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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 00 #68

wants to merge 16 commits into from


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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Jan 1, 2018


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

codecov 2.0.9 » 2.0.10 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django 1.11.7 » 2.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
django-parsley 0.6 » 0.7 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
futures 3.1.1 » 3.2.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Docs
html5lib 0.999999999 » 1.0.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
Jinja2 2.9.6 » 2.10 PyPI | Homepage
nose2 0.7.2 » 0.7.3 PyPI | Repo
nose2-html-report 0.5.0 » 0.6.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
numba 0.35.0 » 0.36.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pandas 0.21.0 » 0.22.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
psutil 5.4.1 » 5.4.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pylint 1.7.4 » 1.8.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pymongo 3.5.1 » 3.6.0 PyPI | Repo
pytest 3.2.3 » 3.3.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Homepage
selenium 3.7.0 » 3.8.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
sqlalchemy 1.1.15 » 1.2.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage


codecov 2.0.9 -> 2.0.10


  • fix uploading when reports contain characters outside of latin-1
  • remove reduced_redundancy header from

django 1.11.7 -> 2.0



December 2, 2017

Welcome to Django 2.0!

These release notes cover the :ref:new features <whats-new-2.0>, as well as
some :ref:backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-2.0> you'll
want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 1.11 or earlier. We've
:ref:dropped some features<removed-features-2.0> that have reached the end of
their deprecation cycle, and we've :ref:begun the deprecation process for some features <deprecated-features-2.0>.

This release starts Django's use of a :ref:loose form of semantic versioning <internal-release-cadence>, but there aren't any major backwards incompatible
changes that might be expected of a 2.0 release. Upgrading should be a similar
amount of effort as past feature releases.

See the :doc:/howto/upgrade-version guide if you're updating an existing

Python compatibility

Django 2.0 supports Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6. We highly recommend and only
officially support the latest release of each series.

The Django 1.11.x series is the last to support Python 2.7.

Django 2.0 will be the last release series to support Python 3.4. If you plan
a deployment of Python 3.4 beyond the end-of-life for Django 2.0 (April 2019),
stick with Django 1.11 LTS (supported until April 2020) instead. Note, however,
that the end-of-life for Python 3.4 is March 2019.

Third-party library support for older version of Django

Following the release of Django 2.0, we suggest that third-party app authors
drop support for all versions of Django prior to 1.11. At that time, you should
be able to run your package's tests using python -Wd so that deprecation
warnings do appear. After making the deprecation warning fixes, your app should
be compatible with Django 2.0.

.. _whats-new-2.0:

What's new in Django 2.0

Simplified URL routing syntax

The new :func:django.urls.path() function allows a simpler, more readable URL
routing syntax. For example, this example from previous Django releases::

url(r'^articles/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/$', views.year_archive),

could be written as::

path('articles/<int:year>/', views.year_archive),

The new syntax supports type coercion of URL parameters. In the example, the
view will receive the year keyword argument as an integer rather than as
a string. Also, the URLs that will match are slightly less constrained in the
rewritten example. For example, the year 10000 will now match since the year
integers aren't constrained to be exactly four digits long as they are in the
regular expression.

The django.conf.urls.url() function from previous versions is now available
as :func:django.urls.re_path. The old location remains for backwards
compatibility, without an imminent deprecation. The old
django.conf.urls.include() function is now importable from django.urls
so you can use from django.urls import include, path, re_path in your

The :doc:/topics/http/urls document is rewritten to feature the new syntax
and provide more details.

Mobile-friendly contrib.admin

The admin is now responsive and supports all major mobile devices. Older
browsers may experience varying levels of graceful degradation.

Window expressions

The new :class:~django.db.models.expressions.Window expression allows
adding an OVER clause to querysets. You can use :ref:window functions &lt;window-functions&gt; and :ref:aggregate functions &lt;aggregation-functions&gt; in
the expression.

Minor features


  • The new :attr:.ModelAdmin.autocomplete_fields attribute and
    :meth:.ModelAdmin.get_autocomplete_fields method allow using an
    Select2 &lt;;_ search widget for ForeignKey and


  • The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from
    36,000 to 100,000.


  • Added MySQL support for the
    :class:~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.AsGeoJSON function,
    :class:~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.GeoHash function,
    :class:~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.IsValid function,
    :lookup:isvalid lookup, and :ref:distance lookups &lt;distance-lookups&gt;.
  • Added the :class:~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.Azimuth and
    :class:~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.LineLocatePoint functions,
    supported on PostGIS and SpatiaLite.
  • Any :class:~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry imported from GeoJSON now
    has its SRID set.
  • Added the :attr:.OSMWidget.default_zoom attribute to customize the map's
    default zoom level.
  • Made metadata readable and editable on rasters through the
    :attr:~django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALRaster.metadata,, and
    :attr:~django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALBand.metadata attributes.
  • Allowed passing driver-specific creation options to
    :class:~django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALRaster objects using papsz_options.
  • Allowed creating :class:~django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALRaster objects in
    GDAL's internal virtual filesystem. Rasters can now be :ref:created from and converted to binary data &lt;gdal-raster-vsimem&gt; in-memory.
  • The new :meth:GDALBand.color_interp() &lt;django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALBand.color_interp&gt; method returns the color
    interpretation for the band.


  • The new distinct argument for
    :class:~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg determines if
    concatenated values will be distinct.
  • The new :class:~django.contrib.postgres.functions.RandomUUID database
    function returns a version 4 UUID. It requires use of PostgreSQL's
    pgcrypto extension which can be activated using the new
    :class:~django.contrib.postgres.operations.CryptoExtension migration
  • :class:django.contrib.postgres.indexes.GinIndex now supports the
    fastupdate and gin_pending_list_limit parameters.
  • The new :class:~django.contrib.postgres.indexes.GistIndex class allows
    creating GiST indexes in the database. The new
    :class:~django.contrib.postgres.operations.BtreeGistExtension migration
    operation installs the btree_gist extension to add support for operator
    classes that aren't built-in.
  • :djadmin:inspectdb can now introspect JSONField and various
    RangeField\s (django.contrib.postgres must be in INSTALLED_APPS).


  • Added the protocol keyword argument to the
    :class:~django.contrib.sitemaps.GenericSitemap constructor.


  • cache.set_many() now returns a list of keys that failed to be inserted.
    For the built-in backends, failed inserts can only happen on memcached.

File Storage

  • &lt;; can be used as a context
    manager, e.g. with as f:.


  • The new date_attrs and time_attrs arguments for
    :class:~django.forms.SplitDateTimeWidget and
    :class:~django.forms.SplitHiddenDateTimeWidget allow specifying different
    HTML attributes for the DateInput and TimeInput (or hidden)
  • The new :meth:Form.errors.get_json_data() &lt;django.forms.Form.errors.get_json_data&gt; method returns form errors as
    a dictionary suitable for including in a JSON response.

Generic Views

  • The new :attr:.ContextMixin.extra_context attribute allows adding context
    in View.as_view().

Management Commands

  • :djadmin:inspectdb now translates MySQL's unsigned integer columns to
    PositiveIntegerField or PositiveSmallIntegerField.
  • The new :option:makemessages --add-location option controls the comment
    format in PO files.
  • :djadmin:loaddata can now :ref:read from stdin &lt;loading-fixtures-stdin&gt;.
  • The new :option:diffsettings --output option allows formatting the output
    in a unified diff format.
  • On Oracle, :djadmin:inspectdb can now introspect AutoField if the
    column is created as an identity column.
  • On MySQL, :djadmin:dbshell now supports client-side TLS certificates.


  • The new :option:squashmigrations --squashed-name option allows naming the
    squashed migration.


  • The new :class:~django.db.models.functions.StrIndex database function
    finds the starting index of a string inside another string.
  • On Oracle, AutoField and BigAutoField are now created as identity columns_.

.. _identity columns:

  • The new chunk_size parameter of :meth:.QuerySet.iterator controls the
    number of rows fetched by the Python database client when streaming results
    from the database. For databases that don't support server-side cursors, it
    controls the number of results Django fetches from the database adapter.
  • :meth:.QuerySet.earliest, :meth:.QuerySet.latest, and
    :attr:Meta.get_latest_by &lt;django.db.models.Options.get_latest_by&gt; now
    allow ordering by several fields.
  • Added the :class:~django.db.models.functions.ExtractQuarter function to
    extract the quarter from :class:~django.db.models.DateField and
    :class:~django.db.models.DateTimeField, and exposed it through the
    :lookup:quarter lookup.
  • Added the :class:~django.db.models.functions.TruncQuarter function to
    truncate :class:~django.db.models.DateField and
    :class:~django.db.models.DateTimeField to the first day of a quarter.
  • Added the :attr:~django.db.models.Index.db_tablespace parameter to
    class-based indexes.
  • If the database supports a native duration field (Oracle and PostgreSQL),
    :class:~django.db.models.functions.Extract now works with
  • Added the of argument to :meth:.QuerySet.select_for_update(), supported
    on PostgreSQL and Oracle, to lock only rows from specific tables rather than
    all selected tables. It may be helpful particularly when
    :meth:~.QuerySet.select_for_update() is used in conjunction with
  • The new field_name parameter of :meth:.QuerySet.in_bulk allows fetching
    results based on any unique model field.
  • :meth:.CursorWrapper.callproc() now takes an optional dictionary of keyword
    parameters, if the backend supports this feature. Of Django's built-in
    backends, only Oracle supports it.
  • The new :meth:connection.execute_wrapper() &lt;django.db.backends.base.DatabaseWrapper.execute_wrapper&gt; method allows
    :doc:installing wrappers around execution of database queries &lt;/topics/db/instrumentation&gt;.
  • The new filter argument for built-in aggregates allows :ref:adding different conditionals &lt;conditional-aggregation&gt; to multiple aggregations
    over the same fields or relations.
  • Added support for expressions in :attr:Meta.ordering &lt;django.db.models.Options.ordering&gt;.
  • The new named parameter of :meth:.QuerySet.values_list allows fetching
    results as named tuples.
  • The new :class:.FilteredRelation class allows adding an ON clause to


  • Added :meth:Paginator.get_page() &lt;django.core.paginator.Paginator.get_page&gt;
    to provide the documented pattern of handling invalid page numbers.

Requests and Responses

  • The :djadmin:runserver Web server supports HTTP 1.1.


  • To increase the usefulness of :meth:.Engine.get_default in third-party
    apps, it now returns the first engine if multiple DjangoTemplates engines
    are configured in TEMPLATES rather than raising ImproperlyConfigured.
  • Custom template tags may now accept keyword-only arguments.


  • Added threading support to :class:~django.test.LiveServerTestCase.
  • Added settings that allow customizing the test tablespace parameters for
    Oracle: :setting:DATAFILE_SIZE, :setting:DATAFILE_TMP_SIZE,


  • The new :class:.ProhibitNullCharactersValidator disallows the null
    character in the input of the :class:~django.forms.CharField form field
    and its subclasses. Null character input was observed from vulnerability
    scanning tools. Most databases silently discard null characters, but
    psycopg2 2.7+ raises an exception when trying to save a null character to
    a char/text field with PostgreSQL.

.. _backwards-incompatible-2.0:

Backwards incompatible changes in 2.0

Removed support for bytestrings in some places

To support native Python 2 strings, older Django versions had to accept both
bytestrings and unicode strings. Now that Python 2 support is dropped,
bytestrings should only be encountered around input/output boundaries (handling
of binary fields or HTTP streams, for example). You might have to update your
code to limit bytestring usage to a minimum, as Django no longer accepts
bytestrings in certain code paths.

For example, reverse() now uses str() instead of force_text() to
coerce the args and kwargs it receives, prior to their placement in
the URL. For bytestrings, this creates a string with an undesired b prefix
as well as additional quotes (str(b&#39;foo&#39;) is &quot;b&#39;foo&#39;&quot;). To adapt, call
decode() on the bytestring before passing it to reverse().

Database backend API

This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database

  • The DatabaseOperations.datetime_cast_date_sql(),
    datetime_cast_time_sql(), datetime_trunc_sql(),
    datetime_extract_sql(), and date_interval_sql() methods now return
    only the SQL to perform the operation instead of SQL and a list of
  • Third-party database backends should add a DatabaseWrapper.display_name
    attribute with the name of the database that your backend works with. Django
    may use it in various messages, such as in system checks.
  • The first argument of SchemaEditor._alter_column_type_sql() is now
    model rather than table.
  • The first argument of SchemaEditor._create_index_name() is now
    table_name rather than model.
  • To enable FOR UPDATE OF support, set
    DatabaseFeatures.has_select_for_update_of = True. If the database
    requires that the arguments to OF be columns rather than tables, set
    DatabaseFeatures.select_for_update_of_column = True.
  • To enable support for :class:~django.db.models.expressions.Window
    expressions, set DatabaseFeatures.supports_over_clause to True. You
    may need to customize the DatabaseOperations.window_start_rows_start_end()
    and/or window_start_range_start_end() methods.
  • Third-party database backends should add a
    DatabaseOperations.cast_char_field_without_max_length attribute with the
    database data type that will be used in the
    :class:~django.db.models.functions.Cast function for a CharField if the
    max_length argument isn't provided.
  • The first argument of DatabaseCreation._clone_test_db() and
    get_test_db_clone_settings() is now suffix rather
    than number (in case you want to rename the signatures in your backend
    for consistency). django.test also now passes those values as strings
    rather than as integers.
  • Third-party database backends should add a
    DatabaseIntrospection.get_sequences() method based on the stub in

Dropped support for Oracle 11.2

The end of upstream support for Oracle 11.2 is Dec. 2020. Django 1.11 will be
supported until April 2020 which almost reaches this date. Django 2.0
officially supports Oracle 12.1+.

Default MySQL isolation level is read committed

MySQL's default isolation level, repeatable read, may cause data loss in
typical Django usage. To prevent that and for consistency with other databases,
the default isolation level is now read committed. You can use the
:setting:DATABASES setting to :ref:use a different isolation level &lt;mysql-isolation-level&gt;, if needed.

:attr:AbstractUser.last_name &lt;django.contrib.auth.models.User.last_name&gt; max_length increased to 150

A migration for :attr:django.contrib.auth.models.User.last_name is included.
If you have a custom user model inheriting from AbstractUser, you'll need
to generate and apply a database migration for your user model.

If you want to preserve the 30 character limit for last names, use a custom

from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserChangeForm

class MyUserChangeForm(UserChangeForm):
last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30, required=False)

If you wish to keep this restriction in the admin when editing users, set
UserAdmin.form to use this form::

from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class MyUserAdmin(UserAdmin):
form = MyUserChangeForm, MyUserAdmin)

QuerySet.reverse() and last() are prohibited after slicing

Calling QuerySet.reverse() or last() on a sliced queryset leads to
unexpected results due to the slice being applied after reordering. This is
now prohibited, e.g.::

>>> Model.objects.all()[:2].reverse()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Cannot reverse a query once a slice has been taken.

Form fields no longer accept optional arguments as positional arguments

To help prevent runtime errors due to incorrect ordering of form field
arguments, optional arguments of built-in form fields are no longer accepted
as positional arguments. For example::

forms.IntegerField(25, 10)

raises an exception and should be replaced with::

forms.IntegerField(max_value=25, min_value=10)

call_command() validates the options it receives

call_command() now validates that the argument parser of the command being
called defines all of the options passed to call_command().

For custom management commands that use options not created using
parser.add_argument(), add a stealth_options attribute on the command::

class MyCommand(BaseCommand):
stealth_options = ('option_name', ...)

Indexes no longer accept positional arguments

For example::

models.Index(['headline', '-pub_date'], 'index_name')

raises an exception and should be replaced with::

models.Index(fields=['headline', '-pub_date'], name='index_name')

Foreign key constraints are now enabled on SQLite

This will appear as a backwards-incompatible change (IntegrityError: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed) if attempting to save an existing model
instance that's violating a foreign key constraint.

Foreign keys are now created with DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED instead of
DEFERRABLE IMMEDIATE. Thus, tables may need to be rebuilt to recreate
foreign keys with the new definition, particularly if you're using a pattern
like this::

from django.db import transaction

with transaction.atomic():

If you don't recreate the foreign key as DEFERRED, the first create()
would fail now that foreign key constraints are enforced.

Backup your database first! After upgrading to Django 2.0, you can then
rebuild tables using a script similar to this::

from django.apps import apps
from django.db import connection

for app in apps.get_app_configs():
for model in app.get_models(include_auto_created=True):
if model._meta.managed and not (model._meta.proxy or model._meta.swapped):
for base in model.bases:
if hasattr(base, '_meta'):
base._meta.local_many_to_many = []
model._meta.local_many_to_many = []
with connection.schema_editor() as editor:

This script hasn't received extensive testing and needs adaption for various
cases such as multiple databases. Feel free to contribute improvements.

In addition, because of a table alteration limitation of SQLite, it's prohibited
to perform :class:~django.db.migrations.operations.RenameModel and
:class:~django.db.migrations.operations.RenameField operations on models or
fields referenced by other models in a transaction. In order to allow migrations
containing these operations to be applied, you must set the
Migration.atomic attribute to False.


  • The SessionAuthenticationMiddleware class is removed. It provided no
    functionality since session authentication is unconditionally enabled in
    Django 1.10.
  • The default HTTP error handlers (handler404, etc.) are now callables
    instead of dotted Python path strings. Django favors callable references
    since they provide better performance and debugging experience.
  • :class:~django.views.generic.base.RedirectView no longer silences
    NoReverseMatch if the pattern_name doesn't exist.
  • When :setting:USE_L10N is off, :class:~django.forms.FloatField and
    :class:~django.forms.DecimalField now respect :setting:DECIMAL_SEPARATOR
    and :setting:THOUSAND_SEPARATOR during validation. For example, with the
USE_L10N = False

an input of &quot;1.345&quot; is now converted to 1345 instead of 1.345.

  • Subclasses of :class:~django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractBaseUser are no
    longer required to implement get_short_name() and get_full_name().
    (The base implementations that raise NotImplementedError are removed.)
    django.contrib.admin uses these methods if implemented but doesn't
    require them. Third-party apps that use these methods may want to adopt a
    similar approach.
  • The FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK and NUMBER_GROUPING format settings are now
    kept as integers in JavaScript and JSON i18n view outputs.
  • :meth:~django.test.TransactionTestCase.assertNumQueries now ignores
    connection configuration queries. Previously, if a test opened a new database
    connection, those queries could be included as part of the
    assertNumQueries() count.
  • The default size of the Oracle test tablespace is increased from 20M to 50M
    and the default autoextend size is increased from 10M to 25M.
  • To improve performance when streaming large result sets from the database,
    :meth:.QuerySet.iterator now fetches 2000 rows at a time instead of 100.
    The old behavior can be restored using the chunk_size parameter. For
  • Providing unknown package names in the packages argument of the
    :class:~django.views.i18n.JavaScriptCatalog view now raises ValueError
    instead of passing silently.
  • A model instance's primary key now appears in the default Model.__str__()
    method, e.g. Question object (1).
  • makemigrations now detects changes to the model field limit_choices_to
    option. Add this to your existing migrations or accept an auto-generated
    migration for fields that use it.
  • Performing queries that require :ref:automatic spatial transformations &lt;automatic-spatial-transformations&gt; now raises NotImplementedError
    on MySQL instead of silently using non-transformed geometries.
  • django.core.exceptions.DjangoRuntimeWarning is removed. It was only used
    in the cache backend as an intermediate class in CacheKeyWarning's
    inheritance of RuntimeWarning.
  • Renamed BaseExpression._output_field to output_field. You may need
    to update custom expressions.
  • In older versions, forms and formsets combine their Media with widget
    Media by concatenating the two. The combining now tries to :ref:preserve the relative order of elements in each list &lt;form-media-asset-order&gt;.
    MediaOrderConflictWarning is issued if the order can't be preserved.
  • django.contrib.gis.gdal.OGRException is removed. It's been an alias for
    GDALException since Django 1.8.
  • Support for GEOS 3.3.x is dropped.
  • The way data is selected for GeometryField is changed to improve
    performance, and in raw SQL queries, those fields must now be wrapped in See the :ref:Raw queries note&lt;gis-raw-sql&gt; in
    the GIS tutorial for an example.

.. _deprecated-features-2.0:

Features deprecated in 2.0

context argument of Field.from_db_value() and Expression.convert_value()

The context argument of Field.from_db_value() and
Expression.convert_value() is unused as it's always an empty dictionary.
The signature of both methods is now::

(self, value, expression, connection)

instead of::

(self, value, expression, connection, context)

Support for the old signature in custom fields and expressions remains until
Django 3.0.


  • The django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 module is deprecated in favor
    of django.db.backends.postgresql. It's been an alias since Django 1.9.
    This only affects code that imports from the module directly. The
    DATABASES setting can still use
    &#39;django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2&#39;, though you can simplify that by
    using the &#39;django.db.backends.postgresql&#39; name added in Django 1.9.
  • django.shortcuts.render_to_response() is deprecated in favor of
    :func:django.shortcuts.render. render() takes the same arguments
    except that it also requires a request.
  • The DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE setting is deprecated. It doesn't interact well
    well with third-party apps and is obsolete since HTML5 has mostly superseded
  • HttpRequest.xreadlines() is deprecated in favor of iterating over the
  • The field_name keyword argument to :meth:.QuerySet.earliest and
    :meth:.QuerySet.latest is deprecated in favor of passing the field
    names as arguments. Write .earliest(&#39;pub_date&#39;) instead of

.. _removed-features-2.0:

Features removed in 2.0

These features have reached the end of their deprecation cycle and are removed
in Django 2.0.

See :ref:deprecated-features-1.9 for details on these changes, including how
to remove usage of these features.

  • The weak argument to django.dispatch.signals.Signal.disconnect() is
  • django.db.backends.base.BaseDatabaseOperations.check_aggregate_support()
    is removed.
  • The django.forms.extras package is removed.
  • The assignment_tag helper is removed.
  • The host argument to SimpleTestCase.assertsRedirects() is removed.
    The compatibility layer which allows absolute URLs to be considered equal to
    relative ones when the path is identical is also removed.
  • Field.rel and are removed.
  • The on_delete argument for ForeignKey and OneToOneField is now
    required in models and migrations. Consider squashing migrations so that you
    have less of them to update.
  • django.db.models.fields.add_lazy_relation() is removed.
  • When time zone support is enabled, database backends that don't support time
    zones no longer convert aware datetimes to naive values in UTC anymore when
    such values are passed as parameters to SQL queries executed outside of the
    ORM, e.g. with cursor.execute().
  • django.contrib.auth.tests.utils.skipIfCustomUser() is removed.
  • The GeoManager and GeoQuerySet classes are removed.
  • The django.contrib.gis.geoip module is removed.
  • The supports_recursion check for template loaders is removed from:
  • django.template.engine.Engine.find_template()
  • django.template.loader_tags.ExtendsNode.find_template()
  • django.template.loaders.base.Loader.supports_recursion()
  • django.template.loaders.cached.Loader.supports_recursion()
  • The load_template and load_template_sources template loader methods
    are removed.
  • The template_dirs argument for template loaders is removed:
  • django.template.loaders.base.Loader.get_template()
  • django.template.loaders.cached.Loader.cache_key()
  • django.template.loaders.cached.Loader.get_template()
  • django.template.loaders.cached.Loader.get_template_sources()
  • django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader.get_template_sources()
  • django.template.loaders.base.Loader.__call__() is removed.
  • Support for custom error views that don't accept an exception parameter
    is removed.
  • The mime_type attribute of django.utils.feedgenerator.Atom1Feed and
    django.utils.feedgenerator.RssFeed is removed.
  • The app_name argument to include() is removed.
  • Support for passing a 3-tuple (including as the first
    argument to include() is removed.
  • Support for setting a URL instance namespace without an application namespace
    is removed.
  • Field._get_val_from_obj() is removed.
  • django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader is removed.
  • The current_app parameter to the contrib.auth function-based views is
  • The callable_obj keyword argument to
    SimpleTestCase.assertRaisesMessage() is removed.
  • Support for the allow_tags attribute on ModelAdmin methods is
  • The enclosure keyword argument to SyndicationFeed.add_item() is
  • The django.template.loader.LoaderOrigin and
    django.template.base.StringOrigin aliases for
    django.template.base.Origin are removed.

See :ref:deprecated-features-1.10 for details on these changes.

  • The makemigrations --exit option is removed.
  • Support for direct assignment to a reverse foreign key or many-to-many
    relation is removed.
  • The get_srid() and set_srid() methods of
    django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry are removed.
  • The get_x(), set_x(), get_y(), set_y(), get_z(), and
    set_z() methods of django.contrib.gis.geos.Point are removed.
  • The get_coords() and set_coords() methods of
    django.contrib.gis.geos.Point are removed.
  • The cascaded_union property of django.contrib.gis.geos.MultiPolygon
    is removed.
  • django.utils.functional.allow_lazy() is removed.
  • The shell --plain option is removed.
  • The django.core.urlresolvers module is removed in favor of its new
    location, django.urls.
  • CommaSeparatedIntegerField is removed, except for support in historical
  • The template Context.has_key() method is removed.
  • Support for the,
    created_time(), and modified_time() methods is removed.
  • Support for query lookups using the model name when
    Meta.default_related_name is set is removed.
  • The MySQL __search lookup is removed.
  • The shim for supporting custom related manager classes without a
    _apply_rel_filters() method is removed.
  • Using User.is_authenticated() and User.is_anonymous() as methods
    rather than properties is no longer supported.
  • The Model._meta.virtual_fields attribute is removed.
  • The keyword arguments virtual_only in Field.contribute_to_class() and
    virtual in Model._meta.add_field() are removed.
  • The javascript_catalog() and json_catalog() views are removed.
  • django.contrib.gis.utils.precision_wkt() is removed.
  • In multi-table inheritance, implicit promotion of a OneToOneField to a
    parent_link is removed.
  • Support for Widget._format_value() is removed.
  • FileField methods get_directory_name() and get_filename() are
  • The mark_for_escaping() function and the classes it uses: EscapeData,
    EscapeBytes, EscapeText, EscapeString, and EscapeUnicode are
  • The escape filter now uses django.utils.html.conditional_escape().
  • Manager.use_for_related_fields is removed.
  • Model Manager inheritance follows MRO inheritance rules. The requirement
    to use Meta.manager_inheritance_from_future to opt-in to the behavior is
  • Support for old-style middleware using settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES is




December 2, 2017

Django 1.11.8 fixes several bugs in 1.11.7.


  • Reallowed, following a regression in Django 1.10, AuthenticationForm to
    raise the inactive user error when using ModelBackend (:ticket:28645).
  • Added support for QuerySet.values() and values_list() for
    union(), difference(), and intersection() queries
  • Fixed incorrect index name truncation when using a namespaced db_table
  • Made QuerySet.iterator() use server-side cursors on PostgreSQL after
    values() and values_list() (:ticket:28817).
  • Fixed crash on SQLite and MySQL when ordering by a filtered subquery that
    uses nulls_first or nulls_last (:ticket:28848).
  • Made query lookups for CICharField, CIEmailField, and CITextField
    use a citext cast (:ticket:28702).
  • Fixed a regression in caching of a GenericForeignKey when the referenced
    model instance uses multi-table inheritance (:ticket:28856).
  • Fixed "Cannot change column 'x': used in a foreign key constraint" crash on
    MySQL with a sequence of AlterField and/or RenameField operations in
    a migration (:ticket:28305).


django-parsley 0.6 -> 0.7


futures 3.1.1 -> 3.2.0



  • The ThreadPoolExecutor class constructor now accepts an optional thread_name_prefix
    argument to make it possible to customize the names of the threads created by the pool.
    Upstream contribution by Gregory P. Smith in
  • Backported fixes from upstream (thanks Lisandro Dalcin):
  • python/cpython1560
  • python/cpython3270
  • python/cpython3830

html5lib 0.999999999 -> 1.0.1


Released on December 7, 2017

Breaking changes:

  • Drop support for Python 2.6. (330) (Thank you, Hugo, Will Kahn-Greene!)
  • Remove utils/ (353) (Thank you, Jon Dufresne!)


  • Improve documentation. (300, 307) (Thank you, Jon Dufresne, Tom Most,
    Will Kahn-Greene!)
  • Add iframe seamless boolean attribute. (Thank you, Ritwik Gupta!)
  • Add itemscope as a boolean attribute. (194) (Thank you, Jonathan Vanasco!)
  • Support Python 3.6. (333) (Thank you, Jon Dufresne!)
  • Add CI support for Windows using AppVeyor. (Thank you, John Vandenberg!)
  • Improve testing and CI and add code coverage (323, 334), (Thank you, Jon
    Dufresne, John Vandenberg, Geoffrey Sneddon, Will Kahn-Greene!)
  • Semver-compliant version number.

Bug fixes:

  • Add support for setuptools < 18.5 to support environment markers. (Thank you,
    John Vandenberg!)
  • Add explicit dependency for six >= 1.9. (Thank you, Eric Amorde!)
  • Fix regexes to work with Python 3.7 regex adjustments. (318, 379) (Thank
    you, Benedikt Morbach, Ville Skyttä, Mark Vasilkov!)
  • Fix alphabeticalattributes filter namespace bug. (324) (Thank you, Will
  • Include license file in generated wheel package. (350) (Thank you, Jon
  • Fix annotation-xml typo. (339) (Thank you, Will Kahn-Greene!)
  • Allow uppercase hex chararcters in CSS colour check. (377) (Thank you,
    Komal Dembla, Hugo!)


Released and unreleased on December 7, 2017. Badly packaged release.


Released on July 24, 2013

  • Removed RecursiveTreeWalker from treewalkers._base. Any
    implementation using it should be moved to
    NonRecursiveTreeWalker, as everything bundled with html5lib has
    for years.
  • Fix 67 so that BufferedStream to correctly returns a bytes
    object, thereby fixing any case where html5lib is passed a
    non-seekable RawIOBase-like object.


Released on June 27, 2013

  • Removed reordering of attributes within the serializer. There is now
    an alphabetical_attributes option which preserves the previous
    behaviour through a new filter. This allows attribute order to be
    preserved through html5lib if the tree builder preserves order.
  • Removed dom2sax from DOM treebuilders. It has been replaced by
    treeadapters.sax.to_sax which is generic and supports any
    treewalker; it also resolves all known bugs with dom2sax.
  • Fix treewalker assertions on hitting bytes strings on
    Python 2. Previous to 1.0b1, treewalkers coped with mixed
    bytes/unicode data on Python 2; this reintroduces this prior
    behaviour on Python 2. Behaviour is unchanged on Python 3.


Released on May 17, 2013

  • Implementation updated to implement the HTML specification &lt;;_ as of 5th May
    2013 (SVN &lt;;_ revision r7867).
  • Python 3.2+ supported in a single codebase using the six library.
  • Removed support for Python 2.5 and older.
  • Removed the deprecated Beautiful Soup 3 treebuilder.
    beautifulsoup4 can use html5lib as a parser instead. Note that
    since it doesn't support namespaces, foreign content like SVG and
    MathML is parsed incorrectly.
  • Removed simpletree from the package. The default tree builder is
    now etree (using the xml.etree.cElementTree implementation if
    available, and xml.etree.ElementTree otherwise).
  • Removed the XHTMLSerializer as it never actually guaranteed its
    output was well-formed XML, and hence provided little of use.
  • Removed default DOM treebuilder, so html5lib.treebuilders.dom is no
    longer supported. html5lib.treebuilders.getTreeBuilder(&quot;dom&quot;) will
    return the default DOM treebuilder, which uses xml.dom.minidom.
  • Optional heuristic character encoding detection now based on
    charade for Python 2.6 - 3.3 compatibility.
  • Optional Genshi treewalker support fixed.
  • Many bugfixes, including:
  • 33: null in attribute value breaks XML AttValue;
  • 4: nested, indirect descendant, <button> causes infinite loop;
  • Google Code 215 &lt;;_: Properly
    detect seekable streams;
  • Google Code 206 &lt;;_: add
    support for <video preload=...>, <audio preload=...>;
  • Google Code 205 &lt;;_: add
    support for <video poster=...>;
  • Google Code 202 &lt;;_: Unicode
    file breaks InputStream.
  • Source code is now mostly PEP 8 compliant.
  • Test harness has been improved and now depends on nose.

nose2-html-report 0.5.0 -> 0.6.0


  • 5 add metadata to template context (artragis)

numba 0.35.0 -> 0.36.2


This is a bugfix release that provides minor changes to address:

  • PR 2645: Avoid CPython bug with exec in older 2.7.x.
  • PR 2652: Add support for CUDA 9.


This release continues to add new features to the work undertaken in partnership
with Intel on ParallelAccelerator technology. Other changes of note include the
compilation chain being updated to use LLVM 5.0 and the production of conda
packages using conda-build 3 and the new compilers that ship with it.

NOTE: A version 0.36.0 was tagged for internal use but not released.


NOTE: The ParallelAccelerator technology is under active development and should
be considered experimental.

New features relating to ParallelAccelerator, from work undertaken with Intel,
include the addition of the stencil decorator for ease of implementation of
stencil-like computations, support for general reductions, and slice and
range fusion for parallel slice/bit-array assignments. Documentation on both the
use and implementation of the above has been added. Further, a new debug
environment variable NUMBA_DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT_STATS is made available to give
information about which operators/calls are converted to parallel for-loops.

ParallelAccelerator features:

  • PR 2457: Stencil Computations in ParallelAccelerator
  • PR 2548: Slice and range fusion, parallelizing bitarray and slice assignment
  • PR 2516: Support general reductions in ParallelAccelerator

ParallelAccelerator fixes:

  • PR 2540: Fix bug 2537
  • PR 2566: Fix issue 2564.
  • PR 2599: Fix nested multi-dimensional parfor type inference issue
  • PR 2604: Fixes for stencil tests and cmath sin().
  • PR 2605: Fixes issue 2603.

Additional features of note:

This release of Numba (and llvmlite) is updated to use LLVM version 5.0 as the
compiler back end, the main change to Numba to support this was the addition of
a custom symbol tracker to avoid the calls to LLVM's ExecutionEngine that was
crashing when asking for non-existent symbol addresses. Further, the conda
packages for this release of Numba are built using conda build version 3 and the
new compilers/recipe grammar that are present in that release.

  • PR 2568: Update for LLVM 5
  • PR 2607: Fixes abort when getting address to "nrt_unresolved_abort"
  • PR 2615: Working towards conda build 3

Thanks to community feedback and bug reports, the following fixes were also

Misc fixes/enhancements:

  • PR 2534: Add tuple support to np.take.
  • PR 2551: Rebranding fix
  • PR 2552: relative doc links
  • PR 2570: Fix issue 2561, handle missing successor on loop exit
  • PR 2588: Fix 2555. Disable linking on linux
  • PR 2601: Update llvmlite version dependency.
  • PR 2608: Fix potential cache file collision
  • PR 2612: Fix NRT test failure due to increased overhead when running in coverage
  • PR 2619: Fix dubious pthread_cond_signal not in lock
  • PR 2622: Fix np.nanmedian for all NaN case.
  • PR 2633: Fix markdown in
  • PR 2635: Make the dependency on compilers for AOT optional.

CUDA support fixes:

  • PR 2523: Fix invalid cuda context in memory transfer calls in another thread
  • PR 2575: Use CPU to initialize xoroshiro states for GPU RNG. Fixes 2573
  • PR 2581: Fix cuda gufunc mishandling of scalar arg as array and out argument

pandas 0.21.0 -> 0.22.0


This is a major release from 0.21.1 and includes a single, API-breaking change.
We recommend that all users upgrade to this version after carefully reading the
release note (singular!).

.. _whatsnew_0220.api_breaking:

Backwards incompatible API changes

Pandas 0.22.0 changes the handling of empty and all-NA sums and products. The
summary is that

  • The sum of an empty or all-NA Series is now 0
  • The product of an empty or all-NA Series is now 1
  • We've added a min_count parameter to .sum() and .prod() controlling
    the minimum number of valid values for the result to be valid. If fewer than
    min_count non-NA values are present, the result is NA. The default is
    0. To return NaN, the 0.21 behavior, use min_count=1.

Some background: In pandas 0.21, we fixed a long-standing inconsistency
in the return value of all-NA series depending on whether or not bottleneck
was installed. See :ref:whatsnew_0210.api_breaking.bottleneck. At the same
time, we changed the sum and prod of an empty Series to also be NaN.

Based on feedback, we've partially reverted those changes.

Arithmetic Operations

The default sum for empty or all-NA Series is now 0.

pandas 0.21.x

.. code-block:: ipython

In [1]: pd.Series([]).sum()
Out[1]: nan

In [2]: pd.Series([np.nan]).sum()
Out[2]: nan

pandas 0.22.0

.. ipython:: python


The default behavior is the same as pandas 0.20.3 with bottleneck installed. It
also matches the behavior of NumPy's np.nansum on empty and all-NA arrays.

To have the sum of an empty series return NaN (the default behavior of
pandas 0.20.3 without bottleneck, or pandas 0.21.x), use the min_count

.. ipython:: python


Thanks to the skipna parameter, the .sum on an all-NA
series is conceptually the same as the .sum of an empty one with
skipna=True (the default).

.. ipython:: python

pd.Series([np.nan]).sum(min_count=1) skipna=True by default

The min_count parameter refers to the minimum number of non-null values
required for a non-NA sum or product. has been updated to behave the same as :meth:Series.sum,
returning 1 instead.

.. ipython:: python


These changes affect :meth:DataFrame.sum and as well.
Finally, a few less obvious places in pandas are affected by this change.

Grouping by a Categorical

Grouping by a Categorical and summing now returns 0 instead of
NaN for categories with no observations. The product now returns 1
instead of NaN.

pandas 0.21.x

.. code-block:: ipython

In [8]: grouper = pd.Categorical(['a', 'a'], categories=['a', 'b'])

In [9]: pd.Series([1, 2]).groupby(grouper).sum()
a 3.0
b NaN
dtype: float64

pandas 0.22

.. ipython:: python

grouper = pd.Categorical(['a', 'a'], categories=['a', 'b'])
pd.Series([1, 2]).groupby(grouper).sum()

To restore the 0.21 behavior of returning NaN for unobserved groups,
use min_count&gt;=1.

.. ipython:: python

pd.Series([1, 2]).groupby(grouper).sum(min_count=1)


The sum and product of all-NA bins has changed from NaN to 0 for
sum and 1 for product.

pandas 0.21.x

.. code-block:: ipython

In [11]: s = pd.Series([1, 1, np.nan, np.nan],
...: index=pd.date_range('2017', periods=4))
...: s
2017-01-01 1.0
2017-01-02 1.0
2017-01-03 NaN
2017-01-04 NaN
Freq: D, dtype: float64

In [12]: s.resample('2d').sum()
2017-01-01 2.0
2017-01-03 NaN
Freq: 2D, dtype: float64

pandas 0.22.0

.. ipython:: python

s = pd.Series([1, 1, np.nan, np.nan],
index=pd.date_range('2017', periods=4))

To restore the 0.21 behavior of returning NaN, use min_count&gt;=1.

.. ipython:: python


In particular, upsampling and taking the sum or product is affected, as
upsampling introduces missing values even if the original series was
entirely valid.

pandas 0.21.x

.. code-block:: ipython

In [14]: idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2017-01-01', '2017-01-02'])

In [15]: pd.Series([1, 2], index=idx).resample('12H').sum()
2017-01-01 00:00:00 1.0
2017-01-01 12:00:00 NaN
2017-01-02 00:00:00 2.0
Freq: 12H, dtype: float64

pandas 0.22.0

.. ipython:: python

idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2017-01-01', '2017-01-02'])
pd.Series([1, 2], index=idx).resample("12H").sum()

Once again, the min_count keyword is available to restore the 0.21 behavior.

.. ipython:: python

pd.Series([1, 2], index=idx).resample("12H").sum(min_count=1)

Rolling and Expanding

Rolling and expanding already have a min_periods keyword that behaves
similar to min_count. The only case that changes is when doing a rolling
or expanding sum with min_periods=0. Previously this returned NaN,
when fewer than min_periods non-NA values were in the window. Now it
returns 0.

pandas 0.21.1

.. code-block:: ipython

In [17]: s = pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan])

In [18]: s.rolling(2, min_periods=0).sum()
0 NaN
1 NaN
dtype: float64

pandas 0.22.0

.. ipython:: python

s = pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan])
s.rolling(2, min_periods=0).sum()

The default behavior of min_periods=None, implying that min_periods
equals the window size, is unchanged.


If you maintain a library that should work across pandas versions, it
may be easiest to exclude pandas 0.21 from your requirements. Otherwise, all your
sum() calls would need to check if the Series is empty before summing.

With setuptools, in your use::

install_requires=['pandas!=0.21.*', ...]

With conda, use

.. code-block:: yaml

- pandas !=0.21.0,!=0.21.1

Note that the inconsistency in the return value for all-NA series is still
there for pandas 0.20.3 and earlier. Avoiding pandas 0.21 will only help with
the empty case.

.. _whatsnew_0211:


This is a minor bug-fix release in the 0.21.x series and includes some small regression fixes,
bug fixes and performance improvements.
We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.

Highlights include:

  • Temporarily restore matplotlib datetime plotting functionality. This should
    resolve issues for users who implicitly relied on pandas to plot datetimes
    with matplotlib. See :ref:here &lt;whatsnew_0211.converters&gt;.
  • Improvements to the Parquet IO functions introduced in 0.21.0. See
    :ref:here &lt;whatsnew_0211.enhancements.parquet&gt;.

.. contents:: What's new in v0.21.1
:backlinks: none

.. _whatsnew_0211.converters:

Restore Matplotlib datetime Converter Registration

Pandas implements some matplotlib converters for nicely formatting the axis
labels on plots with datetime or Period values. Prior to pandas 0.21.0,
these were implicitly registered with matplotlib, as a side effect of import pandas.

In pandas 0.21.0, we required users to explicitly register the
converter. This caused problems for some users who relied on those converters
being present for regular matplotlib.pyplot plotting methods, so we're
temporarily reverting that change; pandas 0.21.1 again registers the converters on
import, just like before 0.21.0.

We've added a new option to control the converters:
pd.options.plotting.matplotlib.register_converters. By default, they are
registered. Toggling this to False removes pandas' formatters and restore
any converters we overwrote when registering them (:issue:18301).

We're working with the matplotlib developers to make this easier. We're trying
to balance user convenience (automatically registering the converters) with
import performance and best practices (importing pandas shouldn't have the side
effect of overwriting any custom converters you've already set). In the future
we hope to have most of the datetime formatting functionality in matplotlib,
with just the pandas-specific converters in pandas. We'll then gracefully
deprecate the automatic registration of converters in favor of users explicitly
registering them when they want them.

.. _whatsnew_0211.enhancements:

New features

.. _whatsnew_0211.enhancements.parquet:

Improvements to the Parquet IO functionality

  • :func:DataFrame.to_parquet will now write non-default indexes when the
    underlying engine supports it. The indexes will be preserved when reading
    back in with :func:read_parquet (:issue:18581).
  • :func:read_parquet now allows to specify the columns to read from a parquet file (:issue:18154)
  • :func:read_parquet now allows to specify kwargs which are passed to the respective engine (:issue:18216)

.. _whatsnew_0211.enhancements.other:

Other Enhancements

  • :meth:Timestamp.timestamp is now available in Python 2.7. (:issue:17329)
  • :class:Grouper and :class:TimeGrouper now have a friendly repr output (:issue:18203).

.. _whatsnew_0211.deprecations:


  • pandas.tseries.register has been renamed to
    :func:pandas.plotting.register_matplotlib_converters`` (:issue:18301`)

.. _whatsnew_0211.performance:

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance of plotting large series/dataframes (:issue:18236).

.. _whatsnew_0211.bug_fixes:

Bug Fixes


  • Bug in :class:TimedeltaIndex subtraction could incorrectly overflow when NaT is present (:issue:17791)
  • Bug in :class:DatetimeIndex subtracting datetimelike from DatetimeIndex could fail to overflow (:issue:18020)
  • Bug in :meth:IntervalIndex.copy when copying and IntervalIndex with non-default closed (:issue:18339)
  • Bug in :func:DataFrame.to_dict where columns of datetime that are tz-aware were not converted to required arrays when used with orient=&#39;records&#39;, raising``TypeError (:issue:18372`)
  • Bug in :class:DateTimeIndex and :meth:date_range where mismatching tz-aware start and end timezones would not raise an err if end.tzinfo is None (:issue:18431)
  • Bug in :meth:Series.fillna which raised when passed a long integer on Python 2 (:issue:18159).


  • Bug in a boolean comparison of a datetime.datetime and a datetime64[ns] dtype Series (:issue:17965)
  • Bug where a MultiIndex with more than a million records was not raising AttributeError when trying to access a missing attribute (:issue:18165)
  • Bug in :class:IntervalIndex constructor when a list of intervals is passed with non-default closed (:issue:18334)
  • Bug in Index.putmask when an invalid mask passed (:issue:18368)
  • Bug in masked assignment of a timedelta64[ns] dtype Series, incorrectly coerced to float (:issue:18493)


  • Bug in not converting date/time columns with display formatting addressed (:issue:17990). Previously columns with display formatting were normally left as ordinal numbers and not converted to datetime objects.
  • Bug in :func:read_csv when reading a compressed UTF-16 encoded file (:issue:18071)
  • Bug in :func:read_csv for handling null values in index columns when specifying na_filter=False (:issue:5239)
  • Bug in :func:read_csv when reading numeric category fields with high cardinality (:issue:18186)
  • Bug in :meth:DataFrame.to_csv when the table had MultiIndex columns, and a list of strings was passed in for header (:issue:5539)
  • Bug in parsing integer datetime-like columns with specified format in read_sql (:issue:17855).
  • Bug in :meth:DataFrame.to_msgpack when serializing data of the numpy.bool_ datatype (:issue:18390)
  • Bug in :func:read_json not decoding when reading line deliminted JSON from S3 (:issue:17200)
  • Bug in to avoid modification of meta (:issue:18610)
  • Bug in :func:to_latex where repeated multi-index values were not printed even though a higher level index differed from the previous row (:issue:14484)
  • Bug when reading NaN-only categorical columns in :class:HDFStore (:issue:18413)
  • Bug in :meth:DataFrame.to_latex with longtable=True where a latex multicolumn always spanned over three columns (:issue:17959)


  • Bug in DataFrame.plot() and Series.plot() with :class:DatetimeIndex where a figure generated by them is not pickleable in Python 3 (:issue:18439)


  • Bug in DataFrame.resample(...).apply(...) when there is a callable that returns different columns (:issue:15169)
  • Bug in DataFrame.resample(...) when there is a time change (DST) and resampling frequecy is 12h or higher (:issue:15549)
  • Bug in pd.DataFrameGroupBy.count() when counting over a datetimelike column (:issue:13393)
  • Bug in rolling.var where calculation is inaccurate with a zero-valued array (:issue:18430)


  • Error message in pd.merge_asof() for key datatype mismatch now includes datatype of left and right key (:issue:18068)
  • Bug in pd.concat when empty and non-empty DataFrames or Series are concatenated (:issue:18178 :issue:18187)
  • Bug in DataFrame.filter(...) when :class:unicode is passed as a condition in Python 2 (:issue:13101)
  • Bug when merging empty DataFrames when np.seterr(divide=&#39;raise&#39;) is set (:issue:17776)


  • Bug in pd.Series.rolling.skew() and rolling.kurt() with all equal values has floating issue (:issue:18044)


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pyup-bot commented Jan 8, 2018

Closing this in favor of #69

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Jan 8, 2018
@puruckertom puruckertom deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-01-01-2018 branch January 8, 2018 15:33
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