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Ansible playbooks to manage DLE SE and EE installation, configuration, and upgrades


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🚀 dle-se-ansible: Automation of the DBLab Engine using Ansible.

This playbook deploys DBLab Engine Standard Edition (DBLab SE) to any environment, cloud or on-prem.

The HowTo guide can be found here: How to install DBLab Engine using the Console.


  • You will need the Org key and Project name from the platform. These are provided by the platform upon registration. You can find more details here.
    • Keep in mind that without specifying these values in the platform_org_key and platform_project_name variables, the Ansible Playbook will not be executed.
  • For deployment on an existing server:
    • Debian 11, 12, or Ubuntu 22.04
    • Root privileges or sudo access
    • Data storage disk (which is larger than the size of the database)
  • For deployment in one of the supported clouds:
    • AWS: Access key ID and secret. Before performing automation, these values must be exported to the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables, respectively.
    • GCP: Service account. Before performing automation, the contents of the service account JSON file must be exported to the GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CONTENTS variable.
    • Digital Ocean: Personal Access Token. Before performing automation, this token must be exported to the DO_API_TOKEN variable.
    • Hetzner Cloud: API Token. Before performing automation, this token must be exported to the HCLOUD_API_TOKEN variable.
  • Ansible version 2.11.0 and higher, or a Docker on the computer from which the automation is performed.



Variable Description Default value
provision (optional) Determines in which cloud to deploy the DBLab Engine server. Available values: aws, gcp, azure, digitalocean, hetzner, none (skip creating server resources). none
server_name (required) The name of server to be created. ""
server_type (required) The type of server to be created (the value depends on the selected cloud). ""
server_image (required) The system image for the server to be created (the value depends on the selected cloud). ""
server_location (required) The region in which the server will be created (the value depends on the selected cloud). ""
server_network (optional) If specified, the server will be added to this network (must be created in advance). By default, the server is added to the default network (the value depends on the selected cloud). ""
volume_size (required) The storage for zpool_disk (size in gigabytes). ""
volume_type (optional) The volume type (the value depends on the selected cloud). Not applicable for Hetzner, DigitalOcean. gp3 for AWS, pd-ssd for GCP
ssh_key_name (optional) The name of the SSH key pre-uploaded to the cloud that will be added to the DBLab Engine server. If not specified, all ssh keys will be added (applicable for hetzner, digitalocean). ""
ssh_key_content (optional) if specified, the contents of the public key will be added to the cloud (for GCP - will be added to the server). ""
state (optional) 'present' to create or 'absent' to delete server resources. present

Note: if 'ssh_key_name' is not specified, with each new execution of the playbook, a new temporary SSH key is created (automatically filling in the values of variables 'ssh_key_name' and 'ssh_key_content'). To access the server during deployment. At the end of the deployment, the temporary SSH key is deleted.


Variable Description Default value
ssh_public_keys (optional) These SSH public keys will be added to the DBLab Engine server's to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Providing at least one public key is recommended to ensure access to the server after deployment. ""
username (optional) The system user, owner of configuration files. root
zpool_disk (optional) Disk for the ZFS pool (e.g.: /dev/sdb). If the specified disk is not empty, the playbook stops with an error (data deletion protection). If not specified, an attempt will be made to automatically detect an empty volume. ""
zpool_name (optional) The name of the ZFS pool. dblab_pool
zpool_mount_dir (optional) The path to mount the ZFS pool. /var/lib/dblab
zpool_options (optional) Options used when creating a ZFS pool. -O compression=on -O atime=off -O recordsize=128k -O logbias=throughput
zpool_datasets_number(optional) The number of datasets that will be created for the ZFS pool. 2
zpool_datasets_name(optional) Base name for ZFS datasets. Suffixes (01, 02, etc.) are appended based on zpool_datasets_number. dataset

DBLab Engine:

Variable Description Default value
dblab_engine_version (optional) The DBLab Engine version. 3.4.0
dblab_engine_ui_version (optional) The DBLab Engine UI version. {{ dblab_engine_version }}
dblab_engine_verification_token (required) The token that is used to work with DBLab Engine API. some-secret-token
dblab_engine_base_path(optional) The directory containing the DBLab Engine directories and the configuration files. /root/.dblab
dblab_engine_config_path(optional) The DBLab Engine 'configs' directory. {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/engine/configs
dblab_engine_meta_path(optional) The DBLab Engine 'meta' directory. {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/engine/meta
dblab_engine_logs_path(optional) The DBLab Engine 'logs' directory. {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/engine/logs
dblab_engine_dump_location(optional) The dump file will be automatically created on this location and then used to restore. (if 'logicalDump' job is specified in server.yml). {{ zpool_mount_dir }}/{{ zpool_name }}/dataset_1/dump
dblab_engine_container_name (optional) The DBLab Engine container name. dblab_server
dblab_engine_container_host (optional) The IP address at which the 'dblab_server' container accepts connections.
dblab_engine_container_default_volumes (optional) Directories to be mounted in the 'dblab_server' container. (see vars/main.yml)
dblab_engine_container_additional_volumes (optional) Additional directories or files to be mounted in the 'dblab_server' container. []
dblab_engine_port (optional) The port at which the 'dblab_server' container accepts connections. 2345
dblab_engine_image (optional) The 'dblab_server' container image. postgresai/dblab-server:{{ dblab_engine_version }}
dblab_engine_ui_image (optional) The dblab UI container image. postgresai/ce-ui:{{ dblab_engine_ui_version }}
dblab_engine_ui_port (optional) The port at which the dblab UI container accepts connections. 2346
dblab_engine_clone_access_addresses (optional) IP addresses, from which clone containers accepts connections.
dblab_engine_clone_port_pool.from (optional) Pool of ports for Postgres clones. Ports will be allocated sequentially, starting from the lowest value. The "from" value must be less than "to". 6000, 6099
dblab_engine_config_file (optional) Copy the specified dblab configuration file instead of generating a new configuration file. ""
dblab_engine_preprocess_script (optional) Copy the preprocessing script file to '{{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/' ""


Variable Description Default value
platform_project_name (required) Platform Project name. ""
platform_org_key (required) Platform Organization key. ""


Variable Description Default value
cli_install (optional) Install the DBLab CLI on the dblab server. true
cli_version (optional) The version of the DBLab CLI to be installed. {{ dblab_engine_version }}
cli_environment_id (optional) an ID of the DBLab CLI environment to create. {{ platform_project_name }}

Joe Bot:

Variable Description Default value
joe_bot_install (optional) Install Joe Bot. false
joe_version (optional) The Joe Bot version. 0.11.0-rc.4
joe_config_path(optional) The Joe Bot 'configs' directory. {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/joe/configs
joe_meta_path(optional) The Joe Bot 'meta' directory. {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/joe/meta
joe_image (optional) The Joe Bot container image. postgresai/joe:{{ joe_version }}
joe_container_name (optional) The Joe Bot container name. joe_bot
joe_container_host (optional) The IP address at which the 'joe_bot' container accepts connections.
joe_port (optional) The port at which the 'joe_bot' container accepts connections. 2400
joe_platform_token(optional) Platform API secret token. platform_secret_token
joe_communication_type(optional) Available communication types ("webui", "slack", "slackrtm", "slacksm") webui
joe_communication_signing_secret (optional) Web UI Signing Secret. secret_signing
joe_communication_slack_signing_secret (optional) Slack App Signing Secret. secret_signing
joe_communication_slack_access_token (optional) Bot User OAuth Access Token. xoxb-XXXX
joe_communication_slack_app_level_token (optional) App Level Token (for "slacksm"). xapp-XXXX
joe_communication_channels_channel_id (optional) Web UI channel ID. {{ platform_project_name }}
joe_communication_channels_project (optional) Platform project. {{ platform_project_name }}
joe_dblab_params_dbname (optional) PostgreSQL connection parameters used to connect Joe to the clone (dbname). postgres
joe_dblab_params_sslmode (optional) PostgreSQL connection parameters used to connect Joe to the clone (sslmode). prefer
joe_config_file (optional) Copy the specified Joe Bot configuration file instead of generating a new configuration file. ""

Note: Joe Bot repository:


Variable Description Default value
netdata_install (optional) Install the Netdata (netdata-for-dle) with plugin for DBLab Engine. true
netdata_version (optional) The image tag of the 'netdata' container. 1.40.1
netdata_image (optional) The image of the 'netdata' container. postgresai/netdata-for-dle:v{{ netdata_version }}
netdata_port (optional) The port at which the 'netdata' container accepts connections. 19999


Variable Description Default value
proxy_install (optional) Install Envoy proxy and issue Let's Encrypt certificate. Used to provide public access to the dblab UI/API using an encrypted connection. false
proxy_dblab_engine_public_port (optional) The port on which the dblab UI is publicly accessible. 443
certbot_install_method (optional) Controls how Certbot is installed. Available options are 'package', 'snap', and 'pip'. pip
certbot_install_version (optional) Certbot version (if 'certbot_install_method: pip'). 2.6.0
certbot_create_if_missing (optional) Set certbot_create_if_missing to yes or True to let this role generate certs. true
certbot_create_method (optional) Set the method used for generating certs with the certbot_create_method variable — current allowed values are: standalone or webroot. standalone
certbot_auto_renew, certbot_auto_renew_user, certbot_auto_renew_hour, certbot_auto_renew_minute (optional) By default, this role configures a cron job to run under the provided user account at the given hour and minute, every day. The defaults run certbot renew (or certbot-auto renew) via cron every day at 03:30:00. true, {{ username }}, 3, 30
certbot_admin_email (required) Email to issue certificate, for example, [email protected] ""
certbot_domain (required) Domain to issue certificate, for example, ""

Note: More 'certbot' variables see here.


Variable Description Default value
print_usage_instructions (optional) Print the usage instructions after deployment. true



Note: More detailed information about the deployment is available here

Example of deployment in the Cloud (AWS) using a docker image

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=*******
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=**********

docker run --rm -it \
  postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.0 \
    ansible-playbook deploy_dle.yml --extra-vars \
      "provision='aws' \
      server_name='dblab-server' \
      server_type='m5.4xlarge' \
      server_image='ami-0620ab203b0c70bc0' \
      server_location='ca-central-1' \
      volume_size='200' \
      dblab_engine_verification_token='SMIgTlFeDdvs75Qg2GwfL18sCfyDf0O1' \
      dblab_engine_version='3.4.0' \
      zpool_datasets_number='3' \
      ssh_public_keys='ssh-ed25519 AAAAC*** [email protected]' \
      platform_org_key='***********' \

Example of deployment on a host using a docker image

Note: Specify the username and IP address of your server in the dblab_host variable.

docker run --rm -it \
  -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
  -e ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F none" \
  postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.0 \
    ansible-playbook deploy_dle.yml --extra-vars \
      "dblab_host='[email protected]' \
      zpool_datasets_number='3' \
      dblab_engine_version='3.4.0' \
      dblab_engine_verification_token='super-secret-value' \
      platform_org_key='***********' \

Note: In this example, we use $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro to mount a directory with SSH keys to access the server from the container. You can override this value so that only a specific SSH key (example $HOME/.ssh/my_key:/root/.ssh/id_rsa:ro) is mounted into the container.


Configure a proxy for public access to the DBLab Engine UI/API server and clones:

  1. Start by configuring the A record of your domain so that it points to the public IP address of the DBLab Engine server.
  2. Define your domain in the certbot_domain variable and the email address in the certbot_admin_email variable.
  3. Execute the ansible-playbook with the proxy tag to install the Envoy proxy and to issue a Let's Encrypt certificate.
docker run --rm -it \
  -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
  -e ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F none" \
  postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.0 \
    ansible-playbook software.yml --tags proxy --extra-vars \
      "dblab_host='[email protected]' \
      proxy_install='true' \
      certbot_domain='' \
      certbot_admin_email='[email protected]' \
      platform_org_key='***********'' \

Note: After you've set up your proxy server for clone access, you will need to specify the port by adding +3000 to it in your connection string. For instance, if your regular connection port is 6000, you should use port 9000 for accessing your clone. This adjustment is necessary to ensure proper network connectivity via proxy server.

Configure a dblab server after deployment:

By default, every time the playbook is run, a new configuration file, named '.dblab/engine/configs/server.yml', will be generated. If you wish to manage the DBLab server via automation (for instance, to update the version or modify the configuration), you can specify a configuration file (e.g., located on the server where the playbook is initiated) in the dblab_engine_config_file variable. In this case, the content of this file will replace the configuration file. This can be particularly helpful for implementing CI/CD through your repository to manage the DBLab server.

docker run --rm -it \
  -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
  -v /path/to/config:/root/config:ro \
  -e ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F none" \
  postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.0 \
    ansible-playbook software.yml --extra-vars \
      "dblab_host='[email protected]' \
      zpool_datasets_number='3' \
      dblab_engine_version='3.4.0' \
      dblab_engine_config_file='/root/config/server.yml' \
      platform_org_key='***********' \

Note: Replace '/path/to/config' with the actual directory path where your configuration file is located. This path will be mounted into the Docker container, allowing the automation to access your configuration file.

Using Git for DBLab Engine configuration management

Example of a repository that demonstrates a how to manage the configuration of the DBLab Engine using Git -


With DBLab Engine installed from Platform, guaranteed vendor support is included – please use one of the available ways to contact.

Additional Resources


Ansible playbooks to manage DLE SE and EE installation, configuration, and upgrades







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