, groupId=console-consumer-6036] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 2 : {my-topic=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
[2022-04-07 23:39:13,185] WARN [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, groupId=console-consumer-6036] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 4 : {my-topic=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
[2022-04-07 23:39:13,371] WARN [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, groupId=console-consumer-6036] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 6 : {my-topic=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
[2022-04-07 23:39:13,679] WARN [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, groupId=console-consumer-6036] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 8 : {my-topic=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
  1. Install MinIO Operator as noted in Installing from OperatorHub


  1. Then wait until it is installed:


You should see this when done:


  1. Installed Tenant:
$ oc minio tenant create minio-tenant-1 \
      --servers 1                             \
      --volumes 4                            \
      --capacity 1Gi                         \
      --namespace minio-tenant-1              \
      --storage-class local-storage        \

Tenant 'minio-tenant-1' created in 'minio-tenant-1' Namespace

  Username: admin 
  Password: 7ca988c1-2963-4729-9084-4230723fb51b 
  Note: Copy the credentials to a secure location. MinIO will not display these again.

| MinIO       | minio                  | minio-tenant-1 | ClusterIP    | 443          |
| Console     | minio-tenant-1-console | minio-tenant-1 | ClusterIP    | 9443         |
  1. Make sure PVC are bound and that PV is part of your node to avoid any NodeAffinity issue:
