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Pose Frame Semantics Proposal


This proposal suggests a series of changes intended to support semantics for more expressivity of kinematics and coordinate frames in SDFormat 1.7. SDFormat 1.5 added <frame> elements to several elements, and the frame attribute string to <pose> elements, as described in the documentation on existing behavior for pose frame semantics. Semantics for the frame element and attribute were not fully defined, so they have not yet been used. The changes proposed here are intended to fully define the frame element to improve usability. An initial version of this proposal without support for nested models was implemented in libsdformat 9.0, while support for nested models is targeted for libsdformat 9.3.

Document summary

The proposal includes the following sections:

  • Motivation: An explanation of the background and rationale behind the proposal
  • Proposed changes: Each addition to or subtraction from the existing SDFormat version’s design, definitions, semantics and syntax, organized under subsections of related concepts
  • Examples: Long form code samples of the proposed changes
  • Parsing phases: Updated phases of parsing kinematics necessary for SDFormat 1.7 models and worlds


The proposal uses XPath syntax to describe elements and attributes concisely. For example, <model> tags are referred to as //model using XPath. XPath is even more concise for referring to nested tags and attributes. In the following example, <link> elements inside <model> tags are referenced as //model/link and model name attributes as //model/@name:

<model name="model_name">


Coordinate frames are a fundamental aspect of model specification in SDFormat. For each element with a //pose tag (such as model, link and joint), a coordinate frame is defined, consisting of an origin and orientation of XYZ coordinate axes. Coordinate frames are defined by applying the pose transform relative to another coordinate frame. In SDF 1.6 and earlier, there are fixed rules for determining the frame relative to which each subsequent frame is defined (see the "Parent frames" sections in the documentation for Pose frame semantics: legacy behavior).

This proposes to improve the expressivity of model specification in SDFormat by adding the ability to define arbitrary coordinate frames within a model and choose the frame relative to which each frame is defined.

This allows frames to be used to compose information and minimize redundancy, such as specifying a link's pose relative to its parent / inboard joint. It could also be used to abstract other information for inverse kinematics, visual servoing, or sensor calibration by defining a camera pose using a frame instead of a base link and pose offset.

Proposed changes

The following sections are the proposed changes regarding the semantics of SDFormat 1.7’s frame element and supporting topics. Top level sections may encompass subsections of proposed changes that fall under the same purview. Each section or subsection describes a proposed change, the details surrounding it, how it differs from existing functionality, and why the change is necessary. Some sections include examples and alternatives considered.

1 Terminology

1.1 Frames and poses

Each pose must be defined relative to (or be measured in) a certain frame. This is achieved by the attribute //pose/@relative_to, described below.

Arbitrary frames are defined with the //frame tag. A frame must have a name (//frame/@name), be attached to another frame or link (//frame/@attached_to), and have a defined pose (//frame/pose). Further details of the change include:

  • A pose defined relative to a given frame does not imply it is attached to that frame.
  • A pose's relative to frame only defines its initial configuration; any movement due to degrees of freedom will only result in a new pose as defined by its attached to frame.
    • This is done in order to support a "Model-Absolute" paradigm for model building; see the Addendum on Model Building for further discussion.

Defining these semantics, which were missing from SDFormat 1.5, minimizes redundancy in poses and offsets and makes relationships between physical elements easier to interpret.

1.2 Explicit vs. implicit frames

Explicit frame elements (//frame) must only appear in //model (//model/frame) and //world (//world/frame) elements. Implicit frames, defined by non-frame elements, must be introduced for convenience. The following frame types are implicitly introduced:

  • Link frames: each link has a frame named //link/@name attached to the link at its origin defined by //link/pose.
  • Joint frames: each joint has a frame named //joint/@name attached to the child link at the joint's origin defined by //joint/pose. As a direct consequence, world is no longer permitted to be specified as a child link of a joint, since that would break encapsulation of the model.
  • Model frame: each model has a frame that is attached to one of its links (see section 2.1 for the definition of a model's canonical link). Depending on the context, a model frame can be referenced with __model__ or //model/@name (see section 2.2). The model frame is the default frame to which explicit model frames defined by //model/frame are attached.
  • World frame: each world has a fixed inertial reference frame named world that is the default frame to which explicit world frames defined by //world/frame are attached.

SDFormat 1.5 permitted explicit //frame elements in many places. SDFormat 1.7 limits //frame elements to //model and //world since this provides equivalent functionality with much less complexity required in the SDFormat parser.

1.2.1 Alternatives considered

Introducing implicit frames for other elements such as //link/visual, //link/collision, and //link/sensor was considered. However, it was determined that introducing these implicit frames adds unnecessary complexity to the SDFormat parser. It would also pollute the frame graph making it less efficient to traverse.

1.3 Empty //pose and //frame elements imply identity pose

Empty //pose elements must be interpreted as equivalent to the identity pose. In the following examples, the //pose elements in each pair are equivalent to each other.

<pose />
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<pose relative_to='frame_name' />
<pose relative_to='frame_name'>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>

Likewise, empty //frame elements must be interpreted as having an identity pose relative to //frame/@attached_to. The four frame elements below are equivalent.

<frame name="F" attached_to="A" />

<frame name="F" attached_to="A">
  <pose />

<frame name="F" attached_to="A">
  <pose relative_to="A" />

<frame name="F" attached_to="A">
  <pose relative_to="A">0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>

In SDFormat 1.5, an identity pose is specified by omitting the tag or with an explicit <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>. This change is a convenience to reduce verbosity, because there are many expected cases where a frame is defined relative to another frame with no additional pose offset.

2 Model frame and canonical link

2.1 Implicit frame defined by //model/pose attached to canonical link

Each non-static model must have at least one link designated as the canonical link. The implicit frame of the model is attached to this link. This implicit frame of a static model is attached to the world.

The implicit frame is defined by the //model/pose element, typically called the "model frame". It must be user-configurable, but with a default value.

The name of the canonical link can be specified in the //model/@canonical_link attribute. If it is not specified, then the first //link element in the model is chosen as the canonical link.

The following two models are equivalent:

<!-- //model/@canonical_link -->
<model name="test_model" canonical_link="link1">
  <link name="link1"/>
  <link name="link2"/>
<model name="test_model">
  <link name="link1"/>
  <link name="link2"/>

In SDFormat 1.4, the model frame is the frame relative to which all //link/pose elements are interpreted. The SDFormat 1.4 specification does not clearly state to which link the model frame is attached, but Gazebo has a convention of choosing the first //link element listed as a child of a //model as the @attached_to link and referring to this as the model's Canonical Link (see from gazebo 10.1.0).

In SDFormat 1.5, a model without links is considered valid, but its implicit frame is not well-defined since it is not clear where the frame is attached. It is necessary to specify what a canonical link is because the model frame must be attached to this link.

2.1.1 Alternatives considered
<!-- //link/@canonical -->
<model name="test_model">
  <link name="link1" canonical="true"/>
<!-- //model/canonical_link -->
<model name="test_model">

2.2 Referencing the implicit model frame via __model__ or model name

SDFormat 1.7 must provide a means to reference the implicit model frame depending on the context.

From child elements of a given model, the "internal implicit model frame" can be referenced using the reserved name __model__. From outside of a given model, the "external implicit model frame" can be referenced using the model's specified name.

As of libsdformat 9.3, nested models have an "external implicit model frame" that can be referenced by sibling frames, but the contents of a nested model can only be referenced from within the nested model.

Previous versions of SDFormat did not have the @attached_to and @relative_to attributes, so there was no way to refer to frames by name. The ability to reference __model__ makes implementation more straightforward.

2.2.1 Alternatives considered

The first alternative was to make the model frame be explicitly named as the model name specified by the file (not overridden by //include). No link, joint, or frame can be specified using this name.

The caveat with this is that it be confusing if/when more complex references are supported via nesting.

The second alternative was to prevent the implicit model frame from being referred to explicitly.

For this solution, implementation could become complicated / ambiguous when handling default frames. For example, "" could be used as the token for the model / world frame. Additionally, @relative_to defaults to "", but in some contexts this may imply the model frame, the parent element frame, the child link frame, etc.

It also complicates migration via when handling things like replacing //joint/axis/use_parent_frame with //joint/axis/xyz/@expressed_in.

2.3 Referencing the implicit world frame via world

The "internal implicit frame" for a //world element must be world (rather than __model__ or __world__). This may not be referred to within //model elements, except for specifying //joint/parent.

For the same reasons as the implicit model frame, the ability to reference world makes implementation more straightforward.

2.3.1 Alternatives considered

Two possible alternatives were (a) have both __world__ for the world frame and world for the world link or (b) use __world__ for both.

(a) was decided against because it seemed redundant given that world could be referenced both as a frame and a link, which is consistent with implicit frames for links. (b) was decided against because it would create additional churn to support both world and __world__ up to a point, and then switch over to __world__.

3 Name conflicts and scoping rules for explicit and implicit frames

As frames are referenced in several attributes by name, it is necessary to avoid naming conflicts between frames defined in //world/frame, //world/model, //model/frame, //model/model, //model/link, and //model/joint. This motivates the scoping and naming rules proposed in the following sections.

3.1 Scoping rules for referencing frames by name

To ensure that multiple copies of the same model can co-exist as siblings in a world, separate scopes must be defined for referencing frames by name:

  • Model scope: each model has its own scope in which explicit //model/frame and implicit //model/model, //model/link and //model/joint frames can be referenced.
  • World scope: the world has a separate scope in which explicit //world/frame and implicit //world/model frames can be referenced.

For example, the following world has four scopes, one each for the world, model_1,model_2, and model_3. The world scope contains the explicit //world/frame named explicit_frame and the implicit model frames model_1 and model_2. The model_1 and model_2 scopes each contain frames named explicit_frame and link, but there is no name conflict because they are in separate scopes.

<world name="frame_scope">
  <frame name="explicit_frame"/>
  <model name="model_1">
    <frame name="explicit_frame"/>
    <link name="link"/>
  <model name="model_2">
    <frame name="explicit_frame"/>  <!-- VALID: name is unique in this model. -->
    <link name="link"/>             <!-- VALID: name is unique in this model. -->
    <model name="model_3">
      <frame name="explicit_frame"/>  <!-- VALID: name is unique in this model. -->
      <link name="link"/>             <!-- VALID: name is unique in this model. -->

In the following example, there are three frames in the model scope: the implicit link frames base and attachment and the implicit joint frame attachment. Referring to a frame named attachment is ambiguous in this case, which inspires the element naming rule in the following section that disallows name conflicts like this.

<model name="model">
  <link name="base"/>
  <link name="attachment"/>
  <joint name="attachment" type="fixed">  <!-- INVALID: joint name should not match name of sibling link. -->

In SDFormat 1.4, the only objects referenced by name are the links named in //joint/parent and //joint/child, and the names are always scoped to the current model. In SDFormat 1.5, the :: delimiter is used to indicate that the target link is within a nested model, but the scope is still limited to objects contained in the current model. The :: syntax for referencing across model boundaries is not supported by SDFormat 1.7. With the addition of //world/frame and //world/model/pose/@relative_to, it is necessary to consider the world scope separately from each model's scope to avoid name conflicts and ensure encapsulation.

3.1.1 Alternatives considered

One alternative was to not use any scoping at all, such that any frame could be referenced by name from any other part of the world. This would make naming conflicts much more common as you could not include two copies of the same model in a world without giving unique names to the links, joints, and explicit frames.

Another approach instead of scoping is to treat the xml hierarchy like a filesystem and use familiar operators such as / and .. to specify frame references directly in the hierarchy. This adds significant complexity and difficulty and deviates from the current practice of specifying parent and child links for a joint by name.

The current proposal is the most conservative and should allow for more expansive (but possibly more complex) scoping rules to be incorporated while maintaining compatibility.

3.2 Unique names for all sibling elements

All named sibling elements must have unique names. Uniqueness is forced so that referencing implicit frames is not ambiguous, e.g. you cannot have a link and joint share an implicit frame name.

One method of ensuring name uniqueness across element types is by adopting the practice of including the element type in model names. For example, numbering models as link1 / link2 or using element types as a suffix, like front_right_wheel_joint / front_right_steering_joint. Furthermore, the frame semantics proposed in this document use the names of sibling elements //model/frame, //model/model, //model/link and //model/joint to refer to frames.

<sdf version="1.4">
  <model name="model">
    <link name="base"/>
    <link name="attachment"/>
    <joint name="attachment" type="fixed"> <!-- VALID, but RECOMMEND AGAINST -->
<sdf version="1.7">
  <model name="model">
    <link name="base"/>
    <link name="attachment"/>
    <joint name="attachment" type="fixed"> <!-- INVALID, sibling link has same name. -->

Some existing SDFormat models may not comply with this requirement.

  • A validation tool will need to be created to identify models that violate this requirement.
  • The specification version is incremented to 1.7 so that checks can be added when converting to the newer, stricter version.

SDFormat 1.5 is more permissive and does not explicitly disallow identical sibling names. This change is necessary because frames are referenced in several attributes by name. It is necessary to avoid naming conflicts between frames defined in //model/frame, //model/model, //model/link and //model/joint.

3.2.1 Alternatives considered

It was considered to specify the frame type in the //frame/@attached_to and //pose/@relative_to attributes in order to avoid this additional naming restriction. For example, the following approach uses a URI with the frame type encoded as the scheme.

<model name="model">
  <link name="base"/>
  <frame name="base"/>
  <frame name="link_base">
    <pose relative_to="link://base"/>    <!-- Relative to the link. -->
  <frame name="frame_base">
    <pose relative_to="frame://base"/>   <!-- Relative to the frame. -->

While an approach like this would avoid the need for the new naming restrictions, it would either require always specifying the frame type in addition to the frame name or add complexity to the specification by allowing multiple ways to specify the same thing. Moreover, it was mentioned above that it can be very confusing when sibling elements of any type have identical names, which mitigates the need to support non-unique names for sibling elements. As such, the naming restriction is preferred.

3.3 Reserved names

Entities in a simulation must not use world as a name. It has a special interpretation when specified as a parent or child link of a joint.

<model name="world"/><!-- INVALID: world is a reserved name. -->
<model name="world_model"/><!-- VALID -->
<model name="model">
  <link name="world"/><!-- INVALID: world is a reserved name. -->
  <link name="world_link"/><!-- VALID -->

Names starting and ending with double underscores (eg. __wheel__) must be reserved for use by library implementors and the specification. For example, such names might be useful during parsing for setting sentinel or default names for elements with missing names. If explicitly stated, they can be referred to (e.g. __model__ / world for implicit model / world frames, respectively).

<model name="__model__"/><!-- INVALID: name starts and ends with __, and is reserved. -->
<model name="model">
  <!-- VALID: Both frames are equivalent. -->
  <frame name="frame1"/>
  <frame name="frame2" attached_to="__model__"/>
<model name="model">
  <link name="__link__"/><!-- INVALID: name starts and ends with __. -->

In SDFormat 1.5, when a joint specifies “world” as its parent or child link, its behavior is inconsistent and depends on the existence of a sibling link named “world”. If such a sibling link exists, that link will be used as the parent / child, but if no sibling link exists, then a static link fixed to the world frame is used instead. These changes reduce the inconsistency by disallowing sibling links named “world”.

4 Details of //model/frame

The //model/frame must have two attributes, @name and @attached_to, as well as a child //pose element that specifies the initial pose of the frame. Further details of the attributes of //model/frame are given in the following subsections.

SDFormat 1.5 introduced //model/frame and its attributes, but left the semantics undefined. It is necessary to define these semantics so the element and attributes can be utilized.

4.1 The //model/frame/@name attribute

The //model/frame/@name attribute must specify the name of a //frame. It is a required attribute, and can be used by other frames in the @attached_to and //pose/@relative_to attributes to refer to this frame. As stated in a previous section, all sibling elements must have unique names to avoid ambiguity when referring to frames by name.

<model name="frame_naming">
  <frame/>          <!-- INVALID: name attribute is missing. -->
  <frame name=''/>  <!-- INVALID: name attribute is empty. -->
  <frame name='A'/> <!-- VALID. -->
  <frame name='B'/> <!-- VALID. -->
<model name="nonunique_sibling_frame_names">
  <frame name='F'/>
  <frame name='F'/> <!-- INVALID: sibling names are not unique. -->
<model name="nonunique_sibling_names">
  <link name='L'/>
  <frame name='L'/> <!-- INVALID: sibling names are not unique. -->

4.2 The //model/frame/@attached_to attribute

The //model/frame/@attached_to attribute must specify the link or nested model to which the //frame is attached. It is an optional attribute. If it is specified, it must contain the name of an explicit or implicit frame in the current scope. If a //frame is specified, recursively following the @attached_to attributes of the specified frames must lead to the name of a link. Cycles in the @attached_to graph are not allowed. If the attribute is not specified, the frame is attached to the model frame and thus indirectly attached to the canonical link.

<model name="frame_attaching">
  <link name="L"/>
  <frame name="F00"/>                  <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to canonical link L via the model frame. -->
  <frame name="F0" attached_to=""/>    <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to canonical link L via the model frame. -->
  <frame name="F1" attached_to="L"/>   <!-- VALID: Directly attached_to link L. -->
  <frame name="F2" attached_to="F1"/>  <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to link L via frame F1. -->
  <frame name="F3" attached_to="A"/>   <!-- INVALID: no sibling frame named A. -->
<model name="nested_model_attaching">
  <link name="L"/>
  <model name="M">
    <link name="L"/>
  <frame name="F00"/>                  <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to canonical link L via the model frame. -->
  <frame name="F0" attached_to=""/>    <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to canonical link L via the model frame. -->
  <frame name="F1" attached_to="M"/>   <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to nested model M. -->
  <frame name="F2" attached_to="F1"/>  <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to nested model M via frame F1. -->
  <frame name="F3" attached_to="A"/>   <!-- INVALID: no sibling frame named A. -->
<model name="joint_attaching">
  <link name="P"/>
  <link name="C"/>
  <joint name="J" type="fixed">
  <frame name="F1" attached_to="P"/>   <!-- VALID: Directly attached_to link P. -->
  <frame name="F2" attached_to="C"/>   <!-- VALID: Directly attached_to link C. -->
  <frame name="F3" attached_to="J"/>   <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to link C via joint J. -->
  <frame name="F4" attached_to="F3"/>  <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to link C via frame F3. -->
<model name="frame_attaching_cycle">
  <link name="L"/>

  <frame name="F0" attached_to="F0"/>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in attached_to graph does not lead to link. -->

  <frame name="F1" attached_to="F2"/>
  <frame name="F2" attached_to="F1"/>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in attached_to graph does not lead to link. -->

5 Details of //world/frame

The //world/frame must have two attributes, @name and @attached_to, and a child //pose element that specifies the initial pose of the frame. Further details of the attributes of //world/frame are given in the following subsections.

SDFormat 1.5 introduced //world/frame and its attributes, but left the semantics undefined. It is necessary to define these semantics so the element and attributes can be utilized.

5.1 The //world/frame/@name attribute

The //world/frame/@name attribute must specify the name of the frame.

To avoid ambiguity, sibling frames — explicit frames specified by //world/frame and implicit frames specified by //world/model— must have unique names.

5.2 The //world/frame/@attached_to attribute

The //world/frame/@attached_to attribute must specify another frame to which this frame is attached.

A //world/frame can be attached to an implicit frame (defined by //world or //world/model) or to an explicit frame defined by //world/frame. If the //world/frame/@attached_to attribute is not specified or is left empty, the frame will be attached to the world frame. If the attribute is specified, it must refer to a sibling //world/frame or //world/model.

When a //world/frame is attached to a //world/model, it is indirectly attached to the canonical link of the model.

Similar to //model/frame, cycles in the @attached_to graph are not allowed. If a //world/frame is specified, recursively following the @attached_to attributes of the specified frames must lead to the implicit world frame or to the canonical link of a sibling model.

<world name="frame_attaching">
  <frame name="F0"/>                   <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to the implicit world frame. -->
  <frame name="F1" attached_to=""/>    <!-- VALID: Indirectly attached_to the implicit world frame. -->
  <frame name="F2" attached_to="F1"/>  <!-- VALID: Directly attached to F1, indirectly attached_to the implicit world frame via F1. -->
  <frame name="F3" attached_to="A"/>   <!-- INVALID: no sibling frame named A. -->

  <model name="M0">
    <link name="L"/>                   <!-- Canonical link. -->
  <frame name="F4" attached_to="M0"/>  <!-- Valid: Indirectly attached_to to the canonical link, L, of M0. -->
<world name="frame_attaching_cycle">
  <frame name="F0" attached_to="F0"/>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in attached_to graph does not lead to the implicit world frame. -->

  <frame name="F1" attached_to="F2"/>
  <frame name="F2" attached_to="F1"/>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in attached_to graph does not lead to the implicit world frame. -->

6 Details of //pose/@relative_to attribute

The //pose/@relative_to attribute must indicate the frame relative to which the initial pose of the frame is expressed. This must be applied equally to the pose of explicit frames (//frame/pose), implicit frames (//model/pose, //link/pose, and //joint/pose), and objects without named frames (//collision/pose, //light/pose, //sensor/pose, //visual/pose).

  • If the //pose/@relative_to attribute is not an empty string "", its value must match the name of an explicit or implicit frame in the current scope.
  • If the //pose/@relative_to attribute does not exist or is empty, the default behavior for all elements other than //frame/pose is the behavior from SDFormat 1.4 (see the "Parent frames in sdf 1.4" section of the pose frame semantics documentation).
    • This corresponds to //model/model/pose and //link/pose relative to the parent model frame by default and //joint/pose relative to the child link's implicit frame by default.
  • If the //frame/pose/@relative_to attribute does not exist or is empty, it defaults to the value of the //frame/@attached_to attribute.

Cycles in the @relative_to attribute graph are not allowed and must be checked separately from the @attached_to attribute graph. Following the @relative_to attributes of the specified frames in the model scope must lead to a frame expressed relative to the model frame. In the world scope, following the @relative_to attributes must lead to the implicit world frame.

<model name="link_pose_relative_to">
  <link name="L1">
    <pose>{X_ML1}</pose>                    <!-- Pose relative_to model frame (M) by default. -->
  <link name="L2">
    <pose relative_to="">{X_ML2}</pose>     <!-- Pose relative_to model frame (M) by default. -->
  <link name="L3">
    <pose relative_to="L1">{X_L1L3}</pose>  <!-- Pose relative_to link frame (L1 -> M). -->
  <link name="L4">
    <pose relative_to="A">{X_AL4}</pose>    <!-- INVALID: no frame in model scope named A. -->

  <link name="cycle0">
    <pose relative_to="cycle0">{X_C0C0}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to model frame. -->

  <link name="C1">
    <pose relative_to="C2">{X_C1C2}</pose>
  <link name="C2">
    <pose relative_to="C1">{X_C2C1}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to model frame. -->
<model name="nested_model_pose_relative_to">
  <link name="L"/>
  <model name="M1">
    <pose>{X_MM1}</pose>                    <!-- Pose relative_to implicit model frame (M) by default. -->
    <link name="L"/>
  <model name="M2">
    <pose relative_to="">{X_MM2}</pose>     <!-- Pose relative_to implicit model frame (M) by default. -->
    <link name="L"/>
  <model name="M3">
    <pose relative_to="M1">{X_M1M3}</pose>  <!-- Pose relative_to nested model frame (M1 -> M). -->
    <link name="L"/>
  <model name="M4">
    <pose relative_to="A">{X_AM4}</pose>    <!-- INVALID: no frame in model scope named A. -->
    <link name="L"/>

  <model name="cycle0">
    <pose relative_to="cycle0">{X_C0C0}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to model frame. -->
    <link name="L"/>

  <model name="C1">
    <pose relative_to="C2">{X_C1C2}</pose>
    <link name="L"/>
  <model name="C2">
    <pose relative_to="C1">{X_C2C1}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to model frame. -->
    <link name="L"/>
<model name="joint_pose_relative_to">
  <link name="P1"/>                         <!-- Link pose relative to model frame (M) by default. -->
  <link name="C1"/>                         <!-- Link pose relative to model frame (M) by default. -->
  <joint name="J1" type="fixed">
    <pose>{X_C1J1}</pose>                   <!-- Joint pose relative to child link frame (C1 -> M) by default. -->

  <link name="P2"/>                         <!-- Link pose relative to model frame (M) by default. -->
  <joint name="J2" type="fixed">
    <pose relative_to="P2">{X_P2J2}</pose>  <!-- Joint pose relative to link frame P2 -> M. -->
  <link name="C2">
    <pose relative_to="J2">{X_J2C2}</pose>  <!-- Link pose relative to joint frame J2 -> P2 -> M. -->

  <link name="P3"/>
  <link name="C3">
    <pose relative_to="J3">{X_J3C3}</pose>
  <joint name="J3" type="fixed">
    <pose relative_to="C3">{X_C3J3}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to model frame. -->
<model name="frame_pose_relative_to">
  <link name="L">
    <pose>{X_ML}</pose>                     <!-- Link pose relative_to the model frame (M) by default. -->

  <frame name="F0">                         <!-- Frame indirectly attached_to canonical link L via model frame. -->
    <pose>{X_MF0}</pose>                    <!-- Pose relative_to the attached_to frame (M) by default. -->

  <frame name="F1" attached_to="L">         <!-- Frame directly attached_to link L. -->
    <pose>{X_LF1}</pose>                    <!-- Pose relative_to the attached_to frame (L -> M) by default. -->
  <frame name="F2" attached_to="L">         <!-- Frame directly attached_to link L. -->
    <pose relative_to="">{X_LF2}</pose>     <!-- Pose relative_to the attached_to frame (L -> M) by default. -->
  <frame name="F3">                         <!-- Frame indirectly attached_to canonical link L via model frame. -->
    <pose relative_to="L">{X_LF3}</pose>    <!-- Pose relative_to link frame L -> M. -->
  <frame name="F4">
    <pose relative_to="A">{X_AF4}</pose>    <!-- INVALID: no frame in model scope named A. -->

  <frame name="cycle0">
    <pose relative_to="cycle0">{X_C0C0}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to model frame. -->

  <frame name="C1">
    <pose relative_to="C2">{X_C1C2}</pose>
  <frame name="C2">
    <pose relative_to="C1">{X_C2C1}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to model frame. -->
<world name="scope_relative_to">              <!-- Implicit world frame. Referred to as (W) -->
  <frame name="W0">                           <!-- Frame attached_to implicit world frame by default. -->
    <pose>{X_WW0}</pose>                      <!-- Pose relative_to the attached_to frame (W) by default. -->
  <frame name="W1">                           <!-- Frame attached_to implicit world frame by default. -->
    <pose relative_to="W0">{X_W0W1}</pose>    <!-- Pose relative_to explicit frame W0. -->

  <model name="M1">
    <pose>{X_WM1}</pose>                      <!-- Model pose relative_to world frame by default. -->

    <frame name="F">                          <!-- Frame indirectly attached_to canonical link link L via model frame. -->
      <pose>{X_MF}</pose>                     <!-- Pose relative_to the attached_to frame (M) by default. -->
    <link name="L">
      <collision name="C">
        <pose relative_to="F">{X_FC}</pose>   <!-- Pose relative to explicit frame F (F -> M) in this model's scope. -->
      <visual name="V">
        <pose relative_to="F">{X_FV}</pose>   <!-- Pose relative to explicit frame F (F -> M) in this model's scope. -->

      <light name="L">                        <!-- Name matches that of containing link, which is permitted. -->
        <pose relative_to="F">{X_FL}</pose>   <!-- Pose relative to explicit frame F (F -> M) in this model's scope. -->

    <model name="N">
      <pose relative_to="F">{X_FN}</pose>     <!-- Pose relative relative to explicit frame F (F -> M) in model M1's scope. -->
      <link name="NL"/>
    <frame name="F0">                         <!-- Frame indirectly attached_to canonical link L via model frame. -->
      <pose relative_to="N">{X_NF0}</pose>    <!-- Pose relative_to the nested model frame N (N -> F -> M). -->

    <frame name="F1" attached_to="L">         <!-- Frame directly attached_to link L. -->
      <pose relative_to="C">{X_CL}</pose>     <!-- INVALID: no frame named C in this scope (collisions don't have implicit frames). -->
    <frame name="F2" attached_to="L">         <!-- Frame directly attached_to link L. -->
      <pose relative_to="W0">{X_W0L}</pose>   <!-- INVALID: no frame named W0 in this scope (can't access world scope from within model). -->

  <frame name="W2" attached_to="M1"/>         <!-- Frame indirectly attached_to canonical link L of model M1. -->
  <frame name="W3">                           <!-- Frame attached_to world frame by default. -->
    <pose relative_to="M1">{X_M1W3}</pose>    <!-- Pose relative_to implicit model frame M1. -->

  <model name="M2">
    <pose relative_to="W3">{X_W3M2}</pose>    <!-- Pose relative_to explicit frame W3. -->
    <link name="L"/>
<world name="model_pose_relative_to">
  <model name="noframe0">
    <pose relative_to="noframe0">{X_N0N0}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: no frame named noframe0 in this scope. -->

  <model name="cycle0">
    <pose relative_to="__model__">{X_C0C0}</pose> <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to world frame. -->
<world name="world_frame_cycles">
  <frame name="cycle0">
    <pose relative_to="cycle0">{X_C0C0}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to world frame. -->

  <frame name="C1">
    <pose relative_to="C2">{X_C1C2}</pose>
  <frame name="C2">
    <pose relative_to="C1">{X_C2C1}</pose>  <!-- INVALID: cycle in relative_to graph does not lead to world frame. -->

The following example may look like it has a graph cycle since frame F1 is attached_to link L2, and the pose of link L2 is relative_to frame F1. It is not a cycle, however, since the @attached_to and @relative_to attributes have separate, valid graphs.

<model name="not_a_cycle">
  <link name="L1">
    <pose>{X_ML1}</pose>                    <!-- Pose relative to model frame (M) by default. -->

  <frame name="F1" attached_to="L2">         <!-- Frame directly attached to link L2. -->
    <pose relative_to="L1">{X_L1F1}</pose>  <!-- Pose relative to implicit link frame L1 -> M. -->

  <link name="L2">
    <pose relative_to="F1">{X_F1L2}</pose>  <!-- Pose relative to frame F1 -> L1 -> M. -->

SDFormat 1.5 added the //pose/@frame attribute, but the semantics were left undefined. Defining the semantics of //pose/@frame, now //pose/@relative_to, is necessary to allow the use of the attribute.

7 Replace //joint/axis/use_parent_model_frame with //joint/axis/xyz/@expressed_in

The //joint/axis/use_parent_model_frame tag must be removed in SDFormat 1.7., and //joint/axis/xyz/@expressed_in must be added to modify the orientation of this vector.

An empty string or default value implies the joint's initial orientation. Any valid frame can be referred to from here. This also applies to //joint/axis2.

As an example, an SDFormat 1.6 joint like this:

<model name="example">
  <joint name="joint" type="revolute">

Becomes the following in SDFormat 1.7:

<model name="example">
  <joint name="joint" type="revolute">
      <xyz expressed_in="__model__">{xyz_axis_M}</xyz>

SDFormat 1.5 introduced this tag to maintain backwards compatibility with SDFormat 1.4 when specifying the unit vector along the axis of motion of a joint.

The removal is necessary now because it has become clear that the usefulness of this tag is outweighed by the confusion it creates, as the resulting frame semantics of //joint/axis/xyz are inconsistent with the way other tags in SDFormat operate. The addition of //joint/axis/xyz/@expressed_in accommodates the migration from use_parent_model and improves expressiveness.

7.1 Alternatives considered

Migration for //jonit/axis/xyz is absolutely necessary if //use_parent_model_frame is removed. SDFormat's current conversion code (in src/ is only for changing the basic structure of a document, and this change would require more involved changes.


The following sections provide more in-depth examples of the major concepts proposed in the above sections. The examples highlight SDFormat 1.7’s powerful expressiveness for constructing models using relative coordinate frames.

1 The //pose/@relative_to attribute

Consider the following figure from the specifying pose documentation. It shows a parent link P, child link C, and joint J with joint frames Jp and Jc on the parent and child respectively.


An SDFormat representation of this model is given below. The pose of the parent link P is specified relative to the implicit model frame, while the pose of the other elements is specified relative to other named frames. This allows poses to be defined recursively, and also allows explicitly named frames Jp and Jc to be attached to the parent and child, respectively. For reference, equivalent expressions of Jc are defined as Jc1 and Jc2.

<model name="M">

  <link name="P">
    <pose relative_to="__model__">{X_MP}</pose>

  <link name="C">
    <pose relative_to="P">{X_PC}</pose>   <!-- Recursive pose definition. -->

  <joint name="J" type="fixed">
    <pose relative_to="P">{X_PJ}</pose>

  <frame name="Jp" attached_to="P">
    <pose relative_to="J" />

  <frame name="Jc" attached_to="C">
    <pose relative_to="J" />

  <frame name="Jc1" attached_to="J">   <!-- Jc1 == Jc, since J is attached to C -->
    <pose relative_to="J" />

  <frame name="Jc2" attached_to="J" /> <!-- Jc2 == Jc1, since //pose/@relative_to defaults to J. -->


1.1 Parity with URDF using //pose/@relative_to

The following image from the URDF documentation corresponds to the example URDF from the "Parent frames in URDF" section of the Pose Frame Semantics: Legacy Behavior documentation.

urdf coordinate frames

The same URDF model can be expressed with identical kinematics with SDFormat by using link and joint names in the pose @relative_to attribute.

<model name="model">

  <link name="link1"/>

  <joint name="joint1" type="revolute">
    <pose relative_to="link1">{xyz_L1L2} {rpy_L1L2}</pose>
  <link name="link2">
    <pose relative_to="joint1" />

  <joint name="joint2" type="revolute">
    <pose relative_to="link1">{xyz_L1L3} {rpy_L1L3}</pose>
  <link name="link3">
    <pose relative_to="joint2" />

  <joint name="joint3" type="revolute">
    <pose relative_to="link3">{xyz_L3L4} {rpy_L3L4}</pose>
  <link name="link4">
    <pose relative_to="joint3" />


The difference between the URDF and SDFormat expressions is shown in the patch below:

--- model.urdf
+++ model.sdf
@@ -1,26 +1,32 @@
-    <robot name="model">
+    <model name="model">

       <link name="link1"/>

       <joint name="joint1" type="revolute">
-        <origin xyz='{xyz_L1L2}' rpy='{rpy_L1L2}'/>
+        <pose relative_to="link1">{xyz_L1L2} {rpy_L1L2}</pose>
-        <parent link="link1"/>
+        <parent>link1</parent>
-        <child link="link2"/>
+        <child>link2</child>
-      <link name="link2"/>
+      <link name="link2">
+        <pose relative_to="joint1" />
+      </link>

       <joint name="joint2" type="revolute">
-        <origin xyz='{xyz_L1L3}' rpy='{rpy_L1L3}'/>
+        <pose relative_to="link1">{xyz_L1L3} {rpy_L1L3}</pose>
-        <parent link="link1"/>
+        <parent>link1</parent>
-        <child link="link3"/>
+        <child>link3</child>
-      <link name="link3"/>
+      <link name="link3">
+        <pose relative_to="joint2" />
+      </link>

       <joint name="joint3" type="revolute">
-        <origin xyz='{xyz_L3L4}' rpy='{rpy_L3L4}'/>
+        <pose relative_to="link3">{xyz_L3L4} {rpy_L3L4}</pose>
-        <parent link="link3"/>
+        <parent>link3</parent>
-        <child link="link4"/>
+        <child>link4</child>
-      <link name="link4"/>
+      <link name="link4">
+        <pose relative_to="joint3" />
+      </link>

-    </robot>
+    </model>

These semantics provide powerful expressiveness for constructing models using relative coordinate frames. This can reduce duplication of pose transform data and eliminates the need to use forward kinematics to compute the assembled poses of links.

One use case is enabling a well-formed SDFormat file to be easily converted to URDF by directly copying xyz and rpy values and without performing any coordinate transformations. The well-formed SDFormat file must have kinematics with a tree structure, pose relative_to frames specified for joints and child links, and no link poses. A validator could be created to identify SDFormat files that can be directly converted to URDF with minimal modifications based on these principles.

1.1.1 Alternatives considered

An even simpler approach to getting parity with URDF would be to add an attribute //joint/@attached_to_child that specifies whether the implicit joint frame is attached to the child link (true) or the parent link (false). If //joint/pose/@relative_to is unset, this attribute would determine the default value of //joint/pose/@relative_to. For backwards compatibility, the attribute would default to true. In this example, setting that attribute to false would eliminate the need to specify the //joint/pose/@relative_to attribute and the duplication of the parent link name. As seen below, the //link/pose/@relative_to attributes still need to be set:

<model name="model">

  <link name="link1"/>

  <joint name="joint1" type="revolute">
    <pose relative_to="link1">{xyz_L1L2} {rpy_L1L2}</pose>
  <link name="link2">
    <pose relative_to="joint1" />

  <joint name="joint2" type="revolute" attached_to_child="false">
    <pose>{xyz_L1L3} {rpy_L1L3}</pose>
  <link name="link3">
    <pose relative_to="joint2" />

  <joint name="joint3" type="revolute" attached_to_child="false">
    <pose>{xyz_L3L4} {rpy_L3L4}</pose>
  <link name="link4">
    <pose relative_to="joint3" />


This change was not included since parity with URDF can already be achieved with the other proposed functionality.

2 Parity with URDF using //model/frame

One application of the //frame tag is to organize the model so that the pose values are all stored in a single part of the model and referenced by name elsewhere. For example, the following is equivalent to the SDFormat model discussed in the previous section.

<model name="model">

  <frame name="joint1_frame" attached_to="link1">
    <pose>{xyz_L1L2} {rpy_L1L2}</pose>
  <frame name="joint2_frame" attached_to="link1">
    <pose>{xyz_L1L3} {rpy_L1L3}</pose>
  <frame name="joint3_frame" attached_to="link3">
    <pose>{xyz_L3L4} {rpy_L3L4}</pose>

  <frame name="link2_frame" attached_to="joint1"/>
  <frame name="link3_frame" attached_to="joint2"/>
  <frame name="link4_frame" attached_to="joint3"/>

  <link name="link1"/>

  <joint name="joint1" type="revolute">
    <pose relative_to="joint1_frame" />
  <link name="link2">
    <pose relative_to="link2_frame" />

  <joint name="joint2" type="revolute">
    <pose relative_to="joint2_frame" />
  <link name="link3">
    <pose relative_to="link3_frame" />

  <joint name="joint3" type="revolute">
    <pose relative_to="joint3_frame" />
  <link name="link4">
    <pose relative_to="link4_frame" />


In this case, joint1_frame is rigidly attached to link1, joint3_frame is rigidly attached to link3, etc.

3 Using //pose/@relative_to for co-located elements within a link

The pose information of elements attached to links is often duplicated. For example, the following link has two LED light sources, which each have co-located collision, visual, and light tags, and the pose data is duplicated within each element.

<model name="model_with_duplicated_poses">
  <link name="link_with_LEDs">
    <light name="led1_light" type="point">
      <pose>0.1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
    <collision name="led1_collision">
      <pose>0.1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
          <size>0.01 0.01 0.001</size>
    <visual name="led1_visual">
      <pose>0.1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
          <size>0.01 0.01 0.001</size>

    <light name="led2_light" type="point">
      <pose>-0.1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
    <collision name="led2_collision">
      <pose>-0.1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
          <size>0.01 0.01 0.001</size>
    <visual name="led2_visual">
      <pose>-0.1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
          <size>0.01 0.01 0.001</size>

By creating explicit frames at the model scope, the //pose/@relative_to attribute can be used to specify the collision, visual, and light poses without duplication.

<model name="model_with_explicit_frames">
  <frame name="led1" attached_to="link_with_LEDs">
      <pose>0.1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
  <frame name="led2" attached_to="link_with_LEDs">
      <pose>-0.1 0 0 0 0 0</pose>

  <link name="link_with_LEDs">
    <light name="led1_light" type="point">
      <pose relative_to="led1" />
    <collision name="led1_collision">
      <pose relative_to="led1" />
          <size>0.01 0.01 0.001</size>
    <visual name="led1_visual">
      <pose relative_to="led1" />
          <size>0.01 0.01 0.001</size>

    <light name="led2_light" type="point">
      <pose relative_to="led2" />
    <collision name="led2_collision">
      <pose relative_to="led2" />
          <size>0.01 0.01 0.001</size>
    <visual name="led2_visual">
      <pose relative_to="led2" />
          <size>0.01 0.01 0.001</size>

3.1 Alternatives considered

Instead of permitting elements inside a link from using the //pose/@relative_to attribute at the model scope, one could allow implicit frames for elements inside a link (like //link/collision, //link/visual, etc.) and/or explicit link frames //link/frame and allow any poses of any element to be @relative_to explicit or implicit frames defined by sibling elements.

<model name="model_with_explicit_link_frames">
  <frame name="F"/>                   <!-- Explicit frame F in model scope. -->
  <frame name="M"/>                   <!-- Explicit frame F in model scope. -->
  <link name="L">
    <frame name="F">                  <!-- Explicit frame F in link L scope. -->
    <light name="led1" type="point">
      <pose relative_to="F" />        <!-- Valid: Pose relative_to frame F in link scope. -->
    <light name="led2" type="point">
      <pose relative_to="M" />        <!-- INVALID: frame M not in link scope. -->

While there may be use cases that benefit from embedding explicit frames inside their @attached_to link, doing so adds unnecessary complexity. Frames would require additional scopes to be resolved, and the ability to reference frames across links would be limited. Furthermore, increasing the number of implicit frames increases the size of the frame graph and adds complexity to the parsing task. This approach is not recommended as its utility is outweighed by its complexity.

Phases of parsing kinematics

The following sections describe the phases for parsing the kinematics of an SDFormat 1.7 model and world. Several of the phases in each section are similar to the phases of parsing in SDFormat 1.4 in the Legacy behavior documentation. In phases that differ from SDFormat 1.4, italics are used to signal the difference. For new phases, the Title: is italicized.

1 Model

There are nine phases for validating the kinematics data in a model, and different parts of libsdformat handle differing sets of stages, returning an error code if errors are found during parsing:

  • sdf::readFile and sdf::readString APIs perform parsing Stage 1
  • sdf::Root::Load performs most parsing stages, but skips some of the more expensive checks
  • ign sdf --check performs all parsing stages, including more expensive checks
  1. XML parsing and schema validation: Parse model file from XML into a tree data structure, ensuring that there are no XML syntax errors and that the XML data complies with the schema. Schema .xsd files are generated from the .sdf specification files when building libsdformat with the xmlschema.rb script.

  2. Name attribute checking: Check that name attributes are not an empty string "", that they are not reserved (__.*__ or world) and that sibling elements of any type have unique names. This includes but is not limited to models, actors, links, joints, collisions, visuals, sensors, and lights. This step is distinct from validation with the schema because the schema only confirms the existence of name attributes, not their content. The code paths in libsdformat9 that implement these checks are summarized below:

    2.1 The sdf::readFile and sdf::readString APIs check for empty names via Param::SetFromString).

    2.2 The sdf::Root::Load API that loads all DOM objects recursively also checks any DOM objects with name attributes for reserved names using the helper function isReservedName(const string&), returning a RESERVED_NAME error code if one is found (see Frame::Load for an example). Model::Load also checks for name collisions in direct children of its //model element using the helper function Element::HasUniqueChildNames(), though it only prints a warning to the console without generating an error code. Name uniqueness of sibling //model/link, //model/joint, and //model/frame elements is also checked when constructing the FrameAttachedTo and PoseRelativeToGraph objects in Model::Load, returning a DUPLICATE_NAME error code if non-unique names are detected.

    2.3 The ign sdf --check command loads all DOM elements and also recursively checks for name uniqueness among all sibling elements using the recursiveSiblingUniqueNames helper function.

  3. Nested model parsing: Parse each nested model according to these nine SDFormat model parsing stages.

  4. Joint parent/child name checking: For each joint, check that the parent and child link names are different and that each match the name of a sibling link to the joint, with the following exception: if "world" is specified as a parent link name, then the joint is attached to a fixed reference frame. In libsdformat9, these checks are all performed by the helper function checkJointParentChildLinkNames, which is invoked by ign sdf --check. A subset of these checks are performed by Joint::Load (checking that parent and child link names are different and that world is not specified as the child link name) and Model::Load (for non-static models calling buildFrameAttachedToGraph, which checks that each child link specified by a joint exists as a sibling of that joint).

  5. Check //model/@canonical_link attribute value: For models that are not static, if the //model/@canonical_link attribute exists and is not an empty string "", check that the value of the canonical_link attribute matches the name of a link in this model. In libsdformat9, this check is performed by buildFrameAttachedToGraph, which is called by Model::Load for non-static models.

  6. Check //model/frame/@attached_to attribute values: For each //model/frame, if the attached_to attribute exists and is not an empty string "", check that the value of the attached_to attribute matches the name of a sibling link, nested model, joint, or frame. The //frame/@attached_to value must not match //frame/@name, as this would cause a graph cycle. In libsdformat9, these checks are performed by buildFrameAttachedToGraph, which is called by Model::Load for non-static models.

  7. Check //model/frame/@attached_to graph: Construct an attached_to directed graph for the model with each vertex representing a frame (see buildFrameAttachedToGraph in libsdformat9):

    7.1 Add a vertex for the frame of each //link, //joint, //frame, and nested //model in the model (see,, and ...).

    7.2 Add a vertex for the implicit __model__ frame. If the model is not static, add an edge connecting this vertex to the vertex of the model's canonical link (see and

    7.3 For each //model/joint, add an edge connecting from the joint to the vertex of its child link (see

    7.4 For each //model/frame:

    7.4.1 If //model/frame/@attached_to exists and is not empty, add an edge from this frame's vertex to the vertex named in the //model/frame/@attached_to attribute (see

    7.4.2 Otherwise (i.e. if the //model/frame/@attached_to attribute does not exist or is an empty string ""), add an edge from this frame's vertex to the model frame vertex, (see

    7.5 Verify that the graph has no cycles and that by following the directed edges, every vertex is connected to a link or nested model (see validateFrameAttachedToGraph and resolveFrameAttachedToBody which are called by Model::Load). To identify the link or nested model to which each frame is attached, start from the vertex for that frame, and follow the directed edges until a link or model not named __model__ is reached (see Frame::ResolveAttachedToBody and resolveFrameAttachedToBody in in libsdformat9).

  8. Check //pose/@relative_to attribute values: For each //pose that does not correspond to the __model__ frame (e.g. nested //model/model/pose, //link/pose, //joint/pose, //frame/pose, //collision/pose, //light/pose, etc.), if the relative_to attribute exists and is not an empty string "", check that the value of the relative_to attribute matches the name of a link, nested model, joint, or frame in this model's scope. In libsdformat9, these checks are performed by buildPoseRelativeToGraph, which is called by Model::Load.

  9. Check //pose/@relative_to graph: Construct a relative_to directed graph for the model with each vertex representing a frame (see buildPoseRelativeToGraph in libsdformat9):

    9.1 Add a vertex for the implicit model frame __model__ (see

    9.2 Add vertices for each //model/link, nested //model/model, //model/joint, and //model/frame (see,, and

    9.3 For each //model/link and nested //model/model:

    9.3.1 If //pose/@relative_to exists and is not empty, add an edge from the link / nested model vertex to the vertex named in //pose/@relative_to (see

    9.3.2 Otherwise (i.e. if //pose or //pose/@relative_to do not exist or //pose/@relative_to is an empty string "") add an edge from the link / nested model vertex to the implicit model frame vertex (see

    9.4 For each //model/joint:

    9.4.1 If //joint/pose/@relative_to exists and is not empty, add an edge from the joint vertex to the vertex named in //joint/pose/@relative_to (see

    9.4.2 Otherwise (i.e. if //joint/pose or //joint/pose/@relative_to do not exist or //joint/pose/@relative_to is an empty string "") add an edge from the joint vertex to the child link vertex named in //joint/child (see

    9.5 For each //model/frame:

    9.5.1 If //frame/pose/@relative_to exists and is not empty, add an edge from the frame vertex to the vertex named in //frame/pose/@relative_to (see and

    9.5.2 Otherwise if //frame/@attached_to exists and is not empty (i.e. if //frame/@attached_to exists and is not an empty string "" and one of the following is true: //frame/pose does not exist, //frame/pose/@relative_to does not exist, or //frame/pose/@relative_to is an empty string "") add an edge from the frame vertex to the vertex named in //frame/@attached_to (see and

    9.5.3 Otherwise (i.e. if neither //frame/@attached_to nor //frame/pose/@relative_to are specified) add an edge from the frame vertex to the implicit model frame vertex (see

    9.6 Verify that the graph has no cycles and that by following the directed edges, every vertex is connected to the implicit model frame (see validatePoseRelativeToGraph which is called by Model::Load). Other poses in the model such as //collision/pose and //light/pose do not need to be checked for cycles since they do not create implicitly named frames. To find the pose of a DOM object relative-to a named frame in the PoseRelativeToGraph, use the DOM object's SemanticPose function (such as Link::SemanticPose) and the SemanticPose::Resolve function.

2 World

This section describes phases for parsing the kinematics of an SDFormat 1.7 world. Several of these phases are similar to the phases of parsing an SDFormat 1.4 world in the Legacy behavior documentation. In phases that differ from that document, italics are used to signal the difference. For new phases, the Title: is italicized.

There are seven phases for validating the kinematics data in a world:

  1. XML parsing and schema validation: Parse world file from XML into a tree data structure, ensuring that there are no XML syntax errors and that the XML data complies with the schema. Schema .xsd files are generated from the .sdf specification files when building libsdformat with the xmlschema.rb script.

  2. Name attribute checking: Check that name attributes are not an empty string "", that they are not reserved (__.*__ or world) and that sibling elements of any type have unique names. This check can be limited to //world/model/@name and //world/frame/@name since other names will be checked in the following step. This step is distinct from validation with the schema because the schema only confirms the existence of name attributes, not their content. The code paths in libsdformat9 that implement these checks are summarized below:

    2.1 The sdf::readFile and sdf::readString APIs check for empty names via Param::SetFromString).

    2.2 The sdf::Root::Load API that loads all DOM objects recursively also checks any DOM objects with name attributes for reserved names using the helper function isReservedName(const string&), returning a RESERVED_NAME error code if one is found (see Frame::Load for an example). World::Load also checks for name collisions in direct children of its //world element using the helper function Element::HasUniqueChildNames(), though it only prints a warning to the console without generating an error code. Name uniqueness of sibling //world/model and //world/frame elements is also checked when constructing the FrameAttachedTo and PoseRelativeToGraph objects in World::Load, returning a DUPLICATE_NAME error code if non-unique names are detected.

    2.3 The ign sdf --check command loads all DOM elements and also recursively checks for name uniqueness among all sibling elements using the recursiveSiblingUniqueNames helper function.

  3. Model checking: Check each model according to the eight phases of parsing kinematics of an sdf model.

  4. Check //world/frame/@attached_to attribute values: For each //world/frame, if the attached_to attribute exists and is not an empty string "", check that the value of the attached_to attribute matches the name of a sibling model or frame. The //frame/@attached_to value must not match //frame/@name, as this would cause a graph cycle. In libsdformat9, these checks are performed by buildFrameAttachedToGraph, which is called by World::Load.

  5. Check //world/frame/@attached_to graph: Construct an attached_to directed graph for the world with each vertex representing a frame (see buildFrameAttachedToGraph in libsdformat9):

    5.1 Add a vertex for the implicit world frame world (see

    5.2 Add a vertex for each model in the world. (see

    5.3 For each //world/frame:

    5.3.1 Add a vertex to the graph (see

    5.3.2 If //world/frame/@attached_to exists and is not empty, add an edge from the added vertex to the vertex named in the //world/frame/@attached_to attribute (see and

    5.3.3 Otherwise (i.e. if the //world/frame/@attached_to attribute does not exist or is an empty string ""), add an edge from the added vertex to the implicit world frame vertex (see and

    5.4 Verify that the graph has no cycles and that by following the directed edges, every vertex is connected to a model or the implicit world frame (see validateFrameAttachedToGraph which is called by World::Load). If the directed edges lead from a vertex to the implicit world frame, then the //world/frame corresponding to that vertex is a fixed inertial frame. If the directed edges lead to a model, then the //world/frame corresponding to that vertex is attached to the implicit model frame of that model. To identify the model or fixed frame to which each frame is attached, start from the vertex for that frame, and follow the directed edges until a link is reached (see Frame::ResolveAttachedToBody and resolveFrameAttachedToBody in in libsdformat9).

  6. Check //pose/@relative_to attribute values: For each //model/pose and //world/frame/pose, if the relative_to attribute exists and is not an empty string "", check that the value of the relative_to attribute matches the name of a model or frame that is a sibling of the element that contains the //pose. In libsdformat9, these checks are performed by buildPoseRelativeToGraph, which is called by World::Load.

  7. Check //pose/@relative_to graph: Construct a relative_to directed graph for the model with each vertex representing a frame (see buildPoseRelativeToGraph in libsdformat9):

    7.1 Add a vertex for the implicit world frame. (see

    7.2 Add vertices for each //world/model and //world/frame (see and

    7.3 For each //world/model:

    7.3.1 If //world/model/pose/@relative_to exists and is not empty, add an edge from the model vertex to the vertex named in //world/model/pose/@relative_to (see

    7.3.2 Otherwise (i.e. if //world/model/pose or //world/model/pose/@relative_to do not exist or //world/model/pose/@relative_to is an empty string "") add an edge from the model vertex to the implicit world frame vertex (see

    7.4 For each //world/frame:

    7.4.1 If //frame/pose/@relative_to exists and is not empty, add an edge from the frame vertex to the vertex named in //frame/pose/@relative_to (see

    7.4.2 Otherwise if //frame/@attached_to exists and is not empty (i.e. if //frame/@attached_to exists and is not an empty string "" and one of the following is true: //frame/pose does not exist, //frame/pose/@relative_to does not exist, or //frame/pose/@relative_to is an empty string "") add an edge from the frame vertex to the vertex named in //frame/@attached_to (see

    7.4.3 Otherwise (i.e. if neither //frame/@attached_to nor //frame/pose/@relative_to are specified) add an edge from the frame vertex to the implicit world frame vertex (see

    7.5 Verify that the graph has no cycles and that by following the directed edges, every vertex is connected to the implicit world frame (see validatePoseRelativeToGraph which is called by World::Load). Other poses in the world such as //world/light/pose do not need to be checked for cycles since they do not create implicitly named frames. To find the pose of a DOM object relative-to a named frame in the PoseRelativeToGraph, use the DOM object's SemanticPose function (such as Frame::SemanticPose) and the SemanticPose::Resolve function.

Addendum: Model Building, Contrast "Model-Absolute" vs "Element-Relative" Coordinates

X(0) implies zero configuration, while X(q) implies a value at a given configuration.

The following are two contrasting interpretations of specifying a parent link P and child link C, connected by joint J at Jp and Jc, respectively, with configuration-dependent transform X_JpJc(q), with X_JpJc(0) = I.

  • "Model-Absolute" Coordinates:
    • Add P at initial pose X_MP(0), C at initial pose X_MC(0)
    • Add J at X_MJ(0), connect:
      • P at X_PJp (X_PM(0) * X_MJ(0))
      • C at X_CJc (X_CM(0) * X_MJ(0))
  • "Element-Relative" Coordinates:
    • Add P and C; their poses are ignored unless they have a meaningful parent (e.g. a weld or other joint)
    • Add J, connect:
      • P at X_PJp
      • C at X_CJc
    • X_MP(q) is driven by parent relationships
    • X_MC(q) is driven by X_MP(q) * X_PJp * X_JpJc(q) * X_JcC.