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ReScript bindings for react-native-webview


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ReScript bindings for react-native-webview.

Exposed as the ReactNativeWebView module.

@rescript-react-native/webview X.y.* means it's compatible with @react-native-community/react-native-webview X.y.*


When react-native-webview is properly installed & configured by following their installation instructions, you can install the bindings:

npm install @rescript-react-native/webview
# or
yarn add @rescript-react-native/webview

@rescript-react-native/webview should be added to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json. For example,

  "bs-dependencies": [
    // ...
+    "@rescript-react-native/webview"




Valid values are:

• DataDetectorTypes.phoneNumber • • DataDetectorTypes.address • DataDetectorTypes.calendarEvent • DataDetectorTypes.none • DataDetectorTypes.all • DataDetectorTypes.trackingNumber • DataDetectorTypes.flightNumber • DataDetectorTypes.lookupSuggestion


Values may be created using DecelerationRate.value

value: float => t

Other valid values are DecelerationRate.normal and which are equivalent to specifying 0.998 and 0.99 and match the underlying iOS settings for UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal and UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast respectively.


Valid values are:

• • NavigationType.formsubmit • NavigationType.backforward • NavigationType.reload • NavigationType.formresubmit • NavigationType.other


Source to be loaded in the WebView, as specified by the [source(#source-source.t) prop can be either a URI or static HTML.


Creates a URI source

      ~uri: string=?,
      ~method: [
                 | `CONNECT
                 | `DELETE
                 | `GET
                 | `HEAD
                 | `OPTIONS
                 | `PATCH
                 | `POST
                 | `PUT
                 | `TRACE
      ~headers: Js.t('a)=?,
      ~body: string=?,
    ) =>
  • uri specifies the URI (local or remote) to load in the WebView.
  • method specifies HTTP Method to use, defaults to `GET. Only `GET and `POST are supported on Android.
  • headers specifies additional HTTP headers to send with the request. This can only be used with `GET requests on Android.
  • body specifies HTTP body to send with the request. This must be a valid UTF-8 string, and will be sent exactly as specified, with no additional encoding (e.g. URL-escaping or base64) applied. This can only be used with `POST requests on Android.

Creates a static HTML source

html: (~html: string=?, ~baseUrl: string=?, unit) => t
  • html specifies static HTML to display in the WebView as string.
  • baseUrl specifies the base URL to be used for any relative links in the HTML. It is also used for the origin header with CORS requests made from the WebView. Refer to Android WebView Docs.


Type of function passed to the onLoadEnd prop, to handle the union type webViewNavigationOrError. Defined as

ReactNative.Event.syntheticEvent(Js.t(webViewNavigationOrError)) => unit

Creates a function of type UnionCallback.t

    ~navigationCallback: WebViewNavigationEvent.t => unit,
    ~errorCallback: WebViewErrorEvent.t => unit
  ) =>

Creates a function of type UnionCallback.t

    ~navigationCallback:(. webViewNavigationEvent) => unit,
    ~errorCallback:(. webViewErrorEvent) => unit
  ) =>


Represents a WebView instance, to be used with methods.


Should be constructed as below:

    ~component: React.component('a)=?,
    ~props: Js.t('b)=?,
    ~viewManager: Js.t('c)=?
  ) =>

You may refer to iOS↗ and Android↗ specific guides on how to create a custom WebView.


React ref intended to access a WebView instance. Defined as

type ref = React.Ref.t(Js.nullable(element))


Has the below keys, which can be accessed with ##.

  • target: ReactNative.NativeTypes.nodeHandle
  • url: string
  • title: string
  • loading: bool
  • canGoBack: bool
  • canGoForward: bool


Has the below keys, which can be accessed with ##.

  • target: ReactNative.NativeTypes.nodeHandle
  • url: string
  • title: string
  • loading: bool
  • canGoBack: bool
  • canGoForward: bool
  • description: string
  • domain: option(string)
  • code: int
  • didFailProvisionalNavigation: option(bool)

Note: domain key only exists on iOS


Has the below keys, which can be accessed with ##.

  • target: ReactNative.NativeTypes.nodeHandle
  • url: string
  • title: string
  • loading: bool
  • canGoBack: bool
  • canGoForward: bool
  • description: string
  • statusCode: int

Note: description key only exists on iOS


Has the below keys, which can be accessed with ##.

  • target: ReactNative.NativeTypes.nodeHandle
  • url: string
  • title: string
  • loading: bool
  • canGoBack: bool
  • canGoForward: bool
  • data: string


Has the below keys, which can be accessed with ##.

  • target: ReactNative.NativeTypes.nodeHandle
  • url: string
  • title: string
  • loading: bool
  • canGoBack: bool
  • canGoForward: bool
  • progress: float


Has the below keys, which can be accessed with ##.

  • target: ReactNative.NativeTypes.nodeHandle
  • url: string
  • title: string
  • loading: bool
  • canGoBack: bool
  • canGoForward: bool
  • navigationType: ReactNativeWebView_NavigationType.t
  • mainDocumentURL: option(string)


Has the below keys, which can be accessed with ##.

  • target: ReactNative.NativeTypes.nodeHandle
  • url: string
  • title: string
  • loading: bool
  • canGoBack: bool
  • canGoForward: bool
  • navigationType: ReactNativeWebView_NavigationType.t
  • mainDocumentURL: option(string)
  • lockIdentifier: int


wraps Js.t(webViewError) in ReactNative.Event.syntheticEvent

type WebViewErrorEvent.t =

passed to the handler specified for onError


wraps Js.t(webViewHttpError) in ReactNative.Event.syntheticEvent

type WebViewHttpErrorEvent.t =

passed to the handler specified for onHttpError


wraps Js.t(webViewMessage) in ReactNative.Event.syntheticEvent

type WebViewMessageEvent.t =

passed to the handler specified for onMessage


wraps Js.t(webViewNavigation) in ReactNative.Event.syntheticEvent

type WebViewNavigationEvent.t =

passed to handlers specified for onLoad or onLoadStart


wraps Js.t(webViewNativeProgressEvent) in ReactNative.Event.syntheticEvent

type WebViewProgressEvent.t =

passed to the handler specified for onLoadProgress


wraps Js.t(webViewNativeEvent) in ReactNative.Event.syntheticEvent

type WebViewTerminatedEvent.t =

passed to the handler specified for onContentProcessDidTerminate


Union type passed to the handler specified for onLoadEnd, is of type webViewNavigationEvent if loading succeeds and webViewErrorEvent if it fails.

Refer to UnionCallback.t for information on how to create the appropriate handler.


ref: ref

Should be specified to be able to access the WebView instance and apply methods. Also refer to element and ref.

As an alternative, refer to React documentation on forwardRef.

allowingReadAccessToURL: string

Specifies URLs which can be referenced in scripts, AJAX requests and CSS imports. Used only for URIs specified as file://. Defaults to the URL provided in the URI.

allowFileAccess: bool

Allows access to the file system via URI specified as file:// when true, defaults to false.

allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs: bool

JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL should be allowed access to content from any origin including content from other file scheme URLs when true, defaults to false.

allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures: bool

iOS only

Horizontal swipe gestures are allowed when true, defaults to false.

allowsFullscreenVideo: bool

Fullscreen playback of videos is allowed when true, defaults to false.

allowsInlineMediaPlayback: bool

Determines whether HTML5 videos play inline or use the native full-screen controller, defaults false.

allowsLinkPreview: bool

iOS only required 3D Touch support

Pressing on a link displays a preview of the target when true. Defaults to true on iOS 10 and later, to false otherwise.

androidHardwareAccelerationDisabled: bool

Android only

Disables Hardware Acceleration in the WebView when true, defaults to false.

androidLayerType: [ | `none | `software | `hardware ]

Android only

Specifies the layer type.

applicationNameForUserAgent: string

Specifies string value to append to the User-Agent header, will be overridden if userAgent is set.

For example when applicationNameForUserAgent="DemoApp/1.1.0" as below:

  source=ReactNativeWebView.Source.uri(~uri="", ())

Resulting User-Agent may be as below:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.1.0; Android SDK built for x86 Build/OSM1.180201.021; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/61.0.3163.98 Mobile Safari/537.36 DemoApp/1.1.0
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 DemoApp/1.1.0

automaticallyAdjustContentInsets: bool

Controls whether to adjust the content inset for web views that are placed behind a navigation bar, tab bar, or toolbar. The default value is true.

bounces: bool

WebView bounces as edge of the content is reached when true, defaults to true.

cacheEnabled: bool

Sets whether WebView should use browser caching, defaults to true.

cacheEnabled: [ | `default | `cacheOnly | `cacheElseNetwork | `noCache ]

Overrides default caching behavior, which depends on the navigation type. For a normal page load, cache is checked and content is revalidated as needed. When navigating back, content is not revalidated, but simply retrieved from the cache.

Value Behavior
`default Default cache usage mode. If the navigation type doesn't impose any specific behavior, use cached resources when they are available and not expired, otherwise load resources from the network.
`cacheOnly Don't use the network, load resources from the cache.
`cacheElseNetwork Use cached resources when available, even when expired. Otherwise, load resources from the network.
`noCache Don't use the cache, load resources from the network.

containerStyle: ReactNative.Style.t

allows to customize the WebView container style. Please note that there are default styles (example: ~flex=0. needs to be specified to use the height prop).

contentInset: ReactNative.View.edgeInsets

Refer to rescript-react-native documentation on View.

contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior: [ | `never | `always | `automatic | `scrollableAxes]

iOS only

Specifies how safe area insets are used to modify content area of the scroll view, defaults to `never. Available on iOS 11 and later.

contentMode: [ | `recommended | `mobile | `desktop]

iOS only

Controls the type of content to load. Available on iOS 13 and later. Defaults to recommended, which loads mobile content on iPhone & iPad Mini but desktop content on larger iPads.

More at https:/react-native-webview/react-native-webview/blob/master/docs/

dataDetectorTypes: array(DataDetectorTypes.t)

Specifies types of data to be converted to clickable URLs in content of the WebView, defaults to [|DataDetectorTypes.phoneNumber|]. Refer to DataDetectorTypes.t for all valid values.

decelerationRate: DecelerationRate.t

iOS only

Specifies how quickly the scroll view should decelerate once the user lifts their finger, defaults to Refer to DecelerationRate.t for all valid values.

directionalLockEnabled: bool

iOS only

Disables scrolling in a particular direction when true, defaults to true.

domStorageEnabled: bool

Android only

DOM Storage is enabled when true.

geolocationEnabled: bool

Android only

Set whether geolocation is enabled in the WebView, defaults to false.

hideKeyboardAccessoryView: bool

iOS only

Keyboard accessory view will be hidden when true.

incognito: bool

Does not store any data within the lifetime of the WebView.

injectedJavaScript: string

Specifies JavaScript that will be injected into the web page when loaded. The string should evaluate to a valid type (e.g. true) and not otherwise throw an exception.

Example below passeswindow.location as a JSON object to be handled by the function passed to onMessage

let injectedJavaScript = "(function() {

  source=ReactNativeWebView.Source.uri(~uri="", ())
  onMessage={e => Js.Console.warn(e##nativeEvent##data)}

Note that the JavaScript will only be run once when the page is loaded for the first time; it will not be run again even if the page is reloaded or navigated away.

Refer to the Communicating between JS and Native guide for more information.

On iOS, also refer to documentation on WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd.

injectedJavaScriptForMainFrameOnly: bool

iOS only Script specified with injectedJavaScript will be loaded for all frames (main frame and iframes) when false, defaults to true (only for the main frame).

injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoaded: string

Specifies JavaScript that will be injected into the web page after the document element is created, but before any other content is loaded. The string should evaluate to a valid type (e.g. true) and not otherwise throw an exception.

Example below passeswindow.location as a JSON object to be handled by the function passed to onMessage

let injectedJavaScript = "(function() {

  source=ReactNativeWebView.Source.uri(~uri="", ())
  onMessage={e => Js.Console.warn(e##nativeEvent##data)}

Refer to the Communicating between JS and Native guide for more information.

Also refer to documentation on WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart.

injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoadedForMainFrameOnly: bool

iOS only Script specified with injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoaded will be loaded for all frames (main frame and iframes) when false, defaults to true (only for the main frame).

Note that it may not be possible to inject JS into iframes in this stage of the page lifecycle, therefore exercise caution when setting to false.

javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically: bool

A Boolean value indicating whether JavaScript can open windows without user interaction. The default value is false.

javaScriptEnabled: bool

Android only

Enables JavaScript in the WebView when true, defaults to true. JavaScript is already enabled by default on iOS.

keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction: bool

iOS only

Web content can programmatically display the keyboard when false, defaults to true.

mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction: bool

HTML5 audio and video playback requires the user to tap them when true, defaults to true.

Some videos may hang while loading on iOS when true. As the props defaults to true, setting mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction=false may fix this issue.

mixedContentMode: [@bs.string] [ | `never | `always | `compatibility]

Android only

Specifies mixed content mode, defaults to `never.

Value Behavior
`never WebView will not allow a secure origin to load content from an insecure origin.
`always WebView will allow a secure origin to load content from any other (even insecure) origin.
`compatibility WebView will attempt to be compatible with how modern web browsers treat mixed content.

nativeConfig: nativeConfig

Overrides the native component used to render the WebView. Enables a custom native WebView which uses the same JavaScript as the original WebView. Refer to the nativeConfig type on how to specify the custom component.

You may refer to iOS- and Android-specific guides on how to create a custom WebView.

onContentProcessDidTerminate: WebViewTerminatedEvent.t => unit

iOS only

Specifies function to be invoked when the WebView content process is terminated. The process may be terminated due to reasons such as running too long or using too many resources, however, once terminated a blank page is displayed and the WebView becomes unusable. Please refer to the PR which added the functionality to allow handling this issue.

  source=ReactNativeWebView.Source.uri(~uri="", ())
  onContentProcessDidTerminate={_ =>


onFileDownload: WebViewDownloadEvent.t => unit

iOS only

Specifies function to be invoked when the WebView is about to download a file.

More at https:/react-native-webview/react-native-webview/blob/master/docs/

onError: WebViewErrorEvent.t => unit

Specifies function to be invoked when the WebView fails to load.

onLoad: WebViewNavigationEvent.t => unit

Specifies function to be invoked when the WebView has finished loading.

onLoadEnd: UnionCallback.t

Specifies function to be invoked when the WebView succeeds or fails to load.

onLoadProgress: WebViewProgressEvent.t => unit

Specifies function to be invoked while the WebView is loading.

onLoadStart: WebViewNavigationEvent.t => unit

Specifies function to be invoked when the WebView starts to load.

onMessage: WebViewMessageEvent.t => unit

Specifies function to be invoked when the WebView calls window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage. Setting this prop will inject that global into the webview.

window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage accepts one string argument, which will be available as e.g. e##nativeEvent##data where e is the event object.

Refer to the Communicating between JS and Native guide for more information.

onNavigationStateChange: Js.t(webViewNavigation) => unit

Specifies function to be invoked when the WebView starts or ends loading.

Note that this method will not be invoked on hash URL changes (e.g. from to A workaround may be found in the Guide.

onRenderProcessGone: WebViewRenderProcessGone.t => unit

Android only Function that is invoked when the WebView process crashes or is killed by the OS.

More at https:/react-native-webview/react-native-webview/blob/master/docs/

onShouldStartLoadWithRequest: Js.t(webViewShouldStartLoadWithRequest) => bool

Allows custom handling of any WebView requests. Specified function should return true to allow requests and false to stop loading.

On Android, the function is not called on first load.

originWhitelist: array(string)

Specifies array(string) listing origin strings to which navigation is allowed. Strings will be matched against just the origin (not the full URL) and wildcards are allowed. Any URL not whitelisted will be handled by the OS. Defaults to [|"http://", "https://"|].

overScrollMode: [ | `never | `always | `content]

Android only

Specifies the over scroll mode, defaults to `always.

Value Behavior
`always Always allow a user to over-scroll the view if scrollable
`never Never allow a user to over-scroll the view
`content Allow a user to over-scroll the view only if scrollable and the content is large enough

pagingEnabled: bool

iOS only

As the user scrolls, scroll view stops on multiples of the its bounds when true, defaults to false.

pullToRefreshEnabled: bool

iOS only

Boolean value that determines whether a pull to refresh gesture is available in the WebView. The default value is false. If true, sets bounces automatically to true.

More at https:/react-native-webview/react-native-webview/blob/master/docs/

renderError: string => React.element

Specifies a function to be invoked when there is an error.

  source=ReactNativeWebView.Source.uri(~uri="", ())
  renderError={errorName => <Error name=errorName />}

renderLoading: unit => React.element

Specifies a function to be invoked when the WebView is loading. Requires setting startInLoadingState=true .

  source=ReactNativeWebView.Source.uri(~uri="", ())
  renderLoading={() => <Loading />}

saveFormDataDisabled: bool

Android only

bool determines whether the WebView should disable saving form data., defaults to false. Has no effect on Android API level 26 and abovem as there is an Autofill feature storing form data.

scalesPageToFit: bool

Android only

Web content is scaled to fit the view and the user may change the scale when true, defaults to true.

scrollEnabled: bool

iOS only

Enables scrolling in the WebView, defaults to true. When false, document body will not be moved if the keyboard obstructs an input.

sharedCookiesEnabled: bool

iOS only

When set true, shared cookies from [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage] should be used for every load request in the WebView, defaults to false.

showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: bool

Horizontal scroll indicator is shown in the WebView when true, defaults to true.

showsVerticalScrollIndicator: bool

Vertical scroll indicator is shown in the WebView when true, defaults to true.

source: Source.t

Specifies the resource to be loaded in the WebView as static HTML or a URI (with optional headers). Note that setting originWhitelist to [|"*"|] is required when source is some static HTML. Refer to Source.t for information on how to create the appropriate type.

startInLoadingState: bool

Forces the WebView to show the loading view on first load; must be set to true for the renderLoading prop to work.

textZoom: float

Android only

Resolves issue where custom font sizes on Android leads to undesirable scaling of the interface when set to 100.0 (i.e. textZoom=100.0).

ignoreSilentHardwareSwitch: bool

iOS only

When set to true the hardware silent switch is ignored. Default: false

thirdPartyCookiesEnabled: bool

Enables third party cookies in WebView when true, defaults to true on iOS and Android versions below 5.0.

userAgent: string

Specifies User-Agent header for the WebView

View props

Refer to rescript-react-native documentation.

Please do note the below:

style: ReactNative.Style.t

allows to customize the WebView style. Please note that there are default styles (example: ~flex=0. needs to be specified to use the height prop).


For the methods below, element representing the WebView instance needs to be determined from the ref which itself can be defined and passed to the WebView ref prop as below:

let ref = React.createRef();


The element can be determined and the method reload may be called as below:

switch (ref -> React.Ref.current -> Js.Nullable.toOption) {
| None => Js.Console.warn("no element")
| Some(e) => ReactNativeWebView.reload(e)

clearFormData: element => unit

Android only Removes the autocomplete popup (if present) from the currently focused form field.

clearCache: element => unit

Android only Clears the resource cache for all WebViews in the application.

clearHistory: element => unit

Android only Clears WebView's internal back/forward list

requestFocus: element => unit

Request focus for the WebView.

goBack: element => unit

Navigates back one page in the WebView history.

goForward: element => unit

Navigates forward one page in the WebView history.

reload: element => unit

Reloads the current page.

stopLoading: element => unit

Stop loading the current page.

injectJavaScript: (element, string) => unit

Injects JavaScript as string into the web page. The string should evaluate to a valid type (e.g. true) and not otherwise throw an exception.

Refer to the Communicating between JS and Native guide for more information.


Check the changelog for more information about recent releases.


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