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composer require revosystems/sidecar

You need to have tailwind 2.x and apline 3.x in you main template

Add the blades path to the tailwindcss config file

purge: [

And define your brand color like so:

theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        'brand': '#F2653A',

You should also include the chart.js and choices.js to your main template's header with this line:

{!! \Revo\Sidecar\Sidecar::dependencies() !!}


Publish the configuration tot adapt it to you project

php artisan vendor:publish

In config/sidecar.php you will find the following parameters that can be adapted for your project

PARAMETER Default value Description
translationsPrefix admin The prefix it will use for the translations withing the package
routePrefix sidecar Sidecar provides some routes (for the widgets, search, etc..) by default it will be you can update the prefix here
routeMiddleware ['web', 'auth', 'reports']  The middlewares to use in the the custom sidecar routes (for widgets, search, etc...)
indexLayout admin.reports.layout The layout the report view will extend (this one needs to have tailwind and jquery imported)
reportsPath \App\Reports\ The path where sidecar will search for the reports
scripts-stack scripts Since sidecar does some javascript, it will push it to the scripts stack you layout needs to have the @stack('scripts') defined
exportRoute When exporting, sidecar provides its own route, however if you want to customeize it (for example to use it in a job) you can change the route that will be called

In assets/css/sidecar.css you will find the default styles

You should add those files to your assets compilation.

Global Variables

You can customize some runtime variables implementing the serving callback

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider	
    public function boot() {
        Sidecar::$usesMultitenant = true;	// When true, all the caches and jobs will use the `auth()->user()->id` as prefix
	            \Revo\Sidecar\ExportFields\Date::$timezone = auth()->user()->timezone;							// The timezone to display the dates
	            \Revo\Sidecar\ExportFields\Date::$openingTime = auth()->user()->getBusiness()->openingTime;		// To define a day change time instead of 00:00
	            \Revo\Sidecar\ExportFields\Currency::setFormatter('es_ES', auth()->user()->currency ?? 'EUR');	// For the currency field


To create your report you should create a new file caled WathereverYouWantReport (note it needs to end with Report) in the folder you defined in the reportsPath of the config file This report class needs to extend the main Revo\Sidecar\Report class

And define the main model class and implement the fields method


namespace App\Reports;

use Revo\Sidecar\Report;
use App\Post;

class OrdersReport extends Report {

	protected $model  = Post::class;

	public function getFields() : array{
     	return [ ];	

Now we just need to define the fields we want to show from our report

We can also add default query filters overriding the query() method

public function query() : Builder {
    return parent::query()->withTrashed();

We can also add MainActions as a button in the top right corner.

public function mainActions(): array
    return [
        MainAction::make(?string $title = null, ?string $icon = null, ?string $url = '')

More features

Param Description
$title You can customize the title of the report filling this field (or overriding the getTitle() function)
$tooltip You can add a tooltip to explain a bit about the report just filling this field
$with Even sidecar detects automatically the needed withs depending on the export fields, you can also add some extra ones filling this field
$pagination By default it will paginate for 50 rows to display, you can modify the defaul value for your report
$exportable Reports are exportable by default, you can set it to false to disable the feature for this report


You can define the export fields with a simple array, most of them share the same features


ExportField::make($field, $title, $dependsOnField)

Param Description
$field The field to show, it will basically do a data_get($row, $field) the get the value, so it can contain a dot notation
$title The title to use in the header / filters / group by for the field
$dependsOnField There are some cases were the display field, depends on another field, for example a would depend on user_id on the posts
Default options
Function Description
sortable() Indicates that the field can be sorted and it will show the sort arrows for it
hideMobile() Appends the class hide-mobile to the field column
onGroupingBy() You can defined how the field works when the report is being grouped by, almost all export fields already provide a default behavior that makes sense but you can override it with this
filterable() Makes the field filterable, setting the second parameter to true, will use an ajax query to get the filter options
icon() You can define a font-awesome icon to be displayed instead of the title on the filters list
filterOptions() If you don't want the default filter options the ExportField provides, you can set your own with this function
groupable() Define if a field is groupable
groupableWithGraph() Define if a field is groupable and should display a graph
comparable() Define if a field is comparable
onlyWhenGrouping() Mark a field to be displayed only when the report is being grouped
tdClasses() Add your own TD Classes that you want to be appended to the column
hidden() To not display the field
filterOnClick() Some fields can add a link when clicked that filters the report for its value
route() You can define a route that will be linked (using the field as the parameter)
onTable() There are some fields that are on another table (after a join) you can define the table with this function (usualy goes along with a HasOne::defaultJoin)
withTooltip() You can give a tooltip to the fields that will be shown in the header to explain a bit more about it

· When filtering it will perform a like and you can enter you custom search text


· It will align the row to the right · When grouping by, by default will do a sum (you can change to it with the onGroupingBy() funciton) · When filtering it will allow you to chose the operator and the amount · It provides the function trimZeros() that will remove the trailing zeros of decimal values


· Extends from number


· Extends from number


· Extends from number and adds a % symbol to the html export


· This field allows different grouping by options (hour, day, dayOfWeek, week, month, quarter) · When enabling the filterable, by default uses the last 7 days · The filterOnClick option, performs a depth grouping filter, so if you group by month, and you click Novemeber, it will filter just november, grouping by week · Date field also comes with a timeFilterable() that shows a time frame filter as well


· This field allows you to perform operations on the field, for example Computed::make('guests/total') · You can define the groupingBy operation as well Computed::make('guests/total')->onGroupingBy('sum(guests)/sum(total)')


· Id field shows the id of the row · When grouping by, it will perform a count · It is very common to use the id only when grouping Id::make()->onlyWhenGrouping()


· When you have a belongs to relationship on your model, you can use this field to automatically create the filters/groups by · By default it will use the name field on the relationship, use the relationShipDisplayField($field) function to use another field · It will perform the needed joins when sorting / grouping By
· You can scope the belongs by filter options by providing the list of ids filterOptionsIdsScope()
· If you need to perform the join always you can call the defaultJoin()

You would usually filter the whole query as well to avoid accessing issues


· When you have a belongs to through relationship on your model, you can use this field to automatically create the filters/groups by, it will perform · By default it will use the name field on the relationship, use the relationShipDisplayField($field) function to use another field · You need to define the pivot relation using the through() function BelongsToThrough::make('user')->trough('comment') · It will perform the needed joins when sorting / grouping By


· This field, will display all the hasMany models related, imploding the name with a , . By default it will use the name field on the relation, you can change it with relationShipDisplayField($field) · This field is not filterable neither groupable


· It provides the defaultJoin() option to perform the join in every query · It is not filterable neither groupable


· It works for fields that are enum (consts) like a status or type · There is the options() function where you define the array of [["value" => "displayName"]] that will be used to display and filter


· A simple field, that will show the fontawesome icon using the field value as icon name

Create your ExportField

You can create your own Export Fields by just extending any of the previous fields, or the main Sidecar\ExportFields\ExportField


namespace App\Reports\Sidecar;

use Revo\Sidecar\ExportFields\Link;

class Preview extends Link
    protected ?string $linkClasses = "showPopup";

    public static function make($field, $title = null, $dependsOnField = null)
        $field = parent::make($field, $title, $dependsOnField);
        $field->route = $title;
        return $field;

    public function getTitle(): string
        return "";

    public function getLinkTitle($row) : string {
        return '<i class="fa fa-eye fa-fw"></i>';

    public function toHtml($row): string
        $link = route($this->route, $this->getValue($row));
        return "<a href='{$link}' class='{$this->linkClasses}' style='color:gray;'>{$this->getLinkTitle($row)}</a>";

The ExportField has the function toHtml($row) that is the one that will display the value when in the browser, when exporting to CSV it will use the getValue($row) so you can customize both.

It is common to override the getFilterKey() with something like non-filterable to avoid collisions with the common fields, in the case of this Preview file, would collide with the Id field as it is the one to use in the link


A report can define a set of widgets to summarize what is being displayed (not paginated) so when it is not grouping it will show them. Right now there are just two possible widgets


namespace App\Reports\V2;

use App\Models\Orders\Order;

use Revo\Sidecar\Widgets\Count;
use Revo\Sidecar\Widgets\Sum;

class OrdersReport extends Report
    protected $model  = Order::class;

    public function getFields() : array{
        return [

    public function getWidgets() : array
        return [
            Count::make('id', __('admin.count')),
            Sum::make('guests', trans_choice('admin.guest', 2)),



Sidecar also comes with nice dashboard panels that can be embeded into any page

You just need to create one by extending the Revo\Sidecar\Panel and define the dimesion and the metric You need to pass the filters to apply to this report.


namespace App\Reports\V2\Sidecar\Widgets;

use App\Models\Orders\Order;
use App\Reports\V2\OrdersReport;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Revo\Sidecar\ExportFields\Currency;
use Revo\Sidecar\ExportFields\Date;
use Revo\Sidecar\ExportFields\ExportField;
use Revo\Sidecar\Filters\Filters;
use Revo\Sidecar\Panels\Panel;

class Sales extends Panel
    protected $model            = Order::class;
    protected ?string $tooltip  = "salesByDayDesc";

    public function query() : Builder{
        return parent::query()->whereNull('canceled')->whereNull('merged')->whereNotNull('opened');

    public function __construct()
        $filters = (new Filters())->groupingBy(['opened' => 'day'])
                                  ->forPeriod('opened', 'last30days')
                                  ->sortBy('opened', 'asc');
        parent::__construct("salesByDay", $filters);

    public function metricField(): ExportField
        return Currency::make('total');

    public function dimensionField(): ExportField
        return Date::make('opened')->filterable();

    public function getFullReportLink(): ?string
        return url('reports/v2/orders?' . $this->filters->getQueryString() );

You can implement the getFullReportLink() to link to a full report Note $filters->getQueryString() returns the query string to use for the url

Finally you can render them in your blade with something like this

<div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
    @foreach($panels as $panel)
        {!! $panel->render() !!}

This dashboard panels will be cached until the next day, and will be loaded with ajax.

Panel Type

There are different types of Panels defined by the enum PanelType, bar, list, trend (default), and pie

class TopPaymentMethods extends Panel

    public PanelType $type = PanelType::pie;
