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Isolated mode


This RFC is a proposal to add a new opt-in installation mode.

This mode aims at preventing workspaces from over-sharing their dependencies. With this mode, two workspaces will share a dependency only if both have declared it in their package.json.

While this RFC aims at improving projects with workspaces, isolated-mode could be valuable for any project, whether or not it uses workspaces.


The introduction of workspaces in npm v7 brought the ability to split large code-bases into smaller pieces of code with declared dependencies between them. This pattern is sometimes referred to as a "monorepo."

Several build tools took advantage of these declared dependencies to split the builds into multiple steps (one per workspace). These build tools take advantage of the declared dependencies between workspaces to only rebuild the workspaces that have not changed since the last build. With the current way npm works, any dependency change to any workspace may affect any other workspace. This means that the build systems need to rebuild the entire project every time a single workspace modifies a dependency. This is inefficient and does not scale.


This mode is called isolated-mode because it makes the boundaries between packages and workspaces stronger, making them more isolated.

To make the discussions more efficient, we could also name the current default installation mode of npm. We will call this mode hoisted-mode as packages are shared across workspaces by hoisting them to the root of the project. This term is already known by developers familiar with yarn or pnpm.

More on the problem

Packages and workspaces declare their dependencies to npm by using special fields in their package.json. The Node.js runtime is unaware of these special fields, instead it uses a module resolution algorithm to determine the meaning of a module importing another module. npm bridges this gap by converting the declared dependency graph into a folder structure which makes sense to Node.js. This operation is call reification.

When converting the dependency graph to a folder structure, hoisted-mode loses information. Multiple different dependency graphs can be converted to an identical folder structure. Since the folder structure is all that Node.js uses to resolve modules, Node.js misses some information about dependencies. This loss of information is most frequently visible through the fact that packages in the tree are able to successfully import packages that they have not explicitly declared as dependencies.

When packages import dependencies that are not explicitly declared, they are do not take advantage of the dependency contracts enforced by npm. Thus, when installed in a different environment, the dependency may be missing, or may be a version that they cannot use properly, causing errors at run time.

In a monorepo project using workspaces, this means that a dependency of any workspace may be imported by all other workspaces, making it difficult to detect such errors at development time.

Forgetting to declare dependencies

When workspaces can successfully use code of a package without having a dependency on it, people forget to declare their dependencies. This leads to situations where updating the dependencies of one workspace breaks a seemingly unrelated workspace.

It is worth noting that static code analysis tools can help significantly reduce the frequency of these mistakes. While static code analysis tools can help fix many issues regarding missing dependencies, there are several classes of issues that cannot be detected by static code analysis. "isolated-mode" not only helps get the dependencies right but also proves that the dependencies are correct. This proof is essential to build trustable build systems which use caching, scoped installations.


The hoisted-mode is not always successful at sharing common dependencies. Conflicts in versions lead to packages being installed multiple times on disk. These conflicts become more frequent when the project scales. The frequency of these conflicts can be reduced by an effort to align dependencies' versions across the project.

These duplications come with the following cost:

  • Performance degradation of the installation phase
  • Inefficient disk usage
  • Performance and memory cost at runtime as Node.js sees duplicated modules as two different modules.

Tools crawling the node_modules folders

Certain tools implement their own module resolution algorithm instead of the one provided by Node.js. One of the motivation for a tool to implement its own resolution algorithm is that it can add more features to it.

Crawling the node_modules folder is such a feature used by certain build tools. This feature means that the mere presence of a package in a node_modules folder will have an impact on the output of a workspace. This means that any modification of a project's node_modules folder is possibly a breaking change to every workspaces in this project, regardless of the dependency graph.

For example, the TypeScript compiler by default includes to its compilation every package in the folder node_modules/@types without any explicit import statement needed.


The import-maps draft standard is a very good tool to communicate the dependency graph to Node.js. But because this feature is not yet implemented in Node.js, npm needs an alternative way to solve the problems stated earlier.

The goal is to provide an accurate dependency graph to Node.js while still relying on Node.js current module resolution algorithm.

We deem it valuable to invest the time implementing isolated-mode now, knowing that import-maps are coming, because most of the implementation will be re-usable to implement an import-maps-mode.

There are already two competing solutions out there which implement an isolated-mode: (pnpm and yarn). We decided to choose the pnpm approach for the following reasons:

  • Works with current ecosystem, the pnpm isolated-mode does not require any modification to Node.js or to the various build tools.
  • Battle tested, Microsoft has successfully used pnpm to manage large monorepo for years.
  • Recommended by Node.js, this approach is actually the recommended approach by the Node.js documentation.


The packages are laid out on disk with a flat structure in a folder called the "package store". The dependencies between packages will be expressed by creating symlinks between the various packages.

How does it work?

This strategy is based on the fact that Node.js module resolution algorithm follows symlinks and works with them exactly the same as if they were real folders.

Additionally, once a module is resolved, the resolution algorithm calls 'realpath()' on the result. This means that the resolution algorithm always returns a real path. This allows to setup an arbitrary complex dependency graph while making sure Node.js does not create more than one instance of a given module.

Detailed Explanation


In the workspaces:

  • Each workspace has its own node_modules folder.
  • Each node_modules folder contain symlinks.
  • The symlinks in a node_modules folder correspond to the matching workspace's dependencies.
  • Each symlink is given the same name as the dependency it represents.
  • Each symlink points to a location in the package store where the corresponding package is installed.

In the package store:

  • The package store is a folder stored in the root/project level node_modules folder.
  • The package store is named .npm.
  • The package store contains folders, one for each dependency installed. These dependencies can be direct workspace dependencies or transitive dependencies.
  • These folders have a name containing the name of the package, its version and a hash of its content plus the hash of its resolved peer dependency set.
  • These folders contain a node_modules folder.
  • These node_modules folders contain multiple folders, one for each dependency of that package and one for the package itself.
  • All these folders are named based on their respective package names.
  • The folder representing the package itself contains the code of that package.
  • The folders representation the dependencies of the package are symlinks to the corresponding package in the store.
  • The dependencies of each packages are installed exactly the same way as workspaces' dependencies are installed.

This structure may seem more complicated than necessary. The reasons for this complexity are:

  • to make it possible for a package to import itself using its own name. For example, the following code require.resolve("foo"); in node_modules/.npm/[email protected]/node_modules/foo/bar.js will correctly return node_modules/.npm/[email protected]/node_modules/foo/index.js.
  • to prevent creating circular symlinks, even when packages have circular dependencies.

Peer dependencies

Peer dependencies are resolved by npm and treated as normal dependencies.

For instance, the following dependency graph,

 [email protected]  ────┬─────> [email protected] ──( peer dependency )──> baz@^1.0.0
                └─────> [email protected]

will be converted to the following:

 [email protected]  ────┬─────> [email protected] ────> [email protected]
                └─────> [email protected]

Edge cases

Peer dependency conflict

When a peerDependency can be resolved by more than one version, virtual packages will be created, as many as they are versions resolving the peer dependency. These virtual packages will be the same, with the difference that their dependencies will be different and as a consequence their hash-based name will be different.

For instance, the following dependency graph,

 [email protected]  ────┬─────> [email protected]
                        [email protected] ──( peer dependency )──> baz@^1.0.0
 [email protected]  ────┴─────> [email protected]

will be converted to the following:

 [email protected]  ────┬─────> [email protected]
                └─────> [email protected] ────> baz@^1.5.0

                ┌─────> [email protected] ────> baz@^1.3.0
 [email protected]  ────┴─────> [email protected]

Circular dependencies

Circular dependencies are supported.

Since the hash of a package contains its dependencies, circular dependencies make the calculation of this hash more complicated. Here is an article explaining how to hash a graph with cycles.

Simple example

Dependency graph

   ├───> foo (workspace)
   │      ┬
   │      │
   │      └───> A @ 1.0.0
   │              ┬
   │              │
   │              └───> B @ 1.0.0
   ├───> bar (workspace)
   │      ┬
   │      │
   │      └───> A @ 1.0.0
   │              ┬
   │              │
   │              └───> B @ 1.0.0
   └───> cat (workspace)
          └───> B @ 1.0.0

Installation on disk

  root /
   ├─> node_modules / .npm / ─┬─> [email protected] / node_modules / ─┬─> A /  [content of package A]
   │                          │                                     │
   │                          │                                     └─> B ( symlink to ../../[email protected]/node_modules/B )
   │                          │
   │                          └─> [email protected] / node_modules / B / ───> [content of package B]
   └─> workspaces / ─┬─> foo / ─┬─> [content of workspace foo]
                     │          │
                     │          └─> node_modules / A ( symlink to ../../../node_modules/.npm/[email protected]/node_modules/A )
                     ├─> bar / ─┬─> [content of workspace bar]
                     │          │
                     │          └─> node_modules / A ( symlink to ../../../node_modules/.npm/[email protected]/node_modules/A )
                     └─> cat / ─┬─> [content of workspace cat]
                                └─> node_modules / B ( symlink to ../../../node_modules/.npm/[email protected]/node_modules/B )

More complex example: peer dependencies

Dependency graph

   ├───> foo (workspace)
   │      ┬
   │      │
   │      ├───> A @ 1.0.0
   │      │       ┬
   │      │       │
   │      │       └───> B @ * (peer dependency)
   │      │
   │      └───> B @ 1.0.0
   └───> bar (workspace)
          ├───> A @ 1.0.0
          │       ┬
          │       │
          │       └───> B @ * (peer dependency)
          └───> B @ 2.0.0

Installation on disk

  root /
   ├─> node_modules / .npm / ─┬─> [email protected][email protected] / node_modules / ─┬─> A [ content of package A ]
   │                          │                                             │
   │                          │                                             └─> B ( symlink to ../../[email protected]/node_modules/B )
   │                          │
   │                          ├─> [email protected][email protected] / node_modules / ─┬─> A  [ content of package A ]
   │                          │                                             │
   │                          │                                             └─> B ( symlink to ../../[email protected]/node_modules/B )
   │                          │
   │                          ├─> [email protected] / node_modules / B / ───> [ content of package B (v1) ]
   │                          │
   │                          └─> [email protected] / node_modules / B / ───> [ content of package B (v2) ]
   └─> workspaces / ─┬─> foo / ─┬─> [ content of workspace foo ]
                     │          │
                     │          └───> node_modules / ─┬─> A ( symlink to ../../../node_modules/.npm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/A )
                     │                                │
                     │                                └─> B ( symlink to ../../../node_modules/.npm/[email protected]/node_modules/B )
                     └─> bar / ─┬─> [ content of workspace bar ]
                                └───> node_modules / ─┬─> A ( symlink to ../../../node_modules/.npm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/A )
                                                      └─> B ( symlink to ../../../node_modules/.npm/[email protected]/node_modules/B )

Implementation Within npm and @npmcli/arborist

In order to support the design goals of (a) providing a project package-lock.json file which is interoperable between hoisted-mode and isolated-mode projects, (b) allowing developers to freely switch between modes, and (c) minimizing the changes in existing package dependency contracts, the following implementation approach will be used when reifying the package tree.

  1. Create the idealTree as npm currently does for hoisted-mode, reading from the package-lock.json, applying user requests to add and remove packages, searching for updates, and so on. That is, no changes to this step. Thus any dependency graph which is unresolvable in hoisted-mode will fail at this step, as it currently does, even if isolated-mode could potentially satisfy it.
  2. Capture the idealTree lockfile metadata prior to any modifications to the tree.
  3. If in isolated-mode, apply transforms to the tree to create a representation of the paths and symbolic links that will be reified to disk in isolated mode.
  4. Calculate the diff between the actualTree and (transformed) idealTree, as we currently do. (No change to this step.)
  5. Reify the node_modules folder, making the requisite changes based on the calculated diff.
  6. Save the (hoisted-mode) lockfile metadata captured in step (2) to the project lockfile.
  7. Save the (isolated-mode) lockfile metadata to the hidden lockfile in node_modules/.package-lock.json (as this is a cache of the actualTree state for performance benefits when reading the actual tree on disk).

The specific transforms required to convert a hoisted-mode tree into an isolated-mode tree will be determined during implementation. Early investigation indicate that it is a relatively straightforward sprocess.


Compared to the current npm installation strategy, this proposal reduces package duplication, making the installation process faster. On a prototype, this installation strategy brought down the install time from 6 to 2 minutes on a large monorepo of 500+ workspaces.


The mode can be enabled by a CLI option when running npm install or by a setting in .npmrc.


Different versions of npm

The isolated-mode will use the same lockfile as hoisted mode. Developers can use either mode without changing the lockfile. This makes isolated-mode backward compatible and easy to implement. The implementation of isolated-mode will reside in the reification, it will take the ideal-tree and apply it on disk using symlink instead of hoisting.

Projects not using workspaces

Non-workspace projects will be able to use the isolated-mode reification. This is useful as a library author, using isolated-mode gives me the guarantee that my library will work as intended, without unexpected run-time errors caused by undeclared dependencies.

Prior Art and Alternatives

Package manager with a isolated-mode. This RFC is mostly inspired by pnpm.

Package manager with a isolated-mode. Similar to pnpm but unmaintained.

Functional package manager. Can work with npm packages (eg. node2nix or nixfromnpm )

Package manager with a isolated-mode and project manager.

Standard supported by a few browsers and deno which makes it possible to implement isolated-mode.

Unresolved Questions and Bikeshedding

  • Should we use symlinks or junctions on Windows? Both of them have drawbacks:
    • Junctions have to be representated by an absolute path, this means that junctions cannot be committed to git or packed into a package.
    • Symlinks can only be created in elevated shell or when Windows is in "developer mode".
    • answer: junctions by default. support for symlinks can be added later as an opt-in if we see value for it.
  • How much community code will break when the system forbids access to undeclared dependencies? In other words, how much code needs to be fixed to work properly in isolated-mode?
    • Regarding packages with missing dependencies in the package.json file. In many cases, package owners are willing to fix such issues. If there are a significant number of issues encountered around this, we can likely expect the of packages with missing dependencies is expected to drop fast after npm release isolated-mode. We may want to later add a feature to npm which allows users to locally declare dependencies on behalf of packages as a stop-gap, if existing solutions to this are not enough.
    • There are packages out there that depend on the way hoisting works as a feature. These packages can work in isolated-mode by simply adding whichever dependency is assumed to be hoisted as a dependency of the root's package.json.
    • Some dev-environments don't support symlinks.
      • AWS Lambdas -> a repository can a be installed with isolated mode locally and on CI but then deployed in hoisted mode.
      • React native -> There are plugins existing to make react-native work with symlinks
    • If a package is missing a dependency, it can be temporarily fixed (while waiting for the package owner to fix this issue, or if it’s working as designed) by declaring this missing dependency as top level dependency of the repository.
  • What should the opt-in option be for this mode?
    • Something like --install-mode=isolated. This would allow us to add other modes (like an import-map mode) in a similar way.
  • Should the default hoisted mode be more aggressive with symlinks?
    • @isaacs has considered it in the past, and may revisit this.