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Swift-BigInt is a lightweight, and easy-to-use, arbitrary precision arithmetric library for Swift 5.

It supports whole Numbers (BInt) and Fractions (BDouble) with most of the common math operators. Optimized mathematical functions like factorial or gcd are also implemented and are accessible through BIntMath. For more details, please continue reading.

Some benchmarks are located in Benchmarks.swift, note that these are more than 10 times faster in the release mode, compared to the debug mode of Xcode.

Survey Time!

Survey Link

We want to hear your opinion about Swift BigInt! If you have a few minutes, please help us with answering a few questions about how you use this project, and tell us your opinion about it. The survey is completely anonymous, and will be used to evaluate which features will be prioritized in the future.


Drag and Drop

One of the main goals of this library is to be lightweight and independent.

Simply drag and drop Swift-Big-Number-Core.swift from the sources folder into your project!

Yes, it's that easy :)

Swift Package Manager

You can use the Swift Package Manager and specify the package dependency in your Package.swift file by adding this:

.package(url: "https:/mkrd/Swift-BigInt.git", from: "2.0.0")
import BigNumber


Put the following in your Podfile:

pod 'Swift-BigInt', '~> 2.0'
import BigNumber


It is recommended to use Xcode 9+ and Swift 4+. Issues have been reported with older versions, so you might want to use an older version of this library if you can't update.

Getting Started

Here is a small example, to showcase some functionalities of this library. If you want to learn more, please continue reading the Usage section below.

let a = BInt(12)
let b = BInt("-10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")!

>>> -10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

print(-a * b)
>>> 120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

>>> 788657867364790503552363213932185062295135977687173263294742533244359449963403342920304284011984623904177212138919638830257642790242637105061926624952829931113462857270763317237396988943922445621451664240254033291864131227428294853277524242407573903240321257405579568660226031904170324062351700858796178922222789623703897374720000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000




You initialize BInt with Int, UInt, and String. If you use a String, the initialized BInt will be an optional type, which will be empty if the String does not contain an valid number.

BInt(String, radix: Int)?


let a = BInt(12)
>>> 12

let b = BInt("-234324176583764598326758236587632649181349105368042856028465298620328782652623")
>>> -234324176583764598326758236587632649181349105368042856028465298620328782652623

let invalid = BInt("I'm not a number")
if let c = invalid {
} else {
  print("Not a valid number!")
>>> Not a valid number!

let d = BInt("fff", radix: 16)
>>> 4095

BInt offers these struct methods

let big = BInt("-143141341")!

big.description // Returns "-143141341"
=> print(big) // prints "-143141341"

big.toInt() // returns -143141341 (only works when Int.min <= big <= Int.max)

big.isPositive() // Returns false
big.isNegative() // Returns true
big.isZero() // Returns false

big.negate() // Returns noting, but negates the BInt (mutating func)

big.rawData() // Returns internal structure

The following Operators work with BInt

// Operating on Int and BInt result in a typecast to BInt

// Addition
BIntOrInt  +  BIntOrInt // Returns BInt
BIntOrInt  += BIntOrInt

BIntOrInt -  BIntOrInt // Returns BInt
BIntOrInt -= BIntOrInt

// Multiplication
BIntOrInt *  BIntOrInt // Returns BInt
BIntOrInt *= BIntOrInt

// Exponentiation
BInt ** Int       // Returns BInt to the power of Int

// Modulo
BIntOrInt  %  BIntOrInt // Returns BInt
BInt       %= BInt

// Division
BInt /  BInt // Returns BInt
BInt /= BInt

// Comparing
BInt == BInt
BInt != BInt
BInt <  BInt
BInt <= BInt
BInt >  BInt
BInt >= BInt

Implemented BInt math functions

fact(Int) // Returns factorial as BInt

gcd(BInt, BInt) // Returns greatest common divisor as BInt

lcm(BInt, BInt) // Returns lowest common multiple as BInt

permutations(BInt, BInt) // Returns BInt

combinations(BInt, BInt) // Returns BInt


BDouble allows these constructors

BDouble(Int, over: Int)
BDouble(String, over: String)?
BDouble(String, radix: Int)?


let integer = BDouble(221)
let double = BDouble(1.192)
let fraction = BDouble(3, over: 4)
let stringFraction = BDouble("1" over: "3421342675925672365438867862653658268376582356831563158967")!

BDouble offers these struct methods

let bigD = BDouble(-12.32)

bigD.description // Returns "-308/25"
=> print(bigD) // prints "-308/25"

bigD.minimize() // Divides numerator and denominator by their gcd for storage and operation efficiency, usually not necessary, because of automatic minimization

bigD.rawData() // Returns internal structure

The following Operators work with BDouble

// Needs more operators, interoperability with BInt

// Addition
BDouble + BDouble // Returns BDouble

// Subtraction
BDouble - BDouble // Returns BDouble

// Multiplication
BDouble * BDouble // Returns BDouble

// Division
BDouble / BDouble // Returns BDouble

// Comparing
BDouble < BDouble
a < b <==> b > a
a <= b <==> b >= a
a < b <==> !(a >= b)
a <= b <==> !(a > b)

// More will follow

About performance

BInt about twice as fast as mini-gmp, as of now (not counting the normal gmp, because it needs to be installed and is not portable). For example, BInt can add numbers about 2 times faster than GMP (272ms vs 530ms for fib(100,000)), and multiplication is more than twice as fast. When given the task of calculating and printing factorials successively, BInt performs significantly better than GMP. In addition, GMP is significantly harder to use, while BInt offers an intuitive interface.


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  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D