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Releases: r-simmer/simmer

simmer 4.2.1

09 Jan 18:23
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New features:

  • New handle_unfinished() activity sets a drop-out trajectory for unfinished
    arrivals, i.e., those dropped from a resource (due to preemption, resource
    shrinkage or a rejected seize) or those that leave a trajectory (#178
    addressing #177).
  • New release_all() and release_selected_all() activities automatically
    retrieve the amount of resources seized and release it (#180 addressing #25).
  • New get_seized() and get_seized_selected() getters allow an arrival to
    retrieve the amount of resources seized (#180 addressing #179).
  • New stop_if() activity sets a conditional breakpoint (#181 addressing #100).

Minor changes and fixes:

  • Fix performance issues in data sources (#176).
  • Update CITATION.
  • Fix monitored activity for preempted arrivals (as part of #178).
  • Fix seizes/releases with a null amount (as part of #180).
  • Rename internal status codes (as part of #181).
  • Provide more context on error or warning (as part of #181).
  • Extend the Queueing Systems vignette with a section about state-dependent
    service rates.
  • Fix performance issues in getters (#183).
  • 4.2.0 (untagged) -> 4.2.1: Fix memtest notes on CRAN (e741686).

simmer 4.1.0

09 Nov 15:55
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New features:

  • New getter get_selected() retrieves names of selected resources via the select() activity (#172 addressing #171).
  • Source and resource getters have been vectorised to retrieve parameters from multiple entities (as part of #172).
  • Simplify C++ Simulator interface for adding processes and resources (#162). The responsibility of building the objects has been moved to the caller.
  • New add_global() method to attach global attributes to a simulation environment (#174 addressing #158).

Minor changes and fixes:

  • Remove 3.8.0 and 4.0.1 deprecations (#170 addressing #165).
  • Fix get_global() to work outside trajectories (#170 addressing #165).
  • Fix rollback() with an infinite amount (#173).
  • Fix and improve schedules and managers (as part of #174).
  • Fix reset() to avoid overwriting the simulation environment (#175).

simmer 4.0.1

10 Sep 15:23
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New features:

  • New getters (#159):
    • get_sources() and get_resources() retrieve a character vector of source/resource names defined in a simulation environment.
    • get_trajectory() retrieves a trajectory to which a given source is attached.
  • New resource selection policies: shortest-queue-available, round-robin-available, random-available (#156). These are the same as the existing non-available ones, but they exclude unavailable resources (capacity set to zero). Thus, if all resources are unavailable, an error is raised.

Minor changes and fixes:

  • Keep compilation quieter with -DBOOST_NO_AUTO_PTR (70328b6).
  • Improve log_ print (7c2e3b1).
  • Add when_activated() convenience function to easily generate arrivals on demand from trajectories (#161 closing #160).
  • Enhance schedule printing (9c66285).
  • Fix generator-manager name clashing (#163).
  • Deprecate set_attribute(global=TRUE), get_attribute(global=TRUE) and timeout_from_attribute(global=TRUE) (#164), the *_global versions should be used instead.

simmer 4.0.0

20 Jul 22:05
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  • The simmer license has been changed to GPL >= 2.

New features:

  • The C++ core has been refactorised into a header-only library under inst/include (#147 closing #145). Therefore, from now on it is possible to extend the C++ API from another package by listing simmer under the LinkingTo field in the DESCRIPTION file.
  • New generic monitor constructor enables the development of new monitoring backends in other packages (179f656, as part of #147).
  • New simulation-scoped logging levels. The log_ activity has a new argument level which determines whether the message is printed depending on a global log_level defined in the simmer constructor (#152).
  • set_attribute and set_global gain a new argument to automatically initialise new attributes (#157). Useful to update counters and indexes in a single line, without initialisation boilerplate.

Minor changes and fixes:

  • Enhanced exception handling, with more informative error messages (#148).
  • Refactorisation of the printing methods and associated code (#149).
  • Allow empty trajectories in sources and activities with sub-trajectories (#151 closing #150).
  • Enable RCPP_PROTECTED_EVAL (Rcpp >=, which provides fast evaluation of R expressions by leveraging the new stack unwinding protection API (R >= 3.5.0).
  • Replace backspace usage in vector's ostream method (2b2f43e).
  • Fix namespace clashes with rlang and purrr (#154).

simmer 3.8.0

01 May 22:52
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New features:

  • New data source add_dataframe enables the attachment of precomputed data, in the form of a data frame, to a trajectory. It can be used instead of (or along with) add_generator. The most notable advantage over the latter is that add_dataframe is able to automatically set attributes and prioritisation values per arrival based on columns of the provided data frame (#140 closing #123).
  • New set_source activity deprecates set_distribution(). It works both for generators and data sources (275a09c, as part of #140).
  • New monitoring interface allows for disk offloading. The simmer() constructor gains a new argument mon to provide different types of monitors. By default, monitoring is performed in-memory, as usual. Additionally, monitoring can be offloaded to disk through monitor_delim and monitor_csv, which produce flat delimited files. But more importantly, the C++ interface has been refactorised to enable the development of new monitoring backends (#146 closing #119).

Minor changes and fixes:

  • Some documentation improvements (1e14ed7, 194ed05).
  • New default until=Inf for the run method (3e6aae9, as part of #140).
  • branch and clone now accept lists of trajectories, in the same way as join, so that there is no need to use (#142).
  • The argument continue (present in seize and branch) is recycled if only one value is provided but several sub-trajectories are defined (#143).
  • Fix process reset: sources are reset in strict order of creation (e7d909b).
  • Fix infinite timeouts (#144).

simmer 3.7.0

03 Mar 14:59
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New features:

  • New timeout_from_attribute() activity makes it easier to set a timeout based on an attribute (#129).
  • The activities set_attribute(), set_prioritization(), set_capacity() and set_queue_size() get a new argument mod which, if set to "+" or "*", modifies the corresponding value instead of substituting it. This makes it easier to increment, decrement or scale one of these values (#130).
  • New *_selected() versions for the already available resource getters: get_capacity(), get_queue seize(), get_server_count() and get_queue_count() (#134).

Minor changes and fixes:

  • Broadcast signals with higher priority to prevent an arrival to catch its own signal with a trap() after a send() (#135).
  • Generate new arrivals with minimum priority to avoid wrong interactions with simultaneous activities (#136).
  • Remove v3.6.x deprecations: the old attribute retrieval system (see notes for v3.6.3), as well as methods create_trajectory() and onestep() (#117).
  • Remove get_mon_resources()'s data argument. It was there for historical reasons and probably nobody was using it (851d34b).
  • New vignette, "simmer: Discrete-Event Simuation for R", paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Software. Remove "Terminology" vignette (#127).
  • New vignette, "Design and Analysis of 5G Scenarios", supplementary materials for a paper accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Magazine (#137).

simmer 3.6.5

04 Jan 15:50
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New features:

  • set_attribute() (and set_global() by extension) can set multiple attributes at once by providing vectors of keys and values (or functions returning such keys and/or values). get_attribute() (and get_global() by extension) can retrieve multiple keys (#122).
  • New stepn() method deprecates onestep() (e452975).

Minor changes and fixes:

  • Restore ostream after formatting (9ff11f8).
  • Fix arrival cloning to copy attributes over to the clone (#118).
  • Fix self-induced preemption through set_capacity() (#125).
  • Update "Queueing Systems" vignette (a0409a0, 8f03f4f).
  • Update "Advanced Trajectory Usage" vignette (4501927).
  • Fix print methods to return the object invisibly (#128).
  • New "Dining Philosophers Problem" vignette (ff6137e).

simmer 3.6.4

04 Nov 13:45
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Minor changes and fixes:

  • Fix preemption in non-saturated multi-server resources when seizing amounts > 1 (#114).
  • Fix queue priority in non-saturated finite-queue resources when seizing amounts > 1 (#115).
  • Fix resource seizing: avoid jumping the queue when there is room in the server but other arrivals are waiting (#116).

simmer 3.6.3

28 Jul 08:50
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New features:

  • Show simulation progress via an optional progress callback in run() (#103).
  • New "The Bank Tutorial: Part II" vignette, by Duncan Garmonsway @nacnudus (#106).
  • New getters for running arrivals (#109), meant to be used inside trajectories:
    • get_name() retrieves the arrival name.
    • get_attribute() retrieves an attribute by name. The old method of retrieving them by providing a function with one argument is deprecated in favour of get_attribute(), and will be removed in version 3.7.x.
    • get_prioritization() retrieves the three prioritization values (priority, preemptible, restart) of the active arrival.
  • New shortcuts for global attributes (#110): set_global() and get_global(), equivalent to set_attribute(global=TRUE) and get_attribute(global=TRUE) respectively.

Minor changes and fixes:

  • Some code refactoring and performance improvements (2f4b484, ffafe1e, f16912a, fb7941b, 2783cd8).
  • Use Rcpp::DataFrame instead of Rcpp::List (#104).
  • Improve argument parsing and error messages (#107).
  • Improve internal function make_resetable() (c596f73).

simmer 3.6.2

30 May 12:27
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Minor changes and fixes:

  • Update "The Bank Tutorial: Part I" vignette (@nacnudus in #90).
  • Fix trap()'s handler cloning and associated test (#91).
  • Apply select()'s policy also when resources is a function (#92).
  • Accept dynamic timeouts in batches (#93).
  • Change rollback()'s default behaviour to times=Inf, i.e., infinite loop (#95).
  • Stop and throw an error when timeout() returns a missing value (#96 and #97).
  • Fix memory management: resetting the environment was clearing but not deallocating memory (#98, fixed in #99).
  • Fix object destruction: workaround for tidyverse/magrittr#146 (#98, fixed in effcb6b).