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Installation and Configuration

mikeycgto edited this page Mar 22, 2013 · 11 revisions

Installing Ruby

The application server uses a threaded connection pool so in order to take full advantage of threaded processing it is recommend that you use either JRuby or Rubinius when running Batsd-dash.

The easiest way to manage Ruby installations is to use RVM.

Installing with Rubygems

Once Ruby is installed and available you can now install the Batsd-dash gem. To install the gem run the following command:

gem install batsd-dash

Installing with Bundler

You can also use Bundler to manage dependencies for your Bats-dash instance. Create a new Gemfile file and add the following:

source :rubygems

gem 'batsd-dash'

Now run bundle install to install Batsd-dash.


Now you need to create a rackup file for your Batsd-dash instance. Create a new file and add the following:

require 'batsd-dash'
Batsd::Dash.config = {
  host: 'localhost', port: 8127, size: 5, timeout: 5,
  view_path: File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)

require 'batsd-dash/app'
run Batsd::Dash::App

Make sure you first require "batsd-dash", then configure it by setting Batsd::Dash.config with some options hash. Settings this value is optional, the defaults are listed below.

After the configuration is set, it is now safe to require "batsd-dash/app" and run it via Rack.

Configuration Options

  • host: The hostname of the batsd data server. Defaults to localhost.
  • port: The port number of the batsd data server. Defaults to 8127.
  • size: Connection pool size. Defauls to 5
  • timeout: Connection pool timeout. Defaults to 5
  • view_path: Path to use for custom pages. Defaults to nil. Totally optionally, see Custom Pages for more information.

Using Middlewares

Since the dash application is just another Rack app, you can use middlewares and other Rack apps with it.

For example, suppose you want to put basic HTTP auth around your application:

# batsd-dash app
require 'batsd-dash/app'
app =

# digest auth middleware
auth = do |username|
  { 'username' => 'password' }[username]

auth.realm = 'Digest Realm'
auth.opaque = 'secretkey'

# run the app
run auth