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Some scripts to help with setting up demos of RDO. Goal is to work with RHEL6, RHEL7, CentOS6, CentOS7 and Fedora 20+. All-in-One and multi-node setups work using Packstack. Eventually might try to script Foreman installs too.


  1. The user you're running as has sudo enabled and wide open with NOPASSWD

  2. Define a VMS_DIR location, i.e.:

    export VMS_DIR=~/vms

    This is should be where you normally put VM images for launching in libvirt on the local machine. Make sure that libvirt is configured to recognize this directory as a valid location for storing VM images

2a. If using RHEL, download RHEL Guest Image

RHEL 6 qcow2

RHEL 7 qcow2

A valid RHN login and RHEL 6 Server subscription is required.

Place into $VMS_DIR/bak and create a symlinks so that there are links like: rhel7-guest.img -> rhel-guest-image-7.0-20140506.1.x86_64.qcow2 rhel6-guest.img -> rhel-guest-image-6.5-20140523.0.x86_64.qcow2

NOTE: Using RHEL 6 or 7 implies that you have access to some internal repositories at Red Hat. For non Red Hat users, CentOS 6 or 7 would be the way to go, at least until I integrate subscription-manager support in the scripts.

2b. If using CentOS, download the CentOS Guest Images


These will be downloaded as xz compressed files. Just unxz them into your $VMS_DIR/bak directory and create the proper symlinks

  1. The script will add entries (via sudo) to /etc/hosts as a convenience

  2. git clone https:/pmyers/rdo-demo-helper.git

  3. cd rdo-demo-helper

Packstack Instructions:

These instructions are for CentOS 6 but should would similarly for RHEL 6 and RHEL 7. Just swap out centos6 below with rhel6 or rhel7. Note, rhel6 and rhel7 need you to first download the qcow2 guest images. See instructions above.

./prep-base-domain centos6

This creates a zzz-centos6 domain and image, that the other images will be based on.

./rdo-demo-cache centos6

This will populate the base image with all of the packages needed so that later runs of the scripts below don't have to access much over the internet

./rdo-prep-packstack centos6 3

This will create 3 virtual machines in a private network and launch them in prep for running Packstack or some other installation tool.

./rdo-demo-packstack centos6 3

This will install packstack and run it on the first node. The argument after 'centos6' indicates you want 3 virtual nodes in the cluster. Node 1 is the controller, all 3 will be compute nodes. Following this, you should have a running RDO install

./rdo-demo-save centos6 3

This can be called after you've installed RDO (via the demo-prep step above) and will shut down all of the VMs gracefully and then back them up with a .bak extension in the $VMS_DIR location. Then later you can restore these .bak files via:

./rdo-demo-restore centos6 3

./rdo-demo centos6 3

This will execute an interactive demo that will print out the commands being used as well as show lots of CLI output.

./rdo-demo-reset centos6 3

This just destroys all of the VMs to clean things up

RHOS Foreman Instructions:

These instructions are for using a RHEL 6.5 VM as the Foreman provisioning server while the other hosts in the environment are provisioned with RHEL 7. The RHEL 6.5 qcow2 image is needed for this. The RHEL 7 machines are kickstart installed, so you do not need the RHEL 7 qcow2 for these steps. See the Prerequisites section above for how to put the RHEL 6 qcow2 in the proper location.

./prep-base-domain rhel6

This creates a zzz-rhel6 domain and image, that the Foreman node image will be based on.

./rhos-prep-foreman rhel6 5

This creates 1 image backed by the zzz-rhel6 image for installing Foreman on. It creates 4 additional VMs with blank disks, that are used for kickstart provisioning RHEL 7. Note: This also changes the Libvirt network for rhel7-mgmt to disable dhcp, so that Foreman can take over this service.

Five hosts are needed here. One for Foreman, one for Controller, one for Swift, one for Cinder and on for Compute. You can increase the number beyond 5 if you want multiple compute nodes, HA controllers, etc.

./rhos-demo-foreman rhel6 5

This boots the first node in the virtual datacenter, installs Foreman on it and runs the foreman installer. There foreman installer is interactive, so some questions will need to be answered. Details are provided as comments in the script.

After Foreman installs, there are some non-interactive steps run to workaround known issues/bugs. As these bugs are resolved, the hacks will be removed.

Finally, the remaining steps for deploying RHOS on these nodes are manual and controlled through the Foreman UI itself. The comments in the end of the script give some details about how to do this.


  • For Packstack, Ceilometer and Sahara are not currently installed due to packaging issues


  • Try end to end install w/ Fedora 20
  • Try devstack install w/ Fedora 20
  • Try all-in-one installs with RHEL 6/CentOS 6/Fedora 20
  • RHEL 6 images should use subscription-manager with provided login


Some scripts to help with setting up demos of RDO







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