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File metadata and controls

510 lines (429 loc) · 12.3 KB


const {
} = React.ART

Container for all other ART components.

  return (
      {/* all other components */}
Property Type Required Description
width string No width of target surface
height string No height of target surface
visible boolean No visible or invisible

Tip: element has default background color.

make it transparent with style={{ backgroundColor:'transparent' }} and things below it can be seen.


To combine shapes or other groups into hierarchies that can be transformed as a set.

  return (
      { this.getContainer() }

getContainer = () => {
  return (

Used to draw arbitrary vector shapes from Path. Shape implements Transform as a mixin which means it has all transform methods available for moving, scaling and rotating a shape.

  return (
Property Type Required Description
width Number No width of Shape
height Number No height of Shape
d String No container of path
fill String No fill style of Shape.Any color object module will be support
stroke String No stroke color of paths it contains
strokeWidth String or Number No stroke width of paths it contains
strokeDash Object No demo followed.
strokeCap String No cap style of path end. oneOf(["butt", "round"(default), "square"])
strokeJoin String No path join point style. oneOf(["miter", "round"(default), "bevel"])
  return (
        d = "..."
        fill = '#000000'
        stroke = '#FFFFFF'
        strokeWidth = '12' {/* or {12}* /}
        {/* strokeDash Demo */}
        strokeDash = [10, 20] {/*  [10,20,...],line-gap-line-gap repeat. */}
        strokeCap:"butt" {/* or round(default)/square */} 
        strokeJoin:"bevel"{/* or miter/round(default) */} 

Text component creates a shape based on text content using native text rendering.

  return (
        font={`13px "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Arial`}
        {/* Another way to define font property
         * font = {{
         *   fontFamily:'Helvetica, Neue Helvetica, Arial',
         *   fontSize:23,
         *   fontWeight:"bold", // or "normal"
         *   fontStyle:"italic" // or "normal"
         * }}
        fill = "#000000"
        alignment = "center"
        Hello World

ART module in React Native supplies Text component different from sebmarkbage's art repo that that mix Text and Font up. So font property is necessary, or your app will crash. And in fact, ART makes Text with Path, so just try methods what Shape has.

Property Type Required Description
font String or Object Yes font name and font size for text content
fill String No fill color
x Number No x position
y Number No y position
alignment String No oneOf(["right", "left", "center"])


  return (
        d={ this.getPaths() } {/* You can get what this.getPaths method do in following path.move demo */}
getPaths = () => {
  return  (
    new Path()
    .move(10, 20)
    // This means move ctx form current point to relative right 10px bottom 20px
    // for example ctx now at (20, 20) point
    // after move(10, 20) the point will change to (30, 40)
getPaths = () => {
  return  (
    new Path()
    .moveTo(10, 20)
    // This means move ctx to absolute coordinate (10, 20)
    // for example ctx now at (20, 20) point
    // after moveTo(10, 20) the point will change to (10, 20)
getPaths = () => {
  return  (
    new Path()
    .line(10, 20)
    // This means draw a line from current position to relative right 10px bottom 20px
    // for example ctx now at (20, 20) point
    // after line(10, 20) you will get a line from (20, 20) to (30, 40)
getPaths = () => {
  return  (
    new Path()
    .lineTo(10, 20)
    // This means draw a line from current position to absolute coordinate (10, 20)
    // for example ctx now at (20, 20) point
    // after lineTo(10, 20) you will get a line from (20, 20) to (10, 20)

Draw an arc with specific arguments.

arc(xPosition, xPosition, xRadius, yRadius[,outer,counterClockWise,rotation])
path.arc(10, 10, 30, 40, true, false, 1)

Just like arc, instead of passing relative position, arcTo accept an absolute point coorid to be the arc end.

arcTo(xPosition, xPosition, xRadius, yRadius[,outer,counterClockWise,rotation])
path.arcTo(60, 90, 30, 40, true, false, 1)

Same as arc, opposite clockwise.


Same as arcTo, opposite clockwise.


Draw a cubic bezier curve to relative position.

curve(ControlPoint1.x, ControlPoint1.y, ControlPoint2.x, ControlPoint2.y, deltaX, deltaY)
path.curve(10, 20, 30, 40, 12, 32);

// If now we are at (10, 10), it draw a cubic bezier curve from (10, 10) to (22, 42)
// and use (10, 20) as first control point and (30, 40) the second one

Draw a bezier curve to absolute position.

curve(ControlPoint1.x, ControlPoint1.y, ControlPoint2.x, ControlPoint2.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y)
path.curve(10, 20, 30, 40, 12, 32);

// if now we are at (10, 10), it draw a cubic bezier curve from (10, 10) to (12, 32)
// and use (10, 20) as first control point and (30, 40) the second one

Reset the current path. Just like beginPath in canvasRenderingContext2d.

// path.points = [...]
// path.points = [];

Draws a line to the first point in the current sub-path and begins a new sub-path.

// It returns the current Path instance.

Return the current path points, which can be used on Shape d attribute.

var d = new Path(path);
return (
  <Shape d={d}></Shape>
/* Crate linear gradient
 * @param stops Object linear gradient stops
 * @demo {'0.1':'green', '1':'blue'}
 * @param x1 Number x-axis coordinate of start point
 * @param y1 Number y-axis coordinate of start point
 * @param x2 Number x-axis coordinate of end point
 * @param y2 Number y-axis coordinate of end point

var linearGradient = new LinearGradient({
  '.1': 'blue', {/* blue in 1% position */}
  '1': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' {/* opacity white in 100% position */}
  "0", "0", "0", "400"

<Shape fill={linearGradient}>
/* Create radial gradient
 * @param stops Object linear gradient stops
 * @demo {'0.1':'green', '1':'blue'}
 * @param fx Number x-axis coordinate of the focal point
 * @param fy Number y-axis coordinate of the focal point
 * @param rx Number x-axis coordinate direction radius length
 * @param ry Number y-axis coordinate direction radius length
 * @param cx Number x-axis coordinate of the origin point
 * @param cy Number y-axis coordinate of the origin point
 var radialGradient = new RadialGradient({
  '.1': 'blue', {/* blue in 1% position */}
  '1': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' {/* opacity white in 100% position */}
  "200", "200", "0", "0", "0", "400"

<Shape fill={radialGradient}>
/* Create Pattern fill
 * @param image source that be resolved by resolveAssetSource
 * @param width width of every repeat unit
 * @param height height if every repeat unit
 * @param top position to top
 * @param left position to left

import resolveAssetSource from 'resolveAssetSource'
import localImage from './path/to/image.jpg'

const pattern = new Pattern(resolveAssetSource(localImage),100,100,100,100)

<Shape fill={ pattern }/>

Move target shape, each time you call this method the translate position will superposition.

new Transform().move(deltaX[,deltaY])
new Transform().move(20, 20)
// or you can only move x
new Transform().move(20)

Move the shape to absolute coordinate position.

new Transform().moveTo(x[,y])
new Transform().moveTo(120, 120)
// or you can only move to x
new Transform().moveTo(120)

Scale the shape, each time you call this method the scale value will superposition.

new Transform().scale(scale[X,scaleY]);
new Transform().scale(2, 3);
// or pass only one param to scale both x and y axis value
new Transform().scale(3)

Scale the shape to a fixed multiple to origin graphic.

new Transform().scaleTo(scale[X,scaleY]);
new Transform().scaleTo(1, 1);
// or you can use only one param to set both x and y axis value
new Transform().scaleTo(1);

Rotate the shape, each time you call this method the angle will superposition. Pass transformed origin x and y axis coordinate as the second and third param, relative to left top corner of outer Surface.

new Transform().rotate(deg[,transformOriginX,transformOriginY])
new Transform().rotate(180);
// attention, the angel is in angel system inestead of radian system.
// or you can specify transform origin with extra params
new Transform().rotate(180, 100, 200)

Rotate the shape to an absolute angle. Pass the transformed origin x and y axis coordinate as the second and third param, relative to left top corner of outer Surface.

new Transform.rotateTo(deg[,transformOriginX,transformOriginY])
new Transform().rotateTo(72);
// attention, the angel is in angel system inestead of radian system.
// or you can specify transform origin with extra params
new Transform().rotateTo(72, 100, 200)

Use this to make transform with a matrix-like method.Reference. Each time you call this method the transformed value will superposition.

new Transform.transform(scaleX, skewX, skewY, scaleY, translateX, translateY);
// change target's position and shape with six arguments。
new Transform.transform(2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)

Use this to make transform with a matrix-like method.Reference. Each time you call this method the transformed value will be reset to the arguments.

new Transform.transformTo(scaleX, skewX, skewY, scaleY, translateX, translateY);
// change target's position and shape with six arguments。
new Transform.transformTo(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)

Control display area of graphic.

  return (
    <Surface width={200} height={200}>
        width={ 20 }
        height={ 20 }
        x={ 100 }
        y={ 100 }
        <Shape d={ new Path().moveTo(0,0).lineTo(200,200) } stroke="black" strokeWidth={10}/>

Lacking anyone of width and height the <ClippingRectangle/> won't work,but will not cause crash.

Property Type Required Description
width Number Yes width of clipping area,work with height.
height Number Yes height of clipping area,work with width.
x Number No left distance from parent position,default is 0.
y Number No top distance from parent position, default is 0.


This can create transition between two paths.

To use morph method, you have to import morph first

import Morph from 'art/morph/path';
Morph.Tween(from, to)
  "M 256, 213 C 245, 181 206, 187 234, 262Z",
  "M 212, 220 C 197, 171 156, 153 123, 221Z"

Extends from Path.Reference;

Alternate Events