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434 lines (343 loc) · 24.5 KB

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434 lines (343 loc) · 24.5 KB

The upgrade instructions are available at Oro documentation website.

The current file describes significant changes in the code that may affect the upgrade of your customizations.




  • Added filter badge hint for show how much values have been applied in filter orofrontend/default/js/app/views/filter-badge-hint-view
  • Added orofrontend/js/datagrid/frontend-action-launcher
  • Added orofrontend/js/datagrid/frontend-actions-panel
  • Added orofrontend/js/datagrid/actions/frontend-reset-collection-action
  • Added option for reset action storefront datagrids
    • grid_render_parameters.themeOptions.actionOptions.resetAction.hiddenIfIsNotResettable {boolean} - Hide reset action button when grid doesn't have changes
    • grid_render_parameters.themeOptions.actionOptions.{actionName}.launcherOptions.renderInExternalContainer {boolean} - Render action launcher in provided external container with default selector [data-group="external-toolbar-${gridName}"]
  • Added block type frontend_datagrid_external_toolbar, required datagrid name
  • Added theme svg_icons_support option into \Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Resources\views\layouts\default\theme.yml. Add svg_icons_support: true to your theme.yml file to enable SVG icons in your theme if it is extended from Refreshing Teal theme.
  • Added theme configuration options into \Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Resources\views\layouts\default\theme.yml.
  • Added oro_theme.theme_configuration system configuration option.
  • Added \Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Layout\Extension\PageTemplatesThemeConfigurationExtension that gets product_page_template theme configuration option values and adds for page_templates.
  • Added \Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Form\Configuration\AbstractCssConfigBuilder that should be used for CSS Theme Variables
  • Added option show_input_control to \Oro\Bundle\FormBundle\Form\Type\OroSimpleColorPickerType that allows to show text input form for manual color value. By default, value for this option is false


  • Replaced all places in code that used old system configuration options on theme configuration options.


  • Removed \Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Request\DynamicSessionHttpKernelDecorator and \Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\FrontendSessionPass, added explicit decorator \Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Request\StorefrontSessionHttpKernelDecorator instead.


  • Removed \Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\ConfigureFrontendHelperPass, made use of decoration instead for \Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Security\TokenAwareFrontendHelper.

Changes in the Customer Portal package versions

6.0.0 (2024-03-30)

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  • Added orofrontend/default/js/app/views/sticky-element-view and orofrontend/default/js/app/modules/sticky-manager-module to provide new sticky element functionality based on CSS position: sticky property.
  • Added to the email template inheritance feature an ability to use email templates located in layout themes at paths:
    • when in bundle: Resources/views/layouts/%theme%/email-templates/
    • when on app level: templates/layouts/%theme%/email-templates/
  • Added base_storefront email template that could be used as parent email template (via email template inheritance feature) for storefront-related email notifications.



  • SCSS $base-font-minor and $base-font-icon variables were removed, use $base-font and SVG icon instead.
  • SCSS 'link' mixin was removed, use @extend a for applying link styles.
  • SCSS get-nested-map-value function was removed, use native SCSS map.get function instead.
  • Widget oro/frontend-dialog-widget was renamed to oro/dialog-widget, so you have to use oro/dialog-widget in your customization. This widget no longer uses fullscreen-popup-view under the hood to render dialog as fullscreen. All logic is done by CSS using an extra class fullscreen. As a result, fullscreenViewOptions property was deleted and properties popupIcon, popupBadge and events frontend-dialog:accept, frontend-dialog:cancel, frontend-dialog:close were renamed to dialogTitleIcon, dialogTitleBadge, and accept, cancel, close.
  • Content Providers feature is separated now between backoffice and storefront. The tag oro_ui.content_provider is used for collecting backoffice content providers and the tag oro_frontend.content_provider - for storefront content providers.
  • Changed format of options that prepares RuleEditorOptionsConfigurator [?], removed entities field and added supportedNames and entityDataProvider
  • Widget oro/frontend-dialog-widget was renamed to oro/dialog-widget, so you have to use oro/dialog-widget in your customization. This widget no longer uses fullscreen-popup-view under the hood to render dialog as fullscreen. All logic is done by CSS using an extra class fullscreen. As a result, fullscreenViewOptions property was deleted and property popupIcon and events frontend-dialog:accept, frontend-dialog:cancel, frontend-dialog:close were renamed to dialogTitleIcon, and accept, cancel, close.
  • SCSS $base-font-minor and $base-font-icon variables were removed, use $base-font and SVG icon instead.
  • SCSS get-nested-map-value function was removed, use native SCSS map.get function instead.
  • Add scroll property to data-dom-relocation-options to handle element relocation on scroll


  • Updated frontend_export_result_error, frontend_export_result_success email templates to extend them from base_storefront email template.


  • Updated customer_user_confirmation_email, customer_user_force_reset_password, customer_user_reset_password, customer_user_welcome_email, customer_user_welcome_email_registered_by_admin email templates to extend them from base_storefront email template.



  • Removed orofrontend/default/js/app/views/sticky-panel-view.
  • Removed component shortcut data-page-component-sticky.
  • Removed __sticky_panel__sticky_panel_widget, __sticky_panel__sticky_panel_content_widget blocks in layout

5.1.0 (2023-03-31)

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  • Added oro_commerce_menu.main_navigation_menu setting to the system configuration and the ability to change main navigation menu on the storefront as per this setting.
  • Added the ability to specify target type for root menu items via menu update form like for other menu items.
  • Added synthetic field to \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Entity\MenuUpdate.
  • Added maxTraverseLevel field for \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Entity\MenuUpdate to store the max depth for the content node or category menu items tree.
  • Added menuTemplate field for \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Entity\MenuUpdate to store the menu template name to use for when rendering a menu item.
  • Added maxTraverseLevel field to the form \Oro\Bundle\NavigationBundle\Form\Type\MenuUpdateType.
  • Added menuTemplate field to the form \Oro\Bundle\NavigationBundle\Form\Type\MenuUpdateType.
  • Added the menu builder \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Builder\CategoryTreeBuilder to add the ability to fill the menu items of "Category" target type with their children as per \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Entity\MenuUpdate::$maxTraverseLevel depth.
  • Added the menu builder \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Builder\ContentNodeTreeBuilder to add the ability to fill the menu items of "Content Node" target type with their children as per \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Entity\MenuUpdate::$maxTraverseLevel depth.
  • Added menu_templates theme configuration allowing to specify menu templates available for storefront menu items rendering.
  • Added \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Provider\MenuTemplatesProvider to collect available menu templates.
  • Added \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Layout\MenuItemRenderer to render a menu item with the specified menu template using layouts.
  • Added the following layout block types with options:
    • menu_list: Container for rendering menu list
      • layoutType: {default: null} - Allows you to set a layout modifier. Requires a class_prefix value to be set
      • tagName: {default: 'ul'} - Specifies which html tag to use
    • menu_item: Menu item with actions, also allows you to render the next level menu list
      • tagName: {default: 'li'} - Specifies which html tag to use
      • iconEnable: {default: true} - Enable/Disable icon of the menu item
      • linkEnable: {default: true} - Enable/Disable link of the menu item
      • tooltipEnable: {default: false} - Enable/Disable tooltip for menu item
      • dividerEnable: {default: true} - Enable/Disable divider items
      • imageViewAs: {default: 'line'} 'line'|'image'|false - Show item with image as simple text item, item with image or disable
      • attr: {default: null} - Menu Item Attributes
      • actions_attr: {default: null} - Action Container Attributes
      • tooltipTemplate: Base HTML to use when creating the tooltip.
      • link_attr: {default: null} - Item menu link attributes
      • button_attr: {default: null} - Item Menu Button Attributes
      • button_text_attr: {default: null} - Item Menu Text Label Attributes
    • menu_inner: Menu item container for rendering next nested content
      • layoutType: {default: null} - Allows you to set a layout modifier. Requires a class_prefix value to be set
  • Added a scss mixin main-menu-stack-items that provides a basic scss structure for a stack of menu items
  • Added three different menu templates for menu items:
    • list: Simple list of menu
    • tree: Multi-column menu
    • mega: Multi-level menu with the ability to transition between levels with a slide effect on mobile devices, also a responsive view for desktop devices



  • The widgets collapse-widget, collapse-group-widget, rows-collapse-widget were removed, use the bootstrap-collapse instead.

  • As a result, you need to update your html:


    - {% set collapseView = {
    -   storageKey: 'unique storage key',
    -   uid: 'unique storage key id',
    -   animationSpeed: 0,
    -   closeClass: 'overflows',
    -   forcedState: false,
    -   checkOverflow: false,
    -   open: false,
    -   keepState: false
    - } %}
    - <div class="collapse-block" data-page-component-collapse="{{ collapseView|json_encode }}">
    -   <div class="control-label" data-collapse-container>
    -     Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit
    -   </div>
    -   <a href="#" class="control-label toggle-more" data-collapse-trigger>{{ 'Show more'|trans }}</a>
    -   <a href="#" class="control-label toggle-less" data-collapse-trigger>{{ 'Show less'|trans }}</a>
    - </div>
    + {% set collapseId = 'collapse-'|uniqid %}
    + <div class="collapse-block">
    +   <div id="{{ collapseId }}" class="collapse-overflow collapse no-transition"
    +        data-collapsed-text="{{ 'Show more'|trans }}"
    +        data-expanded-text="{{ 'Show less'|trans }}"
    +        data-check-overflow="true"
    +        data-toggle="false"
    +        data-state-id="{{ 'unique storage key id' }}"
    +   >Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit...</div>
    +   <a href="#"
    +      role="button"
    +      class="collapse-toggle"
    +      data-toggle="collapse"
    +      data-target="{{ '#' ~ collapseId }}"
    +      aria-expanded="false"
    +      aria-controls="{{ collapseId }}"><span data-text>{{ 'Show more'|trans }}</span></a>
    + </div>

The 'data-dom-relocation' selector to specify options for dom-relocation-view was removed, use 'data-dom-relocation-options' instead.

The oro grid system was modernized and uses CSS grid under the hood.

  • As a result, you need to update your html:


    - <div class="grid">
    -   <div class="grid__row">
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--1">grid__column--1</div>
    -   </div>
    -   <div class="grid__row">
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--3">grid__column--3</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--9">grid__column--9</div>
    -   </div>
    -   <div class="grid__row">
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--4">grid__column--4</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--4">grid__column--4</div>
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--4">grid__column--4</div>
    -   </div>
    -   <div class="grid__row">
    -     <div class="grid__column grid__column--12">grid__column--12</div>
    -   </div>
    - </div>
    + <div class="grid">
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col">1/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col-3">3/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col-9">9/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col-4">4/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col-4">4/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col-4">4/12</div>
    +   <div class="grid-col-12">12/12</div>
    + </div>

More details are available at Oro Frontend Stylebook.


  • orocommercemenu/js/app/widgets/menu-traveling-widget was moved to orocommercemenu/js/app/views/menu-traveling-view; Now extends BaseView instead of AbstractWidget
  • Updated block type menu:
    • Parent layout was changed from oro_layout.block_type.abstract_configurable to oro_layout.block_type.abstract_configurable_container
    • Added new option:
      • customItemBlock: {default: null} - Provides the ability to use a custom menu item template.



  • Removed \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\Entity\MenuUpdate::getExtras, its purpose is moved to \Oro\Bundle\CommerceMenuBundle\MenuUpdate\Propagator\ToMenuItem\ExtrasPropagator.


  • orofrontend/default/js/app/views/input-widget/checkbox was removed; use pure CSS checkbox customization instead.
  • orofrontend/default/js/app/views/input-widget/checkbox-radio was removed; use pure CSS radio button customization instead.

5.0.0 (2022-01-26)

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  • The configuration parameter cookie_secure has been moved to visitor_session node.
  • The configuration parameter cookie_httponly has been moved to visitor_session node.
  • The configuration parameter cookie_samesite has been moved to visitor_session node.
  • Updated search configuration file Oro/Bundle/CustomerBundle/Resources/config/oro/search.yml:
    • added configuration for next field oro_customer_id



  • orofrontend/default/js/widgets/line-clamp-widget was removed; use CSS -webkit-line-clamp property instead. Also was added the line-clamp class to does this out of the box.
  • orofrontend/default/js/app/views/footer-align-view was removed; use CSS features (Flex Box, Grid) to align the required part of HTML.

4.2.0 (2020-01-29)

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  • The service were removed. Exclude the get action in Resources/config/oro/api_frontend.yml instead.

4.1.0 (2020-01-31)

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  • The constant ACCOUNT in Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Provider\ScopeCustomerCriteriaProvider was replaced with CUSTOMER.
  • The constant FIELD_NAME in Oro\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Provider\ScopeCustomerGroupCriteriaProvider was replaced with CUSTOMER_GROUP.


  • A validation of web_backend_prefix container parameter was added. The parameter value must not be null and must start with a slash and not end with a slash.
  • The method isFrontendRequest(Request $request = null): bool of Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Request\FrontendHelper was changed to isFrontendRequest(): bool. To check whether a request is a storefront request use isFrontendUrl($request->getPathInfo()).
  • The class Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Provider\ActionCurrentApplicationProvider was renamed to Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Provider\FrontendCurrentApplicationProvider.


  • *.class parameters for all entities were removed from the dependency injection container. The entity class names should be used directly, e.g. 'Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\Email' instead of '' (in service definitions, datagrid config files, placeholders, etc.), and \Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Entity\Email::class instead of $container->getParameter('') (in PHP code).

4.0.0 (2019-07-31)

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  • The format of Resources/views/layouts/{folder}/config/screens.yml was changed. The screens root node was removed. It was done to make format of this file consistent with other config files, such as Resources/views/layouts/{folder}/config/assets.yml, Resources/views/layouts/{folder}/config/images.yml and Resources/views/layouts/{folder}/config/page_templates.yml.

  • In Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Controller\Api\Rest\WorkflowController::startAction (/api/rest/{version}/workflow/start/{workflowName}/{transitionName} path) action the request method was changed to POST.

  • In Oro\Bundle\FrontendBundle\Controller\Api\Rest\WorkflowController::transitAction (/api/rest/{version}/workflow/transit/{workflowItemId}/{transitionName} path) action the request method was changed to POST.




  • Service oro_commerce_menu.namespace_migration_provider


  • Services oro_frontend.namespace_migration_provider, oro_frontend.namespace_migration_fix_product_provider and the logic that used them were removed.

3.1.3 (2019-02-19)

3.1.2 (2019-02-05)

3.1.0 (2019-01-30)

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  • A new email template customer_user_welcome_email_registered_by_admin was added. It is sent when the administrator or a customer user manager creates a new customer user with the "Send Welcome Email" option selected or when the administrator confirms a customer user from the management console.



  • The field username was removed from /admin/api/customerusers REST API resource.

  • The frontend_owner_type entity configuration attribute for Customer entity is set to FRONTEND_CUSTOMER. The Full access level was changed to Corporate (All Levels) for Customer entity for ROLE_FRONTEND_ADMINISTRATOR customer user role. For all other customer user roles the Full access level was changed to Department (Same Level).

  • Changes in /admin/api/customer_user_addresses REST API resource:

    • the resource name was changed to /admin/api/customeruseraddresses
    • the attribute created was renamed to createdAt
    • the attribute updated was renamed to updatedAt
    • the relationship frontendOwner was renamed to customerUser
  • The name for /admin/api/customer_users REST API resource was changed to /admin/api/customerusers.

  • The name for /admin/api/customer_user_roles REST API resource was changed to /admin/api/customeruserroles.

  • The name for /admin/api/customer_groups REST API resource was changed to /admin/api/customergroups.

  • The name for /admin/api/customer_rating REST API resource was changed to /admin/api/customerratings.

  • Removed the oro_customer.send_password_in_welcome_email config option to prevent issues with security when a plain password is sent by email.

  • There is no password provided while rendering the customer_user_welcome_email email template. Please update your customization of this email template. It is recommended to use a reset password link in the email template instead of a plain password.

3.0.0 (2018-07-27)

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  • The CustomerGroup::customers relation was removed as well as other related logic.

2.6.0 (2018-01-31)



  • Added frontend option for datagrids. This option should be set to true for all datagrids are used in the store frontend. For details see Frontend Datagrids

2.5.0 (2017-11-30)

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  • In case when Customer Portal is installed together with CRM, the Account Manager role has full permissions for Account and Contact entities. The permissions for the Account Manager is not changed if Customer Portal is added to already installed CRM.

2.4.0 (2017-09-29)

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  • some inline underscore templates were moved to separate .html file for each template.



  • removed interface ConstraintByValidationGroups[?].
  • removed constraint class OrderAddress[?].
  • removed constraint validator OrderAddressValidator[?].

2.3.0 (2017-07-28)

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  • the DI container parameter oro_customer.entity.owners was changed
    • the option local_level was renamed to business_unit
    • the option basic_level was renamed to user



  • class RecordOwnerDataListener[?]
    • constant OWNER_TYPE_ACCOUNT was removed, use OWNER_TYPE_CUSTOMER instead

2.2.0 (2017-05-31)

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