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Tracing API

Table of Content

Tracing API consist of a few main classes:

  • Tracer is used for all operations. See Tracer section.
  • Span is a mutable object storing information about the current operation execution. See Span section.
  • SpanData is an immutable object that is used to report out-of-band completed spans. See SpanData section.

Data types

While languages and platforms have different ways of representing data, this section defines some generic requirements for this API.


OpenTelemetry can operate on time values up to nanosecond (ns) precision. The representation of those values is language specific.


A timestamp is the time elapsed since the Unix epoch.

  • The minimal precision is milliseconds.
  • The maximal precision is nanoseconds.


A duration is the elapsed time between two events.

  • The minimal precision is milliseconds.
  • The maximal precision is nanoseconds.


Obtaining a tracer

A tracer SHOULD be obtained from a global registry, for example OpenTelemetry.getTracer().

The registration to the registry depends on the language. In some languages the tracer is explicitly created and registered from user code and other languages the tracer implementation is resolved from linked dependencies using provider pattern.

The tracer object construction depends on the implementation. Various implementations might require to specify different configuration properties at creation time. In languages where provider pattern is used the configuration is provided externally.

Tracer provider

Tracer provider is an internal class used by the global registry (OpenTelemetry) to get a tracer instance. The global registry delegates calls to the provider every time a tracer instance is requested. This is necessary for use-cases when a single instrumentation code runs for multiple deployments.

The tracer provider is registered to API usually via language-specific mechanism, for instance ServiceLoader in Java.

Runtime with multiple deployments/applications

Application runtimes which support multiple deployments/applications might need to provide a different tracer instance to each deployment. In this case the runtime provides its own implementation of provider which returns a different tracer for each deployment.

Tracer operations


Returns the current Span from the current context.

There should be no parameter.

Returns the default Span that does nothing and has an invalid SpanContext if no Span is associated with the current context, otherwise the current Span from the context.


Enters the scope of code where the given Span is in the current context.

Required parameters:

  • The Span to be set to the current context.

Returns an object that defines a scope where the given Span will be set to the current context.

The scope is exited and previous state should be restored when the returned object is closed.


Returns a SpanBuilder to create and start a new Span if a Builder pattern for Span creation is used.

Required parameters:

  • Name of the span.

Returns a SpanBuilder to create and start a new Span.


Records a SpanData.

Required parameters:

  • SpanData to be reported to all exporters.

This API allows to send a pre-populated span object to the exporter. Sampling and recording decisions as well as other collection optimizations are a responsibility of a caller.

Note, the SpanContext object in the span population with the values that will allow correlation of telemetry is also a caller responsibility.

This API should be non-blocking.


Returns the binary format interface which can serialize/deserialize Spans.

There should be no parameter.

Returns the binary format for this implementation. If no implementation is provided then no-op implementation will be used.


Returns the HTTP text format interface which can inject/extract Spans.

There should be no parameter.

Returns the HTTP text format for this implementation. If no implementation is provided then no-op implementation will be used.

Usually this will be the W3C Trace Context as the HTTP text format. For more details, see trace-context.


A SpanContext represents the portion of a Span which must be serialized and propagated along side of a distributed context. SpanContexts are immutable. SpanContext MUST be a final (sealed) class.

The OpenTelemetry SpanContext representation conforms to the w3c TraceContext specification. It contains two identifiers - a TraceId and a SpanId - along with a set of common TraceOptions and system-specific TraceState values. SpanContext is represented as an interface, in order to be serializable into a wider variety of trace context wire formats.

TraceId A valid trace identifier is a 16-byte array with at least one non-zero byte.

SpanId A valid span identifier is an 8-byte array with at least one non-zero byte.

TraceOptions contain details about the trace. Unlike Tracestate values, TraceOptions are present in all traces. Currently, the only TraceOption is a boolean recorded flag.

Tracestate carries system-specific configuration data, represented as a list of key-value pairs. TraceState allows multiple tracing systems to participate in the same trace.

IsValid is a boolean flag which returns true if the SpanContext has a non-zero TraceID and a non-zero SpanID.

Please review the W3C specification for details on the Tracestate field.


Span represents a single operation within a trace. Spans can be nested to form a trace tree. Often, a trace contains a root span that describes the end-to-end latency and, optionally, one or more sub-spans for its sub-operations.

Once Span is created - Span operations can be used to add additional properties to it like attributes, links, events, name and resulting status. Span cannot be used to retrieve these properties. This prevents the mis-use of spans as an in-process information propagation mechanism.

The only two getters on span returns SpanContext and the flag on whether span will be recorded.

Span interface can have alternative implementations. It is expected that alternative implementations will be implementing vendor-specific logic. However, implementation MUST NOT allow to directly create a Span. Alternative implementation of Span can only be returned from alternative implementation of SpanBuilder, which in turn is only available from the Tracer. See Span creation.

Span creation

API MUST provide a way to create a new Span. Each language implementation should follow its own convention on Span creation, for example Builder in Java, Options in Go, etc. Span creation method MUST be defined on Tracer.

Required parameters:

  • Name of the span.

Optional parameters (or corresponding setters on Builder if using a Builder pattern):

  • Parent Span. If not set, the value of Tracer.getCurrentSpan at StartSpan time will be used as parent. MUST be used to create a Span when manual Context propagation is used OR when creating a root Span with a parent with an invalid SpanContext.

  • Parent SpanContext. If not set, the value of Tracer.getCurrentSpan at StartSpan time will be used as parent. MUST be used to create a Span when the parent is in a different process.

  • The option to become a root Span for a new trace. If not set, the value of Tracer.getCurrentSpan at StartSpan time will be used as parent.

  • Note: The three parameters above (parent Span, parent SpanContext and root) are mutually exclusive. Based on language implementation, if multiple parameters are specified or corresponding Setters are called multiple times, only the last specified value will be used. For example:

    1. builder.setParent(parentSpan).setNoParent().startSpan() will generate a new root span and parentSpan will be ignored;
    2. tracer.StartSpan(options.WithNoParent(), options.WithParentContext(parentCtx)) will generate a new child span with remote parent parentCtx, and WithNoParent will be ignored.

    In languages that need to take all the three parameters at the same time when creating a Span, parent Span should take precedence, then remote parent SpanContext, and root comes last. For example: 3. tracer.start_span(name='span', parent_span=span1, parent_span_context=ctx, root=true) will generate a new child span with parent span1, while parent_span_context and root will be ignored.

  • Sampler to the newly created Span. If not set, the implementation should provide a default sampler used by Tracer.

  • Collection of Links that will be associated with the newly created Span

  • The override value for a flag indicating whether events should be recorded for the newly created Span. If not set, the implementation will provide a default.

  • SpanKind for the newly created Span. If not set, the implementation will provide a default value INTERNAL.


Starts a new Span.

If called multiple times with Builder pattern, the same Span will be returned.

There should be no parameter if using a Builder pattern. Otherwise, StartSpan should accept all the optional parameters described in Span creation.

Returns the newly created Span.

Span operations

With the exception of the method to retrieve the Span's SpanContext and recording status, none of the below may be called after the Span is finished.

Get Context

A Span MUST have the ability to return the SpanContext associated with it. The returned value MUST be the same for the entire Span lifetime.

The Span interface MUST provide:

  • An API that returns the SpanContext for the given Span. The returned value may be used even after the Span is finished. This SHOULD be called GetContext.


Returns the flag whether this span will be recorded.

There should be no parameter.

Returns true if this Span is active and recording information like events with the AddEvent operation and attributes using SetAttributes.

Set Attributes

A Span MUST have the ability to set attributes associated with it.

An Attribute is defined by the following properties:

  • (Required) The attribute key, which must be a string.
  • (Required) The attribute value, which must be either a string, a boolean value, or a numeric type.

The Span interface MUST provide:

  • An API to set attributes where the attribute properties are passed as arguments. This SHOULD be called SetAttribute. To avoid extra allocations some implementations may offer a separate API for each of the possible value types.

Note that the OpenTelemetry project documents certain "standard attributes" that have prescribed semantic meanings.

Add Events

A Span MUST have the ability to add events. Events have a time associated with the moment when they are added to the `Span.

An Event is defined by the following properties:

  • (Required) Name of the event.
  • (Optional) One or more key:value pairs, where the keys must be strings and the values must be either a string, a boolean value, or a numeric type.

The Event should be an immutable type.

The Span interface MUST provide:

  • An API to record events where the Event properties are passed as arguments. This SHOULD be called AddEvent.
  • An API to record lazy initialized events. This can be implemented by providing an Event interface or a concrete Event definition and an EventFormatter. If the language supports overloads then this SHOULD be called AddEvent otherwise AddLazyEvent may be considered.

Note that the OpenTelemetry project documents certain "standard event names and keys" which have prescribed semantic meanings.

Add Links

A Span MUST have the ability to add links to other Spans. Linked Spans can be from the same or a different trace. See Links description.

An Link is defined by the following properties:

  • (Required) SpanContext of the Span to link to.
  • (Optional) One or more key:value pairs, where the keys must be strings and the values must be either a string, a boolean value, or a numeric type.

The Link should be an immutable type.

The Span interface MUST provide:

  • An API to record links where the Link properties are passed as arguments. This SHOULD be called AddLink.
  • An API to record lazy initialized links. This can be implemented by providing a Link interface or a concrete Link definition and a LinkFormatter. If the language supports overloads then this SHOULD be called AddLink otherwise AddLazyLink may be consider.

Set Status

Sets the Status of the Span. If used, this will override the default Span status, which is OK.

Only the value of the last call will be recorded, and implementations are free to ignore previous calls.

The Span interface MUST provide:

  • An API to set the Status where the new status is the only argument. This SHOULD be called SetStatus.


Updates the Span name. Upon this update, any sampling behavior based on Span name will depend on the implementation.

Required parameters:

  • The new operation name, which supersedes whatever was passed in when the Span was started


Finish the Span. This call will take the current timestamp to set as Span's end time. Implementations MUST ignore all subsequent calls to End (there might be exceptions when Tracer is streaming event and has no mutable state associated with the Span).

Call to End of a Span MUST not have any effects on child spans. Those may still be running and can be ended later.

There MUST be no parameter.

This API MUST be non-blocking.

Span lifetime

Span lifetime represents the process of recording the start and the end timestamps to the Span object:

  • The start time is recorded when the Span is created.
  • The end time needs to be recorded when the operation is ended.

Start and end time as well as Event's timestamps MUST be recorded at a time of a calling of corresponding API and MUST not be passed as an argument. In order to record already completed span - SpanData API HAVE TO be used.


Status interface represents the status of a finished Span. It's composed of a canonical code in conjuction with an optional descriptive message.


StatusCanonicalCode represents the canonical set of status codes of a finished Span, following the Standard GRPC codes.


The operation completed successfully.


The operation was cancelled (typically by the caller).


An unknown error.


Client specified an invalid argument. Note that this differs from FailedPrecondition. InvalidArgument indicates arguments that are problematic regardless of the state of the system.


Deadline expired before operation could complete. For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be returned even if the operation has completed successfully.


Some requested entity (e.g., file or directory) was not found.


Some entity that we attempted to create (e.g., file or directory) already exists.


The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation. PermissionDenied must not be used if the caller cannot be identified (use Unauthenticated1 instead for those errors).


Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.


Operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution.


The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue like sequencer check failures, transaction aborts, etc.


Operation was attempted past the valid range. E.g., seeking or reading past end of file. Unlike InvalidArgument, this error indicates a problem that may be fixed if the system state changes.


Operation is not implemented or not supported/enabled in this service.


Internal errors. Means some invariants expected by underlying system has been broken.


The service is currently unavailable. This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff.


Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.


The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation.

Status creation

API MUST provide a way to create a new Status.

Required parameters

  • StatusCanonicalCode of this Status.

Optional parameters

  • Description of this Status.


Returns the StatusCanonicalCode of this Status.


Returns the description of this Status.


Returns false if this Status represents an error, else returns true.


SpanData is an immutable and final class. All getters of SpanData are thread safe and can be called any number of times.

API MUST provide a way of constructing SpanData that can be recorded using Tracer method RecordSpanData.

Constructing SpanData

SpanData is an immutable object that can be constructed using the following arguments:

  • SpanContext identifying this SpanData.
  • Parent's SpanId. All-zeroes SpanId or null MUST be assumed and interchangeable if SpanData has no parent.
  • Resource this SpanData is recorded for. If not specified - Tracer's Resource will be used instead when the RecordSpanData called on the Tracer.
  • Name of this SpanData.
  • Kind of this SpanData. SpanKind.Internal MUST be assumed as a default.
  • Start and End timestamps.
  • Set of attributes with the string key and the value, which must be either a string, a boolean value, or a numeric type.
  • Set of Events.
  • Set of Links.
  • Status of SpanData execution.

All collections passes as an argument MUST be either immutable if language allows it or copied so the change of the collection will not mutate the SpanData.


Getters will be called by exporters in SDK. Implementation MUST not assume that getters will be called only once or at all. There also MUST be no expectations on how soon getters will be called after object creation.


Returns the name of this SpanData.


Returns the SpanKind of this SpanData.


Returns the start timestamp of this SpanData.


Returns the end timestamp of this SpanData.


Returns the SpanContext associated with this SpanData.


Returns the SpanId of the parent of this SpanData.


Returns the Resource associated with this SpanData. When null is returned the assumption is that Resource will be taken from the Tracer that is used to record this SpanData.


Returns the Attributes collection associated with this SpanData. The order of attributes in collection is not significant. The typical use of attributes collection is enumeration so the fast access to the label value by it's key is not a requirement. This collection MUST be immutable.


Return the collection of Events with the timestamps associated with this SpanData. The order of events in collection is not guaranteed. This collection MUST be immutable.


Returns the Links collection associated with this SpanData. The order of links in collection is not significant. This collection MUST be immutable.


Returns the Status of this SpanData.