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This repo hosts my attempts at using cython to create an library that defines an forward-Euler integration routine. This is a proxy for prototyping the structure that I will use in SODE. The situation is that the library should define an algorithm - in this case forward-Euler - and a user of the library should define the function that the algorithm will operate on. My objective is that the user should be able to:

  1. Use the library with a pure python function for learning or debugging. In this case performance is not a concern.
  2. Use the library with a function defined in a cython extension module for better performance. This case should perform as fast as possible.

Ideally the code used for the python/cython versions should be as similar as possible so that converting a pure python version to its cython equivalent should be trivial.

The basic problem is how to achieve maximum efficiency in the pure cython case while still allowing users the flexibility to supply a function from pure python.


The first attempt is in pure python and looks like:

import numpy as np

def euler(f, x0, t):
    X = np.zeros((len(t), len(x0)), float)
    dxdt = np.zeros(len(x0), float)

    X[0, :] = x = np.array(x0)
    tlast = t[0]

    for n, tcur in enumerate(t[1:], 1):
        f(x, tlast, dxdt)
        X[n, :] = x = x + dxdt * (tcur - tlast)
        tlast = tcur

    return X

def func(x, t, dxdt):
    dxdt[0] = x[1]
    dxdt[1] = - x[0]

The idea is that the function euler is defined in the library and the function func is defined in a script written by a user of the library. The function func is chosen to describe the Ordinary Differential Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion. The function euler will perform forward Euler integration of the function to produce an array X representing the state of the system at times corresponding to the elements of t. We can run this with a script like:


from pylab import *
import euler_01

x0 = array([0., 1.])
t = arange(0, 10, 0.01)

X = euler_01.euler(euler_01.func, x0, t)

plot(t, X)

We want to improve on the performance of the above routine by implementing euler in cython code and allowing a user to implement func in cython code and have the result achieve performance close to what would be avilable in pure-c.


The files euler_N.{py|pyx} in this repo represent different attempts at achieving this. To build all of the cython extension modules run:

$ python build_ext --inplace

To test the euler_08 implementation do:

$ python 08

which will plot the results using matplotlib.

To test the performance of all of the implementations, do:

$ ./
stmt: euler_01.euler(euler_01.func, x0, t)      t: 14382 usecs
stmt: euler_02.euler(euler_02.func, x0, t)      t: 16687 usecs
stmt: euler_03.euler(euler_03.func, x0, t)      t: 2859 usecs
stmt: euler_04.euler(x0, t)                     t: 1482 usecs
stmt: euler_05.euler(x0, t)                     t: 1448 usecs
stmt: euler_06.euler(x0, t)                     t: 1405 usecs
stmt: euler_07.euler(x0, t)                     t: 30 usecs
stmt: euler_08.euler(x0, t)                     t: 29 usecs
stmt: euler_09.euler(x0, t)                     t: 41 usecs
stmt: euler_10.euler(x0, t)                     t: 38 usecs
stmt: euler_11.euler(x0, t)                     t: 1424 usecs
stmt: euler_12.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_11     t: 2783 usecs
stmt: euler_13.euler(x0, t)                     t: 42 usecs
stmt: euler_14.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_13     t: 4537 usecs
stmt: euler_15.euler(x0, t)                     t: 171 usecs
stmt: euler_16.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_15     t: 570 usecs
stmt: euler_17.euler(x0, t)                     t: 55 usecs
stmt: euler_18.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_17     t: 556 usecs
stmt: euler_19.euler(x0, t)                     t: 42 usecs
stmt: euler_20.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_19     t: 817 usecs

My interpretation of the above performance differences follows. The general gist is that upto euler_08 we are just trying to get the test to run as fast as possible. euler_09 and euler_10 aim to keep that speed whilst making it possible to set the function from user cython code by subclassing an extension type, bringing a 33% performance penalty. euler_11 onwards attempt to make is possible to subclass in both cython and python whilst adding as little as possible overhead to the cython case.

1. euler_01 is a pure python implementation and takes 15 millisseconds to run the test.

2. euler_02 reimplements euler_01 in cython using cpdef functions with and static typing. The function func is passed as an argument to the euler_02.euler function. This means that, although it is implemented in c, func is called through its python interface. The overhead of calling into a cpdef function through its python interface actually increases the time taken to around 17 milliseconds.

3. euler_03 improves on euler_02 by eliminating the creation of temparoray arrays and performing all array assignments with cdef'd integers. This brings the total running time down to about 3 milliseconds which is a factor of 5 improvement over the original pure python implementation.

4. euler_04 sacrifices the flexibility of being able to pass in any function you like by explicitly calling func from the euler routine. This ensures that the cpdef function is always called via its c interface and cuts the running time by a further 50% (factor of 10 improvement over pure python).

5. euler_05 attempts to improve performance by using disabling wraparound and boundscheck in the generated cython code. Unfortunately this only gives a small improvement.

6. euler_06 attempts to improve on the performance of euler_05 by doing all of the manipulations in euler using double pointers but still using a cpdef function and numpy.ndarray for func. This results in a small performance increase.

7. euler_07 uses cdef functions and double pointers everywhere and the cdef'd euler routine explicitly calls the cdef'd func routine. This results in a massive performance boost. The time taken is now 30 microseconds, which is 50 times faster than euler_08 and 500 times faster than pure python. This is probably close to the performance that would be available in pure c. This does, however, make it impossible for a user to supply their own func to the library.

8. euler_08 attempts to go even further by making func an inline function. This actually incurs a small performance penalty.

9. euler_09 defines an extension type ODES with methods euler and _func. This enables _func to be customised by subclassing ODES in another cython module. This incurs a 33% increase in running time relative to the super-fast euler_07.

10. euler_10 is the same as euler_09 but shows the performance when running with a subclass of ODES as a library user would. This has a roughly 50% overhead compared to euler_07.

11. euler_11 attempts to make the more efficient euler_07-10 implementations more flexible, by adding a cpdef function func that can be overridden by subclassing in pure python. The default implementation of func calls into a cdef function _func that can only be overridden by subclassing in cython code. This makes it possible to subclass in python or cython and override func or _func respectively. Unfortunately, the overhead of calling into the cpdef'd function func reduces performance massively.

12. euler_12 demonstrates subclassing ODES from euler_11. The performance is better than the pure python euler_14 by a factor of about 2. So using cpdef functions can provide better performance for the pure python mode of sublcassing ODES at the expense of a 30-40 times penalty for cython code.

13. euler_13 achieves the same flexibility as euler_11 without the performance cost by creating two extension types. A user who wants to write something in pure python must subclass pyODES instead of ODES and override func instead of _func. The performance of this variant is about 33% worse than the fastest version euler_07 while keeping the intended flexibility that a user can override the methods in either python or cython. It is, however, unfortunate to have to subclass a different type and override a different method. Also if there would be subclasses of ODES, then each would need a corresponding py variant to be usable from pure python.

14. euler_14 demonstrates subclassing pyODES from euler_13. The performance is better than the pure python euler_01 by a factor of about 3. The performance here is not as good as euler_12 that subclasses a cpdef method. It is improved upon later with euler_19 and euler_20 that use a custom Array extension type to speed up calling into the python function.

15. euler_15 demonstrates using a custom array class in place of numpy.ndarray. This enables us to improve performance without sacrificing the flexibility of cpdef. This gives an improvement of a factor of around 8 compared to the other euler_11. It is still 4 times as expensive as euler_12.

16. euler_16 shows what happens if the ODES extension type if subclassed from pure python. The performance is 30 times better than the original all python euler_01 and 4 times better than the next best python subclass euler_14.

17 euler_17 improves on euler_15's cython performance by adding set and get methods to the Array extension type. These cdef methods are able to ourperform the special methods __getitem__ and __setitem__ for which it is not possible to set a return type.

18. euler_18 should be the same as euler_16 but using the euler_18 module.

19. euler_19 should be the same as euler_13. The changes here are intended to improve performance when subclassing from python as in euler_20.

20. euler_20 performs significantly better than euler_14 because of the use of an Array extension type to boost performance when calling into the python function.


My interpretation of the above results is that the problem is really to do with using numpy.ndarray. I think this point is demonstrated in the performance difference between euler_10 and euler_11. The only difference between these two is that in euler_11 I am calling through a cpdef function that takes statically typed numpy.ndarrays. The cost of doing this is comparable to each of the implementations that doesn't just work with double pointers. It is possible, however, that the cost is really to do with entering a cpdef function, although since I'm calling it from cython that should (theoretically) be okay.

I can achieve much greater performance with functions that just use double pointers. Unfortunately I cannot statically type the arguments of a cpdef function to use double pointers as there is no corresponding python alternative. If I had an alternative array implementation that was as efficient as a c-style array, I could try that with a cpdef function to see what the performance difference would be compared with euler_12. If it could perform as well then I would have the flexibility of being able to subclass the same methods of the same class in both cython and python while also having the performance of euler_13 in the pure cython case. Also the difference in performance between euler_14 and euler_12 suggests that using cpdef functions might be more efficient for python subclasses.

As it stands the performance difference between cpdef with numpy.ndarray and cdef with double pointers is too big to be sacrificed in favour of the flexibility that cpdef would give. If I can replicate those gains with a custom array type, then I will use that. Otherwise I will stick with euler_12 and have two different classes, one to subclass from pure python and the other from cython.


Having tested a custom array class in euler_15 I can see that the performance definitely is much better than using numpy.ndarray. euler_15 outperforms euler_11 by a factor of more than 10 and the only difference is the use of the custom cython extension Array type as the data type to pass into func. With this the choice becomes between euler_12's less elegant two class solution and euler_15's slower but more elegant code.

euler_12 gives us performance of 40 and 4500 micorseconds for cython and python defined functions respectively.

euler_15 gives us performance of 172 and 550 microseconds for the two cases.

Using cpdef functions makes euler_15 faster from python but slower from cython. Perhaps the performance of indexing the array class can be improved.

Update 2

Having tested euler_17, I can see that we can get a performance within a factor of 2 of the best performance by using the cdef methods item and itemset instead of indexing the Array type. This improves substantially on euler_15 for these simple cases as an optional speedup for those who are prepared to use special methods instead of indexing into the array.

The disadvantage of this approach is that the itemset and item methods are incompatible with any other Array API. The resulting functions will not be transparently applicable to numpy.ndarray or any other type that we decide to place there.

Update 3

Using the extension Array class in euler_12 can give a boost to the pure python performance. Now the best performers are:

euler_15: 174us and 598us euler_17: 57us and 564us euler_19: 40us and 833us

The advantages and disadvantages from a coding perspective are as follows.

euler_15 allows the user to subclass the same type from cython or python and override the same method with no need to change any of the syntax used in order to achieve the level of performance reported above.

euler_17 achieves better performance in the cython case at the expense of requiring users to use a slightly awkward syntax in order to achieve the best performance in cython. The best cython performance is several times better than euler_15 but about 50% slower than euler_19.

euler_19 achieves the best performance in the cython case at a roughly 50% performance penalty in the python case. It is fiddly to code as it requires a separate py class for every extension type so that it can be overridden from python without impacting in the performance when it is overridden from cython.

Final conclusion

I will probably use the euler_19 approach as it offers the best performance. Perhaps it can be augmented with bounds checking in a way that can be subsequently disabled.

This means that everything should be defined in terms of extension types with cdef methods using double pointers. Enabling a library user to subclass from python will mean having an additional py class for each extension type. This isn't very elegant but the cython performance is paramount here.

The problems that prevent me from using euler_15 are that it is not possible to make __setitem__ and __getitem__ more efficient in cython. I think this is because I can't control the return types of the two functions. At least that's the only difference between them and item and itemset that are able to boost cython performance by a factor of 3 in this test.

As for euler_17, I am less in favour of introducing the item/itemset functions in replacement of indexing than I am about creating redundant classes just for performance reasons as is the case with euler_19.


Timings on Linux:

$ ./
stmt: euler_01.euler(euler_01.func, x0, t)      t: 11146 usecs
stmt: euler_02.euler(euler_02.func, x0, t)      t: 12723 usecs
stmt: euler_03.euler(euler_03.func, x0, t)      t: 2623 usecs
stmt: euler_04.euler(x0, t)                     t: 1287 usecs
stmt: euler_05.euler(x0, t)                     t: 1307 usecs
stmt: euler_06.euler(x0, t)                     t: 1228 usecs
stmt: euler_07.euler(x0, t)                     t: 22 usecs
stmt: euler_08.euler(x0, t)                     t: 23 usecs
stmt: euler_09.euler(x0, t)                     t: 23 usecs
stmt: euler_10.euler(x0, t)                     t: 22 usecs
stmt: euler_11.euler(x0, t)                     t: 1469 usecs
stmt: euler_12.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_11     t: 2905 usecs
stmt: euler_13.euler(x0, t)                     t: 23 usecs
stmt: euler_14.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_13     t: 4132 usecs
stmt: euler_15.euler(x0, t)                     t: 162 usecs
stmt: euler_16.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_15     t: 748 usecs
stmt: euler_17.euler(x0, t)                     t: 33 usecs
stmt: euler_18.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_17     t: 765 usecs
stmt: euler_19.euler(x0, t)                     t: 23 usecs
stmt: euler_20.euler(x0, t) # py - euler_19     t: 1164 usecs

Notes on the above:

1. euler_19 achieves the same speed as euler_07. Apparently there is no penalty in using the cython vtable here.

2. The cython performance penalty for using euler_15 over eulerr_17 is a factor of 8 here.


Prototyping cython code setup for sode






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