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35 Commits

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  • bash 4+

Run tests

  1. Install bats
git clone https:/sstephenson/bats.git
sudo bats/ /usr/local
rm -rf bats
  1. Run tests
cd tests

How to use the hooks

1. Clone this repo and checkout to latest tag

git clone [email protected]:pdffiller/styleguide-hooks.git
cd styleguide-hooks
git checkout v0.2.2.0 2>/dev/null && git status
cd -

You should see HEAD detached at v0.2.2.0.

2. Set it up as your template directory

git config --global init.templatedir $(pwd)/styleguide-hooks

You may ignore the remainder nevertheless it's better to follow the next steps in order to avoid running git init each time the 'global' hooks are changed or updated.

3. Create symlink to hooks

git config --global core.hooksPath $(pwd)/styleguide-hooks/hooks

After every git clone and git checkout the post-checkout hook will create or recreate symlink to your hooks directory. Documentation.

4. Change default configuration if needed

  1. Look into hooks/
    If you'd like to change something:
  2. Create hooks/
  3. Copy settings for change from default to user_defined
  4. Change settings in hooks/
Availble settings
Constant What it changes Default Affects
COLOR_INFO Change default output color for Information messages.
Available colors.
"Light_Blue" pre-commit
COLOR_WARNING Change default output color for Warning.
Ineractive messages. Available colors.
"Yellow" pre-commit, post-checkout
Ignore trailing whitespaces for specified file extentions. Format ext1|ext2|ext3. "md|rst" pre-commit
INTERACTIVE_MODE Pseudo-interactive mode for:
1. Replacing trailing whitespaces
2. Removing multilines at EOF
3. Adding new line at EOF if it doesn't exist
Can be disabled or enabled.
"disabled" pre-commit
FORСE_WARNING_TO_ERROR Forсing exit if enabled.
Affects "Too many changes per one commit" check.
Can be disabled or enabled.
"disabled" pre-commit
FOOTER Styleguide message that is added to every error message. [1] pre-commit
GITHUB_REGEX Regex for matching Github issue inside branch name. A link to issue is created if a match was found. '^[0-9]+$' pre-commit,
JIRA_ISSUE_LINK Link to Jira task endpoint. [2] prepare-commit-msg
JIRA_REGEX Regex for matching Jira issue inside branch name. A link to issue is created if a match was found.
Default Jira regex.
'^[A-Z]{2,}-[0-9]+' pre-commit,
STYLE_GUIDE_LINK Commit message styleguide format link. [3] prepare-commit-msg
CHECK_FOR_UPDATES_EVERY Set how often to check for updates. Format as in date command. 1 week post-checkout
Long defaults
Our style guide can be found at:

A quick way to rename your branch:
git branch -m NEW_BRANCH_NAME

declare -A JIRA_ISSUE_LINK=(


Style guide

Each feature, bug fix or any other change must be developed in a separate branch.

Commit message format

1. Every commit message MUST start with a capitalized verb in its base form



The only exception allowed is Initial commit


  • Has advantages with automatic code-review
  • Makes reading easier
  • Reduces the number of characters in the commit message (for example, Add versus Was added or Has been added)
  • Matches the format accepted by git itself

When making a commit message, just mentally add a phrase in front of it "When this commit is applied the git will ..." and your commit message should logically continue this phrase.

For example:
<span style="color:green">When this commit is applied the git will</span><span style="color:red">Add</span>

2. Punctuation marks are omitted at the end

Add new feature instead of Add new feature.)

3. Length of the commit message should not exceed 50 characters

It's git recommendation and soft limit, 50+ characters can be truncated when displayed.
Hard limit - 72 characters.

Another useful practices

Branch naming format

Used pattern: issue_type / [path_to_folder /] [Jira issue ID /| GitHub issue # /] short_description

  • short_description: a short phrase reflecting the essence of the changes, with a separator _
  • Jira issue ID: project name and issue number with a hyphen
  • GitHub issue: short numeric number of a specific issue previously created in this repository

Allowed issue_types

  • feature - new functionality
  • improve - improve existing functionality
  • fix - various fixes and fixes
  • test - branch for research, various tests, temporary copy, etc. It is useful, for example, for temporary merging of several branches that are not yet in the master for carrying out integration testing of these branches.
  • docs - everything related to documentation
  • style - fix typos, fix formatting
  • refactor - refactoring application code
  • legacy - in some cases, it may take a long time to parallelly develop several development directions in one repository (for example, we have already switched to the v3 module version, but for some terraform configurations, we need changes in the modules of v2 versions, and they will also need an indefinite long time). Such branches are strictly forbidden to be removed from the repository without the permission of the technical support.

Issue_type must be lowercase.


Limits for branches and commits

1. Every commit SHOULD BE <1000 changed lines


  • Terraform copy-paste development from one enviroment to another. But, if it new infrastucture - you MUST setup environment changes in separate commit.
  • Vendor-dependency updates (such like in Go)
  • Addition/Deletions/changes same little stuff in every file. Like enviroment -> environment 10000 times

2. One change type - one branch

If you need make fix and feature - their MUST BE in different branches.


  • If:

    • you work with 1 (<1000 lines) functional autonomy file which not affect any other
    • you make refactor and some other stuff
    • All changes in sum be <1000

3. One feature - one branch

If you add many clusters which not depend on each other - they MUST BE in diferent branches.

Making changes to tracked branches

Definitions & basic info

Tracked branch is a branch, changes in which are tracked by any build-configuration of Teamcity or another CI process or tool.

Work branch is a branch that has budded off from any one being tracked to make changes to the code, and after that it will be rebased again with the parent branch.

Making any changes to the tracked branches should take place exclusively through pull request.

<span style="color:red">Direct push to the tracked branch is strictly prohibited!</span>

<span style="color:red">It is strictly not recommended to use any working branches of colleagues on GitHub!</span> Otherwise nobody is able to forcast all the consequences of such usage.

Use only stable, tracked branches on GitHub in your applications!

Before review

Make sure that the working branch does not conflict with the parent branch.

Merging work branch

The corresponding pull request can be merged into the tracked branch only after succesfull review at least one review.

Merge is performed by executing the "rebase and merge" command — a special button at the bottom of the page — from the interface of this pull request in GitHub.

Deleting work branch

Right after the working branch is returned to the church is rebased into the tracked branch - deleted. Branch is to be deleted by the PR assignee who perform the rebase.

Setup protectection for repo

Go to repo Settings.

Options - Data services

Enable Vulnerability alerts if the repo is private. In public repos it is enabled by default.

Enabled Data Services

Options - Merge button

Allow only Rebase

Disable other buttons

Branch - Branch protection rules

WIP check can be found here.

Also, you can enable WIP check protection (or any other) only after creating your first pull request.

Protection rules

Protection rules can be enforced by script.

Git useful links