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An application that generates information to be displayed on a small e-ink screen attached to a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.

Provided as a Docker image, that through SPI / GPIO controls an e-ink screen.



Getting started

Create and activate virtual environment for packages

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Deactivate virtual environment


Running the program

python -m notes Notes module generates notes and saves these as images

usage: python -m notes [-h] [-v | -q] --quotes-path path --weather-latitude degrees --weather-longitude degrees --weather-altitude height [-u] [-r degrees]

Generates leaf-note as images

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -q, --quiet           decrease verbosity to absolute minimum
  --quotes-path path    Path to yaml file with Quote definitions
  --weather-latitude degrees
                        Latitude for weather information
  --weather-longitude degrees
                        Longitude for weather information
  --weather-altitude height
                        Height above sea level in meters
  -u, --update-display  Invoke display module to also update the display
  -r degrees, --rotate degrees
                        Rotate image a number of degrees, defaults to 0

python -m display Display module can clear display and render images to display

usage: python -m display [-h] [-v | -q] {clear,render} ...

Handles redering to an e-paper display over SPI on a Raspberry Pi

positional arguments:
  {clear,render}  A command must be specified
    clear         Clear the screen
    render        Render images to screen (clears before rendering)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose   increase output verbosity
  -q, --quiet     decrease verbosity to absolute minimum

python -m display render Render command options

usage: python -m display render [-h] -b path -c path [-r degrees]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b path, --black-image path
                        Path to black part of image, required
  -c path, --colour-image path
                        Path to color part of image, required
  -r degrees, --rotate degrees
                        Rotate image a number of degrees, defaults to 0

Running the program as a Docker container

Pull image

docker pull<version>

Run a one-time container.
Access to gpiochip0 and spidev0.0 is required to communicate with the display. Quotes file needs to be mounted into the container.

docker run -it --rm \
	--device /dev/gpiochip0 \
	--device /dev/spidev0.0 \
	-v /path-to/quotes.yml:/usr/src/app/quotes.yml:ro \
	-e QUOTES_PATH=quotes.yml \
	--name leaf-notes \<version> python -m notes

Options can be set with environment variables

ENV VAR Name Required
VERBOSE verbose
QUIET quiet
QUOTES_PATH quotes-path Yes
WEATHER_LATITUDE weather-latitude Yes
WEATHER_LONGITUDE weather-longitude Yes
WEATHER_ALTITUDE weather-altitude
UPDATE_DISPLAY update-display
ROTATE rotate

Upgrading packages

make upgrade-deps

Projects used


Build for development

docker build -t leaf-notes:local-development -f dev.dockerfile .

Build for production

docker build -t leaf-notes:local .


venv in Docker

Set unbuffered to ensure all logs from Python are delivered to container std our / err

Dependencies for Pillow
See list of external dependencies here
See Docker Debian Buster example here https:/python-pillow/docker-images/blob/master/debian-10-buster-x86/Dockerfile