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skiplist with rank, rank_of, rank_range, custom compare function,lua-bind

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skiplist is a data structure that allows fast search within an ordered sequence of elements. Fast search is made possible by maintaining a linked hierarchy of subsequences, with each successive subsequence skipping over fewer elements than the previous one. Searching starts in the sparsest subsequence until two consecutive elements have been found, one smaller and one larger than or equal to the element searched for. Via the linked hierarchy, these two elements link to elements of the next sparsest subsequence, where searching is continued until finally we are searching in the full sequence. The elements that are skipped over may be chosen probabilistically or deterministically, with the former being more common.


use score or your own function to compare elems


skiplist VS qsort

skiplist takes 5x times as qsort;

2x space as array (qsort);

skiplist VS RBTree(Red-black Tree)

insert, delete, search : both O(logN)

skiplist takes a little more space than RBTree, but offers a feature with rank of elem with O(logN)

Space and Time

space : O(N)

search one: O(logN)

search range [min, max]: O(logN + max - min)

get rank of data: O(logN)

insert one: O(logN)

delete one: O(logN)

see zset in redis


macOS 2.5GHz Intel Core i5

insert 1000k 1.2 seconds

search random 1000k 0.3 seconds

API for C

int slRandomLevel();

slNode_t * slCreateNode(int level, void *udata, double score);

void slFreeNode(slNode_t *node, slFreeCb freeCb, void *ctx);

void slInit(sl_t *sl);

you can use slInit to init a struct pointer by yourself

void slDestroy(sl_t *sl, slFreeCb freeCb, void *ctx);

just free every node inside of sl, do not free sl;

sl_t *slCreate();

alloc and init sl;

void slFree(sl_t *sl, slFreeCb freeCb, void *ctx);

slDestroy and free sl;

slCompareCb slSetCompareCb(sl_t *sl, slCompareCb comp);

set your own comp function

void slInsertNode(sl_t *sl, slNode_t *node, void *ctx);

ctx would be passed to sl->comp function

int slGetRank(sl_t *sl, slNode_t *node, void *ctx);

rank of the node;

ctx would be passed to sl->comp function

int slGetSize(sl_t *sl);

size of sl

slNode_t * slGetNodeByRank(sl_t *sl, int rank);

int slDeleteNode(sl_t *sl, slNode_t *node, void *ctx, slNode_t **pNode);

delete node;

return 0 if succeed;

call slFreeNode(node) if pNode == NULL and if node found in sl;

write &node to pNode if pNode != NULL and if node found in sl,

you should call slFreeNode by yourself;

slDeleteByRank(sl, rank, freeCb, ctx)

int slDeleteByRankRange(sl_t *sl, int rankMin, int rankMax, slFreeCb freeCb, void *ctx);

delete rank range [rankMin, rankMax];

return deleted count;

ctx would be passed to sl->comp function;

slNode_t * slFirstGEThan(sl_t *sl, double score);

greater or equal than score;

slNode_t * slLastLEThan(sl_t *sl, double score);

less or equal than score;


see example

see test

see benchemark

Benchmark for lua-bind

on macOS sierra 10.12.2, macbook Mid-2012, 2.5GHz Intel Core i5

with default compare function, compare with score

insert, create() size=100000, time=0.16715
update, sl:size() == 100000, update cnt=100000 time=0.13545
rank_range sl:size() == 100000,cnt=100000(x, x+50) time=0.92219
rank_of sl:size() == 100000,cnt=100000,time=0.14065
get_by_rank sl:size() == 100000,cnt=100000,time=0.11291
delete sl:size() == 100000,cnt=100000,time=0.13143

with custom compare function

insert, create() size=100000, time=0.97777
update, sl:size() == 100000, update cnt=100000 time=1.86796
rank_range sl:size() == 100000,cnt=100000(x, x+50) time=1.14272
rank_of sl:size() == 100000,cnt=100000,time=1.31014
get_by_rank sl:size() == 100000,cnt=100000,time=0.13249
delete sl:size() == 100000,cnt=100000,time=0.96182

API for Lua

create a skiplist if comp_func is nil or boolean var, skiplist would compare with score


local levelMap = {...}

-- ret < 0 : higher priority of a for a and b
-- ret == 0 same priority for a and b
-- ret > 0 lower priority of a for a and b
function comp_func(a, b, scoreA, scoreB, node_ptr_diff)
	if scoreA ~= scoreB then
		return scoreA - scoreB
	if levelMap[a] ~= levelMap[b] then
		return levelMap[a] - levelMap[b]
	return node_ptr_diff
sl = lskiplist:new(comp_func)

sl:insert(data, score)

score : default == 0

sl:update(data, score)

if none or nil for score, delete data; insert if data does exist; if data exists, delete data first, and then update score, insert at last;

sl[data] = score

it's the same with sl:update(data, score)


sl[data] = nil

it's the same with sl:delete(data) or sl:update(data, nil)


return true if exists, or false if not


return data, score if rank exists


sl:del_by_rank_range(rankMin, rankMax)


return rank of data

sl:rank_range(rankMin, rankMax)

return an table {[rankMin] = data1, [rankMin + 1] = data2, ..., [rankMax] = dataN}


it's the same with sl[data]

sl:score_range(scoreMin, scoreMax)

return list, rankMin, rankMax

list = {data1, data2, ..., dataN}


return next value for rank of data


return prev value for rank of data


sizeof sl


it's the same with sl:size()

sl:rank_pairs(rankMin[, rankMax])

iterator for sl;

rankMax : default == sl:size()


for rank, data, score in sl:rank_pairs(rankMin, rankMax) do
	print(rank, data, score)


multi thread support


skiplist with rank, rank_of, rank_range, custom compare function,lua-bind






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