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Flink benchmark

This project is targeted to test Flink data throughput and latency with Kafka data source.


Paul Zhang

Environment Requirement

  • Flink 1.15.4
  • Hadoop Yarn cluster
  • Kafka 1.x or above

If you have deployed Flink/Kafka with different version, please update Flink/Kafka version properties in pom.xml before compilation.


mvn clean package

The binary distribution locates in benchmark-dist/target/dist/flink-benchmark.

Run benchmarks

Latency and Throughput

Note: The number of partitions for both input/output Kafka topic should be equal to the number of threads for Kafka datagen and parallelisms for Flink benchmark job.

Explanations of parameters are listed in Command options

1. Create Kafka topic

If the input/output topic already exist, please delete them first.

./ --zookeeper manager.bigdata:2181,master.bigdata:2181,worker.bigdata:2181 --delete --topic input
./ --zookeeper manager.bigdata:2181,master.bigdata:2181,worker.bigdata:2181 --delete --topic output

Create input/output topic with designated number of partitions.

# Create topic with designated partitions
./ --create --zookeeper manager.bigdata:2181,master.bigdata:2181,worker.bigdata:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 4 --topic output
./ --create --zookeeper manager.bigdata:2181,master.bigdata:2181,worker.bigdata:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 4 --topic input

2. Start Flink job

# Latency and Throughput benchmark
./bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -c com.paultech.Latency /path/to/benchmark/benchmark-1.0.jar --parallelism 4 --output-topic output --input-topic input --bootstrap-server kafka01:6667,kafka02:6667,kafka03:6667

3. Start Kafka datagen

java -jar kafka-datasource-1.0.jar -t input -b kafka01:6667,kafka02:6667,kafka03:6667 -i 10 -c 100 -n 4

4. Get result

Your need to run result analyzer to calculate the histogram of latency.

java -jar kafka-result-analyzer-1.0.jar -b kafka01:6667,kafka02:6667,kafka03:6667 -t output

Flink might need some time to consume all pending records, so you might need run result analyzer several times.

Window throughput benchmark

1. Start Kafka datagen

java -jar kafka-datasource-1.0.jar -t test_topic -b kafka01:6667,kafka02:6667,kafka03:6667 -a 0 -i 10 -n 4 -p uuid

2. Start Flink Job

# Window Throughput benchmark
./bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -c com.paultech.WindowThroughput /path/to/benchmark/benchmark-1.0.jar --parallelism 4 --output-topic output --input-topic input --bootstrap-server kafka01:6667,kafka02:6667,kafka03:6667

Data will be collected in 1-minute-window.

3. Get result

Use the following command to retrieve the result from output topic:

./ --bootstrap-server kafka01:6667,kafka02:6667,kafka03:6667 --topic output

The output is how many records in a 1-minute-long window that Flink is able to process.

Command options

Flink job command options

  • --parallelism: Parallelism for Flink Stream Execution Environment
  • --bufferTimeout: Flink buffer timeout
  • --input-topic: Kafka topic where Flink reads data
  • --output-topic: Kafka topic where Flink writes data
  • --bootstrap-server: Addresses and ports for kafka brokers
  • --consumer-group: Consumer group. Default is "flink-bench"
  • --offset: Consume kafka topic from earliest or latest offset.


# Run Throughput
./bin/flink run -m -c com.paultech.WindowThroughput /root/zy/benchmark/benchmark-1.0.jar --parallelism 12 --output-topic output --input-topic input --bootstrap-server,,

# Run Latency
./bin/flink run -m -c com.paultech.Latency /root/zy/benchmark/benchmark-1.0.jar --parallelism 12 --output-topic output --input-topic input --bootstrap-server,,

Kafka datagen command options

  • -b: Kafka bootstrap server
  • -t: Output Kafka topic
  • -a: Acks
  • -n: Number of threads
  • -i: Message send interval
  • -c: Messages send per interval
  • -p: Kafka data payload type. Can be uuid or 1kb
  • -h: Get help message


java -jar kafka-datasource-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -b,, -t input -a 0 -n 12

Kafka latency analyzer command options

  • -b: Kafka bootstrap server
  • -t: Output Kafka topic
  • -g: Kafka consumer group


java -jar kafka-latency-analyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -b,, -t output1 -g analyzer


Start benchmark via step-by-step guide

  1. Enter flink-benchmark/benchmark-dist/target/dist/benchmark-dist/bin.
  2. Update by setting FLINK_HOME and JAVA_HOME(optional).
  3. Execute and then follow the instruction.