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Packaging the V3 Adapter

CharliePoole edited this page Oct 22, 2016 · 9 revisions


There are two purposes for building the adapter, one is for creating the packages for a release - which is what this page is about, the other is for creating whatever you need for debugging or testing purposes. For the latter, see [How to build and debug the adapter]

The procedure described here is for those people who need to release a new version of the adapter.

Preparing the source code

Update to the latest version of NUnit

This may not be necessary for all releases. However, if the NUnit version used by the adapter is being updated, it is important to do it correctly.

  • The NUnit3TestAdapter, NUnit3TestAdapterInstall and NUnit3TestAdapterTests projects should all reference the same versions of the NUnit Engine package, normally the most recent.

  • The NUnit3TestAdapterTests and NUnitTestDemo projects should reference the same version of the NUnit framework package, also normally the most recent. Note that this is currently the same version as the engine package, but this may not continue to be the case if the frequency of release of the two packages differs.

Assembly References

At this time, after upgrading the NUnit engine package, you have to manually adjust the references, removing several that are added automatically by the package and adding an Alias. We will try to eliminate this manual step in the future.

For each of the NUnit3TestAdapter, NUnit3TestAdapterTests and NUnit3TestAdapterInstall projects, remove references to nunit-agent and nunit-agent-x86, leaving only the four Mono.Cecil references, nunit.engine and nunit.engine.api.

For the NUnit3TestAdapter project, modify the properties for nunit-engine by entering "ENG" for Aliases.


The version numbers follow the basic principles of semantic versioning. (The fourth number is used for debug versions under development, and will always be 0 for release versions.)

The version numbers have to be edited in the following files, and should match:

  • Assemblyinfo.cs, found in the NUnitTestAdapter project -- change both file and assembly version number
  • source.extensions.vsixmanifest, found under the NUnitTestAdapterInstall project -- change Version tag
  • appveyor.yml, found under the Solution Items folder. -- change the version number, but only use the three first digits.
  • build.cake, found under the Solution Items folder. -- change the version number, but only use the three first digits.
  • license.rtf, found under the NUnit3TestAdapterInstall project. If the copyright year has changed, update accordingly.


Use the build command to build and test a release version.

build -t Test


Use the build command to create packages

build -t Package

Run this from the solution root folder

The resulting files can be found in the "package" folder:

  • NUnit3TestAdapter-[VERSION].vsix This is the extension for Visual Studio, which is uploaded to the Visual Studio Gallery.

  • NUnit3TestAdapter-[VERSION].zip This is a zipped package for use with TFS Server Builds when you don't use the NuGet package in your solution. See [this blog] for more information.

  • NUnit3TestAdapter.[VERSION].nupkg This is the NuGet package, which is uploaded to Nuget for the adapter

####Testing the Packages

Test both the vsix and nuget packages using each version of Visual Studio you have available, from 2012 through 2015.

####Publishing the Release

  1. Create a release on GitHub. Few people use this directly, but it is the benchmark release and provides an archive of all past releases, so we do this first. Github will automatically create zip and tar files containing the source. In addition, upload all three packages created above as a part of the release.

  2. Upload the vsix package to the Visual Studio Gallery using the NUnitDeveloper account. If you don't have access to that account, ask one of the committers with access to do the upload for you.

  3. Upload the nuget package to You use your own account for this but you must have been pre-authorized in order for it to work. If you are not authorized, ask a committer with access to do it for you.

  4. Update the documentation pages in the wiki as needed. Be sure to update the Release Notes page. In order to perform the update quickly after publishing the packages, you may want to clone the wiki repository and prepare the update in advance.

  5. Publicize the release, first announcing it on the nunit-developer and nunit-discuss lists and then more widely as appropriate. [We should develop a list of places.]


  • Publishing the release requires access to various online accounts, which are mentioned above. For obvious reasons, the passwords are not provided. Contact Charlie or Terje if you need this access.


  1. Visual Studio You need Visual Studio 2013 or 2015.

  2. Visual Studio SDK
    You need this to work with the vsix.

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