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Telegram Bot API - PHP SDK

The (Unofficial) Telegram Bot API PHP SDK. Lets you develop Telegram Bots easily! Supports Laravel out of the box.

Please review the official documentation of Telegram Bot API to understand the usage better.

Telegram Bot API PHP SDK

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Quick start


  • PHP5.5+
  • Composer (Optional)
  • Telegram Bot API Access Token - Talk to @BotFather and generate one.
  • Laravel 5 or Lumen Installation (Optional only if you want to use with either of these frameworks).


Install Through Composer

You can either add the package directly by firing this command

$ composer require irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk

Laravel Installation

If you're using Laravel, then follow the below instructions. Otherwise, you can skip this part.

Step 1: Add the Service Provider

Open config/app.php and, to your "providers" array at the bottom, add:


Step 2: Add Facade (Optional)

Optionally add an alias to make it easier to use the library. Open config/app.php and, to your "aliases" array at the bottom, add:

'Telegram'  => Irazasyed\Telegram\Laravel\Facades\Telegram::class

Step 3: Publish Config

Open your terminal window and fire the following command to publish config file to your config directory:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Irazasyed\Telegram\Laravel\TelegramServiceProvider"


$ php artisan vendor:publish

The former command publishes config file for just this package and the latter publishes vendor config files for other packages too. Depending on what you want to do, you can use any (Doesn't really matter).

Laravel Usage

Open telegram.php file in config directory and set the bot_token with your Telegram's Bot Access Token or you could also set environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN. Refer the config file for other default configuration settings.

All the methods listed on Telegam Bot API page are fully supported.

Example Usage

Send a message

$telegram = Telegram::sendMessage('CHAT_ID', 'Hello World');
$messageId = $telegram->getMessageId();

Laravel Config Overview

Open the config file for detailed comments for each option.

Set your Telegram Bot Access Token in bot_token key [REQUIRED]

'bot_token'      => '1234:ABCD',

All other configs are optional, use as per your requirements.

To Make Async Requests, set async_requests to true.

'async_requests'  => true,

Standalone Usage

Assuming you're using composer's autoloader.

Initialize Library

use Irazasyed\Telegram\Telegram;

$telegram = new Telegram('BOT TOKEN');

Test Bot

A simple method for testing your bot's auth token. Returns basic information about the bot in form of a User object. See getMe docs for more details.

$response = $telegram->getMe();

$botId = $response->getId();
$firstName = $response->getFirstName();
$username = $response->getUsername();

Send a Message

See sendMessage docs for a list of supported parameters and other info.

$response = $telegram->sendMessage('CHAT_ID', 'Hello World');
$messageId = $response->getMessageId();

Send a Photo

See sendPhoto docs for a list of supported parameters and other info.

$response = $telegram->sendPhoto('CHAT_ID', 'path/to/photo.jpg', 'Some caption');
$messageId = $response->getMessageId();

Forward a Message

See forwardMessage docs for a list of supported parameters and other info.

$response = $telegram->forwardMessage('CHAT_ID', 'FROM_CHAT_ID', 'MESSAGE_ID');
$messageId = $response->getMessageId();

Send a Chat Action

See sendChatAction docs for a list of supported actions and other info.

$telegram->sendChatAction('CHAT_ID', 'upload_photo');

Get User Profile Photos

See getUserProfilePhotos docs for a list of supported parameters and other info.

$response = $telegram->getUserProfilePhotos('USER_ID');
$photos_count = $response->getTotalCount();
$photos = $response->getPhotos();

Get Updates

See getUpdates docs for a list of supported parameters and other info.

$updates = $telegram->getUpdates();

The library supports all the methods listed on Bot API docs page. More examples coming soon.


Set Webhook

See setWebhook docs for a list of supported parameters and other info.

$response = $telegram->setWebhook('');

Remove Webhook

To remove webhook (if it was set before).

$response = $telegram->removeWebhook();

Get Updates from Webhook

When you set your webhook URL, Telegram will start sending POST requests whenever there's any incoming message/update with your bot. Below function will help you retrieve the updates. Returns an Update object.

$updates = $telegram->getWebhookUpdates();

Use Custom Keyboard


The below example will send a message and automatically show a custom keyboard. Since we passed third parameter as true, the keyboard will be shown only once.

See ReplyKeyboardMarkup docs for a list of supported parameters and other info.


$keyboard = [
    ['7', '8', '9'],
    ['4', '5', '6'],
    ['1', '2', '3'],
$reply_markup = $telegram->replyKeyboardMarkup($keyboard, true, true);
$response = $telegram->sendMessage('CHAT_ID', 'Hello World', false, null, $reply_markup);

$messageId = $response->getMessageId();


Telegram clients will hide the current custom keyboard and display the default letter-keyboard. See ReplyKeyboardHide docs for more info.

Supported Parameter: boolean $selective defaults to false.

$reply_markup = $telegram->replyKeyboardHide();
$response = $telegram->sendMessage('CHAT_ID', 'Hello World', false, null, $reply_markup);


Shows reply interface to the user, as if they manually selected the bot‘s message and tapped ’Reply'. See ForceReply docs for more info.

Supported Parameter: boolean $selective defaults to false.

$reply_markup = $telegram->forceReply();
$response = $telegram->sendMessage('CHAT_ID', 'Hello World', false, null, $reply_markup);

Asynchronous Requests (Non-Blocking)

By default, sending an API request to Telegram Bot API will be a synchronous request, and block the execution of the script until it gets a response from the server or timeouts after 60 secs (throwing a Guzzle exception). However, an asynchronous non-blocking request can be sent by calling setAsyncRequest(true) before making any API request or at the time of initializing the library:

Make specific API requests async

// When building the API request, just make a call to the setAsyncRequest method passing true
// now making a request won't block the execution of the script.
// Similarly if you want to do the other way around, just pass false (Make a specific API call a synchronous request).
   ->sendPhoto('CHAT_ID', 'path/to/photo.jpg');

Make all API requests async

You can make all API requests async (non-blocking) when initializing library.

Just pass the second parameter a boolean value true. Defaults to false.

use Irazasyed\Telegram\Telegram;

$telegram = new Telegram('BOT TOKEN', true);

If you want all the requests to be asynchronous non-blocking requests and only a specific call to be synchronous request, you can pass the setAsyncRequest(false) before making an API call, see above for example.

This means that we are sending the request and not waiting for a response. The TelegramResponse object that you will get back has NULL for HTTP status code.

Additional information

The library takes advantage of the amazing Laravel Collection API to automatically map the data. So it's a lot easier to work with the array of data. Supports all the methods listed on the official docs.

Any issues, feedback, suggestions or questions please use issue tracker here.


Thank you for considering contributing to the project. Please review the CONTRIBUTING guidelines before submitting any pull requests.


This project and its author is neither associated, nor affiliated with Telegram in anyway. See License section for more details.


This project is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.

© 2015 Syed Irfaq R., All rights reserved.