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This is a react-native link library project for in-app purchase for both android and ios platforms. The goal of this project is to have similar experience between the two platforms for in-app-purchase. Basically, android platform has more functions for in-app-purchase and is not our specific interests for this project.

We are willing to share same in-app-purchase experience for both android and ios platform and will continuously merge methods which are standing alone. Android iap is implemented with iap version 3 which is currently recent.

Playstore & Itunnesconnect configuration

  • Please refer to Blog.

Migration Guide

2.0.0-alpha1 has released. Not much difference. There were some parameters supports and changes to distinguish the differences in platform at one sight. Please follow the readme what you get in returned variables when calling getItems and when purchasing through buyProduct or buySubscription.

Difference between 0.3.* and 1.0.0 has only one method renaming refreshItems to consumeAllItems.

To migrate 0.2.* to 0.3.*, You can follow the below guide.

0.2.* 0.3.* 1.* ~ 2.*
prepareAndroid prepare prepare => initConnection
getItems getProducts getProducts
getSubscribeItems getSubscriptions getSubscriptions
getPurchasedItemsAndroid getPurchaseHistory getPurchaseHistory
`` getAvailablePurchases getAvailablePurchases
buySubscribeItem buySubscription buySubscription
buyItem buyProduct buyProduct
consumeItemAndroid consumePurchase consumePurchase
refreshAllItems Not Available consumeAllItems
refreshPurchaseItemsAndroid Not Available Not Available

From above method changes, getProducts gets itemSkus as parameter in different way then as used in getItems. In getItems you had to put parameter as

const itemSkus = {
  ios: [
  android: [

But now you should do like below which will just pass single array instead of object.

const itemSkus ={
  ios: [
  android: [

Also, note that this is our last migration for renaming method names without any deprecation warning. Thank you for your understanding.


Func Param Return Description
prepare Promise<void> Deprecated. Use initConnection instead.
initConnection Promise<string> Init IAP module. On Android this can be called to preload the connection to Play Services. In iOS, it will simply call canMakePayments method and return value.
getProducts string[] Product IDs/skus Promise<Product[]> Get a list of products (consumable and non-consumable items, but not subscriptions). Note: On iOS versions earlier than 11.2 this method will return subscriptions if they are included in your list of SKUs. This is because we cannot differentiate between IAP products and subscriptions prior to 11.2.
getSubscriptions string[] Subscription IDs/skus Promise<Subscription[]> Get a list of subscriptions. Note: On iOS versions earlier than 11.2 this method will return subscriptions if they are included in your list of SKUs. This is because we cannot differentiate between IAP products and subscriptions prior to 11.2.
getPurchaseHistory Promise<Purchase[]> Gets an invetory of purchases made by the user regardless of consumption status (where possible)
getAvailablePurchases Promise<Purchase[]> Get all purchases made by the user (either non-consumable, or haven't been consumed yet)
buySubscription string Subscription ID/sku, string Old Subscription ID/sku (on Android), int Proration Mode (on Android) Promise<Purchase> Create (buy) a subscription to a sku. For upgrading/downgrading subscription on Android pass the second parameter with current subscription ID, on iOS this is handled automatically by store. You can also optionally pass in a proration mode integer for upgrading/downgrading subscriptions on Android
buyProduct string Product ID/sku Promise<Purchase> Buy a product
buyProductWithQuantityIOS string Product ID/sku, number Quantity Promise<Purchase> Buy a product with a specified quantity (iOS only)
buyProductWithoutFinishTransaction string Product ID/sku Promise<Purchase> Buy a product without finish transaction call (iOS only)
finishTransaction void void Send finishTransaction call to Apple IAP server. Call this function after receipt validation process
clearTransaction void void Clear up the unfinished transanction which sometimes causes problem. Read more in below readme.
clearProducts void void Clear all products, subscriptions in ios. Read more in below readme.
consumeProduct string Purchase token Promise<void> Consume a product (on Android.) No-op on iOS.
endConnection Promise<void> End billing connection (on Android.) No-op on iOS.
consumeAllItems Promise<void> Consume all items in android so they are able to buy again (on Android.) No-op on iOS.
validateReceiptIos object receiptBody, boolean isTest object or boolean result validate receipt for ios.
validateReceiptAndroid string packageName, string productId, string productToken, string accessToken, boolean isSubscription object or boolean result validate receipt for android.

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Git repo


Getting started

$ npm install react-native-iap --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-iap

Note for Ejected iOS Apps:

The above command will add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'RNIap', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-iap'

You should remove this before running pod install and follow the manual installation instructions below.

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right-click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-iap and add RNIap.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNIap.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)<


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.dooboolab.RNIap.RNIapPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new RNIapPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-iap'
    project(':react-native-iap').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-iap/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-iap')
  3. Add the following to the <permission> block in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:
    <uses-permission android:name="" />


You can look in the RNIapExample folder to try the example. Below is basic implementation which is also provided in RNIapExample project.

Init IAP, In App Billing.

First thing you should do is to define your items for iOS and android separately like defined below.

import * as RNIap from 'react-native-iap';

const itemSkus ={
  ios: [
  android: [

Get Valid Items

To get a list of valid items, call getProducts(). You can do it in componentDidMount(), or another area as appropriate for you app. Since a user may first start your app with a bad internet connection, then later have an internet connection, making preparing/getting items more than once may be a good idea. Like if the user has no IAPs available when the app first starts, you may want to check again when the user enters your IAP store.

async componentDidMount() {
  try {
    const products = await RNIap.getProducts(itemSkus);
    this.setState({ products });
  } catch(err) {
    console.warn(err); // standardized err.code and err.message available

Each item is a JavaScript object containing these keys:

iOS Android Comment
price Will return localizedPrice on Android (default) or a string price (eg. 1.99) (iOS)
productId Returns a string needed to purchase the item later
currency Returns the currency code
localizedPrice Use localizedPrice if you want to display the price to the user so you don't need to worry about currency symbols.
title Returns the title Android and localizedTitle on iOS
description Returns the localized description on Android and iOS
introductoryPrice Formatted introductory price of a subscription, including its currency sign, such as €3.99. The price doesn't include tax.
introductoryPricePaymentModeIOS The payment mode for this product discount.
introductoryPriceNumberOfPeriods An integer that indicates the number of periods the product discount is available.
introductoryPriceNumberOfPeriodsIOS An integer that indicates the number of periods the product discount is available.
introductoryPriceSubscriptionPeriod An object that defines the period for the product discount.
introductoryPriceSubscriptionPeriodIOS An object that defines the period for the product discount.
subscriptionPeriodNumberIOS The unit in string like DAY or WEEK or MONTH or YEAR.
subscriptionPeriodUnitIOS The unit number of subscription period.
subscriptionPeriodAndroid Subscription period, specified in ISO 8601 format. For example, P1W equates to one week, P1M equates to one month, P3M equates to three months, P6M equates to six months, and P1Y equates to one year.
introductoryPriceCyclesAndroid The number of subscription billing periods for which the user will be given the introductory price, such as 3.
introductoryPricePeriodAndroid The billing period of the introductory price, specified in ISO 8601 format.
freeTrialPeriodAndroid Trial period configured in Google Play Console, specified in ISO 8601 format. For example, P7D equates to seven days.

End Billing Connection

When you are done with the billing, you should release it for android(READ). It is not needed in ios. No need to check platform either since nothing will happen in ios. This can be used in componentWillUnMount.

componentWillUnmount() {


Once you have called getProducts(), and you have a valid response, you can call buyProduct().

  // Will return a purchase object with a receipt which can be used to validate on your server.
  const purchase = await RNIap.buyProduct('com.example.coins100');

In RNIapExample, upon receiving a purchase receipt, main page will navigate to Second.js.

Purchase Example 2 (Advanced)

this.setState({ progressTitle: 'Please wait...' });
RNIap.buyProduct('com.example.coins100').then(purchase => {
      receipt: purchase.transactionReceipt, // save the receipt if you need it, whether locally, or to your server.
      progressTitle: 'Purchase Successful!',
      coins: this.state.coins + 100
  }).catch(err => {
    // resetting UI
    console.warn(err); // standardized err.code and err.message available
    this.setState({ progressTitle: 'Buy 100 Coins for only $0.99' });

Subscribable products can be purchased just like consumable products. Users can cancel subscriptions by using the iOS System Settings.

Purchase Example 3 (Advanced)

try {
  const purchase: any = await RNIap.buyProduct(sku);
  this.setState({ receipt: purchase.transactionReceipt }, () => this.goToNext());
} catch (err) {
  console.warn(err.code, err.message);
  const subscription = RNIap.addAdditionalSuccessPurchaseListenerIOS(async (purchase) => {
    this.setState({ receipt: purchase.transactionReceipt }, () => this.goToNext());

If you need to handle the success of purchase which could be called even after purchase failed, you can add addAdditionalSuccessPurchaseListenerIOS to handle next successPurchase.

  • This feature was provided because of issue in #307.
  • This feature is provided from react-native-iap version 2.4.0-beta1. Currently this feature is in test.

Consumption and Restoring Purchases

You can use getAvailablePurchases() to do what's commonly understood as "restoring" purchases. Once an item is consumed, it will no longer be available in getAvailablePurchases() and will only be available via getPurchaseHistory(). However, this method has some caveats on Android -- namely, that purchase history only exists for the single most recent purchase of each SKU -- so your best bet is to track consumption in your app yourself. By default, all items that are purchased will not be consumed unless they are automatically consumed by the store (for example, if you create a consumable item for iOS.) This means that you must manage consumption yourself. Purchases can be consumed by calling consumePurchase(). If you want to consume all items, you have to iterate over the purchases returned by getAvailablePurchases().

getPurchases = async() => {
  try {
    const purchases = await RNIap.getAvailablePurchases();
    let restoredTitles = '';
    let coins = CoinStore.getCount();
    purchases.forEach(purchase => {
      if (purchase.productId == 'com.example.premium') {
        this.setState({ premium: true });
        restoredTitles += 'Premium Version';
      } else if (purchase.productId == 'com.example.no_ads') {
        this.setState({ ads: false });
        restoredTitles += restoredTitles.length > 0 ? 'No Ads' : ', No Ads';
      } else if (purchase.productId == 'com.example.coins100') {
        await RNIap.consumePurchase(purchase.purchaseToken);
    Alert.alert('Restore Successful', 'You successfully restored the following purchases: ' + restoredTitles);
  } catch(err) {
    console.warn(err); // standardized err.code and err.message available

Returned purchases is an array of each purchase transaction with the following keys:

iOS Android Comment
productId The product ID for the product.
transactionReceipt receipt for ios and stringified JSON of the original purchase object for android.
transactionId A unique order identifier for the transaction.
transactionDate The time the product was purchased, in milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970).
purchaseToken A token that uniquely identifies a purchase for a given item and user pair.
autoRenewingAndroid Indicates whether the subscription renews automatically. If true, the subscription is active, and will automatically renew on the next billing date. If false, indicates that the user has canceled the subscription.
dataAndroid Original json for purchase data.
signatureAndroid String containing the signature of the purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer. The data signature uses the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme.
originalTransactionDateIOS For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the date of the original transaction.
originalTransactionIdentifierIOS For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the transaction identifier of the original transaction.

You need to test with one sandbox account, because the account holds previous purchase history.

Receipt validation

From [email protected], we support receipt validation. For Android, you need separate json file from the service account to get the access_token from google-apis, therefore it is impossible to implement serverless. You should have your own backend and get access_token. With access_token you can simply call validateReceiptAndroid method we implemented. Further reading is here.

Currently, serverless receipt validation is possible using validateReceiptIos method. The first parameter, you should pass transactionReceipt which returns after buyProduct. The second parameter, you should pass whether this is test environment. If true, it will request to sandbox and false it will request to production.

const receiptBody = {
  'receipt-data': purchase.transactionReceipt,
  'password': '******'
const result = await RNIap.validateReceiptIos(receiptBody, false);

For further information, please refer to guide.

iOS Purchasing process right way.

Purchasing consumable products in iOS consists of the following steps.

Step 1 : Purchasing via IAP (Apple server)
Step 2 : Check the validation of the receipt (either on device or server)
Step 3 : Apply the product to the Application

But, sometimes app doesn't make it to step 3, and user loose the product with successful payment. Non-consumable products can be restored via getPurchaseHistory function, but consumable products can be lost. In this case, use buyProductWithoutFinishTransaction to purchase action and use finishTransaction to finish payment after receipt validation and supply the products to user.

const purchase = await RNIap.buyProductWithoutFinishTransaction(productId);
// to something in your server
const { transactionReceipt } = purchase;
sendToServer(transactionReceipt, {
  onSuccess: () => {

However, sometimes apple internally causes problem itself before finishTransaction where queues are not resolved that may result in failure in next purchases (related issue #256). Therefore, we've made another method that may resolve this kind of issues in next purchases which is to finish up the queues at the start of each purchase. To resolve this, try the code like below.

await RNIap.clearTransaction(); // add this method at the start of purchase.
const purchase = await RNIap.buyProductWithoutFinishTransaction(productId);
// to something in your server
const { transactionReceipt } = purchase;
sendToServer(transactionReceipt, {
  onSuccess: () => {

Another issue regarding valid products. In iOS, generally you are fetching valid products at App launching process. If you fetch again, or fetch valid subscription, the products are added to the array object in iOS side (objective-c NSMutableArray). This makes unexpected behavior when you fetch with a part of product lists. (For example, if you have products of [A, B, C], and you call fetch function with only [A], this module returns [A, B, C]) This is weird, but it works. But, weird result is weird, so we made a new method which remove all valid products. If you need to clear all products, subscriptions in that array, just call clearProducts(), and do the fetching job again, and you will receive what you expected.

We've like to update this solution as version changes in react-native-iap.

Q & A

Can I buy product right away skipping fetching products if I already know productId?

  • You can in Android but not in ios. In ios you should always fetchProducts first. You can see more info here.
  • Related issue in #283.

How do I validate receipt in ios?

  • Official doc is here.
  • Resolved issues in #203, #237.

How do I validate receipt in android?

  • Offical doc is here.
  • I've developed this feature for other developers to contribute easily who are aware of these things. The doc says you can also get the accessToken via play console without any of your backend server. You can get this by following process.
    • Select your app > Services & APIs > "YOUR LICENSE KEY FOR THIS APPLICATION Base64-encoded RSA public key to include in your binary". reference.

How do I use react-native-iap in expo?

  • You should detach from expo and get expokit out of it.
  • Releated issue in #174.

How do I handle promoted products in ios?

  • Offical doc is here

  • Start the IAPPromotionObserver in -[application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] your AppDelegate:

    // Add '#import "IAPPromotionObserver.h"' to your imports
    [IAPPromotionObserver startObserving]; 
  • Add an event listener for the iap-promoted-product event somewhere early in your app's lifecycle:

    // Import the `NativeModules` and `NativeEventEmitter` components from 'react-native'
    const { RNIapIos } = NativeModules;
    const IAPEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(RNIapIos);
    IAPEmitter.addListener('iap-promoted-product', async () => {
      // Check if there's a persisted promoted product
      const productID = await RNIap.getPromotedProduct();
      if (productID !== null) { // You may want to validate the product ID against your own SKUs
        try {
          await RNIap.buyPromotedProduct(); // This will trigger the App Store purchase process
        } catch(e) {

Invalid productId in ios.

  • Please try below and make sure you've done belows.
    • Steps
      1. Completed an effective "Agreements, Tax, and Banking."
      2. Setup sandbox testing account in "Users and Roles."
      3. Signed into iOS device with sandbox account.
      4. Set up three In-App Purchases with the following status: i. Ready to Submit ii. Missing Metadata iii. Waiting for Review
      5. Enable "In-App Purchase" in Xcode "Capabilities" and in Apple Developer -> "App ID" setting. Delete app / Restart device / Quit "store" related processes in Activity Monitor / Xcode Development Provisioning Profile -> Clean -> Build.
    • Related issues #256, #263.

Module is not working as expected. Throws error.

  • The react-native link script isn't perfect and sometimes broke. Please try unlinking and linking again. Or try manual installing.

getAvailablePurchases return empty array.

  • getAvailablePurchases is used only when you purchase a non-consumable product. This can be restored only. If you want to find out if a user subscribes the product, you should check the receipt which you should store in your own database. Apple suggests you handle this in your own backend to do things like what you are trying to achieve.

Supporting react-native-iap

react-native is an open source project with MIT license. We are willing to maintain this repository to support devs to monetize around the world. Since IAP itself is not perfect on each platform, we desperately need this project to be maintained. If you'd like to help us, please consider being with us in Open Collective.


Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]


Please be our Backers.


Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request. Thank you to all the people who helped to maintain and upgrade this project!


react-native native module for In App Purchase.







No packages published


  • Objective-C 33.7%
  • JavaScript 31.8%
  • Java 31.4%
  • Python 2.3%
  • Ruby 0.8%