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Prezly starter kit to create your own newsroom or newsroom theme. No styling included. Made with NextJS, TS, PrezlySDK and Eslint


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Prezly Starter Theme

Prezly Starter Theme for your newsroom or blog based on Next.js 12+ framework:

As we do not want to tell you how to style your project (CSS vs Sass vs CSS-in-JS vs styled components) and sure as hell do not want to force you on our preferred CSS framework this theme does not have any styling loaded. It is intended to be used as a boilerplate to start a new theme from.

The good news is that you don't have to start completely from scratch. Feel free to use the Prezly theme UI Kit Figma file as a design guide.


Content/Newsroom features

  • Homepage with list of stories
  • Story page including images, galleries, cards and video using our Prezly Content React Renderer
  • Category page with list of stories based on the selected category
  • Galleries page with list of galleries
  • Gallery page using our Prezly Content React Renderer
  • i18n support for 40+ languages
  • sitemap.xml, SEO metadata and Open Graph Tags
  • Maximize lighthouse score

Developer experience:

  • Next.js with SSR, SSG or ISR option
  • Test/Seed data in 3 categories
  • Type checking with TypeScript
  • Strongly typed content/entities

Built-in features from Next.js:

  • Minify HTML & CSS
  • Live reload/Fast refresh
  • Code splitting and bundling
  • Hybrid: SSR, SSG or ISR
  • Image optimization


  • Node.js and npm

Quick Start

Getting Started

Run the following command on your local environment

git clone https:/prezly/theme-nextjs-starter
cd theme-nextjs-starter
npm i

Set up your .env.local file by copying .env.example and filling in Prezly API key and newsroom UUID.

cp .env.example .env.local

After that you can run locally in development mode with live reload:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your favorite browser to see your project.

Deploy your own

Deploy the example using Vercel or Netlify:

Vercel Netlify
Deploy with Vercel Netlify Deploy button



List of routes we automatically generate:

  • / : Homepage listing stories
  • /[slug] : Story page with slug provided by Prezly SDK
  • /s/[uuid]: Story preview page used for previewing non-published stories
  • /category/[slug] : Category page listing stories in respective category
  • /media: Galleries page with infinite loading
  • /media/album/[uuid]: Gallery page
  • /search: Search page using realtime search with Algolia
  • /sitemap.xml: Sitemap


To make development and testing easier we have created a few sample newsrooms:

A list of tokens/newsroom uuids that can be used to kickstart the theme.

Name API Token Newsroom UUID
Good Newsroom HKcab_nEbab_a7b2fe3a3465d3729772fa5381800ab5a0c30d8d 578e78e9-9a5b-44ad-bda2-5214895ee036
Cookbook TKcab_nEbab_28432b75d3a85a826e51cd0b502a3d76acf98d19 9d90b2c1-aed9-4415-a9fb-82dd3a2a1b52
Anonymous Photographer SKcab_nEbab_0b63a6dd0b09286cc99fab93e6e80bfd9aecfbb5 ce8299f6-a293-41df-8ffc-1c064d4401bc

Accessing common data

The entire application is wrapped with NewsroomContextProvider and IntlProvider from [Next.js Theme Kit] making it easy to access common objects like newsroom, companyInformation, categories, languages, locale anywhere in the component tree.

For more information about these hooks please visit our [Next.js Theme Kit].



Generic hook for continuous loading of any dataset keeping track of current page internally. An example implementation for continuous loading of galleries can be found in the Galleries module.



This module takes care of rendering header and footer components as well as the subscribe form. It also uses PageSeo component to render all the necessary meta tags with optional props to override certain meta tag content like title (og:title), description (og:description) and image (og:image, twitter:image).


Classic query-parameter-based pagination, used in the starter theme by default in Stories and Category modules.


Infinite loading of data with Load More button. Not used in the starter theme by default but an example usage can be found in both Stories and Category modules.


Everyone is welcome to contribute to this project. Feel free to open an issue if you have question or found a bug.


Prezly Starter Theme is MIT licensed.

Made with ♥ by Prezly