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Creating a GSoC schedule

Vicky Vergara edited this page Mar 19, 2021 · 1 revision

Creating a GSoC schedule

Bonding period

Consider that during the bonding period there are going to be weekly meetings, preferably on the weekends (saturday/sunday) still to be defined. So to not interrupt your normal school activities. The meetings start at 09:00am CST. The intention of these meetings is to know the structure of pgRouting's code:

  • How to add new functionality,
  • How to add new documentation
  • How to ad examples for the documentation
  • How to add pgtap tests
  • What to not add from your directory in your computer. During this period, also you will have to create the wiki page for your reports, it will include the bonding period report. You will start practicing sending a weekly report of the bonding period.

Coding period

Break it in 2 sections, one per coding period and create a table. The last row of the table should have the total amount of hours.

  • Try to make them equal amount of hours so to create a work routine.
  • If there are week with less hours, maybe you are still in school or have religion holidays, you don't need to give a reason for that. But you need to make up for the hours in other weeks.

The weeks start on Monday, and because the report limit is on Sunday the week ends on Sunday.

Note that what you are doing is a plan of what you think needs to be done and the order it has to be done, and the time it will take you to do it. The only think that is compulsory is for the last week: Integrate the work done to the pgRouting main repository and prepare the final report

For the example bellow, 17.5 hrs is the average for 10 weeks with total 175 hours, and in the first week there are classes and less dedicated time.

first coding period

week hours task
week 1 (jun/7 - june/13) 10 Prepare ...
week 2 (jun/14 - june/21) 25 Do ...
... 17.5 ...
week N (Monday - Sunday) ... 17.5
... 17.5 ...
Total 87.5

second coding period

week hours task
... 17.5 ...
... 17.5 ...
... 17.5 ...
... 17.5 ...
17.5 Integrate the work done to the pgRouting main repository and prepare the final report
Total 87.5