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Native Image Playground


The Native Image Playground project is a series of examples for illustrating how to invoke Java code, including Truffle-based languages, in a variety of embedding scenarios. There are two primary approaches taken: 1) load the JVM in a process via libjvm and execute code using the Java Native Interface (JNI) Invocation API; and 2) use the GraalVM Native Image tool to create native shared libraries of ahead-of-time compiled Java code (including Truffle-based languages), which can then be called from an application using either JNI or exported function symbols.

To keep things consistent, the same workload is used in all examples: a geospatial algorithm known as the Haversine distance. This particular algorithm was chosen because the examples here are a spiritual successor to the Top 10 Things To Do With GraalVM article written by Chris Seaton. As a minor note, the Haversine distance formula used here comes from the Apache SIS geospatial library. In the time since Chris wrote his post, it was discovered that the implementation in Apache SIS was incorrect. The library has deprecated the function in favor of a more complex solution. Despite that, this project continues to use the older, incorrect implementation. It makes for a good comparison to Chris's article and the original Haversine distance formula was a compact, mathematical equation that can be represented compactly with machine code.


In order to build this project you will need to have clang and clang++ installed, along with a GraalVM distribution and Apache Maven. Both GraalVM and Maven can be installed with SDKMan!:

$ sdk install java 22.3.1.r17-grl
$ sdk use java 22.3.1.r17-grl
$ sdk install maven

If you don't want to use SDKMan!, you can fetch a GraalVM distribution and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory that contains the unpackaged distribution's bin/ dir. On macOS, the bin/ directory is nested under the Contents/Home/ directory, leading to something like:

export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/dev/bin/graalvm-ce-java17-22.3.1/Contents/Home/

You can also manage the Maven installation on your own. Many popular package managers have a way of installing it.

The rest of the documentation assumes that you have both the GraalVM bin/ directory and Maven available on your PATH. If you do not, you will need to adjust commands accordingly to point at the correct binaries.

The GraalVM distribution does not include native-image out of the box. Instead, it provides a utility called the GraalVM Component Updater with which you can install native-image and other GraalVM components. The utility is packaged as a binary called gu. To see which components are available for installation, you can run gu available:

$ gu available
Downloading: Component catalog from
ComponentId              Version             Component name                Stability                     Origin
espresso                 22.3.1              Java on Truffle               Supported           
espresso-llvm            22.3.1              Java on Truffle LLVM Java librSupported           
js                       22.3.1              Graal.js                      Supported           
llvm                     22.3.1              LLVM Runtime Core             Supported           
llvm-toolchain           22.3.1     toolchain            Supported           
native-image             22.3.1              Native Image                  Early adopter       
native-image-llvm-backend22.3.1              Native Image LLVM Backend     Early adopter (experimental)
nodejs                   22.3.1              Graal.nodejs                  Supported           
python                   22.3.1              GraalVM Python                Experimental        
R                        22.3.1              FastR                         Experimental        
ruby                     22.3.1              TruffleRuby                   Experimental        
visualvm                 22.3.1              VisualVM                      Experimental        
wasm                     22.3.1              GraalWasm                     Experimental        

This repository will require the native-image and ruby components.

$ gu install native-image ruby
Downloading: Component catalog from
Processing Component: Native Image
Processing Component: TruffleRuby
Processing Component: toolchain
Processing Component: LLVM Runtime Core
Additional Components are required: toolchain (org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain, version 22.3.1), required by: TruffleRuby (org.graalvm.ruby)
    LLVM Runtime Core (org.graalvm.llvm, version 22.3.1), required by: TruffleRuby (org.graalvm.ruby)
Downloading: Component native-image: Native Image from
Downloading: Component ruby: TruffleRuby from
Downloading: Component org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain: toolchain from
Downloading: Component org.graalvm.llvm: LLVM Runtime Core from
Installing new component: LLVM Runtime Core (org.graalvm.llvm, version 22.3.1)
Installing new component: toolchain (org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain, version 22.3.1)
Installing new component: Native Image (org.graalvm.native-image, version 22.3.1)
Installing new component: TruffleRuby (org.graalvm.ruby, version 22.3.1)

The Ruby openssl C extension needs to be recompiled on your system to work with the installed libssl.
First, make sure TruffleRuby's dependencies are installed, which are described at:
Then run the following command:

Please pay attention to the output. There are two things of note here. The first is that the TruffleRuby native image needs to recompile the OpenSSL extension for your machine. If you skip this step and try to use the openssl gem in that native image, you'll likely get a confusing error message telling you the OpenSSL library could not be found. In the output above, we're prompted to run:

$ $HOME/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/languages/ruby/lib/truffle/

The recompilation of the OpenSSL extension will take a few minutes. If you're certain you won't be using the openssl library within the TruffleRuby native image, you can skip this step. But, if you can afford the time, doing the recompilation of the native extension now will save you some confusion later should you decide to use the openssl library.

The second note in the output above is that libpolyglot is now out of date. libpolyglot is a native shared library that allows using Truffle's polyglot API from other languages. It was not listed in the gu available output earlier because it comes pre-installed, but each time you add a new Truffle language that you would like to access through libpolyglot, you need to rebuild it. In our case here, we've just installed the Ruby native image and would like to be able to use TruffleRuby through libpolyglot. In order to do so, we run:

$ gu rebuild libpolyglot

As a warning, this rebuild requires ~8 GB RAM and takes ~5 minutes to build on an Apple M1 Pro 8-core machine running in Rosetta.

Building the Native Image Playground

The project's Maven configuration is split into multiple profiles, allowing you to pick the type of image you would like. The list of profiles is:

* native-image: A standalone executable written in Java
* native-library: A shared library written in Java
* native-library-ruby: A shared library written in Java + Ruby
* native-polyglot: Uses libpolyglot to execute JS and Ruby from a launcher program
* jni-libjvm-polyglot: Uses JNI and Truffle polyglot API to execute JS and Ruby via libjvm loaded from a launcher program
* jni-native: Uses JNI and Truffle polyglot API to execute JS and Ruby via a native image shared library loaded from a launcher program
* benchmark-setup: Fetches and builds the Google Benchmark library for running benchmarks
* benchmark: Runs benchmarks comparing `@CEntryPoint` and JNI Invocation API calls

Additionally, the project uses some configuration values that allow you to customize the Native Image invocation. They can be configured at invocation time via the -D flag to the mvn command. The list of properties is:

* native.image.debug: Build a native image with debug symbols (Boolean; default: false)
* native.image.verbose: Build a native image verbosely (Boolean; default: false)

To build any of these profiles, you run:

$ mvn -P <profile_name> -D skipTests=true clean package

To build a profile with verbose logging from Native Image, you run:

$ mvn -P <profile_name> -D skipTests=true -D native.image.verbose=true clean package

Maven stores the compiled artifacts in the target/ directory. The clean option in the build command will delete the target/ directory before building the new package with native-image. This will avoid any leftover artifacts from other profiles conflicting with your latest build. But, if you need to keep the old target/ around for some reason, you can simply remove the clean option from the above command. In Maven, the target/ directory is treated as a tool-controlled directory and Maven can and will do whatever it wants to that directory. You should never store code in there that you're not comfortable losing.

Profile: native-image

The native-image profile builds a Java application that calls into the Apache SIS library to computer the Haversine distance of two coordinates. All functionality is written in Java and is compiled to machine code in a static binary.

$ mvn -P native-image -D skipTests=true package
$ ./target-native-image/native-image-playground 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.248509 km

Profile: native-library

The native-library profile builds a Java class file into a native shared library. Much like with the native-image profile, the Haversine distance function comes from the Apache SIS library. However, this time the function is exported and available to external callers. To make calling the function easier, Native Image will also generate a header file with a function declaration for each function declared with @CEntryPoint. In this case, the exported function of note is named distance.

Additionally, the Native Image Playground includes a launcher application written in C to demonstrate how to call that function. The resulting binary is named native-library-runner.

$ mvn -P native-library -D skipTests=true clean package
$ ./target-native-library/native-library-runner 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.25 km

Profile: native-library-ruby

The native-library-ruby profile is quite similar to the native-library profile. In this case, the profile builds a native shared library that exports a distance_ruby function, which calls a port of Apache SIS's Haversine formula to Ruby. The Ruby code is executed using TruffleRuby, which is embedded in the shared library (i.e., there is no external dependency). TruffleRuby is invoked via Truffle's polyglot API in Java and the function is exposed with @CEntryPoint.

$ mvn -P native-library-ruby -D skipTests=true clean package
$ ./target-native-library-ruby/native-library-runner-ruby 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.25 km

Profile: native-polyglot

The native-polyglot profile builds a C launcher that uses GraalVM's libpolyglot and the native polyglot API to call JavaScript and Ruby implementations of the Haversine distance algorithm. libpolyglot must be manually rebuilt when a new GraalVM language is installed using gu install. While JavaScript is installed in GraalVM by default, libpolyglot still must be built before its first usage. To rebuild libpolyglot, run:

$ gu rebuild libpolyglot
Building libpolyglot...
GraalVM Native Image: Generating 'libpolyglot' (shared library)...
[1/7] Initializing...                                                                                    (6.1s @ 0.32GB)
 Version info: 'GraalVM 22.3.1 Java 17 CE'
 Java version info: '17.0.6+10-jvmci-22.3-b13'
 C compiler: gcc (linux, x86_64, 12.2.0)
 Garbage collector: Serial GC
 4 user-specific feature(s)
 - Provides base support for Truffle
 - Enables compilation of Truffle ASTs to machine code
 - org.graalvm.home.HomeFinderFeature: Finds GraalVM paths and its version number
 - org.graalvm.polyglot.nativeapi.PolyglotNativeAPIFeature
[2/7] Performing analysis...  [*********]                                                               (43.1s @ 4.54GB)
  28,540 (96.68%) of 29,520 classes reachable
  43,215 (65.74%) of 65,738 fields reachable
 138,638 (73.16%) of 189,505 methods reachable
  17,223 ( 9.09%) of 189,505 methods included for runtime compilation
     408 classes,   102 fields, and 2,113 methods registered for reflection
      65 classes,    75 fields, and    56 methods registered for JNI access
       4 native libraries: dl, pthread, rt, z
[3/7] Building universe...                                                                               (3.6s @ 2.34GB)
[4/7] Parsing methods...      [***]                                                                      (6.9s @ 5.31GB)
[5/7] Inlining methods...     [****]                                                                     (4.6s @ 3.21GB)
[6/7] Compiling methods...    [*****]                                                                   (31.6s @ 3.83GB)
[7/7] Creating image...                                                                                 (14.9s @ 4.39GB)
  85.45MB (39.16%) for code area:   110,354 compilation units
 125.48MB (57.50%) for image heap:1,368,750 objects and 658 resources
   7.30MB ( 3.35%) for other data
 218.24MB in total
Top 10 packages in code area:                               Top 10 object types in image heap:
   2.26MB org.truffleruby.core.string                         24.61MB byte[] for code metadata
   2.09MB org.truffleruby.core.array                          11.47MB byte[] for graph encodings
   1.69MB                          8.09MB java.lang.Class
   1.67MB org.truffleruby.core.numeric                         6.77MB byte[] for general heap data
   1.63MB           6.62MB byte[] for java.lang.String
   1.59MB                                     6.38MB java.lang.String
   1.59MB             4.45MB char[]
   1.58MB                       3.51MB int[]
   1.57MB org.truffleruby.interop                              3.04MB byte[] for embedded resources
   1.33MB            2.48MB java.lang.Object[]
  67.62MB for 672 more packages                               47.58MB for 8361 more object types
                        9.5s (7.5% of total time) in 75 GCs | Peak RSS: 8.87GB | CPU load: 7.95
Produced artifacts:
 /home/nirvdrum/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/lib/polyglot/graal_isolate.h (header)
 /home/nirvdrum/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/lib/polyglot/graal_isolate_dynamic.h (header)
 /home/nirvdrum/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/lib/polyglot/libpolyglot.build_artifacts.txt (txt)
 /home/nirvdrum/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/lib/polyglot/ (shared_lib)
 /home/nirvdrum/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/lib/polyglot/polyglot_api.h (header)
 /home/nirvdrum/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/lib/polyglot/polyglot_api_dynamic.h (header)
 /home/nirvdrum/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/lib/polyglot/polyglot_isolate.h (header)
 /home/nirvdrum/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.3.1.r17-grl/lib/polyglot/polyglot_isolate_dynamic.h (header)
Finished generating 'libpolyglot' in 2m 5s.

As a warning, building libpolyglot is a computationally heavy process. It will take a long time and you may need to close applications in order to afford the builder more memory to operate. Fortunately, the image only needs to rebuilt when installing a new language or upgrading GraalVM. In contract, the other profiles need to be rebuilt every time there's a change to the @CEntryPoint set of methods.

Once libployglot is built, you can compile and invoke the C launcher. There is no Java code or build process necessary for this profile. libpolyglot exposes all of the functionality needed to call into a Truffle language. Moreover, the native polyglot API allows sending polyglot messages to a Truffle language without needing to use Truffle Java-based API. The launcher script provides implementations of the Haversine distance formula in JavaScript and Ruby, mostly to illustrate how libpolyglot supports multiple languages. When invoking the launcher you must provide the language to use as the first argument. Acceptable values are "js" and "ruby" (case-sensitive).

$ mvn -P native-polyglot -D skipTests=true clean package
$ ./target-native-polyglot/native-polyglot ruby 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.25 km
$ ./target-native-polyglot/native-polyglot js 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.25 km

Profile: jni-libjvm-polyglot

The jni-libjvm-polyglot profile builds a C++ launcher that uses JNI to load a copy of the JVM as a shared library. Once loaded, the launcher program uses Truffle's Java-based polyglot API to call JavaScript and Ruby implementations of the Haversine distance algorithm (both ports of the Apache SIS Java implementation). While this profile does not use code built by GraalVM's native image tool, it still requires using gu install ruby to install the TruffleRuby JAR, which is then loaded for execution of any Ruby code. Graal.js is bundled with the GraalVM distribution, so it is available out-of-the box.

$ mvn -P jni-libjvm-polyglot -D skipTests=true clean package
$ ./target-jni-libjvm/jni-runner ruby 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.25 km
$ ./target-jni-libjvm/jni-runner js 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.25 km

Profile: jni-native

The jni-native profile is very similar to the jni-libjvm-polyglot. In fact, they share the same C++-based launcher. What changes is the libraries the launcher is linked against and consequently, the execution environment. Whereas the jni-libjvm-polyglot profile loads a standard JVM into memory, the jni-native profile uses a shared library built using the GraalVM Native Image tool, just like was used in the native-library-ruby profile. While not a JVM, the shared library still adheres to the Java Native Interface (NI) Invocation API. Here, creating a JVM corresponds to creating a Graal isolate. In contrast to the other library examples that rely on functions exported with @CEntryPoint, this launcher uses JNI to call JavaScript and Ruby implementations of the Haversine distance algorithm using the Java-based Truffle polyglot API.

As with other shared libraries using Truffle languages, the Truffle languages must already be installed via gu install in order for them to be linked into the library. If you haven't already done so, you will need to run gu install ruby (JavaScript support is provided out-of-the box in the GraalVM distribution).

$ mvn -P jni-native -D skipTests=true clean package
$ ./target-jni-native/jni-runner ruby 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.25 km
$ ./target-jni-native/jni-runner js 51.507222 -0.1275 40.7127 -74.0059
5570.25 km

Profile: benchmark-setup

The benchmark-setup profile fetches and builds a copy of the Google Benchmark library. The compiled library will be linked into the benchmark runner when the benchmark profile is built. Since the benchmark library only needs to be built once and because it's an expensive process, it was broken out from the benchmark profile.

The script at the root of this project does most of the work. If you want to change the version of the library being used, you'll need to modify that script. The generated files will be in the target/benchmark directory, but the files there are for internal use only.

$ mvn -P benchmark-setup -D skipTests=true clean package

Profile: benchmark

The benchmark profile builds a benchmark runner that uses the Google Benchmark framework to explore performance differences in the various approaches taken in this project to call Java code — and by extension, Truffle interpreters — from external processes. To do so, the profile invokes Native Image to build a native shared library, which is then loaded by the benchmark runner (a C++ application).

In order to build the profile, you must first build the benchmark-setup profile. If you forget to do so, building the benchmark profile will error with a message like fatal error: 'benchmark/benchmark.h' file not found. The benchmark-setup profile only needs to be built once. Its artifacts do not live in the same target directory as the benchmarks, so you can clean and rebuild the benchmarks without trashing the benchmark library artifacts.

To build the benchmark runner, you run:

$ mvn -P benchmark -D skipTests=true clean package

The benchmark runner supports several options that influence what is run and how. To see the full list, you can use the --help option:

$ ./target-benchmark/benchmark-runner --help
benchmark [--benchmark_list_tests={true|false}]

The options are documented in the Google Benchmark User Guide. The --benchmark-filter option is particularly helpful if you only want to run a sub-set of the benchmarks.

To run all the benchmarks, you can use:

$ ./target-benchmark/benchmark-runner

The simple benchmark invocation is fairly quick and can give you ballpark figures. When I want to collect performance numbers that I want to share, I use a more rigorous configuration. In this case, I always run the benchmarks on dedicated hardware running Linux. To help eliminate issues related to CPU throttling, I disable CPU frequency scaling before starting the benchmarks. For reasons outlined in the "A Note about Warm-Up" section, I also add some flags to the benchmark runner to help ensure each benchmark has warmed up. Finally, I run each benchmark multiple times to help diminish the effects of random system events. As an added bonus, the benchmark library will compute and report descriptive statistics when multiple benchmark repetitions are used.

$ sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor performance # Disable CPU frequency scaling on Linux
$ ./target-benchmark/benchmark-runner --benchmark_enable_random_interleaving=true --benchmark_repetitions=3 --benchmark_min_time=30
$ sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor schedutil # Re-enable CPU frequency scaling on Linux

A Note about Warm-Up

The Google Benchmark library has limited control over warming up a benchmark, which is problematic when benchmarking something with a JIT compiler as we're doing here. The library runs each benchmark for a specified amount of time and tries to determine the ideal number of iterations for that benchmark by running it in a loop for a fixed number of iterations. After each round, the library checks if time is still remaining in the window and if so, it bumps the number of iterations and runs again, this time for a longer time-slice. Once it determines how many iterations to use for that benchmark, it then runs the benchmark again with that iteration count and takes performance measurements. The iteration discovery only occurs once — if you specify multiple repetitions for a benchmark to get more stable values, each repetition will use the same discovered iteration count. Alternatively, the benchmark harness can be configured for a fixed number of iterations, but this option is not exposed as a runtime configuration value; it must be configured directly in the benchmark runner's source code.

The Google Benchmark library allows running setup & destroy functions before each benchmark, which the benchmark runner uses to initialize a Graal Isolate. Unfortunately, the setup & destroy methods are run before each iteration in the discovery process and then again before each repetition. To help keep everything isolated, the benchmark runner will destroy the Graal Isolate in its teardown method. If the library needs to take eight rounds of execution to determine the ideal iteration count, then the Graal Isolate will be created and destroyed eight times. Naturally, that complicates the JIT process because compiled methods are constantly being discarded. Rather than fight the library, we configure a minimum execution time(specified with the --benchmark_min_time option with a unit of seconds), which ultimately extends the iteration count discovery process and results in a high enough iteration count that should be sufficient for each benchmark to fully warm up, even if earlier compiled methods are trashed. Just to reiterate, however, the benchmark library is not running a separate warm-up pass and makes no guarantees about benchmark stability. As such, we specify a conservative value for the benchmark's minimum execution time, but even then it's possible that the benchmark has not fully warmed up.

Through many executions of the benchmarks with GraalVM 22.1.0, I've decided to move ahead with a 30 second minimum execution time. This number is quite conservative as the performance difference in 10s vs 30s is virtually non-existent. Since the goal of the benchmarks is to evaluate different mechanisms for calling code packaged up in a Native Image shared library, we do want to ensure fairness for each technique. By choosing a larger minimum execution time value, we allow for reasonable variance in the warm-up process. On the other hand, if a benchmark is unable to warm up in our conservative time window, that's good to know as well. In the case of Native Image binaries, we're concerned with start-up time and overall throughput, not just peak performance. If peak performance were all that mattered, we could call into a JVM-based GraalVM distribution using the JNI Invocation API.

With all of that said, if the total benchmark time is intolerable, you can rebuild the benchmark runner and set the REUSE_CONTEXT #define value. Enabling that setting will share the Graal Isolate across all runs. It should allow methods to warm up in a much shorter amount of time, but benchmark results may be impacted by compilations from other benchmarks. You'll probably want to use the --benchmark_enable_random_interleaving=true option and run multiple times to avoid execution order impacting results. To enable the setting you'll have to modifythe benchmark code or the build command in the project's pom.xml.