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breaking(types): Add higher kinded mutator types #725

merged 250 commits into from
Apr 18, 2022


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@devanshj devanshj commented Dec 23, 2021

Okay @dai-shi now you have two options:

A. This PR (not complete yet)
Makes the change as minimal as possible, just adds the types proposed in #710, zero change in runtime code.

B. #662
Not only adds #710 but also rewrites the whole codebase to drastically increase the code quality. Don't mind me but the current code is quite a mess, I like to write code for fun so I thought let's rewrite this whole thing nicely. Now this obviously will produce relatively large and unhelpful diffs, nothing can be done about that. It would be much easier to review if you compare the files locally without the red-green diff.
But now I have a small condition: I'll remove prettier and some lint rules, but don't worry you can add them back but you'll have to do it yourself (you have the edit rights). Consider this a little treat that I'm giving myself :P I hope you won't mind.

Let me know which of the two options you prefer. If you think increasing the code quality is worth taking the pain to review, I'd suggest you go with the second option. I don't mind whichever you pick.

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devanshj commented Apr 12, 2022

Okay so let me explain the recent commits a bit...

f0d192a make immer more generic

This one is fairly simple, we're making less assumptions about the the "parent" setState so now we're forwarding the 2-n arguments. So for example previously create(immer(devtools(() => ...)) would have not worked but now it'd work.

The SkipTwo type is rather complex because a basic one like this...

type SkipTwoBasic<T> =
  T extends [] ? [] :
  T extends [unknown] ? [] :
  T extends [unknown, unknown, ...infer A] ? A :

... won't work because the way subtyping works ie ["a"?] extends [unknown] ? true : false is actually false instead of true. So SkipTwoBasic<[{ count: number }, boolean?, string?]> would return never instead of [string?]. And the actual SkipTwo that's committed gives [string?]. (Actually we're also supposed to take into consideration readonly too as readonly ["a"] extends [unknown] ? true : false is also false instead of true but that'd double the number of branches so I'm not going that far)

58dc684 make devtools replace-friendly and more correctly typed

I don't know if you remember but this PR actually bring a new feature that whenever users are replacing the state, they'll have to pass the whole state, so now we have more type safety. I also added a test for this: 061a057.

But the problem is this feature only work if there are no higher kinded mutators that change setState and devtools does that...

declare module '../vanilla' {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  interface StoreMutators<S, A> {
    'zustand/devtools': WithDevtools<S>

type WithDevtools<S> =
  Write<Cast<S, object>, StoreSetStateWithAction<S>>

type StoreSetStateWithAction<S> =
  S extends { setState: (...a: infer A) => infer R }
    ? { setState: (...a: [...a: A, actionType?: string | { type: unknown }]) => R }
    : never

type Write<T extends object, U extends object> = Omit<T, keyof U> & U
type Cast<T, U> = T extends U ? T : U

Here the problem is that when you use infer to extract the arguments, it looses all type parameters (ie Nt and R on setState which make the replace feature work) so hence this replace feature wouldn't work if someone is using devtools middleware.

Unfortunately this is a TypeScript limitation, and there's no workaround to this. Hence what we do now is add special cases for the types of setStates that we know of, ie vanilla and immer. So now StoreSetStateWithAction would look like this...

type StoreSetStateWithAction<S> =
  S extends { getState: () => infer T, setState: (...a: infer A) => infer R }
    ? A extends [Partial<T> | ((state: T) => Partial<T>), (boolean | undefined)?]
        ? /* redefining vanilla setState but now with `actionType` */ :
      A extends [Partial<T> | ((state: Draft<T>) => void), (boolean | undefined)?]
        ? /* redefining immer setState but now with `actionType` */ :
      { setState: (...a: [...a: A, actionType?: string | { type: unknown }]) => R }
      // fallback, this would lose replace-aware feature
    : never

And now the replace feature would work even for devtools (with vanilla or immer). You can see I've added those tests for it in types.test.ts in below to the vanilla replace test.

Additionally, [...a: A, actionType?: string | { type: unknown }] is actually wrong because A can have more than two elements so now we do [...a: TakeTwo<A>, actionType?: string | { type: unknown }].

Not only that if you notice we don't return the result from "parent" setState so actually the runtime code should be like this...

   ;(api.setState as NamedSet<S>) = (state, replace, nameOrAction) => {
-    set(state, replace)
+    let r = set(state, replace)
-    if (!isRecording) return
+    if (!isRecording) return r
       nameOrAction === undefined
         ? { type: devtoolsOptions.anonymousActionType || 'anonymous' }
         : typeof nameOrAction === 'string'
         ? { type: nameOrAction }
         : nameOrAction,
+    return r

But currently give we don't I also replaced the R with void and infer R with unknown in the StoreSetStateWithAction type.

Although I think I'll make this tiny runtime change tomorrow (will revert if you don't like it). Just to make the middleware more open and extensible. And immer middleware (because I authored it :P) already returns the result of setState, so it'll be consistent with this too.

To elaborate on "more open and more extensible" I mean it's possible that users may have some middleware which has a special setState that returns something, so now the current devtools middleware breaks that.

I understand I'm being a perfectionist here, but that's who I am :P (when it comes to code)

374a5f0 migrate tests

Ha we caught some bugs in the tests because of this additionally type safety. Previously as I said devtools wouldn't have the replace feature but now it does, so we caught passing partial state when we were replacing.

3063df1 make setState bivariant to make the state covariant

Okay now this one is a bit lengthy. And it's time to sleep so I'll explain tomorrow xD

I know the types have gotten a bit more complex but I think it's worth it, we've already come this far so a little more correctness is doesn't harm.

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dai-shi commented Apr 13, 2022

I understand I'm being a perfectionist here, but that's who I am :P

well, I know, but keep in mind that if you make things too complicated and others can't follow, we will eventually remove that code in the future abandoning your work and effort. Non-understandable code is worse than non-perfect code. So, you should find the balance between perfectness and understandability. tbh, you already went too far.

The SkipTwo type is rather complex because a basic one like this

SkipTwo is complex, but understandable because the goal is clear.

may have some middleware which has a special setState that returns something

I actually like it. > return r

Unfortunately this is a TypeScript limitation, and there's no workaround to this. Hence what we do now is add special cases for the types of setStates that we know of, ie vanilla and immer.

Can we give this up, and make things less complicated? Using replace is not a very common case, so putting more effort and making things complex don't give much benefit overall. I'd like to keep this limitation if there's a solution with manual typing (no type inference).

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devanshj commented Apr 13, 2022

I understand what you're getting at, but I don't think correctness of code and understandability of code are always mutually exclusive. It depends, here the assumption is the maintainers have medium-to-high typescript knowledge (and have my detailed documentations), moreover the type-level code requires zero maintenance (apart from future bugs which are unlikely and I'll mostly be available), so we can have both. Of course if these conditions are not met then it's perfectly reasonable to delete my code, I don't mind that nor do I think my work goes in vain.

Can we give this up, and make things less complicated? Using replace is not a very common case, so putting more effort and making things complex don't give much benefit overall. I'd like to keep this limitation if there's a solution with manual typing (no type inference).

Keeping the limitation would not reduce the complexity by any significant margin, it'll only remove the two added branches (ie vanilla and immer) in StoreSetStateWithAction, that's it. I don't think it makes sense to come so far (with things like #710) and not go an inch more.

The alternative is that users will have to be careful themselves and pass the whole state when replacing, the compiler won't help them. I'd suggest not to compromise, but you can take the final call.

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devanshj commented Apr 13, 2022

3063df1 make setState bivariant to make the state covariant

Okay let me give a little introduction on variance first (I'll not go too deep though).

Imagine if you have type GetState<T> = () => T now here this is covariant because it preserves the subtype relation...

type GetState<T> = () => T

// "b" is a subtype of "a" | "b"
let t0: "a" | "b" = {} as "b"

// therefore GetState<"b"> is a subtype of GetState<"a" | "b">
let t1: GetState<"a" | "b"> = {} as GetState<"b">

And if you have type SetState<T> = (t: T) => void now this is contravariant because it reverses the subtype relation...

type SetState<T> = (t: T) => void

// "b" is a subtype of "a" | "b"
let t0: "a" | "b" = {} as "b"

// therefore SetState<"b"> is a supertype of SetState<"a" | "b">
// or in otherwords SetState<"a" | "b"> is a subtype of SetState<"b">
let t1: SetState<"b"> = {} as SetState<"a" | "b">

Now what if you combine these both, the resulting type would become invariant (means neither covariant neither contravariant) which destroys the subtype relation...

interface Store<T> {
  getState: () => T
  setState: (t: T) => void

let t0: Store<"a"> = {} as Store<"a" | "b"> // does not compile
let t1: Store<"a" | "b"> = {} as Store<"a"> // also does not compile

Now although this is correct and sound but it's not pragmatic. What this means is no two stores can be subtype of each other. And hence you can't write any abstractions over Store<T> for eg this won't work

interface Store<T> {
  getState: () => T
  setState: (t: T) => void
declare const useStore:
  <S extends Store<unknown>>(t: S) =>
    S extends { getState: () => infer T } ? T : never

declare const myStore: Store<{ count: number }>

// does not compile
// because Store<{ count: number }> is not a subtype Store<unknown>
// { count: number } is a subtype of unknown, so had Store<T> been covariant
// Store<{ count: number }> would also be a subtype Store<unknown>

Now how to fix this? We actually want Store<T> to be covariant, but it is invariant because of covariance from getState and contravariance from setState. Now somehow if we get rid of setState's contravariance, then Store<T> would become covariant because of getState's covariance.

Now we get rid of setState's contravariance, by making it bivariant (means covariant and contravariant both).

type SetStateContravariant<T> = (t: T) => void
type SetStateBivariant<T> = { _(t: T): void }["_"]
// type Foo = { x: (t: T) => void } // here x is property
// type Bar = { x(t: T): void } // here x is method
// both are different, methods have bivariant arguments

let t0: SetStateContravariant<"a"> = {} as SetStateContravariant<"a" | "b"> // compiles
let t1: SetStateContravariant<"a" | "b"> = {} as SetStateContravariant<"a"> // does not compile

let t2: SetStateBivariant<"a"> = {} as SetStateBivariant<"a" | "b"> // compiles
let t3: SetStateBivariant<"a" | "b"> = {} as SetStateBivariant<"a"> // also compiles

So now we can make setState in Store<T> a method and fix our problem...

interface Store<T> {
  getState: () => T
  setState(t: T): void

declare const useStore:
  <S extends Store<unknown>>(t: S) =>
    S extends { getState: () => infer T } ? T : never

declare const myStore: Store<{ count: number }>

useStore(myStore) // now it compiles

Now you might be wondering how was this not a problem in Zustand? It's because Zustand's setState also has a Partial<T> which makes setState no longer contravariant but only for objects.

type SetState<T> = (t: T) => void
type SetStateWithPartial<T> = (t: Partial<T> | T) => void

// SetStateWithPartial has different behavior than SetState
// but only when objects are invovled

let t0: SetState<object> = {} as SetState<{ count: number }> // does not compile
let t1: SetState<object> = {} as SetStateWithPartial<{ count: number }> // compiles
// different behavior

let t2: SetState<unknown> = {} as SetState<{ count: number }> // does not compile
let t3: SetStateWithPartial<unknown> = {} as SetStateWithPartial<{ count: number }> // also does not compile
// same behavior

let t4: SetState<unknown> = {} as SetState<"a"> // does not compile
let t4: SetStateWithPartial<unknown> = {} as SetStateWithPartial<"a"> // also does not compile
// same behavior

So Zustand kinda fluked this and got lucky because not only it uses Partial<T> but also object as the constraint for T. But you can't fluke complex cases with it, for example we want this to compile...

type Store<T> = 
 { setState:
   <R extends boolean | undefined>
     ( wholeWhenReplacingElsePartial: R extends true ? T : Partial<T>
     , isReplacing?: R
     ) => void

type DevtoolsStore<T> =
  { setState:
    <R extends boolean | undefined>
      ( wholeWhenReplacingElsePartial: R extends true ? T : Partial<T>
      , isReplacing?: R
      , name?: string
      ) => void

let t0: Store<{ count: number }> = {} as DevtoolsStore<{ count: number }> // compiles
let t1: Store<object> = {} as DevtoolsStore<{ count: number }> // doesn't compile but should

So now with bivariant setState we've properly made Store<T> covariant and now the above code will compile...

type Store<T> = 
 { setState
    <R extends boolean | undefined>
      ( wholeWhenReplacingElsePartial: R extends true ? T : Partial<T>
      , isReplacing?: R
      ): void

type DevtoolsStore<T> =
  { setState
    <R extends boolean | undefined>
      ( wholeWhenReplacingElsePartial: R extends true ? T : Partial<T>
      , isReplacing?: R
      , name?: string
      ): void

let t0: Store<{ count: number }> = {} as DevtoolsStore<{ count: number }> // compiles
let t1: Store<object> = {} as DevtoolsStore<{ count: number }> // also compiles

Hence the subject of the commit says "make setState bivariant to make the state covariant" (funny how effectively we can communicate using a formal language, it takes a few words to pack all of this explanation xD)

Also I simplified the setState type by removing the Nt generic, you don't need it, instead of writing this...

< Nt extends (R extends true ? T : Partial<T>)
, R extends boolean | undefined
  ( partial: Nt
  , replace?: R
  ) => void

...we can simply inline Nt because it's only used at one place so it's useless...

<R extends boolean | undefined> 
  ( partial: R extends true ? T : Partial<T>
  , replace?: R
  ) => void

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dai-shi commented Apr 14, 2022

here the assumption is the maintainers have medium-to-high typescript knowledge (and have my detailed documentations)

You are too optimistic about this. The maintainers skills are not high enough as you expect to modify those code (and understand your detailed documents). Moreover, other contributors/users can't read the code. How would they become confident with the code they don't understand? It's like a different programming language for someone.

it'll only remove the two added branches (ie vanilla and immer) in StoreSetStateWithAction, that's it.

I know, and this means if someone creates a new middleware at their own, the type inference will break, right? Creating own middleware and using replace are both rare, though.

I don't have any solution. Just feels like it's too complicated, and if you have any idea to compromise, it's worth considering.

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dai-shi commented Apr 14, 2022

3063df1 make setState bivariant to make the state covariant

I don't fully understand invariant/covariant things, but the commit is readable. If there are tests to cover, I could follow it.

@dai-shi dai-shi linked an issue Apr 14, 2022 that may be closed by this pull request
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devanshj commented Apr 14, 2022

if someone creates a new middleware at their own, the type inference will break, right?

No, here's the scenario..

  • If user creates a middleware (let's call it myMiddleware)...
  • ...and the they mutate setState in it (like devtools and immer do)...
  • ...and they use it with devtools...
  • ...and they write myMiddleware(devtools(... instead of devtools(myMiddleware(...
  • ...and they pass replace as true...
  • ...and they forget to pass the whole state...
  • ...then it'll still compile...
  • ...instead of not compiling.

So it won't break anything, the type inference will still work, everything will be the same, just the types will become less strict.

Let me clarify the typescript limitation a bit...

type State = { count: number }

declare const setState:
  <R extends boolean | undefined>
    ( partial: R extends true ? State : Partial<State>
    , replace?: R
    ) =>

setState({}, true)
// doesn't compile, great, it's strict and prevents runtime exceptions

declare const withDevtools:
  <F extends (...a: never[]) => unknown>
    (f: F) =>
      // code same as the fallback branch in `StoreSetStateWithAction`
      F extends (...a: infer A) => infer R
        ? (...a: [...a0: TakeTwo<A>, name?: string]) => R
        : never
type TakeTwo<T> =
  T extends [] ? [undefined, undefined] :
  T extends [unknown] ? [...a0: T, a1: undefined] :
  T extends [unknown?] ? [...a0: T, a1: undefined] :
  T extends [unknown, unknown] ? T :
  T extends [unknown, unknown?] ? T :
  T extends [unknown?, unknown?] ? T :
  T extends [infer A0, infer A1, ...unknown[]] ? [A0, A1] :
  T extends [infer A0, (infer A1)?, ...unknown[]] ? [A0, A1?] :
  T extends [(infer A0)?, (infer A1)?, ...unknown[]] ? [A0?, A1?] :

const setStateWithDevtools = withDevtools(setState)
// all we wanted to do is add an argument at 2nd index
// we did that but now we also lost all generics
// (hover over `setStateWithDevtools`)

setStateWithDevtools({}, true)
// compiles, not that great as it's not strict and doesn't prevent runtime exceptions

You are too optimistic about this. The maintainers skills are not high enough as you expect to modify those code (and understand your detailed documents). Moreover, other contributors/users can't read the code. How would they become confident with the code they don't understand? It's like a different programming language for someone.

I don't have any solution. Just feels like it's too complicated, and if you have any idea to compromise, it's worth considering.

I just want to make sure you realize there's no pressure from my side, only suggestions. To quote from #662's description...

You can keep as much code as you want.

My job is to offer you the most correct code possible. Your job is keep whatever code you like, which means I tailor the code according to your needs. I can at best suggest you, the decision will be yours.

So here given you find StoreSetStateWithAction complicated (I guess that's what you're referring to) then I can make it less complicated for you, the price is you'll have to give up the strict replace feature.

I just committed "fb624ac remove strict replace" you can check the change in code and tests.

You have two options here:

  • Keep this commit
  • Revert this commit

The first option takes away the strict replace feature for making the code less complicated. The second option makes the code more complicated for the strict replace feature.

My suggestion is still this...

Keeping the limitation would not reduce the complexity by any significant margin, it'll only remove the two added branches (ie vanilla and immer) in StoreSetStateWithAction, that's it. I don't think it makes sense to come so far (with things like #710) and not go an inch more.

...and it's only a suggestion, really. You should do what is right according to you, because everyone has different OSS philosophies, different judgements of the risk-to-reward ratio, different responsibilities, etc. Any my apologies if my suggestions came across as some kind of pressure to accept them.

Also if the code is still complicated for you (given you tell me which part) then I can still make more compromises and make it less complicated, feel free to tell me.

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dai-shi commented Apr 14, 2022

...then it'll still compile...
...instead of not compiling.

I see. Yeah, this applies to replace. (Technically, setState can be mutated to break compiling?)

...and they write myMiddleware(devtools(... instead of devtools(myMiddleware(...

I missed this part. We can suggest using devtools at leaf level.

So here given you find StoreSetStateWithAction complicated (I guess that's what you're referring to)

It was the start of this discussion, but in general, it's too complicated to be too good.

Also if the code is still complicated for you (given you tell me which part)

I'll see the code again. But, probably more I read, more I get how it works, and "wow, it's good".

You have two options here:

From the lib maintaining perspective, adding feature (including strict checks) is easier than removing it. So, I will keep fb624ac commit in this PR. Alternatively, as having an option is good, I will open a new PR for adding "strict replace" and I will consider merging after releasing v4 and getting more feedback. Or, maybe you want to open the PR, because it's clearer about your work. Would you?

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Technically, setState can be mutated to break compiling?

No not if the middleware author writes correct types (just like we write correct types for devtools and immer).

I missed this part. We can suggest using devtools at leaf level.

Yes but the other way round (as I wrote "myMiddleware(devtools(... instead of devtools(myMiddleware(..." so former is problematic).

But, probably more I read, more I get how it works, and "wow, it's good".

Ha thanks!

From the lib maintaining perspective, adding feature (including strict checks) is easier than removing it. So, I will keep fb624ac commit in this PR. Alternatively, as having an option is good, I will open a new PR for adding "strict replace" and I will consider merging after releasing v4 and getting more feedback. Or, maybe you want to open the PR, because it's clearer about your work. Would you?

No you got it backwards. Adding a strict check is a breaking change, so it's easier to remove it than to add it. So if you publish v4 without strict replace then you can only add it in v5 as it's a breaking change. But if you publish v4 with strict replace then you can remove it in v4.x because it won't be a breaking change. Again, idm anything just correcting you.

And sure I can open a PR if you wish.

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dai-shi commented Apr 16, 2022

Yes but the other way round

oops, "at the top level", i see.

No you got it backwards.

That's good to know.

And sure I can open a PR if you wish.

Yes, please. I will (re-)consider about it after releasing v4-rc.0 with this PR before releasing final v4.

And please make this PR ready for merge. We'd like to move forward.

@devanshj devanshj marked this pull request as ready for review April 17, 2022 14:35
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dai-shi commented Apr 18, 2022

diff -urw dist-76eeacb/esm dist-9d6e7e2/esm
diff -urw dist-76eeacb/esm/index.js dist-9d6e7e2/esm/index.js
--- dist-76eeacb/esm/index.js	2022-04-18 08:56:01.000000000 +0900
+++ dist-9d6e7e2/esm/index.js	2022-04-18 08:57:05.000000000 +0900
@@ -8,11 +8,13 @@
   return slice;
-function create(createState) {
+const createImpl = (createState) => {
   const api = typeof createState === "function" ? createStore__default(createState) : createState;
   const useBoundStore = (selector, equalityFn) => useStore(api, selector, equalityFn);
   Object.assign(useBoundStore, api);
   return useBoundStore;
+const create = (createState) => createState ? createImpl(createState) : createImpl;
+var create$1 = create;
-export { create as default, useStore };
+export { create$1 as default, useStore };
diff -urw dist-76eeacb/esm/middleware.js dist-9d6e7e2/esm/middleware.js
--- dist-76eeacb/esm/middleware.js	2022-04-18 08:55:57.000000000 +0900
+++ dist-9d6e7e2/esm/middleware.js	2022-04-18 08:57:01.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import { produce } from 'immer';
 var __defProp$1 = Object.defineProperty;
 var __getOwnPropSymbols$1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
 var __hasOwnProp$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@
   return a;
-const redux = (reducer, initial) => (set, get, api) => {
+const reduxImpl = (reducer, initial) => (set, get, api) => {
   api.dispatch = (action) => {
     set((state) => reducer(state, action), false, action);
     return action;
@@ -22,9 +24,9 @@
   api.dispatchFromDevtools = true;
   return __spreadValues$1({ dispatch: (...a) => api.dispatch(...a) }, initial);
+const redux = reduxImpl;
-function devtools(fn, options) {
-  return (set, get, api) => {
+const devtoolsImpl = (fn, options) => (set, get, api) => {
     const devtoolsOptions = options === void 0 ? {} : typeof options === "string" ? { name: options } : options;
     let extensionConnector;
     try {
@@ -40,10 +42,11 @@
     const extension = extensionConnector.connect(devtoolsOptions);
     let isRecording = true;
     api.setState = (state, replace, nameOrAction) => {
-      set(state, replace);
+    const r = set(state, replace);
       if (!isRecording)
-        return;
+      return r;
       extension.send(nameOrAction === void 0 ? { type: devtoolsOptions.anonymousActionType || "anonymous" } : typeof nameOrAction === "string" ? { type: nameOrAction } : nameOrAction, get());
+    return r;
     const setStateFromDevtools = (...a) => {
       const originalIsRecording = isRecording;
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@
     return initialState;
+const devtools = devtoolsImpl;
 const parseJsonThen = (stringified, f) => {
   let parsed;
   try {
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@
-const subscribeWithSelector = (fn) => (set, get, api) => {
+const subscribeWithSelectorImpl = (fn) => (set, get, api) => {
   const origSubscribe = api.subscribe;
   api.subscribe = (selector, optListener, options) => {
     let listener = selector;
@@ -152,8 +155,9 @@
   const initialState = fn(set, get, api);
   return initialState;
+const subscribeWithSelector = subscribeWithSelectorImpl;
-const combine = (initialState, create) => (set, get, api) => Object.assign({}, initialState, create(set, get, api));
+const combine = (initialState, create) => (...a) => Object.assign({}, initialState, create(...a));
 var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
 var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
@@ -196,7 +200,7 @@
-const persist = (config, baseOptions) => (set, get, api) => {
+const persistImpl = (config, baseOptions) => (set, get, api) => {
   let options = __spreadValues({
     getStorage: () => localStorage,
     serialize: JSON.stringify,
@@ -304,5 +308,15 @@
   return stateFromStorage || configResult;
+const persist = persistImpl;
+const immerImpl = (initializer) => (set, get, store) => {
+  store.setState = (updater, replace, ...a) => {
+    const nextState = typeof updater === "function" ? produce(updater) : updater;
+    return set(nextState, replace, ...a);
+  };
+  return initializer(store.setState, get, store);
+const immer = immerImpl;
-export { combine, devtools, persist, redux, subscribeWithSelector };
+export { combine, devtools, immer, persist, redux, subscribeWithSelector };
diff -urw dist-76eeacb/esm/vanilla.js dist-9d6e7e2/esm/vanilla.js
--- dist-76eeacb/esm/vanilla.js	2022-04-18 08:55:56.000000000 +0900
+++ dist-9d6e7e2/esm/vanilla.js	2022-04-18 08:57:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function createStore(createState) {
+const createStoreImpl = (createState) => {
   let state;
   const listeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
   const setState = (partial, replace) => {
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
   const api = { setState, getState, subscribe, destroy };
   state = createState(setState, getState, api);
   return api;
+const createStore = (createState) => createState ? createStoreImpl(createState) : createStoreImpl;
 export { createStore as default };

JS change seems minimal, but realized that zustand/middleware shouldn't depend on immer. I will create a follow-up PR to separate it.

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@dai-shi dai-shi left a comment

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Let's merge this in. Thanks so much for your work!

@dai-shi dai-shi merged commit 99cddcf into pmndrs:main Apr 18, 2022
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