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Let's Encrypt / ACME

NOTE on CAA: Please ensure that your DNS provider answers correctly to CAA record requests. If your DNS provider answer with an error, Let's Encrypt won't issue a certificate for your domain. Let's Encrypt do not require that you set a CAA record on your domain, just that your DNS provider answers correctly.

NOTE on IPv6: If the domain or sub domain you want to issue certificate for has an AAAA record set, Let's Encrypt will favor challenge validation over IPv6. There is an IPv6 to IPv4 fallback in place but Let's Encrypt can't guarantee it'll work in every possible case, so bottom line is if you are not sure of both your host and your host's Docker reachability over IPv6, do not advertise an AAAA record or LE challenge validation might fail.

As described on basic usage, the LETSENCRYPT_HOST environment variables needs to be declared in each to-be-proxied application containers for which you want to enable SSL and create certificate. It most likely needs to be the same as the VIRTUAL_HOST variable and must resolve to your host (which has to be publicly reachable).

The following environment variables are optional and parametrize the way the Let's Encrypt client works.

per proxyed container

DNS-01 ACME challenge

In order to switch to the DNS-01 ACME challenge, set the ACME_CHALLENGE environment variable to DNS-01 on your acme-companion container. This will also require you to set the ACMESH_DNS_API_CONFIG environment variable to a JSON or YAML string containing the configuration for the DNS provider you are using. Inside the JSON or YAML string, the DNS_API property is always required and should be set to the name of the DNS API you want to use.

The other properties required will depend on the DNS provider you are using. For more information on the required properties for each DNS provider, please refer to the documentation (please keep in mind that nginxproxy/acme-companion is using a fixed version of, so the documentation might include DNS providers that are not yet available in the version used by this image).

Both ACME_CHALLENGE and ACMESH_DNS_API_CONFIG environment variables can also be set on the proxied application container, in which case they will override the values set on the acme-companion container, if any.

Not: if you do not plan on using the HTTP-01 challenge at all, you won't need to share /usr/share/nginx/html between the nginx-proxy and acme-companion containers, and can remove this volume from both.

Example using Cloudflare DNS:

docker run --detach \
    --name nginx-proxy-acme \
    --volume certs:/etc/nginx/certs \
    --volume acme:/etc/ \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
    --env "[email protected]" \
    --env "ACME_CHALLENGE=DNS-01" \
    --env "ACMESH_DNS_API_CONFIG={'DNS_API': 'dns_cf', 'CF_Key': 'yourCloudflareApiKey', 'CF_Email': 'yourCloudflareAccountEmail'}" \

Same example on a Docker compose file:

  # nginx proxy container omitted
    image: nginxproxy/acme-companion
    container_name: nginx-proxy-acme
      - certs:/etc/nginx/certs
      - acme:/etc/
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      DEFAULT_EMAIL: [email protected]
        DNS_API: dns_cf
        CF_Key: yourCloudflareApiKey
        CF_Email: yourCloudflareAccountEmail
    # app container omitted


If you experience issues with the DNS-01 ACME challenge, please try to get it working outside of the container before opening an issue. If you can't get it working outside of the container, please seek support on the repository.

Multi-domains certificates

Specify multiple hosts with a comma delimiter to create multi-domains (SAN) certificates (the first domain in the list will be the base domain).


$ docker run --detach \
    --name your-proxyed-app \
    --env "VIRTUAL_HOST=yourdomain.tld,www.yourdomain.tld,anotherdomain.tld" \
    --env "LETSENCRYPT_HOST=yourdomain.tld,www.yourdomain.tld,anotherdomain.tld" \

Let's Encrypt has a limit of 100 domains per certificate, while Buypass limit is 15 domains per certificate.

Separate certificate for each domain

The example above will issue a single domain certificate for all the domains listed in the LETSENCRYPT_HOST environment variable. If you need to have a separate certificate for each of the domains, you can add set the LETSENCRYPT_SINGLE_DOMAIN_CERTS environment variable to true.


$ docker run --detach \
    --name your-proxyed-app \
    --env "VIRTUAL_HOST=yourdomain.tld,www.yourdomain.tld,anotherdomain.tld" \
    --env "LETSENCRYPT_HOST=yourdomain.tld,www.yourdomain.tld,anotherdomain.tld" \

Automatic certificate renewal

Every hour (3600 seconds) the certificates are checked and per default every certificate that have been issued at least 60 days ago is renewed. For Let's Encrypt certificates, that mean they will be renewed 30 days before expiration.

Contact address

The LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL environment variable must be a valid email and will be used by Let's Encrypt to warn you of impeding certificate expiration (should the automated renewal fail) and to recover an account.

Private key size

The LETSENCRYPT_KEYSIZE environment variable determines the type and size of the requested key. Supported values are 2048, 3072 and 4096 for RSA keys, and ec-256 or ec-384 for elliptic curve keys. The default is RSA 4096.
To change the global default set the DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE environment variable on the acme-companion container to one of the supported values specified above.

OCSP stapling

The ACME_OCSP environment variable, when set to true on a proxied application container, will add the OCSP Must-Staple extension to the issued certificate. Please read about OCSP Must-Staple support in Nginx if you intend to use this feature ( and

Test certificates

The LETSENCRYPT_TEST environment variable, when set to true on a proxied application container, will create a test certificates that don't have the 5 certs/week/domain limits and are signed by an untrusted intermediate (they won't be trusted by browsers).

If you want to do this globally for all containers, set ACME_CA_URI on the acme-companion container as described in Container configuration.


The ACME_CA_URI environment variable is used to set the ACME API endpoint from which the container's certificate(s) will be requested (defaults to

Preferred chain

If the ACME CA provides multiple cert chain, you can use the ACME_PREFERRED_CHAIN environment variable to select one. See --preferred-chain documentation for more info.

Container restart on cert renewal

The LETSENCRYPT_RESTART_CONTAINER environment variable, when set to true on an application container, will restart this container whenever the corresponding cert (LETSENCRYPT_HOST) is renewed. This is useful when certificates are directly used inside a container for other purposes than HTTPS (e.g. an FTPS server), to make sure those containers always use an up to date certificate.

Pre-Hook and Post-Hook

The ACME_PRE_HOOK and ACME_POST_HOOK let you use the Pre- and Post-Hooks feature to run commands respectively before and after the container's certificate has been issued. For more information see Pre- and Post-Hook

global (set on acme-companion container)

Default contact address

The DEFAULT_EMAIL variable must be a valid email and, when set on the acme-companion container, will be used as a fallback when no email address is provided using proxyed container's LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL environment variables. It is highly recommended to set this variable to a valid email address that you own.

Private key re-utilization

The RENEW_PRIVATE_KEYS environment variable, when set to false on the acme-companion container, will set to reuse previously generated private key instead of generating a new one at renewal for all domains.

Reusing private keys can help if you intend to use HPKP, but please note that HPKP has been deprecated by Google's Chrome and that it is therefore strongly discouraged to use it at all.

ACME accounts handling

  • Use one configuration directory (--config-home) per account email address.
  • Each configuration directory can hold several accounts on different ACME service providers. But only one per service provider.
  • The default configuration directory holds the configuration for empty account email address.
  • When in testing mode (LETSENCRYPT_TEST=true):
    1. The container will use the special purpose staging configuration directory.
    2. The directory URI is forced to The Let's Encrypt v2 staging one (ACME_CA_URI is ignored)
    3. The account email address is forced empty (DEFAULT_EMAIL and LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL are ignored)

Self signed default certificate

If you want acme-companio to create a self signed certificate as default certificate for nginx-proxy, you can set the CREATE_DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE environment variable to true. This will generate a self signed cert / key pair to /etc/nginx/certs/default.crt and /etc/nginx/certs/default.key, with acme-companion as Common Name. Please note that no future support is planned for this feature and it might be removed in a future release.