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Replicate Go client

Go Reference

A Go client for Replicate. It lets you run models from your Go code, and everything else you can do with Replicate's HTTP API.


  • Go 1.20+


Use go get to install the Replicate package:

go get -u

Include the Replicate package in your project:

import ""


Create a client

import (


ctx := context.TODO()

// You can also provide a token directly with 
// `replicate.NewClient(replicate.WithToken("r8_..."))`
r8, err := replicate.NewClient(replicate.WithTokenFromEnv())
if err != nil {
	// handle error

Run a model

model := "stability-ai/sdxl"
version := "7762fd07cf82c948538e41f63f77d685e02b063e37e496e96eefd46c929f9bdc"

input := replicate.PredictionInput{
	"prompt": "An astronaut riding a rainbow unicorn",

webhook := replicate.Webhook{
	URL:    "",
	Events: []replicate.WebhookEventType{"start", "completed"},

// Run a model by version and wait for its output
output, _ := r8.Run(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", model, version), input, &webhook)

// Run a model and wait for its output
output, _ := r8.Run(ctx, model, input, &webhook)

The Run method is a convenience method that creates a prediction, waits for it to finish, and returns the output. If you want a reference to the prediction, you can call CreatePrediction, call Wait on the prediction, and access its Output field.

prediction, _ := r8.CreatePrediction(ctx, version, input, &webhook, false)
_ = r8.Wait(ctx, prediction) // Wait for the prediction to finish

Some models take file inputs. Use the CreateFileFromPath, CreateFileFromBytes, or CreateFileFromBuffer method to upload a file and pass it as a prediction input.

version := "3ab86df6c8f54c11309d4d1f930ac292bad43ace52d10c80d87eb258b3c9f79c"

file, _ := r8.CreateFileFromPath(ctx, "path/to/audio.mp3", nil)

input := replicate.PredictionInput{
	"audio": file,
prediction, _ := r8.CreatePrediction(ctx, version, input, nil, false)


To prevent unauthorized requests, Replicate signs every webhook and its metadata with a unique key for each user or organization. You can use this signature to verify the webhook indeed comes from Replicate before you process it.

This client includes a ValidateWebhookRequest convenience function that you can use to validate webhooks:

import (

isValid, err := replicate.ValidateWebhookRequest(req, secret)

To learn more, see the webhooks guide.


Replicate's Go client is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt