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roadtrafficdeaths roadtrafficdeaths website

R-CMD-check Lifecycle: stable

The goal of roadtrafficdeaths is to provide a dataset of death certificates from road traffic crashes that happened in Brazil, from the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

The dataset is provided in the data.frame format. To check each variable, use ?rtdeaths.


You can install the current version of roadtrafficdeaths from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows how to use this package:


#> 'data.frame':    970862 obs. of  21 variables:
#>  $ cid                : chr  "V093" "V893" "V499" "V280" ...
#>  $ cod_modal_vitima   : chr  "V0" "V8" "V4" "V2" ...
#>  $ modal_vitima       : chr  "Pedestre" "Outros" "Automóvel" "Motocicleta" ...
#>  $ cod_modal_outro    : chr  "9" "9" "9" "8" ...
#>  $ modal_outro        : chr  "Não especificado" "Não especificado" "Não especificado" "Sem colisão" ...
#>  $ data_ocorrencia    : Date, format: "2001-02-11" "2006-09-30" ...
#>  $ ano_ocorrencia     : num  2001 2006 2018 2020 2012 ...
#>  $ idade_vitima       : num  9 33 33 40 84 6 66 47 0 36 ...
#>  $ faixa_etaria_vitima: Factor w/ 17 levels "0 a 4 anos","5 a 9 anos",..: 2 7 7 9 17 2 14 10 1 8 ...
#>  $ sexo_vitima        : chr  "Masculino" "Masculino" "Feminino" "Masculino" ...
#>  $ escolaridade_vitima: chr  "de 1 a 3 anos" "de 8 a 11 anos" "de 8 a 11 anos" "de 1 a 3 anos" ...
#>  $ raca_vitima        : chr  "Parda" "Parda" "Parda" "Parda" ...
#>  $ ocup_cbo_vitima    : chr  "00600" "313305" "524305" NA ...
#>  $ cod_municipio_ocor : chr  "150618" "150230" "150420" "150270" ...
#>  $ nome_regiao_ocor   : chr  "Norte" "Norte" "Norte" "Norte" ...
#>  $ cod_municipio_res  : chr  "150618" "150230" "150420" "150270" ...
#>  $ nome_regiao_res    : chr  "Norte" "Norte" "Norte" "Norte" ...
#>  $ nome_uf_ocor       : chr  "Pará" "Pará" "Pará" "Pará" ...
#>  $ nome_municipio_ocor: chr  "Rondon do Pará" "Capitão Poço" "Marabá" "Conceição do Araguaia" ...
#>  $ nome_uf_res        : chr  "Pará" "Pará" "Pará" "Pará" ...
#>  $ nome_municipio_res : chr  "Rondon do Pará" "Capitão Poço" "Marabá" "Conceição do Araguaia" ...


The authors of this package would like to thank the authors of microdatasus:

Saldanha, R. D. F., Bastos, R. R., & Barcellos, C. (2019). Microdatasus: pacote para download e pré-processamento de microdados do Departamento de Informática do SUS (DATASUS) (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software].


If you use this package, please cite as follow:

#> To cite package 'roadtrafficdeaths' in publications use:
#>   Santos PAB, Saraiva JPM (2023). _roadtrafficdeaths: Road Traffic
#>   Deaths Data from Brazil_. R package version 0.3.1,
#>   https:/pabsantos/roadtrafficdeaths,
#>   <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Manual{,
#>     title = {roadtrafficdeaths: Road Traffic Deaths Data from Brazil},
#>     author = {Pedro Augusto Borges Santos and João Pedro Melani Saraiva},
#>     year = {2023},
#>     note = {R package version 0.3.1, https:/pabsantos/roadtrafficdeaths},
#>     url = {},
#>   }