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A data review library for the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS)


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Command line

Call libcoveocds and pass the filename of some JSON data.

libcoveocds tests/fixtures/common_checks/basic_1.json

It will produce JSON data of the results to standard output. You can pipe this straight into a file to work with.

You can also pass --schema-version 1.X to force it to check against a certain version of the schema.

In some modes, it will also leave directory of data behind. The following options apply to this mode:

  • Pass --convert to get it to produce spreadsheets of the data.
  • Pass --output-dir output to specify a directory name (default is a name based on the filename).
  • Pass --delete to delete the output directory if it already exists (default is to error)
  • Pass --exclude-file to avoid copying the original file into the output directory (default is to copy)

(If none of these are specified, it will not leave any files behind)


To use this as a Python library as part of a Python script for validating multiple files or testing, you need to:

  1. Install the library with pip:

    pip install libcoveocds

    If using the library in a web context, install as:

    pip install libcoveocds[web]
  2. Use it in your Python code, for example:

    import os
    import shutil
    import tempfile
    from libcoveocds.api import ocds_json_output
    data_directory = "path/to/your/directory/with/json/files"
    temporary_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tempfile.gettempdir())
    for filename in os.listdir(data_directory):
        path = os.path.join(data_directory, filename)
            result = ocds_json_output(temporary_directory, path, file_type="json")
        # Do something with the result. For example:
        if result["validation_errors"]:
            for error in result["validation_errors"]:
                print(f"Validation error {error} found in {path}")
            print(f"No validation errors found for {path}")

Code for use by external users

The only code that should be used directly by users is the libcoveocds.config and libcoveocds.api modules.

Other code (in libcore, lib, etc.) should not be used by external users of this library directly, as the structure and use of these may change more frequently.

Output JSON format

The output is an object with the following properties:

Property (key) name Type Value
file_type string The type of the file supplied, one of json, csv, xlsx or ods
version_used string The version of the OCDS schemas used, e.g. 1.1 (This is 1.0 when no version fields exists)
schema_url string The URL to the package schema used, e.g.
extensions object An extensions object
validation_errors array[object] An array of validation_errors objects
common_error_types array[] Always an empty array
deprecated_fields array[object] An array of deprecated_fields objects
releases_aggregates object A releases_aggregates object
records_aggregates object A records_aggregates object
additional_closed_codelist_values object A mapping from a codelist field's JSON Pointer (with array indices removed, e.g. releases/tender/documents/documentType) to an additional codelist object
additional_open_codelist_values object A mapping from a codelist field's JSON Pointer (with array indices removed, e.g. releases/tender/documents/documentType) to an additional codelist object
additional_checks object A mapping from an additional check type (currently only empty_field) to an array of additional check objects
conformance_errors object A conformance_errors object
additional_fields array[object] The top-level additional fields, as an array of additional_fields objects
all_additional_fields array[object] All additional fields, including children of other additional fields, as an array of all_additional_fields objects
json_deref_error string An exception message for an unresolvable reference (if raised)

Note that wherever a schema is used, it is the extended schema (if extensions exist).


Property (key) name Type Value
extensions array[object] An extensions/extensions object
invalid_extensions array[array[string]] An array of pairs of an extension URL and a human-readable error message, e.g. [["http://etc", "404: not found"]]
extended_schema_url string The file the extended schema will be written to, if an output directory has been set, e.g. extended_schema.json
is_extended_schema boolean Has the schema been extended?


Property (key) name Type Value
url string The URL of the extension's metadata file, e.g.
schema_url string The URL of the extension's release schema file, e.g.
description string Extracted from the metadata file
name string Extracted from the metadata file
documentationUrl string Extracted from the metadata file
failed_codelists object A mapping from an extended codelist name (prefixed with + or - if appropriate) to a human-readable error message
codelists array[string] Extracted from the metadata file


Note that this list will exclude codelist errors, which instead appear in additional_closed_codelist_values.

lib-cove-ocds uses the jsonschema module's uniqueItems validator to check for unique OCIDs and IDs.

Property (key) name Type Value
type string The JSON Schema keyword that caused the validation error, e.g. minLength (full list in the jsonschema lib), unless the keyword is type or format, in which case this is the relevant type or format, e.g. array or date-time
field string The JSON Pointer to the erroneous data, with array indices removed, e.g. releases/tender/items
description string A human-readable error message, e.g. 'id' is missing but required within 'items'
path string The JSON Pointer to the erroneous data, e.g. releases/0/tender/items/0
value any The value in the data that was erroneous, or "" if not applicable


Property (key) name Type Value
paths array[string] An array of JSON Pointers to parent objects containing deprecated fields, e.g. ["releases/0/tender"]
explanation array[string] A pair of the version in which the field was deprecated, and the human-readable deprecation message, e.g. ["1.1", "Some explanation text"]
field string The name of the field within the parent object that is deprecated, e.g. amendment


Property (key) name Type Value
release_count integer The number of items in the releases array
unique_ocids array* An array of all ocids, deduplicated
unique_initation_type array*  
duplicate_release_ids array* This is an OCDS implementation error.
tags object  
unique_lang array*  
unique_award_id array*  
planning_count integer  
tender_count integer  
award_count integer  
processes_award_count integer  
contract_count integer  
processes_contract_count integer  
implementation_count integer  
processes_implementation_count integer  
min_release_date string (date-time or "")  
max_release_date string (date-time or "")  
min_tender_date string (date-time or "")  
max_tender_date string (date-time or "")  
min_award_date string (date-time or "")  
max_award_date string (date-time or "")  
min_contract_date string (date-time or "")  
max_contract_date string (date-time or "")  
unique_buyers_identifier object A mapping from identifier to name
unique_buyers_name_no_id array*  
unique_suppliers_identifier object A mapping from identifier to name
unique_suppliers_name_no_id array*  
unique_procuring_identifier object A mapping from identifier to name
unique_procuring_name_no_id array*  
unique_tenderers_identifier object A mapping from identifier to name
unique_tenderers_name_no_id array*  
unique_buyers array[string] An array of organisation names, with the identifier in brackets if it exists
unique_suppliers array[string] An array of organisation names, with the identifier in brackets if it exists
unique_procuring array[string] An array of organisation names, with the identifier in brackets if it exists
unique_tenderers array[string] An array of organisation names, with the identifier in brackets if it exists
unique_buyers_count integer  
unique_suppliers_count integer  
unique_procuring_count integer  
unique_tenderers_count integer  
unique_org_identifier_count integer  
unique_org_name_count integer  
unique_org_count integer  
unique_organisation_schemes array*  
organisations_with_address integer  
organisations_with_contact_point integer  
total_item_count integer The sum of the following 3 item counts:
tender_item_count integer  
award_item_count integer  
contract_item_count integer  
unique_item_ids_count integer  
item_identifier_schemes array*  
unique_currency array*  
planning_doc_count integer  
tender_doc_count integer  
tender_milestones_doc_count integer  
award_doc_count integer  
contract_doc_count integer  
implementation_doc_count integer  
implementation_milestones_doc_count integer  
planning_doctype object A mapping from documentType, to the number of occurrences
tender_doctype object A mapping from documentType, to the number of occurrences
tender_milestones_doctype object A mapping from documentType, to the number of occurrences
award_doctype object A mapping from documentType, to the number of occurrences
contract_doctype object A mapping from documentType, to the number of occurrences
implementation_doctype object A mapping from documentType, to the number of occurrences
implementation_milestones_doctype object A mapping from documentType, to the number of occurrences
contracts_without_awards array An array of contract objects that don't have awards. This is an OCDS implementation error.


Property (key) name Type Value
count integer The number of items in the records array
unique_ocids array* An array of all ocids, deduplicated

additional codelist object

Property (key) name Type Value
path string The JSON Pointer to the parent object, with array indices removed, e.g. releases/tender/documents
field string The name of the codelist field, e.g. documentType
codelist string The filename of the codelist, e.g. documentType.csv
codelist_url string The URL of the codelist, e.g.
codelist_amend_urls array[array[string] The URLs of the codelist patches in extensions that modify the codelist, as an array of pairs of + or - and the URL, e.g. [["+", ""]]
isopen boolean Is this an open codelist?
values array* Values of the field that are not in the codelist
extension_codelist boolean Is the codelist added by an extension? (Not only modified by it)

additional check object

Property (key) name Type Value
json_location string A JSON Pointer to the problematic data, e.g. releases/0/buyer


Property (key) name Type Value
ocds_prefixes_bad_format array[array[string]] An array of pairs of a bad ocid value and the JSON Pointer to it, e.g. ["MY-ID", "releases/0/ocid"]
ocid_description string The description of the ocid field from the OCDS schema
ocid_info_url string The URL to the identifiers content in the OCDS documentation


Property (key) name Type Value
path string The JSON Pointer to the parent object, with array indices removed, e.g. /releases/tender
field string The name of the additional field, e.g. myField
usage_count integer The number of times the additional field is set


Property (key) name Type Value
count integer The number of times the additional field is set
examples array* A sample of up to 3 values of the field
root_additional_field boolean Is the parent object described by the schema?
additional_field_descendance object The additional fields that are descendants of this field. Is only set if root_additional_field is true. A mapping from an additional field's JSON Pointer (with array indices removed) to an all_additional_fields object in which root_additional_field is false
path string The JSON Pointer to the parent object, with array indices removed, e.g. /releases/tender
field_name string The name of the additional field, e.g. myField


An array marked with an asterisk is populated from fields in the data, so could be any type (if the data doesn't conform to the schema).


lib-cove-ocds was extracted from [cove](https:/OpenDataServices/cove/tree/fa4441b9413324a740b8dc063ffbf0256a353c55).


A data review library for the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS)







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