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VSCode haskell-ghcid

Shows errors and warnings from ghcid in the Problems pane and inline as red squiggles in the editor. Updates when files are saved.


Simply run ghcid -o ghcid.txt! -o instructs ghcid to write its output to a file every time it recompiles your code. This extension will automatically find and watch that file for updates.

Spawning ghcid in VS Code

Alternatively, you can tell VS Code to spawn ghcid in an embedded terminal:

  • Get your project working so typing ghcid in the project root works. If you need to pass special flags to ghcid, create a .ghcid file in the project root with the extra flags, e.g. --command=cabal repl or similar.
  • Run the VS Code command (Ctrl+Shift+P) named "Start Ghcid".


Requires ghcid to be installed and on your $PATH.

Local installation


npm install
npm install -g vsce
rm haskell-ghcid-*.vsix
vsce package
code --install-extension haskell-ghcid-*.vsix

Making releases of this extension
