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Stuart is the Open Data Hub LLM based chatbot. Stuart helps the Open Data Hub customer care team in solving the tickets. Stuart uses as input: the Open Data Hub Wiki, the past tickets history and the readme files of all repositories.


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Stuart 🛎

(Super Talkative Understanding Artificial Response Technology)

Changelog of this document

  • 2024-07-07 expanded to include information about the new web frontend and add a few recommendations for custom deployments
  • 2024-03-27 added note about llama-cpp-python compile options
  • 2024-03-25 first release - Chris Mair [email protected]



Stuart uses RAG (retrieval-augmented generation). RAG improves the quality of responses by combining the capabilities of two main components: a retrieval system and a generative model.

The retrieval system searches a database of documents, specifically the Open Data Hub wiki, the past tickets history and the readme files of all related repositories to find information that is relevant to the user's question. This step is crucial as it allows the generative model to access knowledge that is not contained in its pre-trained parameters.

The generative model receives a prompt that is constructed from the retrieved information and the user's input. It then generates a coherent, natural text based on that prompt.

Stuart is a proof-of-concept system built with a few guiding principles:

  • the system should run locally (no proprietary APIs),
  • it should only rely on Free models,
  • it should be able to run on modest hardware (expensive datacenter GPUs are supported for fast performance, but not required),
  • it should be easily expandable for users that wish to deploy a RAG system using their own documents.

Currently, there are a few well known Python packages to build RAG systems such as LlamaIndex and LangChain. These packages are basically glue code that abstracts away details about the underlying models and software components. An early prototype of Stuart used LlamaIndex. However, these systems appear to be in very quick evolution, are somewhat black-boxy and the integration between their components and the documentation is sometimes lagging their quick progress.

To better understand the underlying technology and to keep things stable and simple, we opted to not rely on any of these frameworks and rather implement a few functions, such as text chunking and database access from scratch. It turned out that the resulting code was not much longer, but easier to understand with way less dependencies.

This makes Stuart ideal as a testbed for experimenting with all the components of a RAG system.


Stuart is best run on a *nix OS.

The installation has been tested on macOS 13 with the command line developer tools and on Linux (Debian 12 and Ubuntu 22.04) with the developer tools (packages build-essential, git and python3-venv must be installed).

The developer tools are required in case not all Python libraries (llama-cpp-python, specifically) do provide binary releases for your platform and need to be compiled from source.

You need about 16 GiB of free space for the model files and Python libraries, so make sure there is enough space. Additionally, some space for the PostgreSQL database (for the installation at NOI that's less than 200 MiB).


Stuart needs a Python 3 environment with venv. The third-party Python libraries are listed in requirements.txt:


That being said, installation is as simple as running the following commands as a normal user:

cd ~
git clone https:/noi-techpark/stuart-chatbot
cd ~/stuart-chatbot
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt 

That's it!

Almost. We also need to install the LLM itself (more below). Download the model file into the home directory (4.8 GiB):

cd ~
curl -LO


Stuart needs a PostgreSQL database server with the pgvector extension.

This can be basically any installation, local or managed.

To install PostgreSQL locally, just follow the steps listed on the official download page. Once the server is up, define a role and a database and activate pgvector:

su - postgres

postgres=# create role rag login password '********';
postgres=# create database ragdb owner rag;
postgres=# \c ragdb
 You are now connected to database "ragdb" as user "postgres".
ragdb=# create extension vector;
postgres=# \q

Once the database is up, load the table definition (here I assume PostgreSQL is running on

cd ~/stuart-chatbot/
psql -h -U rag ragdb < rag/schema.sql

and edit the file with the credentials:

cd ~/stuart-chatbot/
vim rag/secrets_pg.json


Preparing the Data

Scraping the Documents

Before the chatbot can be used for the first time, we need to scrape the documents.

Scraping means:

  • download the documents,
  • save them as plain text files.

For the Open Data Hub deployment, the document sources are:

  • the readme markdown files from the relevant NOI Techpark repositories,
  • the wiki markdown files from the ODH-Docs wiki,
  • the tickets from the ODH Request Tracker installation.

For each category, there is a custom scraper in scrapers/.

Two scrapers are specially crafted for the Open Data Hub: scrapes the readme markdown files from the NOI Techpark repositories on GitHub that are relevant to the Open Data Hub. The links are read from a hand-crafted file (scrape_readme_urls.txt). scrapes the wiki markdown files from the ODH-Docs wiki.

Additionally, there is a more generic scraper to scrape tickets from a well known ticketing system (Best Practice' Request Tracker): It scrapes transactions of type 'Ticket created', 'Correspondence added' or 'Comments added'. Remember to set up the location and credentials of the Request Tracker installation in scrape_rt.json!

The documents are stored in the ~/stuart-chatbot/data_* directories.

Currently, scraping the readmes and the wiki just takes a few seconds, but scraping the tickets takes a few hours. Luckily works incrementally, but it still needs about 20 minutes to check each ticket for new transactions.

The easiest way to run all these scripts is to set up a cronjob that runs cron/ that will take care of everything.

Stuart is designed to be easily extendable. You can add scrapers for your own documents. The only requirement is the scrapers output plain text files (of any dimension).

RAGging the Documents

Once the documents are available in plain text format, we need to prepare the documents for (retrieval-augmented generation).

This preparation ("RAGging") means:

  • read all the files from the ~/stuart-chatbot/data_* directories
  • chunk them into overlapping chunks of roughly equal size
  • call a sentence embedding model (see Wikipedia) to encode meaningful semantic information from each chunk into a point in a high-dimensional vector space
  • store the file name, chunk and vector into PostgreSQL

That the job for rag/

rag/ runs the model using the sentence-transformers library that is based on PyTorch. When it runs for the first time, this library will automatically download the sentence embedding model (2.1 GiB) and put it into ~/.cache.

The run time very much depends on the capabilities of your hardware and the size of the document. On a system with a single CPU core and no GPU, sentence embedding the documents for the Open Data Hub (~ 20 million characters) might take a few hours. Luckily, works incrementally, so that is typically not a problem.

Note that never deletes or updates documents from the database, it just adds new ones. For ticket transactions this is fine. However, wiki pages and readme change, so it is a good idea to delete these from time to time, so they can be RAGged again. adds a tag to each loaded document according to its source directory. Here are the relevant lines from

rag_dir("../data_readme", tag="readme", chunk_len=2000, overlap_len=250, hard_limit=2500)
rag_dir("../data_wiki",   tag="wiki",   chunk_len=2000, overlap_len=250, hard_limit=2500)
rag_dir("../data_rt",     tag="rt",     chunk_len=1000, overlap_len=250, hard_limit=1500)

So, for example, if you want to clean up the readme and wiki files, just connect to Postgres:

psql -h -U rag ragdb

and run this query:

delete from ragdata where tag in ('readme', 'wiki');`.

Again, there is a handy script that can be called from crontab: cron/

Running the Chatbot on the command line

Run the chatbot with these commands:

cd ~/stuart-chatbot/
source .venv/bin/activate
cd rag/

This will get you into an easy to use endless loop with the chatbot. Here is a sample session!


Let's break down the components.

  1. The user asks "Come posso ottenere informazioni sui mercatini di Natale di Bolzano?".

  2. This piece of text is embedded and transformed into a vector. A query is run to find the closest vector stored in PostgreSQL and the top-5 matches are shown (lines starting with {meta} are debug output). The best match is actually the right document: it's a wiki page talking about the Christmas markets (here).

Pause a moment to think about how powerful semantic search is! We use a multi-language embedding model, so the question is close to the wiki document because both refer to the meaning "Christmas markets" regardless the fact that the text is completely different. It's not even the same language (!).

  1. The code proceeds to build a prompt using the original question and the chunk from the wiki document and inputs into the LLM.

  2. The LLM answers with a (presumably) correct text.

  3. The user asks a follow up question "E qual'è il TourismVereinId di Bolzano?"

  4. Now the LLMs answer plus the new question is again embedded and searched for (leading to the same document found as best match).

  5. A new prompt is built using the follow-up question and the same chunk and input again to the LLM.

  6. The LLMs answers with the information. "5228229451CA11D18F1400A02427D15E" is indeed correct.

It is important to point out, that LLMs - as is well known - tend to hallucinate. So any information should be double-checked!

Running the Chatbot as a web application

Stuart also comes with a web application and a system to queue and process multiple conversations concurrently.

The files related to this part are under the directory web/.

Before running for the first time, edit backend.json:

  "bind_ip": "",
  "bind_port": "9001",
  "preshared_secret": "**********"

If you need to be able to connect via network instead of (localhost), the value of bind_ip should be changed to (or any IP address you want).

Please be aware that this opens up the web application to any users that may connect via your configured network. There is no built-in authentication for users of the web interface. Anybody who has access to the web application can open a session to input prompts and get the answers.

The value of preshared_secret is a secret string used by the inference backend to authenticate itself against the web application to be allowed to process jobs. Put some hard to guess string there.

To just run the application in the virtual Python environment already prepared for the rest of Stuart:

cd ~/stuart-chatbot
source .venv/bin/activate
cd web/
pip install -r requirements.txt  # note this adds Flask

Alternatively, you can run the application in a container with the provided Dockerfile. The Docker host can be an independent server, there's no need to have the other Stuart components installed. You don't need the Python environment or even Python at all on that host.

Remember to set the value of bind_ip in web/backend.json to and proceed to build the Docker image:

cd ~/stuart-chatbot
cd web/
docker build -t stuart-web .

Then run the new image:

docker run -p stuart-web

Again, take care on where exactly you map the HTTP endpoint. With the -p parameter given here, the application becomes visible on the host at Change the value according to what you need.

At this point the web application is ready. If you connect, a new session will be created, and you can insert a question that will be queued:


However, nobody is yet processing the queue! So the question stays in the "question queued" state indefinitely. We need to go back to the directory, where the command line application lives:

cd ~/stuart-chatbot/
source .venv/bin/activate
cd rag/

In this directory, there is another backend.json. Edit it to point to the URL of the web application and set the value of preshared_secret to the same string as above.

  "endpoint": "",
  "preshared_secret": "**********"

Then start these two tasks:

cd ~/stuart-chatbot/
source .venv/bin/activate
cd rag/
python is the task that polls the web application and runs the jobs in the queue in the same way as did for the command line interface. is not strictly necessary, it just updates a status field so the web application is aware of the fact the queue is being processed (see the top left status indicator of the web interface).

At this point the web interface is ready and will process your questions.

The session information (including all past questions and answers) is stored in a local SQLite database (file stuart.db). It is recreated automatically at startup, if it is not present.

A Note about the Models used

The sentence embedding model is bge-m3 (license: MIT). We pinned the version to 5a212480c9a75bb651bcb894978ed409e4c47b82 (2024-03-21).

The model is quite large (2.1 GiB) for sentence embedding models, but performs very well, can embed a variety of text sizes from short sentences to longer documents (8192 tokens) and has been trained on many languages.

The model is instantiated in rag/

The LLM is Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 (license: Apache 2). We use a version in GGUF format with parameters quantized to ~ 5 bits (here) and run the inference using llama-cpp-python.

The model performs very well given it's relatively small size of 7E9 parameters (4.8 GiB in the quantized version). Besides English, it understands also German and Italian, but doesn't speak them well.

From the same company, Mistral AI, a second model is available under the Apache 2 license: Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1. This model is about 6 times larger, but only twice as slow.

Of course, other local models can be used as long as they are supported by the llama-cpp-python library.

The model is instantiated in rag/ and rag/

While changing model might be interesting, for example with regard to supported languages, it has only a minor influence of the quality of the overall responses.

Tests suggest the quality of RAG systems very much depends on the search and the size of the document chunks, not so much the LLM.

As is common to all simple RAG systems, Stuart for example fails to answer questions that would need to pick up pieces of information scattered around a large documentation base. Changing the LLM would not improve on this.

A Note about Performance

Stuart requires at least 16 GB of RAM.

A single CPU core is enough to run it, but answers take 1-5 minutes with a single core. More cores improve the performance up to a point where LLM inference becomes memory-bandwidth-bound.

When scaling up che core count, for example using a cloud-based VM, check whether the additional cores are not starved by insufficient memory bandwidth. This typically starts to happen between 4 and 16 cores, depending on per floating point performance and memory bandwidth.

When the llama-cpp-python package is installed, the underlying inference code (llama-cpp) is compiled for the effective hardware using a number of default settings. One of those settings indicates the maximum number of threads to use: the default is to use half the number of logical cores, so to match the number of physical cores.

VMs in the cloud normally expose logical cores, but the underlying host might match all logical cores present in the VM to physical cores on the host system. So the default of using a number of threads equal to only half the number of logical cores leaves some performance on the table.

We've found that for VMs with a small number of logical cores ("vCPU"), such as 2, performance can be improved by compiling llama-cpp to use the OpenBLAS backend which spawns as many threads as there are logical cores.

It's very easy to change an existing installation of Stuart to make use of this. You need to install additional packages first (on Debian: libopenblas-dev and pkg-config) and force a re-installation of llama-cpp-python:

cd ~/stuart-chatbot/
source .venv/bin/activate
CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_BLAS=ON -DLLAMA_BLAS_VENDOR=OpenBLAS" pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir llama-cpp-python==0.2.56

For VMs with larger numbers of logical cores, this is not true anymore as the host can't map as many physical cores into the VM. In that case performance with the OpenBLAS backend might be worse. You can get back to a default installation with:

cd ~/stuart-chatbot/
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir llama-cpp-python==0.2.56

You can explore even more backends (see llama-cpp-python supported backends), such as cuBLAS (for Nvidia GPUs) or Metal (for Mac GPUs). Typically, response times go down to a few to ten seconds when GPUs are used.

For example to compile for cuBLAS (for Nvidia GPUs):

cd ~/stuart-chatbot/
source .venv/bin/activate
CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_CUBLAS=on" pip install --verbose --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir llama-cpp-python==0.2.56


Stuart is the Open Data Hub LLM based chatbot. Stuart helps the Open Data Hub customer care team in solving the tickets. Stuart uses as input: the Open Data Hub Wiki, the past tickets history and the readme files of all repositories.







No releases published



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